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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Porovnání pokročilých přístupů pro analýzu fMRI dat u oddball experimentu / Comparison of advanced analysis of fMRI data from oddball experiment

Fajkus, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with processing and analysis of data, acquired from experimental examination performed with functional magnetic resonance imaging technique. It is an oddball type experimental task and its goal is an examination of cognitive functions of the subject. The principles of functional magnetic resonance imaging, possibilities of experimental design, processing of acquired data, modeling of a response of organism and statistical analysis are described in this work. Furthermore, particular parts of preprocessing and analysis are carried out using real data set from experiment. The main goal of this work is suggestion and realization of model, which enables advanced categorization of stimuli, considering the type of previous rare stimulus and the number of frequent stimuli within them. With its in-depth categorization, this model enables detail exploration of cerebral processes, associated mainly with attention, memory, expectancy or cognitive closure. The second point of that work is an evaluation of models of hemodynamic response, which are applied in statistical analysis of data from fMRI experiment. Comparison of basis functions, the models of hemodynamic response to experimental stimulation used for general linear model, is performed in this work. The result of this comparison is an evaluation of detection efficiency of activated voxels, false positivity rate and computational and user difficulty.

Mapování pohybových artefaktů ve fMRI / Mapping of motion artefact in fMRI

Nováková, Marie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis summarizes a theory of magnetic resonance and the method of functional magnetic resonance. It is focused on the influence of motion artifacts and image preprocessing methods, especially realign. It deals with the possibility of using movement parameters obtained in the process of alignment of functional scans to create maps that show the expression of motion artifacts. In this thesis, three different methods were designed, implemented a tested. These methods lead to the creation of probability, power and statistical group maps showing areas typically affected by movement artifacts.

From group to patient-specific analysis of brain function in arterial spin labelling and BOLD functional MRI

Maumet, Camille 29 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with the analysis of brain function in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) using two sequences: BOLD functional MRI (fMRI) and Arterial Spin Labelling (ASL). In this context, group statistical analyses are of great importance in order to understand the general mechanisms underlying a pathology, but there is also an increasing interest towards patient-specific analyses that draw conclusions at the patient level. Both group and patient-specific analyses are studied in this thesis. We first introduce a group analysis in BOLD fMRI for the study of specific language impairment, a pathology that was very little investigated in neuroimaging. We outline atypical patterns of functional activity and lateralisation in language regions. Then, we move forward to patient-specific analysis. We propose the use of robust estimators to compute cerebral blood flow maps in ASL. Then, we analyse the validity of the assumptions underlying standard statistical analyses in the context of ASL. Finally, we propose a new locally multivariate statistical method based on an a contrario approach and apply it to the detection of atypical patterns of perfusion in ASL and to activation detection in BOLD functional MRI.

Widening the applicability of permutation inference

Winkler, Anderson M. January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is divided into three main parts. In the first, we discuss that, although permutation tests can provide exact control of false positives under the reasonable assumption of exchangeability, there are common examples in which global exchangeability does not hold, such as in experiments with repeated measurements or tests in which subjects are related to each other. To allow permutation inference in such cases, we propose an extension of the well known concept of exchangeability blocks, allowing these to be nested in a hierarchical, multi-level definition. This definition allows permutations that retain the original joint distribution unaltered, thus preserving exchangeability. The null hypothesis is tested using only a subset of all otherwise possible permutations. We do not need to explicitly model the degree of dependence between observations; rather the use of such permutation scheme leaves any dependence intact. The strategy is compatible with heteroscedasticity and can be used with permutations, sign flippings, or both combined. In the second part, we exploit properties of test statistics to obtain accelerations irrespective of generic software or hardware improvements. We compare six different approaches using synthetic and real data, assessing the methods in terms of their error rates, power, agreement with a reference result, and the risk of taking a different decision regarding the rejection of the null hypotheses (known as the resampling risk). In the third part, we investigate and compare the different methods for assessment of cortical volume and area from magnetic resonance images using surface-based methods. Using data from young adults born with very low birth weight and coetaneous controls, we show that instead of volume, the permutation-based non-parametric combination (NPC) of thickness and area is a more sensitive option for studying joint effects on these two quantities, giving equal weight to variation in both, and allowing a better characterisation of biological processes that can affect brain morphology.

Fúze simultánních EEG-FMRI dat za pomoci zobecněných spektrálních vzorců / Simultanneous EEG-FMRI Data Fusion with Generalized Spectral Patterns

Labounek, René January 2018 (has links)
Mnoho rozdílných strategií fúze bylo vyvinuto během posledních 15 let výzkumu simultánního EEG-fMRI. Aktuální dizertační práce shrnuje aktuální současný stav v oblasti výzkumu fúze simultánních EEG-fMRI dat a pokládá si za cíl vylepšit vizualizaci úkolem evokovaných mozkových sítí slepou analýzou přímo z nasnímaných dat. Dva rozdílné modely, které by to měly vylepšit, byly navrhnuty v předložené práci (tj. zobecněný spektrální heuristický model a zobecněný prostorovo-frekvenční heuristický model). Zobecněný frekvenční heuristický model využívá fluktuace relativního EEG výkonu v určitých frekvenčních pásmech zprůměrovaných přes elektrody zájmu a srovnává je se zpožděnými fluktuacemi BOLD signálů pomocí obecného lineárního modelu. Získané výsledky ukazují, že model zobrazuje několik na frekvenci závislých rozdílných úkolem evokovaných EEG-fMRI sítí. Model překonává přístup fluktuací absolutního EEG výkonu i klasický (povodní) heuristický přístup. Absolutní výkon vizualizoval s úkolem nesouvisející širokospektrální EEG-fMRI komponentu a klasický heuristický přístup nebyl senzitivní k vizualizaci s úkolem spřažené vizuální sítě, která byla pozorována pro relativní pásmo pro data vizuálního oddball experimentu. Pro EEG-fMRI data s úkolem sémantického rozhodování, frekvenční závislost nebyla ve finálních výsledcích tak evidentní, neboť všechna pásma zobrazily vizuální síť a nezobrazily aktivace v řečových centrech. Tyto výsledky byly pravděpodobně poškozeny artefaktem mrkání v EEG datech. Koeficienty vzájemné informace mezi rozdílnými EEG-fMRI statistickými parametrickými mapami ukázaly, že podobnosti napříč různými frekvenčními pásmy jsou obdobné napříč různými úkoly (tj. vizuální oddball a sémantické rozhodování). Navíc, koeficienty prokázaly, že průměrování napříč různými elektrodami zájmu nepřináší žádnou novou informaci do společné analýzy, tj. signál na jednom svodu je velmi rozmazaný signál z celého skalpu. Z těchto důvodů začalo být třeba lépe zakomponovat informace ze svodů do EEG-fMRI analýzy, a proto jsme navrhli více obecný prostorovo-frekvenční heuristický model a také jak ho odhadnout za pomoci prostorovo-frekvenční skupinové analýzy nezávislých komponent relativního výkonu EEG spektra. Získané výsledky ukazují, že prostorovo-frekvenční heuristický model vizualizuje statisticky nejvíce signifikantní s úkolem spřažené mozkové sítě (srovnáno s výsledky prostorovo-frekvenčních vzorů absolutního výkonu a s výsledky zobecněného frekvenčního heuristického modelu). Prostorovo-frekvenční heuristický model byl jediný, který zaznamenal s úkolem spřažené aktivace v řečových centrech na datech sémantického rozhodování. Mimo fúzi prostorovo-frekvenčních vzorů s fMRI daty, jsme testovali stabilitu odhadů prostorovo-frekvenčních vzorů napříč různými paradigmaty (tj. vizuální oddball, semantické rozhodování a resting-state) za pomoci k-means shlukovacího algoritmu. Dostali jsme 14 stabilních vzorů pro absolutní EEG výkon a 12 stabilních vzorů pro relativní EEG výkon. Ačkoliv 10 z těchto vzorů vypadají podobně napříč výkonovými typy, prostorovo-frekvenční vzory relativního výkonu (tj. vzory prostorovo-frekvenčního heuristického modelu) mají vyšší evidenci k úkolům.

Analýza souvislostí mezi simultánně měřenými EEG a fMRI daty / Analysis of connections between simultaneous EEG and fMRI data

Labounek, René January 2012 (has links)
Electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance are two different methods for measuring of neural activity. EEG signals have excellent time resolution, fMRI scans capture records of brain activity in excellent spatial resolution. It is assumed that the joint analysis can take advantage of both methods simultaneously. Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM8) is freely available software which serves to automatic analysis of fMRI data estimated with general linear model. It is not possible to estimate automatic EEG–fMRI analysis with it. Therefore software EEG Regressor Builder was created during master thesis. It preprocesses EEG signals into EEG regressors which are loaded with program SPM8 where joint EEG–fMRI analysis is estimated in general linear model. EEG regressors consist of vectors of temporal changes in absolute or relative power values of EEG signal in the specified frequency bands from selected electrodes due to periods of fMRI acquisition of individual images. The software is tested on the simultaneous EEG-fMRI data of a visual oddball experiment. EEG regressors are calculated for temporal changes in absolute and relative EEG power values in three frequency bands of interest ( 8-12Hz, 12-20Hz a 20-30Hz) from the occipital electrodes (O1, O2 and Oz). Three types of test analyzes is performed. Data from three individuals is examined in the first. Accuracy of results is evaluated due to the possibilities of setting of calculation method of regressor. Group analysis of data from twenty-two healthy patients is performed in the second. Group EEG regressors analysis is realized in the third through the correlation matrix due to the specified type of power and frequency band outside of the general linear model.

Sdružená EEG-fMRI analýza na základě heuristického modelu / Joint EEG-fMRI analysis based on heuristic model

Janeček, David January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the joint EEG-fMRI analysis based on a heuristic model that describes the relationship between changes in blood flow in active brain areas and in the electrical activity of neurons. This work also discusses various methods of extracting of useful information from the EEG and their influence on the final result of joined analysis. There were tested averaging methods of electrodes interest, decomposition by principal components analysis and decomposition by independent component analysis. Methods of averaging and decomposition by PCA give similar results, but information about a stimulus vector can not be extracted. Using ICA decomposition, we are able to obtain information relating to the certain stimulation, but there is the problem in the final interpretation and selection of the right components in a blind search for variability coupled with the experiment. It was found out that although components calculated from the time sequence EEG are independent for each to other, their spectrum shifts are correlated. This spectral dependence was eliminated by PCA / ICA decomposition from vectors of spectrum shifts. For this method, each component brings new information about brain activity. The results of the heuristic approach were compared with the results of the joined analysis based on the relative and absolute power approach from frequency bands of interest. And the similarity between activation maps was founded, especially for the heuristic model and the relative power from the gamma band (20-40Hz).

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