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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Fuzzy Modeling Method for Small Area Load Forecast

Wu, Hung-Chih 27 June 2001 (has links)
In a more competitive environment, load forecast serves two different applications. First, load forecast results can be used by the retailers of power to study their opportunities and plan their business strategies. Second, accurate projections of load are useful for T&D operators in performing system operation and expansion studies. Several key elements in their market and system planning studies have strong location factors that the spatial load forecast can address. In this dissertation, a package that integrates a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for automatic mapping and facility management (AM/FM) and a spatial load forecast module is presented. The interface functions and the procedure of the fuzzy logic based spatial load forecast module are described. Simulation studies are performed on a metropolitan area of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The conventional fuzzy modeling has a drawback in that the fuzzy rules or the fuzzy membership functions are determined by trial and error. In this dissertation an automatic model identification procedure is proposed to construct the fuzzy model for short-term load forecast. In this method an analysis of variance is used to identify the influential variables on the system load. To setup the fuzzy rules, a cluster estimation method is adopted to determine the number of rules and the membership functions of variables involved in the premises of the rules. A recursive least square method is then used to determine the coefficients in the conclusion parts of the rules. None of these steps involves nonlinear optimization and all steps have well-bounded computation time.

Fuzzy Modeling through Granular Computing

Syed Ahmad, Sharifah Sakinah Unknown Date
No description available.

A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to Detection of Human Face and Body for MPEG Video Compression

Du, Shih-Huai 24 July 2001 (has links)
For some new multimedia applications using Mpeg-4 or Mpeg-7 video coding standards, it is important to find the main objects in a video frame. In this thesis, we propose a neuro-fuzzy modeling approach to the detection of human face and body. Firstly, a fuzzy clustering technique is performed to segment a video frame into clusters to generating several fuzzy rules. Secondly, chrominance and motion features are used to roughly classify the clusters into foreground and background, respectively. Finally, the fuzzy rules are refined by a fuzzy neural network, and the ambiguous regions between foreground and background are further distinguished by the fuzzy neural network. Our method improves the correctness of human face and body detection by getting training data more precisely. Besides, we can extract the VOs correctly even the VOs have no obvious motion in the video sequence.

Fuzzy Modeling and Control Based Virtual Machine Resource Management

Wang, Lixi 06 March 2015 (has links)
Virtual machines (VMs) are powerful platforms for building agile datacenters and emerging cloud systems. However, resource management for a VM-based system is still a challenging task. First, the complexity of application workloads as well as the interference among competing workloads makes it difficult to understand their VMs’ resource demands for meeting their Quality of Service (QoS) targets; Second, the dynamics in the applications and system makes it also difficult to maintain the desired QoS target while the environment changes; Third, the transparency of virtualization presents a hurdle for guest-layer application and host-layer VM scheduler to cooperate and improve application QoS and system efficiency. This dissertation proposes to address the above challenges through fuzzy modeling and control theory based VM resource management. First, a fuzzy-logic-based nonlinear modeling approach is proposed to accurately capture a VM’s complex demands of multiple types of resources automatically online based on the observed workload and resource usages. Second, to enable fast adaption for resource management, the fuzzy modeling approach is integrated with a predictive-control-based controller to form a new Fuzzy Modeling Predictive Control (FMPC) approach which can quickly track the applications’ QoS targets and optimize the resource allocations under dynamic changes in the system. Finally, to address the limitations of black-box-based resource management solutions, a cross-layer optimization approach is proposed to enable cooperation between a VM’s host and guest layers and further improve the application QoS and resource usage efficiency. The above proposed approaches are prototyped and evaluated on a Xen-based virtualized system and evaluated with representative benchmarks including TPC-H, RUBiS, and TerraFly. The results demonstrate that the fuzzy-modeling-based approach improves the accuracy in resource prediction by up to 31.4% compared to conventional regression approaches. The FMPC approach substantially outperforms the traditional linear-model-based predictive control approach in meeting application QoS targets for an oversubscribed system. It is able to manage dynamic VM resource allocations and migrations for over 100 concurrent VMs across multiple hosts with good efficiency. Finally, the cross-layer optimization approach further improves the performance of a virtualized application by up to 40% when the resources are contended by dynamic workloads.


FANEGAN, JULIUS BOLUDE January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Modelagem matemática e sistemas inteligentes para predição do comportamento alimentar de suínos nas fases de crescimento e terminação / mathematical modeling and intelligent systems for predicting feeding behaviour of growing-finishing pigs

Tavares, Guilherme Farias 06 February 2017 (has links)
A suinocultura é uma atividade de grande importância em termos mundiais e de Brasil. Entretanto, por serem animais homeotérmicos, algumas alterações no ambiente térmico de alojamento podem alterar suas respostas fisiológicas e comportamentais para manutenção da temperatura interna. Portanto, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi avaliar o comportamento alimentar de suínos, mediante a influência do ambiente térmico, nas fases de crescimento e terminação para diferentes linhagens comerciais e sexo. Além disso, buscou-se o desenvolvimento de modelos matemáticos e sistemas inteligentes para predição do tempo em alimentação (TM, min dia-1) dos suínos. Os dados foram coletados em uma granja experimental de suínos, localizada na cidade de Clay Center, Nebraska, Estados Unidos. O período experimental contemplou duas estações durante o ano 2015/2016 (verão e inverno), totalizando 63 dias (9 semanas) de informações coletadas para cada estação. Os animais alojados foram de três linhagens comerciais distintas: Landrace, Duroc e Yorkshire. Cada baia apresentava composição mista, sendo alojados 40 animais de diferentes linhagens comerciais e sexo. No total, foram confinados 240 animais, sendo 80 animais para cada linhagem comercial entre machos castrados e fêmeas. Foram registrados dados de temperatura do ar (Tar, °C), temperatura do ponto de orvalho (Tpo, °C) e umidade relativa do ar (UR, %) a cada 5 minutos no interior da instalação. Para TM, os dados foram coletados e registrados a cada 20 segundos por meio de um sistema de coleta de dados por rádio frequência. O conforto térmico foi analisado a partir do Índice de Temperatura e Umidade (ITU) e a Entalpia Específica (H, kJ kg-1 de ar seco). Para avaliar a relação entre o ambiente térmico e TM, foi utilizada estatística multivariada por meio de análise de componentes principais (ACP) e agrupamento para obtenção de padrões e seleção de variáveis para entrada nos modelos. O modelo fuzzy e as redes neurais artificias foram desenvolvidos em ambiente MATLAB® R2015a por meio dos toolboxes Fuzzy e Neural Network, com o objetivo de predizer TM, tendo como variáveis de entrada: linhagem comercial, sexo, idade e ITU. De uma maneira geral, as médias de Tar estiveram dentro da zona de termoneutralidade (ZCT) em todo período experimental, sendo que apenas a UR apresentou valores abaixo da UR crítica inferior. Para o ITU, apenas no verão foram encontrados valores acima da ZCT, entretanto, esses valores estiveram abaixo do ITU crítico superior. Diante da análise dos resultados, pôde-se observar em relação ao comportamento alimentar, que a fêmea Landrace apresentou o menor tempo em alimentação com médias de 42,19 min dia-1 e 43,73 min dia-1 para o inverno e verão, respectivamente, seguido do macho castrado de mesma linhagem. Enquanto as demais linhagens apresentaram valores acima de 60 min dia-1. Não foi observado correlação linear significativa entre o ambiente térmico e TM uma vez que os animais estiveram dentro de sua ZCT ao longo de todo período experimental, indicando que o comportamento alimentar foi influenciado principalmente pelos fatores homeostáticos e cognitivos-hedônicos. A estatística multivariada dividiu os animais em 8 grupos. Foi observado que animais de linhagens e sexos distintos se comportaram da mesma maneira, dificultando a modelagem matemática. Entretanto, alguns grupos apresentaram maior quantidade de animais de determinada linhagem e sexo, sendo estes utilizados como \"grupos padrão\" para o desenvolvimento do modelo fuzzy e a rede neural artificial. O modelo fuzzy apresentou R2 de 0,858 quando utilizado os dados do grupo padrão, entretanto, para todos os valores o R2 foi de 0,549. Já a rede neural apresentou um R2 de 0,611 para os dados completos e R2 de 0,914 para o \"grupo padrão\". Portanto, a rede neural artificial mostrou-se como uma ferramenta de maior precisão e acurácia na predição do comportamento alimentar de suínos nas fases de crescimento e terminação. / The swine production in an activity of great importance to Brazil and to the world. However, because they maintain a constant body temperature and, alterations in the thermic accommodation environment can directly affect their physiological and behavioral responses for maintaining the internal temperature. Thus, the objective of this study was to access the feeding behavior of growing-finishing pigs of different sirelines and gender and its relationship with climate variables (thermic environment). Furthermore, mathematical models based on classic logic was developed as well as an intelligent system for predicting the total time spent eating (TM, min day -1). The data was collected in an experimental farm located in Clay Center, Nebraska, United States. The experimental period contemplated two seasons (summer and winter), totalizing 63 days (9 weeks) of information collected for each season. The housed animals were from three different commercial sirelines: Landrace, Duroc and Yorkshire. Each pen presented a mix composition, being housed 40 animals of different sirelines and gender. In total, there were 240 housed animals, being 80 animals for each sireline among barrows and gilts. The data registered were air temperature (Tar, °C), dew point temperature (Tpo, °C) and relative humidity of the air (UR, %) every 5 minutes inside the facility. For TM, the data were collected and registered every 20 seconds by a radio frequency data collection system. The thermal comfort was analyzed from the Temperature and Humidity Index (THI) and Specific Enthalpy (H, kJ kg-1 of dry air). In order to evaluate the relationship between the thermic environment and TM, the multivariate statistics through principal component analysis (PCA) and grouping was utilized for obtaining the selection standards of variables to enter in the models. The fuzzy model and the artificial neural networks were developed in a MATLAB® R2015a environment through the Fuzzy and the Neural Network toolboxes with the objective to predict TM, having as entry variables: sireline, gender, age and THI. On the whole, the Tar averages were inside the thermoneutral zone (ZCT), however, these values were below the superior critic THI. In the face of the results analysis, it could be observed in ration to the feeding behavior that the Landrace gilt presented the shortest time eating with averages of 42.19 min day-1 and 43.73 min day-1 for winter and summer respectively followed by the barrow from the same sireline, while the other sirelines presented values above 60 min day-1. It was not observed a significative linear correlation between the thermic environment and TM once the animals were inside their ZCT throughout all the experimentation period, indicating that the feeding behavior was influenced mainly by the homeostatic and cognitivehedonic factors. The multivariate statistics divided the animals in 8 groups, being observed that animals of different sirelines and gender behave the same way throughout the experimentation period, making the mathematical modeling difficult. However, some groups presented a bigger amount of animals of determined sireline and gender, being utilized as \"standard groups\" for the development of the fuzzy model and the artificial neural network. The fuzzy model presented an R2 of 0,858 when utilizing the \"standard group\" data, however, for all the values the R2 was 0.549. In the other hand the neural network presented an R2 of 0.611 for the complete data and an R2 of 0.914 for the \"standard group\". Thus, the artificial neural network appeared to be a tool of a better precision and accuracy when predicting the feeding behavior of pigs on growing-finishing phases.

Modelagem matemática e sistemas inteligentes para predição do comportamento alimentar de suínos nas fases de crescimento e terminação / mathematical modeling and intelligent systems for predicting feeding behaviour of growing-finishing pigs

Guilherme Farias Tavares 06 February 2017 (has links)
A suinocultura é uma atividade de grande importância em termos mundiais e de Brasil. Entretanto, por serem animais homeotérmicos, algumas alterações no ambiente térmico de alojamento podem alterar suas respostas fisiológicas e comportamentais para manutenção da temperatura interna. Portanto, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi avaliar o comportamento alimentar de suínos, mediante a influência do ambiente térmico, nas fases de crescimento e terminação para diferentes linhagens comerciais e sexo. Além disso, buscou-se o desenvolvimento de modelos matemáticos e sistemas inteligentes para predição do tempo em alimentação (TM, min dia-1) dos suínos. Os dados foram coletados em uma granja experimental de suínos, localizada na cidade de Clay Center, Nebraska, Estados Unidos. O período experimental contemplou duas estações durante o ano 2015/2016 (verão e inverno), totalizando 63 dias (9 semanas) de informações coletadas para cada estação. Os animais alojados foram de três linhagens comerciais distintas: Landrace, Duroc e Yorkshire. Cada baia apresentava composição mista, sendo alojados 40 animais de diferentes linhagens comerciais e sexo. No total, foram confinados 240 animais, sendo 80 animais para cada linhagem comercial entre machos castrados e fêmeas. Foram registrados dados de temperatura do ar (Tar, °C), temperatura do ponto de orvalho (Tpo, °C) e umidade relativa do ar (UR, %) a cada 5 minutos no interior da instalação. Para TM, os dados foram coletados e registrados a cada 20 segundos por meio de um sistema de coleta de dados por rádio frequência. O conforto térmico foi analisado a partir do Índice de Temperatura e Umidade (ITU) e a Entalpia Específica (H, kJ kg-1 de ar seco). Para avaliar a relação entre o ambiente térmico e TM, foi utilizada estatística multivariada por meio de análise de componentes principais (ACP) e agrupamento para obtenção de padrões e seleção de variáveis para entrada nos modelos. O modelo fuzzy e as redes neurais artificias foram desenvolvidos em ambiente MATLAB® R2015a por meio dos toolboxes Fuzzy e Neural Network, com o objetivo de predizer TM, tendo como variáveis de entrada: linhagem comercial, sexo, idade e ITU. De uma maneira geral, as médias de Tar estiveram dentro da zona de termoneutralidade (ZCT) em todo período experimental, sendo que apenas a UR apresentou valores abaixo da UR crítica inferior. Para o ITU, apenas no verão foram encontrados valores acima da ZCT, entretanto, esses valores estiveram abaixo do ITU crítico superior. Diante da análise dos resultados, pôde-se observar em relação ao comportamento alimentar, que a fêmea Landrace apresentou o menor tempo em alimentação com médias de 42,19 min dia-1 e 43,73 min dia-1 para o inverno e verão, respectivamente, seguido do macho castrado de mesma linhagem. Enquanto as demais linhagens apresentaram valores acima de 60 min dia-1. Não foi observado correlação linear significativa entre o ambiente térmico e TM uma vez que os animais estiveram dentro de sua ZCT ao longo de todo período experimental, indicando que o comportamento alimentar foi influenciado principalmente pelos fatores homeostáticos e cognitivos-hedônicos. A estatística multivariada dividiu os animais em 8 grupos. Foi observado que animais de linhagens e sexos distintos se comportaram da mesma maneira, dificultando a modelagem matemática. Entretanto, alguns grupos apresentaram maior quantidade de animais de determinada linhagem e sexo, sendo estes utilizados como \"grupos padrão\" para o desenvolvimento do modelo fuzzy e a rede neural artificial. O modelo fuzzy apresentou R2 de 0,858 quando utilizado os dados do grupo padrão, entretanto, para todos os valores o R2 foi de 0,549. Já a rede neural apresentou um R2 de 0,611 para os dados completos e R2 de 0,914 para o \"grupo padrão\". Portanto, a rede neural artificial mostrou-se como uma ferramenta de maior precisão e acurácia na predição do comportamento alimentar de suínos nas fases de crescimento e terminação. / The swine production in an activity of great importance to Brazil and to the world. However, because they maintain a constant body temperature and, alterations in the thermic accommodation environment can directly affect their physiological and behavioral responses for maintaining the internal temperature. Thus, the objective of this study was to access the feeding behavior of growing-finishing pigs of different sirelines and gender and its relationship with climate variables (thermic environment). Furthermore, mathematical models based on classic logic was developed as well as an intelligent system for predicting the total time spent eating (TM, min day -1). The data was collected in an experimental farm located in Clay Center, Nebraska, United States. The experimental period contemplated two seasons (summer and winter), totalizing 63 days (9 weeks) of information collected for each season. The housed animals were from three different commercial sirelines: Landrace, Duroc and Yorkshire. Each pen presented a mix composition, being housed 40 animals of different sirelines and gender. In total, there were 240 housed animals, being 80 animals for each sireline among barrows and gilts. The data registered were air temperature (Tar, °C), dew point temperature (Tpo, °C) and relative humidity of the air (UR, %) every 5 minutes inside the facility. For TM, the data were collected and registered every 20 seconds by a radio frequency data collection system. The thermal comfort was analyzed from the Temperature and Humidity Index (THI) and Specific Enthalpy (H, kJ kg-1 of dry air). In order to evaluate the relationship between the thermic environment and TM, the multivariate statistics through principal component analysis (PCA) and grouping was utilized for obtaining the selection standards of variables to enter in the models. The fuzzy model and the artificial neural networks were developed in a MATLAB® R2015a environment through the Fuzzy and the Neural Network toolboxes with the objective to predict TM, having as entry variables: sireline, gender, age and THI. On the whole, the Tar averages were inside the thermoneutral zone (ZCT), however, these values were below the superior critic THI. In the face of the results analysis, it could be observed in ration to the feeding behavior that the Landrace gilt presented the shortest time eating with averages of 42.19 min day-1 and 43.73 min day-1 for winter and summer respectively followed by the barrow from the same sireline, while the other sirelines presented values above 60 min day-1. It was not observed a significative linear correlation between the thermic environment and TM once the animals were inside their ZCT throughout all the experimentation period, indicating that the feeding behavior was influenced mainly by the homeostatic and cognitivehedonic factors. The multivariate statistics divided the animals in 8 groups, being observed that animals of different sirelines and gender behave the same way throughout the experimentation period, making the mathematical modeling difficult. However, some groups presented a bigger amount of animals of determined sireline and gender, being utilized as \"standard groups\" for the development of the fuzzy model and the artificial neural network. The fuzzy model presented an R2 of 0,858 when utilizing the \"standard group\" data, however, for all the values the R2 was 0.549. In the other hand the neural network presented an R2 of 0.611 for the complete data and an R2 of 0.914 for the \"standard group\". Thus, the artificial neural network appeared to be a tool of a better precision and accuracy when predicting the feeding behavior of pigs on growing-finishing phases.

A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for Multiple Human Objects Segmentation

Huang, Li-Ming 03 September 2003 (has links)
We propose a novel approach for segmentation of human objects, including face and body, in image sequences. In modern video coding techniques, e.g., MPEG-4 and MPEG-7, human objects are usually the main focus for multimedia applications. We combine temporal and spatial information and employ a neuro-fuzzy mechanism to extract human objects. A fuzzy self-clustering technique is used to divide the video frame into a set of segments. The existence of a face within a candidate face region is ensured by searching for possible constellations of eye-mouth triangles and verifying each eye-mouth combination with the predefined template. Then rough foreground and background are formed based on a combination of multiple criteria. Finally, human objects in the base frame and the remaining frames of the video stream are precisely located by a fuzzy neural network which is trained by a SVD-based hybrid learning algorithm. Through experiments, we compare our system with two other approaches, and the results have shown that our system can detect face locations and extract human objects more accurately.

An investigation of fuzzy modeling for spatial prediction with sparsely distributed data

Thomas, Robert 31 August 2018 (has links)
Dioxins are highly toxic persistent environmental pollutants that occur in marine harbour sediments as the results of industrial practices around the world and pose a significant risk to human health. To adequately remediate contaminated sediments, the spatial extent of contamination must first be determined by spatial interpolation. The ability to lower sampling frequency and perform laboratory analysis on fewer samples, yet still produce an adequate pollutant distribution map, would reduce the initial cost of new remediation projects. Fuzzy Set Theory has been shown as a way to reduce uncertainty due to data sparsity and provides an advantageous way to quantify gradational changes like those of pollutant concentrations through fuzzing clustering based approaches; Fuzzy modelling has the ability to utilize these advantages for making spatial predictions. To assess the ability of fuzzy modeling to make spatial predictions using fewer sample points, its predictive ability was compared to Ordinary Kriging (OK) and Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) under increasingly sparse data conditions. This research used a Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy modelling approach with fuzzy c-means clustering to make spatial predictions of lead concentrations in soil to determine the efficacy of the fuzzy model for applications of modeling dioxins in marine sediment. The spatial density of the data used to make the predictions was incrementally reduced to simulate increasingly sparse spatial data conditions. To determine model performance, the data at each increment not used for making the spatial predictions was used as validation data, which the model attempted to predict and the performance was analyzed. Initially, the parameters associated with the T-S fuzzy model were determined by the optimum observed performance, where the combination of parameters that produced the most accurate prediction of the validation data were retained as optimal for each increment of the data reduction. To determine performance Mean Absolute Error, the Coefficient of Determination, and Root Mean Squared Error were selected as metrics. To give each metric equal weighting a binned scoring system was developed where each metric received a score from 1 to 10, the average represented that methods score. The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) was also employed to determine the effect of the varied validation set lengths on performance. For the T-S fuzzy model as the amount of data used to solve the respective validation set points was reduced the number of clusters was lower and the cluster centres were more spread out, the fuzzy overlap between clusters was larger, and the widths of the membership function in the T-S fuzzy model were wider. Although it was possible to determine an optimal number of clusters, fuzzy overlap, and membership function width that yielded an optimal prediction of the validation data, gain in performance was minor compared to many other combinations of parameters. Therefore, for the data used in this study the T-S fuzzy model was insensitive to parameter choice. For OK, as the data was reduced, the range of spatial dependence in the data from variography became lower, and for IDW the power parameters optimal value became lower to give a greater weighting to more widely spread points. For the TS fuzzy model, OK, and IDW the increasingly sparse data conditions resulted in an increasingly poor model performance for all metrics. This was supported by AIC values for each method at each increment of the data reduction that were within 1 point of each other. The ability of the methods to predict outlier points and reproduce the variance in the validation sets was very similar and overall quite poor. Based on the scoring system IDW did exhibit a slight outperformance of the T-S fuzzy model, which slightly outperformed OK. However, the scoring system employed in this research was overly sensitive and so was only useful for assessing relative performance. The performance of the T-S model was very dependent on the number of outliers in the respective validation set. For modeling under sparse data conditions, the T-S fuzzy modeling approach using FCM clustering and constant width Gaussian shaped membership functions used in this research did not show any advantages over IDW and OK for the type of data tested. Therefore, it was not possible to speculate on a possible reduction in sampling frequency for delineating the extent of contamination for new remediation projects. / Graduate

Decision Support Systems for Greenhouse Tomato Production

Fitz-Rodriguez, Efren January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of greenhouse crop systems is to generate a high quality product at high production rates, consistently, economically, efficiently and in a sustainable way. To achieve this level of productivity, accurate monitoring and control of some processes of the entire biophysical system must be implemented. In addition, the proper selection of actions at the strategic, tactical and operational management levels must be implemented.Greenhouse management relies largely on human expertise to adjust the appropriate optimum values for each of the production and environmental parameters, and most importantly, to verify by observation the desired crop responses. The subjective nature of observing the plant responses, directly affects the decision-making process (DMP) for selecting these `optimums'. Therefore, in this study several decision support systems (DSS) were developed to enhance the DMP at each of the greenhouse managerial levels.A dynamic greenhouse environment model was implemented in a Web-based interactive application which allowed for the selection of the greenhouse design, weather conditions, and operational strategies. The model produced realistic approximations of the dynamic behavior of greenhouse environments for 28-hour simulation periods and proved to be a valuable tool at the strategic and operational level by evaluating different design configurations and control strategies.A Web-based crop monitoring system was developed for enhancing remote diagnosis. This DSS automatically gathered and presented graphically environmental data and crop-oriented parameters from several research greenhouses. Furthermore, it allowed for real-time visual inspection of the crop.An intelligent DSS (i-DSS) based on crop records and greenhouse environment data from experimental trials and from commercial operations was developed to characterize the growth-mode of tomato plants with fuzzy modeling. This i-DSS allowed the discrimination of "reproductive", "vegetative" and "balanced" growth-modes in the experimental systems, and the seasonal growth-mode variation on the commercial application.An i-DSS based on commercial operation data was developed to predict the weekly fluctuations of harvest rates, fruit size and fruit developing time with dynamic neural networks (NN). The NN models accurately predicted weekly and seasonal fluctuations of each variable, having correlation coefficients (R) of 0.96, 0.87 and 0.94 respectively, when compared with a dataset used for independent validation.

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