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Automatic architecture selection for probability density function estimation in computer visionSadeghi, Mohammad T. January 2002 (has links)
In this thesis, the problem of probability density function estimation using finite mixture models is considered. Gaussian mixture modelling is used to provide a semi-parametric density estimate for a given data set. The fundamental problem with this approach is that the number of mixtures required to adequately describe the data is not known in advance. In this work, a predictive validation technique [91] is studied and developed as a useful, operational tool that automatically selects the number of components for Gaussian mixture models. The predictive validation test approves a candidate model if, for the set of events they try to predict, the predicted frequencies derived from the model match the empirical ones derived from the data set. A model selection algorithm, based on the validation test, is developed which prevents both problems of over-fitting and under-fitting. We investigate the influence of the various parameters in the model selection method in order to develop it into a robust operational tool. The capability of the proposed method in real world applications is examined on the problem of face image segmentation for automatic initialisation of lip tracking systems. A segmentation approach is proposed which is based on Gaussian mixture modelling of the pixels RGB values using the predictive validation technique. The lip region segmentation is based on the estimated model. First a grouping of the model components is performed using a novel approach. The resulting groups are then the basis of a Bayesian decision making system which labels the pixels in the mouth area as lip or non-lip. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the method over the conventional clustering approaches. In order to improve the method computationally an image sampling technique is applied which is based on Sobol sequences. Also, the image modelling process is strengthened by incorporating spatial contextual information using two different methods, a Neigh-bourhood Expectation Maximisation technique and a spatial clustering method based on a Gibbs/Markov random field modelling approach. Both methods are developed within the proposed modelling framework. The results obtained on the lip segmentation application suggest that spatial context is beneficial.
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Hybrid 2D and 3D face verificationMcCool, Christopher Steven January 2007 (has links)
Face verification is a challenging pattern recognition problem. The face is a biometric that, we as humans, know can be recognised. However, the face is highly deformable and its appearance alters significantly when the pose, illumination or expression changes. These changes in appearance are most notable for texture images, or two-dimensional (2D) data. But the underlying structure of the face, or three dimensional (3D) data, is not changed by pose or illumination variations. Over the past five years methods have been investigated to combine 2D and 3D face data to improve the accuracy and robustness of face verification. Much of this research has examined the fusion of a 2D verification system and a 3D verification system, known as multi-modal classifier score fusion. These verification systems usually compare two feature vectors (two image representations), a and b, using distance or angular-based similarity measures. However, this does not provide the most complete description of the features being compared as the distances describe at best the covariance of the data, or the second order statistics (for instance Mahalanobis based measures). A more complete description would be obtained by describing the distribution of the feature vectors. However, feature distribution modelling is rarely applied to face verification because a large number of observations is required to train the models. This amount of data is usually unavailable and so this research examines two methods for overcoming this data limitation: 1. the use of holistic difference vectors of the face, and 2. by dividing the 3D face into Free-Parts. The permutations of the holistic difference vectors is formed so that more observations are obtained from a set of holistic features. On the other hand, by dividing the face into parts and considering each part separately many observations are obtained from each face image; this approach is referred to as the Free-Parts approach. The extra observations from both these techniques are used to perform holistic feature distribution modelling and Free-Parts feature distribution modelling respectively. It is shown that the feature distribution modelling of these features leads to an improved 3D face verification system and an effective 2D face verification system. Using these two feature distribution techniques classifier score fusion is then examined. This thesis also examines methods for performing classifier fusion score fusion. Classifier score fusion attempts to combine complementary information from multiple classifiers. This complementary information can be obtained in two ways: by using different algorithms (multi-algorithm fusion) to represent the same face data for instance the 2D face data or by capturing the face data with different sensors (multimodal fusion) for instance capturing 2D and 3D face data. Multi-algorithm fusion is approached as combining verification systems that use holistic features and local features (Free-Parts) and multi-modal fusion examines the combination of 2D and 3D face data using all of the investigated techniques. The results of the fusion experiments show that multi-modal fusion leads to a consistent improvement in performance. This is attributed to the fact that the data being fused is collected by two different sensors, a camera and a laser scanner. In deriving the multi-algorithm and multi-modal algorithms a consistent framework for fusion was developed. The consistent fusion framework, developed from the multi-algorithm and multimodal experiments, is used to combine multiple algorithms across multiple modalities. This fusion method, referred to as hybrid fusion, is shown to provide improved performance over either fusion system on its own. The experiments show that the final hybrid face verification system reduces the False Rejection Rate from 8:59% for the best 2D verification system and 4:48% for the best 3D verification system to 0:59% for the hybrid verification system; at a False Acceptance Rate of 0:1%.
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