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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zoneamento geotécnico geral do Distrito Federal: procedimentos metodológicos e sua inserção na gestão ambiental / General engineering geological zoning of the Federal District, Brazil: methodological proceeding and environmental management insertion

Aguiar, René Levy 08 July 1997 (has links)
Nas diferentes metodologias de mapeamento geotécnico adotadas em inúmeros trabalhos no Brasil, o relacionamento dessa ferramenta com o processo de gestão ambiental apresenta graus de dificuldade variados, sobretudo na definição das unidades homogêneas que tenha significado objetivo na questão ambiental. O estudo realizado no Distrito Federal, abrangendo a totalidade de sua área (aproximadamente 5.814 Km2) apresenta seqüência operacional compatível com as exigências da escala 1:100.000, seguindo uma sistemática baseada principalmente nas propostas metodológicas adotadas no âmbito da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos - EESC/USP, no sentido de contribuir tanto no conhecimento geotécnico local quanto no estabelecimento da importância do papel do mapeamento geotécnico nas diferentes fases do planejamento e implementação de ações de controle ambiental, em uma região que é normalmente o foco das atenções do país. Este trabalho analisa formas e classificação das informações, além da operacionalização das mesmas frente aos efeitos do diagnóstico e planejamento do espaço físico. São inseridas metodologias e modelos clássicos no tratamento do meio físico para a ordenação territorial e, principalmente, a sistemática aplicada e proposta para execução de trabalhos visando subsidiar o processo de gestão ambiental. / Due to its relevance, the definition relationship between the geotechnical units with environmental management has a major role in several engineering geological mapping methodologies used in many works in Brazil. A study in the Federal District-Brazil (5.814 km2) was done according with an operational sequence compatible with the 1:100.000 scale requirements. It follows a methodology based on differents concepts adopted at EESC/USP (Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos). This paper summarizes such procedures and includes some examples of their application, to add information to the local geotechnical knowledge and to show the importance of engineering geological mapping in many different periods of the planning and execution of the environmental control. This work analyses the incoming data and classify them, later show how to use them in the diagnostic and planning of physical space. This thesis summarizes several methodologies and classical models of physical environment for territorial zoning and specially introduces a systematic used in Federal District with the objective of subsides environmental management process.

Relationships Between Felt Intensity And Recorded Ground Motion Parameters For Turkey

Bilal, Mustafa 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Earthquakes are among natural disasters with significant damage potential / however it is possible to reduce the losses by taking several remedies. Reduction of seismic losses starts with identifying and estimating the expected damage to some accuracy. Since both the design styles and the construction defects exhibit mostly local properties all over the world, damage estimations should be performed at regional levels. Another important issue in disaster mitigation is to determine a robust measure of ground motion intensity parameters. As of now, well-built correlations between shaking intensity and instrumental ground motion parameters are not yet studied in detail for Turkish data. In the first part of this thesis, regional empirical Damage Probability Matrices (DPMs) are formed for Turkey. As the input data, the detailed damage database of the 17 August 1999 Kocaeli earthquake (Mw=7.4) is used. The damage probability matrices are derived for Sakarya, Bolu and Kocaeli, for both reinforced concrete and masonry buildings. Results are compared with previous similar studies and the differences are discussed. After validation with future data, these DPMs can be used in the calculation of earthquake insurance premiums. In the second part of this thesis, two relationships between the felt-intensity and peak ground motion parameters are generated using linear least-squares regression technique. The first one correlates Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) to Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) whereas the latter one does the same for Peak Ground Velocity (PGV). Old damage reports and isoseismal maps are employed for deriving 92 data pairs of MMI, PGA and PGV used in the regression analyses. These local relationships can be used in the future for ShakeMap applications in rapid response and disaster management activities.

Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Of Ilgaz - Abant Segments Of North Anatolian Fault Using Improved Seismic Source Models

Levendoglu, Mert 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Bolu-Ilgaz region was damaged by several large earthquakes in the last century and the structural damage was substantial especially after the 1944 and 1999 earthquakes. The objective of this study is to build the seismic source characterization model for the rupture zone of 1944 Bolu-Gerede earthquake and perform probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) in the region. One of the major improvements over the previous PSHA practices accomplished in this study is the development of advanced seismic source models in terms of source geometry and reoccurrence relations. Geometry of the linear fault segments are determined and incorporated with the help of available fault maps. Composite magnitude distribution model is used to properly represent the characteristic behavior of NAF without an additional background zone. Fault segments, rupture sources, rupture scenarios and fault rupture models are determined using the WG-2003 terminology. The Turkey-Adjusted NGAW1 (G&uuml / lerce et al., 2013) prediction models are employed for the first time on NAF system. The results of the study is presented in terms of hazard curves, deaggregation of the hazard and uniform hazard spectrum for four main locations in the region to provide basis for evaluation of the seismic design of special structures in the area. Hazard maps of the region for rock site conditions and for the proposed site characterization model are provided to allow the user perform site-specific hazard assessment for local site conditions and develop site-specific design spectrum. The results of the study will be useful to manage the future seismic hazard in the region.

Use Of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag, Steel Slag And Fly Ash In Cement-bentonite Slurry Wall Construction

Talefirouz, Davood 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Slurry walls have been widely used for more than 25 years to control the migration of contaminants in the subsurface. In the USA, vertical barriers are mostly constructed of soil-bentonite using the slurry trench method of construction. In this method, sodium bentonite is mixed with water to form a viscous slurry that is pumped into a trench during excavation to maintain the trench stability. The stable trench is then backfilled with a mixture of soil and slurry having a consistency of high slump concrete. These barriers have been designed primarily for low permeability, generally less than 10&minus / 9 m/s. Some investigations have pointed toward improved performance using admixtures that would provide low permeability. In this study, Soma thermal power plant fly ash, granulated blast furnace slag, lime, and steel slag are used as admixture to improve the performance of slurry walls. Permeability, compressive strength, slump, compressibility properties of the mixtures were found and checked for the minimum requirements. According to the findings of this study, granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), fly ash and steel slag can be used at certain percentages and curing periods as additive in cement-bentonite barrier wall construction. Permeability of specimens having fly ash decreases by increasing fly ash content. Mixtures having 50 % of GGBS type I with 5 % of lime and 9% bentonite content gave acceptable results in 28 days of curing time. Specimens including 50 % of GGBS type II with 5 % of lime and 9% bentonite content gave the higher permeability value in 28 days of curing time with respect to GGBS type I. In addition, most of the mixtures prepared by steel slag gave the acceptable permeability values in 28 days of curing period. Unconfined compressive strength of all mixtures increase by increasing curing time. Cc, Cr, Cv, kcon values were found from consolidation test results. Permeability values found from consolidation tests are 10 times to 100 times higher than flexible wall k results for the same effective stress of 150 kPa. Generally, mv values are decreasing with increasing curing time. As mv decreases, D increases.

Operation Of Water Distribution Networks

Sendil, Halil 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
With continuously increasing urbanization, consumer demands and expansion of water supply systems, determination of efficient pump schedules became a more difficult task. Pumping energy costs constitute a significant part of the operational cost of the water distribution networks. This study aims to provide an effective daily pump schedule by minimizing the energy costs for constant and also for multi tariff of electricity (3 Kademeli Elektrik Tarifesi) in water distribution network. A case study has been performed in an area covering N8.3 and N7 pressure zones which are parts of Ankara water distribution network. Both pressure zones consists of 3 multiple pumps in pump station and one tank having 5000 m3 storage volume each. By using genetic algorithm based software (WaterCAD Darwin Scheduler) least-cost pump scheduling and operation policy for each pump station has been determined while satisfying target hydraulic performance requirements such as minimum and maximum service pressures, final water level of storage tank and maximum velocity in pipeline. 32 different alternative scenarios have been created which include multi tariff energy prices, constant tariff energy price, insulated system condition, uninsulated system condition and different pump combinations. The existing base scenario and alternative scenarios which were prepared by using optimal pump schedules have been compared and the achievements of optimizing pump operation have been analyzed. At the end of the study, a satisfying result has been observed that by using determined optimal pump schedule, minimum % 14 of total energy cost can be saved in existing water supply system.

Bond Of Lap-spliced Bars In Self-compacting Concrete

Ghasabeh, Mehran 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Self-compacting concrete is an innovative construction material / its priority to normal vibrated concrete is that there is not any vibration requirement. Bond strength of reinforcement is one of the key factors that ensures the usefulness of any reinforced concrete structure. In this study, 6 full-scale concrete beams spliced at the mid-span were tested under two-point symmetrical loading. Test variables were bottom cover, side cover, free spacing between longitudinal reinforcement, lap-splice length and presence of transverse reinforcements within the lap-splice region. Specimen SC_22_44_88_800 had cover dimensions close to the code limits and had 36db lap splice length. This specimen showed flexural failure. Specimen SC_44_44_44_710 had 32db lap splice and cover dimensions greater than code minimums. This specimen showed yielding primarily. With the increasing loading, however, bond failure occurred with side splitting. ACI 408 descriptive equation for normal vibrated concrete predicted bar stresses of the unconfined specimens produced with self-compacting concrete acceptably well. The predicted values were lower than the measured values to be on the safe side. The error varied between 3.4% and 6.5%. All predictions of the ACI408 descriptive equation was higher than the measured bar stresses of the confined specimens produced with SCC. All the calculated values were unsafe. The error varied between 10.6% and 34.5%. Specimen SC_44_22_22_530_T4 with 24db lap splice length had side cover and spacing between bars 63.3% and 56.7% less than the ACI 318 limits. The calculated bar stress was 21.6% higher than the measured value. The main reason of the deviation was inadequate cover dimensions. In specimen SC_44_22_22_530_T6, number transverse reinforcement was increased to 6 stirrups to overcome the small cover and spacing problem. However, increased number of stirrups inside a small side and face cover caused weak plane and measured bar stress decreased.

Automated Calibration Of Water Distribution Networks

Apaydin, Oncu 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Water distribution network models are widely used for various purposes such as long-range planning, design, operation and water quality management. Before these models are used for a specific study, they should be calibrated by adjusting model parameters such as pipe roughness values and nodal demands so that models can yield compatible results with site observations (basically, pressure readings). Many methods have been developed to calibrate water distribution networks. In this study, Darwin Calibrator, a computer software that uses genetic algorithm, is used to calibrate N8.3 pressure zone model of Ankara water distribution network / in this case study the network is calibrated on the basis of roughness parameter, Hazen Williams coefficient for the sake of simplicity. It is understood that there are various parameters that contribute to the uncertainties in water distribution network modelling and the calibration process. Besides, computer software&rsquo / s are valuable tools to solve water distribution network problems and to calibrate network models in an accurate and fast way using automated calibration technique. Furthermore, there are many important aspects that should be considered during automated calibration such as pipe roughness grouping. In this study, influence of flow velocity on pipe roughness grouping is examined. Roughness coefficients of pipes have been estimated in the range of 70-140.

Performance Evaluation Of Existing Medium Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings According To 2006 Turkish Seismic Rehabilitation Code

Duzce, Zeynep 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Linear elastic and nonlinear analysis procedures of 2006 Turkish Seismic Rehabilitation Code are applied to medium rise reinforced concrete buildings. In this study, four storey residential buildings are designed according to the 1998 and 1975 Turkish Seismic Design Codes, and the analysis procedures are verified on these case studies. In addition to these buildings, the analysis procedures are tested on an existing school building before and after retrofitting. The assessment procedures employed in the 2006 Turkish Seismic Rehabilitation Code are based on linear elastic analysis (equivalent lateral load method, mode superposition method) / non-linear analysis (pushover analysis with equivalent lateral load method and mode superposition method) and non-linear time history analysis. In this study, linear elastic analysis with equivalent lateral loads and non-linear static analysis (pushover analysis) with equivalent lateral loads are investigated comparatively. SAP2000 software is used for pushover analysis / however the plastic rotation values obtained from SAP2000 are not used directly but defined according to the code procedures. Post-elastic rotations at yielding sections are transferred to Excel and the corresponding strains are calculated from these rotations by Excel Macro. These strains are compared with strain limits described in the 2006 Turkish Seismic Rehabilitation Code to obtain the member performances. In the linear elastic procedure, structural analysis is performed also by SAP2000 to obtain the demand values, whereas the capacity values are calculated by another Excel Macro. With these demand and capacity values, corresponding demand to capacity ratios are calculated and compared with demand to capacity ratio limits described in 2006 Turkish Seismic Rehabilitation Code to obtain the member performances. Global performances of the buildings are estimated from the member performances and from the inter-storey drifts for both two methods. The results are compared to each other, and critically evaluated.

Influence Of Filtering On Linear And Nonlinear Single Degree Of Freedom Demands

Ozen, Onder Garip 01 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ground-motion data processing is a necessity for most earthquake engineering related studies. Important engineering parameters such as the peak values of ground motion and the ordinates of the response spectra are determined from the strong ground-motion data recorded by accelerometers. However, the raw data needs to be processed since the recorded data always contains high- and low-frequency noise from different sources. Low-cut filters are the most popular ground-motion data processing scheme for removing long-period noise. Removing long-period noise from the raw accelogram is important since the displacement spectrum that provides primary information about deformation demands on structural systems is highly sensitive to the long-period noise. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of low-cut filtering period on linear and nonlinear deformation demands. A large number of strong ground motions from Europe and the Middle East representing different site classes as well as different magnitude and distance ranges are used to conduct statistical analysis. The statistical results are used to investigate the influence of low-cut filter period on spectral displacements. The results of the study are believed to be useful for future generation ground-motion prediction equations on deformation demands that are of great importance in performance-based earthquake engineering.

A Programming Framework To Implement Rule-based Target Detection In Images

Sahin, Yavuz 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
An expert system is useful when conventional programming techniques fall short of capturing human expert knowledge and making decisions using this information. In this study, we describe a framework for capturing expert knowledge under a decision tree form and this framework can be used for making decisions based on captured knowledge. The framework proposed in this study is generic and can be used to create domain specific expert systems for different problems. Features are created or processed by the nodes of decision tree and a final conclusion is reached for each feature. Framework supplies 3 types of nodes to construct a decision tree. First type is the decision node, which guides the search path with its answers. Second type is the operator node, which creates new features using the inputs. Last type of node is the end node, which corresponds to a conclusion about a feature. Once the nodes of the tree are developed, then user can interactively create the decision tree and run the supplied inference engine to collect the result on a specific problem. The framework proposed is experimented with two case studies / &quot / Airport Runway Detection in High Resolution Satellite Images&quot / and &quot / Urban Area Detection in High Resolution Satellite Images&quot / . In these studies linear features are used for structural decisions and Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) features are used for testing existence of man made structures.

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