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Diversity and dispersal of the ophiostomatoid fungus, Knoxdaviesia proteae, within Protea repens infructescencesAylward, Janneke 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Two genera of ophiostomatoid fungi occur in the seed-bearing structures of serotinous
Protea species in the Cape Floristic Region. These fungi are dispersed by arthropods,
including mites and beetles that visit the Protea host plants. Although the vectors of Proteaassociated
ophiostomatoid fungi are known, their dispersal patterns remain unknown –
especially the manner in which recently burnt fynbos vegetation is recolonized. Additionally,
their reproduction strategy has not previously been investigated. The focus of this study was,
therefore, to determine the extent of within- and between-plant dispersal of Proteaassociated
ophiostomatoid fungi at the population level and to investigate their reproductive
strategy. One Protea-associated ophiostomatoid fungus, Knoxdaviesia proteae, is found
exclusively in the fruiting structures of P. repens and was the focus of this study. In order to
interrogate natural populations of this fungus, 12 polymorphic microsatellite markers
specific to K. proteae were developed with an ISSR-PCR enrichment strategy and
pyrosequencing. These markers were amplified in two distantly separated populations of K.
proteae. The genetic and genotypic diversities of both populations were exceptionally high
and neither showed significant population differentiation. The lack of population structure in
both populations implies that K. proteae individuals within a P. repens stand are in
panmixia. As one of the sampling sites had burnt recently, the process whereby young
fynbos is recolonized could be investigated. Compared to the adjacent, unburnt area, K.
proteae individuals in the burnt area of this population had significantly less private alleles,
suggestive of a young population that had experienced a genetic bottleneck. Knoxdaviesia
proteae individuals that did not originate from the adjacent unburnt area were encountered
within the burnt site and, additionally, isolation-by-distance could not be detected. The
parsimony-based haplotype networks and the tests for linkage disequilibrium indicated that
recombination is taking place within as well as between the two distantly separated
populations. The observed panmixia in P. repens stands, widespread recolonization and the high genetic similarity and number of migrants between the two populations emphasizes
long-distance dispersal and therefore the role of beetles in the movement of K. proteae. This
cohesive genetic structure and connection across large distances is likely a result of multiple
migration events facilitated by beetles carrying numerous phoretic mites. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Twee genera ophiostomatoid swamme kom in die saad-draende strukture van bloeiende
Protea spesies in the Kaapse Floristiese Streek voor. Hierdie Protea-verwante
ophiostomatoid swamme word gekenmerk deur hul assosiasie met geleedpotige vektore –
spesifiek die myt en kewer besoekers van die Protea gasheer plante. Alhoewel die
geleedpotige vektore van Protea-verwante ophiostomatoid swamme bekend is, is die wyse
waarop hierdie swamme versprei onbekend; veral die manier waarop onlangse gebrande
fynbos geherkoloniseer word. Verder is die voortplantings-strategie van hierdie swamme
nog nie voorheen ondersoek nie. Die fokus van hierdie studie was dus om die omvang van
binne- en tussen-plant verspreiding van Protea-verwante ophiostomatoid swamme te bepaal
op die populasie vlak en om hul voorplantings-strategie te ondersoek. Een Protea-verwante
ophiostomatoid swam, Knoxdaviesia proteae, word uitsluitlik in die vrugdraende strukture
van P. repens aangetref en was die fokus van hierdie studie. Om natuurlike populasies van
hierdie swam te ondersoek is 12 mikrosatelliet-merkers spesifiek vir K. proteae ontwerp
deur ‘n ISSR-PCR strategie en “pyro”-basisvolgorde bepaling te gebruik. Hierdie merkers is
geamplifiseer in twee K. proteae populasies wat ver van mekaar geskei is. Die genetiese en
genotipiese diversiteit van beide populasies was uitsonderlik hoog en nie een het beduidende
populasie-differensiasie getoon nie. Die gebrek aan populasie struktuur in beide populasies
veronderstel dat K. proteae individue binne ‘n P. repens stand in panmiksia is. Aangesien
een van die steekproef terreine onlangs gebrand het, kon die herkolonisasie proses van jong
fynbos ondersoek word. In vergelyking met die aangrensende, ongebrande area, het K.
proteae individue in die gebrande area beduidend minder private allele gehad. Dit dui op ‘n
jong populasie wat ‘n genetiese bottelnek beleef het. Knoxdaviesia proteae individue wat nie
van die aangrensende, ongebrande area afkomstig is nie is ook binne die gebrande terrein
aangetref. Verder is afsondering-deur-afstand nie aangetref nie. Die parsimonie-gebaseerde haplotiepe-netwerke en die toetse vir koppeling-onewewigtigheid het aangedui dat
rekombinasie binne sowel as tussen die twee populasies plaasvind. Die panmiksia wat
waargeneem is in P. repens populasies, wydverspreide herkolonisasie en die hoë genetiese
ooreenkoms en hoeveelheid immigrante tussen die twee populasies beklemtoon lang afstand
verspreiding en dus die rol van kewers in die beweging van K. proteae. Hierdie
samehangende genetiese struktuur en die verband oor groot afstande is waarskynlik ‘n
gevolg van verskeie migrasies gefasiliteer deur kewers wat talle foretiese myte dra.
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Isolation and characterisation of a polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP) and its encoding gene from Vitis vinifera L.De Ascensao, Ana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins (PGIPs) are present in the cell walls of a variety
of plant species. These proteins have been shown to specifically inhibit
endopolygalacturonases (endo-PGs) secreted by invading fungal pathogens as part
of the induced disease resistance mechanism of plants. This is the first report on the
isolation and characterisation of a pgip gene from Vitis vinifera L., designated
grapevine pgip1. A single open reading frame encoding a deduced polypeptide of
333 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 37.1 kOa and a calculated
isoelectric point of 8.61 was identified from a 5.6 kb subgenomic fragment of
V. vinifera cv Pinotage. Nucleotide and derived amino acid sequence analysis of
grapevine pgip1 showed significant homology with other characterised PGIP
encoding genes and revealed features characteristic of PGIPs found in several other
plant families. Genomic DNA analysis showed that grapevine pgip1 belongs to a
small multigene family in Vitis cultivars. From Northern blot analysis it was evident
that expression of the PGIP family is both tissue- and developmental stage specific.
The grapevine pgip1 was transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana L. with
potato virus X (PVX) as a vector. Grapevine PGIP1 isolated from crude protein
extracts of PVX-infected N. benthamiana were tested and showed inhibitory activity
against polygalacturonases (PGs) from Botrytis cinerea.
Grapevine PGIPs have not previously been purified and characterised. Molecular
analyses have confirmed that PGIPs are typically encoded by multigene families and
that the inhibitor specificities and kinetics of the isolated proteins differ within and
among species. In this study, two PGIP isomers from V. vinifera berries were
isolated. The one isomer, designated PGIP-A, was partially purified and had a
molecular mass of 39 kOa, whereas the other PGIP, designated PGIP-B, was
purified and had a molecular mass of 42 kOa as determined by sodium dodecyl
sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SOS-PAGE) and Western blot analysis.
Both proteins were cell wall-bound. Enzymatic deglycosylation confirmed that PGIP-B
is a glycosylated protein. Grapevine PGIP-A showed strong inhibitory activity against
a homogeneous PG from Aspergillus niger and to a lesser extent against PG from
Fusarium moniliforme, but was unable to interact with a crude PG preparation from
B. cinerea. Grapevine PGIP-B was able to strongly inhibit PGs from B. cinerea as
well as from Colletotrichum gleosporoides, yet showed no inhibition towards PG from
A. niger.
The grapevine pgip1 gene was expressed under the control of the Cauliflower
mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter in tobacco plants via Agrobacterium tumefaciensmediated
transformation. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing the grapevine PGIP
(gPGIP1) were used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this inhibitor against fungal
PGs and to investigate whether gPGIP1 influences disease development. Northern
blot analysis identified 19 transgenic plants expressing pgip1 transcript levels. Crude PGIP extracts from the transgenic tobacco plants inhibited PGs from B. cinerea and
C. gleosporoides, but not PG from A. niger. Leaves from untransformed tobacco
plants, from transgenic tobacco lines showing high and low PG inhibition, and from
transgenic plants that did not express pgip1, were inoculated with B. cinerea.
Transgenic leaves showed a reduction in the size of necrotic lesions of macerated
tissues of approximately 45% relative to control and non-expressing transgenic
leaves. The results from the heterologous expression of gPGIP1, together with the
results from the protein purifications and inhibition studies, indicate that the isolated
grapevine pgip1 gene encodes the isolated PGIP-B isomer. This work has
; established a good model system to study certain aspects of plant-pathogen
interactions in grapevine. Heterologous expression of gPGIP1 has demonstrated that
PGIP inhibition of fungal PGs slows disease development of B. cinerea in planta. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
Sien volteks vir opsomming
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Characterisation of Cylindrocarpon spp. associated with black foot disease of grapevineHalleen, Francois 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD (Agric))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During the past few years a drastic reduction has been noted in the survival rate of
grafted grapevines in nurseries, as well as in young vineyards in the Western Cape Province of
South Africa. Circumstantial evidence suggested that Cylindrocarpon spp., which cause black
foot disease of grapevine, were associated with this decline. Black foot disease of grapevine is a
relatively new, and as yet poorly known disease affecting vines in various countries where
grapevines are cultivated. Primary aims of this research have been (1) to conduct nursery
surveys in order to determine which fungi are involved in the decline phenomenon, with special
reference to the involvement of Cylindrocarpon spp., (2) to identify and characterise the
organisms believed to be the causal organisms of black foot disease, and (3) the development of
control and/or management strategies to prevent or eradicate Cylindrocarpon infections.
Nursery grapevines were sampled at different stages from three commercial nurseries in
the Wellington area of the Western Cape Province and were investigated during the 19992000
season by means of destructive sampling. The first samples were taken in September from
callused cuttings prior to planting in nurseries. After planting, asymptomatic rooted cuttings
were selected from nurseries after 3, 6 and 9 months. Isolation studies clearly demonstrated that
different “Cylindrocarpon spp.” infected cuttings from nursery soils. These species rarely
occurred in rootstock propagation material prior to planting. At the time of planting, the
susceptible basal ends (especially the pith area) of most of the nursery cuttings are partly or even
fully exposed. Callus roots also break during the planting process, resulting in small wounds
susceptible to infection by soilborne pathogens. The isolation studies revealed that the first
infections occurred in the roots, followed by infections of the rootstocks. These infections
increased progressively during the course of the growing season.
Substantial variation in cultural and morphological characters was observed among the
Cylindrocarpon isolates obtained from the nursery survey, as well as from isolations that were
made from diseased grapevines. Morphological and phylogenetic studies were conducted to
identify these “Cylindrocarpon spp.” and to establish their association with black foot disease.
Sequences of the partial nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU rDNA), internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 of the rDNA including the 5.8S rDNA gene (ITS), and partial β-tubulin gene
introns and exons were used for phylogenetic inference. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the
diversity observed among the isolates and four Cylindrocarpon-like species were identified.
One of these species was initially identified as Cylindrocarpon destructans. However, further
research revealed C. destructans to represent a species complex. Grapevine isolates of “C.
destructans” proved to be identical to the ex-type strain of Cylindrocarpon liriodendri, which
also produced a teleomorph, Neonectria liriodendri in culture. A second species was newly
described in this study as Cylindrocarpon macrodidymum (Neonectria macrodidyma). The two
remaining Cylindrocarpon-like species were placed in a new genus, Campylocarpon. The two
species were named Campylocarpon fasciculare and Campylocarpon pseudofasciculare.
Pathogenicity studies confirmed that all four species were able to reduce root and shoot mass
Knowledge obtained pertaining to the disease cycle of black foot disease suggest that suitable
management strategies should focus on prevention of primary infection in nurseries. However,
at present, no fungicides are registered for control of this disease in South African vineyards or
nurseries. Thirteen fungicides were screened in vitro for mycelial inhibition of these pathogens.
Prochloraz manganese chloride, benomyl, flusilazole and imazalil were the most effective
fungicides tested, and were subsequently included in semi-commercial field trials. Basal ends of
grafted cuttings were dipped (1 min) in various chemical and biological treatments prior to
planting in open-rooted nurseries. Black foot pathogens were not isolated from grafted cuttings
prior to planting in nurseries. Additional treatments involved soil amendments with
Trichoderma formulations and hot water treatment (50°C for 30 min) of dormant nursery
grapevines. Field trials were evaluated after a growing season of eight months. The incidence of
black foot pathogens was not significantly and/or consistently reduced by the majority of
chemical or biological treatments. However, these pathogens were not isolated from uprooted
plants that were subjected to hot water treatment. It is therefore recommended that hot water
treatment of dormant nursery plants be included in an integrated strategy for the proactive
management of black foot disease in grapevine nurseries. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende die afgelope paar jaar is ‘n drastiese afname waargeneem in die sukses van
geënte wingerdplante in kwekerye, sowel as jong wingerde van die Wes-Kaap.
Omstandigheidsgetuienis dui daarop dat Cylindrocarpon spp., wat die wingerdsiekte swartvoet
veroorsaak, geassosieer word met hierdie agteruitgang. Swartvoet is ‘n relatiewe nuwe siekte
waarvan daar baie min inligting bekend is, alhoewel dit voorkom in verskeie lande waar wingerd
verbou word. Die primêre doel van navorsing was (1) om opnames in wingerdkwekerye uit voer
om te bepaal watter swamme betrokke is by die verskynsel van agteruitgang, met spesiale
verwysing na die betrokkenheid van Cylindrocarpon spp., (2) om die organismes te identifiseer
en te karakteriseer wat daarvan verdink word dat hulle die siekte swartvoet veroorsaak, en (3)
om beheer en/of bestuurspraktyke te ontwikkel om Cylindrocarpon infeksies te voorkom of uit
te wis.
Kwekeryplantjies in drie kommersiële kwekerye in die Wellington omgewing van die
Wes-Kaap is gedurende verskillende tye gedurende die groeiseisoen gemonitor. Die opnames
het plaasgevind gedurende die 19992000 seisoen deur middel van destruktiewe
monsterneming. Die eerste monsters is geneem in September nadat die stokkies geënt en
gekallus is en voordat dit in die kwekery geplant is. Na plant is asimptomatiese, gewortelde
plante vanuit die kwekerye na 3, 6 en 9 maande uitgehaal. Isolasiestudies dui duidelik daarop
dat verskillende “Cylindrocarpon spp.” plante vanuit die kwekerygrond geïnfekteer het. Hierdie
spesies het selde voorgekom in onderstok-voortplantingsmateriaal voor plant. Tydens plant is
die vatbare basale gedeelte, veral die pit, van die meeste geënte stokkies gedeeltelik of selfs
volledig blootgestel. Kalluswortels breek ook tydens plant wat wonde laat vir infeksie deur
grondgedraagde siektes. Die isolasiestudies dui ook daarop dat die eerste infeksies in die wortels
plaasgevind het, gevolg deur infeksies van die onderstokke. Hierdie infeksies het toenemend
voorgekom gedurende die verloop van die groeiseisoen.
Substansiële variasie in kultuur- en morfologiese eienskappe is waargeneem in die
Cylindrocarpon isolate wat tydens die kwekeryopnames versamel is, sowel as van isolasies wat
gemaak is uit siek plante. Morfologiese en filogenetiese studies is uitgevoer om hierdie “Cylindrocarpon spp.” te identifiseer en hul betrokkenheid by die siekte swartvoet uit te klaar.
Gedeeltelike DNS volgordes van die groot ribosomale subeenheid (“LSU rDNA”), interne
getranskribeerde spasiëerderarea (“ITS1, “ITS2”), insluitend die 5.8S rRNS geen, en
gedeeltelike β-tubilien geen introns and eksons is gebruik vir filogenetiese analise.
Filogenetiese analises het die diversiteit wat waargeneem is tussen die verskillende isolate
bevestig deurdat vier Cylindrocarpon-agtige spesies geïdentifiseer is. Een van hierdie spesies is
aanvanklik geïdentifiseer as Cylindrocarpon destructans. Verdere navorsing het egter daarop
gedui dat C. destructans ‘n spesie-kompleks verteenwoordig. “C. destructans” afkomstig van
wingerd blyk identies te wees aan die ex-tipe isolaat van Cylindrocarpon liriodendri, wat ook ’n
teleomorf, Neonectria liriodendri in kultuur vorm. ’n Tweede spesie is nuut beskryf in hierdie
studie as Cylindrocarpon macrodidymum (Neonectria macrodidyma). Die twee oorblywende
Cylindrocarpon-agtige spesies is geplaas in ‘n nuwe genus, Campylocarpon. Die twee spesies
staan bekend as Campylocarpon fasciculare en Campylocarpon pseudofasciculare.
Patogenisiteitstudies het bevestig dat al vier spesies die vermoë het om wortel- en lootmassa van
wingerdplant drasties te verlaag.
Kennis wat opgedoen is rakende die lewensiklus van swartvoet dui daarop dat
bestuurspraktyke daarop moet fokus om primêre infeksies in wingerdkwekerye te voorkom. Op
die oomblik is daar egter geen fungisiedes geregistreer vir die beheer van die siekte in Suid-
Afrikaanse wingerde of kwekerye nie. Dertien fungisiedes is in vitro geëvalueer om te bepaal of
dit miseliumgroei van hierdie swamme kan inhibeer. Prochloraz mangaan chloried, benomyl,
flusilasool en imazalil was die effektiefste fungisiedes wat ondersoek is, en is gevolglik ingesluit
in semi-kommersiële veldproewe. Die basale gedeelte van geënte stokkies is gedoop (1 min) in
verskeie chemies en biologiese behandelings voordat dit geplant is in die kwekerye. Patogene
wat geassosieer word met swartvoet is nie vanuit geënte stokkies geïsoleer voordat dit in die
kwekerye geplant is nie. Addisionele behandelings het bestaan uit grondtoevoegings met
Trichoderma formulasies, sowel as warmwaterbehandeling (50°C vir 30 min) van dormante
kwekeryplante. Die veldproewe is geëvalueer na ‘n groeiseisoen van 8 maande. Die voorkoms
van swartvoet patogene is nie betekenisvol/konstant verlaag deur die meeste chemies en
biologiese behandelings nie. Hierdie patogene is egter nie vanuit plante geïsoleer wat na uithaal
aan warmwaterbehandeling blootgestel is nie. Dit word dus aanbeveel dat
warmwaterbehandeling van dormante kwekeryplante deel word van ‘n geïntegreerde strategie vir
die pro-aktiewe beheer van swartvoet in wingerdkwekerye.
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Botryosphaeria diseases of proteaceaeDenman, Sandra 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD (Agric))--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Fungi belonging to the genus Botryosphaeria are heterotrophic micromycetes that can be
pathogens on woody plants. They cause serious, and in some cases devastating losses to
crops through leaf necrosis, stem cankers and plant death. The Proteaceae cut-flower
industry in South Africa accounts for 70% of the national cut-flower enterprise.
Botryosphaeria diseases are a major impediment to production and trade of Proteaceae
and there is an urgent need to investigate the etiology, epidemiology and control of these
diseases. Losses of one of the most important proteas, P. magnifica, amount to 50% or
more, locally. The main aims of this study were therefore to establish the etiology and
aspects of epidemiology of Botryosphaeria stem cankers on P. magnifica and other
Proteaceae, and to investigate methods of disease control.
Although there is a vast body of information pertaining to this fungus, which was
reviewed in Chapter 1, there is relatively little information available on Botryosphaeria
on Proteaceae. The taxonomy of Botryosphaeria requires thorough review, and
molecular techniques need to be employed to resolve species identities.
In Chapter 2, it was found that Phyllachora proteae, a leaf pathogen of proteas,
produced a Fusicoccum anamorph, which is described as F. proteae. A sphaeropsis-like
synanamorph was associated with F. proteae and a new combination for P. proteae is
proposed in Botryosphaeria, as B. proteae.
The taxonomy of Botryosphaeria is in disarray at both the generic and the specific
level. In Chapter 3 the taxonomic history of Botryosphaeria is reviewed, and the genus
circumscribed and distinguished from other morphologically similar genera. Although
several anamorph genera have been linked to Botryosphaeria, based on morphological
observations and phylogenetic analysis of lTS rDNA sequence data, two anamorph
genera are now recognised, those with pigmented conidia (Diplodia), and those with
hyaline conidia (Fusicoccum). Botryosphaeria proteae should thus be excluded from
Several pathogenic Botryosphaeria spp. have an endophytic phase within their
hosts. They are therefore imported unwittingly into other countries where they may pose
a risk to agriculture and indigenous vegetation. The current global distribution of Botryosphaeria spp. associated with Proteaceae is clarified and a key to these taxa
associated with Proteaceae is provided in Chapter 4. Five Botryosphaeria spp. are
associated with cut-flower Proteaceae worldwide viz. B. lute a, B. obtusa, B. protearum,
B. proteae and B. rib is. B. protearum is described as a new species.
A thorough understanding of disease epidemiology is essential to effect a
reduction of losses. In Chapter 5, I show that on P. magnifica, lesions caused by
Botryosphaeria protearum, which lead to the formation of stem cankers, are initiated in
the mid-rib vein or margin of leaves. Koch's postulates were satisfied and it was found
that the number of lesions that developed from artificial inoculations correlated with
starch levels present in leaves at the time of inoculation.
In Chapter 6 it is shown that B. protearum exists as an endophyte in leaves of P.
magnifica in naturally occurring as well as cultivated plants. In natural stands of proteas
stem cankers are rare, but in cultivated plantations the incidence is high. Nutritional
analyses indicate that higher levels of nitrogen occur in leaves of cultivated plants in
spring, which could enhance disease development. High levels of sodium in the leaves of
wild plants may restrict disease development.
The severe economic losses caused by B. protearum make the search for
improved methods of disease control essential. Fungicide applications form an important
component of an integrated approach to disease management. In Chapter 7, in vitro tests
demonstrate that tebuconazole, benomyl, prochloraz me, iprodione and fenarimol reduce
the mycelial growth of B. protearum effectively. In the field there was a 25-85%
reduction in the occurrence of stem cankers by applying fungicides or sanitation pruning.
The best control was achieved by using benomyl, bitertanol, fenarimol, iprodione,
prochloraz manganese chloride alternated with mancozeb and tebuconazole
prophylactically. If sanitation pruning is combined with regular applications of
fungicides, disease can be combated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mikrofungi wat tot die genus Botryosphaeria behoort, is heterotrofiese organismes, wat
patogenies op houtagtige plante kan wees. Hulle veroorsaak ernstige, en in sommige
gevalle, verwoestende verliese, deur blaarnekrose, stamkankers en plantafsterwing. Die
Proteaceae snyblom-industrie in Suid-Afrika maak 70% van die nasionale snyblomindustrie
uit. Botryosphaeria siektes is 'n belangrike struikelblok in die produksie en
handeldryf van Proteaceae, en daar is 'n ernstige behoefte om die etiologie,
epidemiologie en beheer van siektes te ondersoek. Verliese van een van die belangrikste
proteas, P. magnifica, beloop plaaslik 50% of meer. Die hoof doelstellings van hierdie
studie was dus om die etiologie en epidemiologie van Botryosphaeria stamkankers op P.
magnifica en ander Proteaceae vas te stel en metodes van siektebeheer te ondersoek.
Hoewel daar 'n wye hoeveelheid inligting rakende die swam bestaan, wat in
Hoofstuk I hersien is, is daar relatief min inligting oor Botryosphaeria op Proteaceae
beskikbaar. Die taksonomie van Botryosphaeria benodig deeglike hersiening, en
molekulêre tegnieke word benodig om spesie-identiteite op te klaar.
In Hoofstuk 2 is gevind dat Phyllachora proteae, 'n blaarpatogeen van proteas, 'n
Fusicoccum anamorf produseer, wat as F. proteae beskryf word. 'n Sphaeropsis-agtige
synanamorf is met F. proteae geassosieer en 'n nuwe kombinasie vir P. proteae is as B.
proteae in Botryosphaeria voorgestel.
Die taksonomie van Botryosphaeria is, beide op die genus- as die spesievlak, in
wanorde. In Hoofstuk 3 word die taksonomiese geskiedenis van Botryosphaeria hersien,
en die genus word omskryf en van ander morfologies soortgelyke genera onderskei.
Hoewel verskeie anamorf genera al met Botryosphaeria op grond van morfologiese
waarnemings en filogenetiese analise van ITS rDNA volgorde data verbind is, word twee
anamorf genera nou herken, dié met gepigmenteerde konidia (Diplodia), en dié met
deurskynende konidia (Fusicoccum). Botryosphaeria proteae moet dus van
Botryosphaeria uitgesluit word.
Verskeie patogeniese Botryosphaeria spp. het 'n endofitiese fase in hul
lewenssiklus. Hulle word dus onwetend in ander lande ingevoer waar hulle 'n gevaar vir
landbou en inheemse plantegroei kan inhou. Die huidige wêreldverspreiding van Botryosphaeria spp. wat met Proteaceae geassosieer word is opgeklaar, en in Hoofstuk 4
word 'n sleutel tot die taksa wat met Proteaceae geassosieer word verskaf. Vyf
Botryosphaeria spp. word met snyblom Proteaceae wêreldwyd geassosieer, naamlik B.
lutea, B. protearum, B. proteae, B. ribis en B. obtusa. B. protearum word as 'n nuwe
spesie beskryf.
'n Deeglike kennis van siekte-epidemiologie is noodsaaklik ten einde verliese te
verminder. In Hoofstuk 5 dui ek aan dat letsels wat lei tot stamkankers, veroorsaak deur
Botryosphaeria protearum op P. magnifica, in die hoofnerf of rant van blare ontstaan.
Koch se postulate is uitgevoer en daar is vasgestel dat die aantal letsels wat vanuit
kunsmatige inokulasies ontwikkel het korreleer met die styselvlakke teenwoordig in die
blare ten tye van die inokulasie.
In Hoofstuk 6 word getoon dat B. protearum as 'n endofiet in die blare van P.
magnifica. In natuurlike standplase van proteas is stamkankers skaars, maar in verboude
plantasies is die voorkoms hoog. Voedingsanalises dui aan dat hoër vlakke van stikstof
in die blare van verboude plante in die lente voorkom, wat siekte-ontwikkeling moontlik
kan bevorder. Hoë vlakke van natrium in die blare van natuurlike plante mag siekteontwikkeling
Die ernstige ekonomiese verliese wat deur B. protearum veroorsaak word, maak
die soektog na verbeterde metodes van siektebeheer noodsaaklik. Fungisiedtoedienings
maak 'n belangrike deel uit van 'n geïntegreerde benadering tot siektebeheer. In
Hoofstuk 7 dui in vitro toetse aan dat tebuconazole, benomyl, prochloraz me, iprodione
en fenarimol die miseliumgroei van B. protearum effektief verminder. 'n Vermindering
van 25-85% is aangetoon in die voorkoms van stamkankers in die veld, deur die
toediening van fungisiedes en sanitasiesnoei. Die beste beheer is verkry deur die
voorkomende toediening van benomyl, bitertanol, fenarimol, iprodione en prochloraz
manganese chloride, afgewissel met mancozeb en tebuconazole, op plante in die veld.
Indien sanitasiesnoei met gereelde toedienings van fungisiedes gekombineer word, kan
die siekte bekamp word.
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No description available.
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Modelling long-distance airborne dispersal of fungal spores and its role in continental scale plant disease epidemicsCox, James Alexander January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Analysis of genes differentially expressed in Fuerte avocado fruit in response to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infectionTchatchou, Arnaud Thierry Djami 01 February 2013 (has links)
The anthracnose pathogen, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. & Sacc., is a
major cause of disease in the avocado industry, causing significant economic losses, and
infects all cultivars. In South Africa, Fuerte and Hass varieties are the most widely grown.
Identification of genes differentially expressed in avocado during infection with the fungus
represents an important step towards understanding the plant’s defence responses and
would assist in designing appropriate intervention strategies. In this study, 454 sequencing
and analysis of the transcriptome of infected Fuerte avocado fruits were performed using
the Roche 454 GS FLX Titanium platform. cDNA libraries enriched for differentially
expressed genes were constructed from unharvested and harvested avocado fruit tissues
collected after 1, 4 and 24 h post-infection and after 3, 4, 5 and 7 day post-infection, then
sequenced.The expression profiles of the genes expressed were measured by a hierarchical
clustering algorithm.Subsequently, quantitative real-time PCR was employed to measure
the expression of some candidate resistance genes to anthracnose disease and to validate
the sequencing results. The single sequencing run produced 215 781 reads from the
transcriptome. A total of 70.6 MB of sequence data was generated and subjected to BLAST
searches of which about 1500 genes encoding proteins predicted to function in signal
transduction, transcriptional control, metabolism, defence, stress response, transportation
processes and some genes with unknown functions were identified. The expression profiles
studies showed that many expressed genes were either up or down regulated after infection
in avocado fruits when compared to the uninfected sample. Salicylic acid and ethylene
were identified to be involved in the signalling networks activated in avocado fruit during
C. gloeosporioides infection. This study showed that avocado is able to respond to C.
gloeosporioides infection by exhibiting a sophisticated molecular system for pathogen
recognition and by activating structural and biochemical defence mechanisms.
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Antifungal and antimycotoxigenic activities of four weedy plant extracts against selected mycotoxigenic fungiThembo, Kaizer Mokemane January 2012 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Medical Science)) -- University of Limpopo, 2012
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Lettuce stunt : effect of Pythium populations and interactions between Pythium tracheiphilum and nematodesGracia, Javier January 1989 (has links)
No description available.
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Phytophthora crown rot of almond and cherry trees : pathogens, rootstock and scion susceptibility and control / T.J. WicksWicks, T. J. (Trevor J.) January 1987 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 169-185 / viii, 185 leaves, [1] leaf of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Plant Pathology, 1987
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