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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza kognitivních funkcí u rekombinantních inbredních kmenů potkanů vzniklých křížením linií SHR a BN Lx / Analysis of cognitive functions in recombinant inbred strains of rats produced by crossbreeding of SHR and BN Lx. lines

Hatalová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
This MSc. thesis deals with dissecting the link between memory, genetics, and metabolic syndrome. Memory is a very complex behavioral trait, probably influenced by innumerable factors. For this experiment HXB/BXH rat recombinant inbred lines (n= 30) and their parental strains (n=2) were used to be trained in the hippocampus dependant spatial learning task called Allothetic Active Place Avoidance. Rats were to memorize sector of a rotating circular arena, which they were to avoid, being motivated by receiving an electric shock upon entering the forbidden sector (4 training sessions; shock sector on the North, 1 retrieval session (no shock), and 3 reversal sessions, to-be-avoided sector facing South; each session 20-min long, retrieval 10-min). Control experiments to exclude impact of motor or sensory abnormalities were run in a form of open-field test and beam-walking test. Correlation with metabolic phenotypes was conducted in an online database of known HXB/BXH phenotypes (GeneNetwork.org). The results showed that differences in learning were significant between the groups (p<0.05); correlation analysis indicated no putative link between selected traits related to metabolic syndrome and memory in rats. The genetic analysis showed a suggestive locus on chromosome 20 for a learning parameter, and...

Vnitřní struktura balkánského refugia na modelu Erinaceus roumanicus / Internal structure of the Balkan refugium using Erinaceus roumanicus as a model organism

Eliášová, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work was to describe the spatial distribution of genetic variability of the northern white-breasted hedgehog (E. roumanicus), mainly within the Balkan Peninsula and Central Europe, as these areas are crucial for understanding the effects of Pleistocene climate oscillations on the genetic architecture of the species. Based on this spatial distribution, hypotheses about the possible structuring of the Balkan refugia were formulated. A total of 260 individuals and 9 microsatellite loci were used for the analysis. Using the approach of landscape and population genetics several possible isolated subpopulations within the area surveyed were identified. Unique status was proved for a population originating from Crete, probably influenced by mechanisms of island evolution. Differences from the rest of the range were ascertained also in population from the Czech Republic, located in a secondary contact zone with the E. europeaus. The role of interspecific interactions and possible introgression should be considered in this case. In the area of Romania and the area south of the Balkan Peninsula the highest genetic distances between individuals were identified, probably associated with the occurrence of geographical barriers and the possible presence of glacial subrefugia. Other identified...

Varijabilnost mikrosatelitskih lokusa X hromozoma u populaciji Vojvodine / Genetic variability of X chromosome microsatellite loci in population of Vojvodina

Vapa Dušan 29 January 2016 (has links)
<p>Kratki uzastopni ponovci predstavljaju klasu mikrosatelitskih segmenata DNK, rasprostranjenih &scaron;irom genoma čoveka. Građeni su od uzastopno ponavljajućih sekvenci dužine 2-6 parova nukleotida. Zahvaljujući različitom broju ponavljanja repetitivne jedinice, većina mikrosatelitskih markera pokazuje visok stepen polimorfizma dužine, koji je moguće ispitati primenom tehnike lančane reakcije polimeraze. Pored utvrđivanja spornih srodničkih odnosa, analiza X hromozom mikrosatelitskih markera može se uspe&scaron;no koristiti i u oblastima kriminalistike, humane identifikacije, populaciono-genetičkim i demografskim istraživanjima i dr. Cilj istraživanja je izrada populacione studije, iz koje će se izračunati broj i frekvencija alela, struktura i frekvencija haplotipova, utvrditi vrednosti relevantnih statističkih parametara, oceniti mogućnost primene analize X-STR markera u slučajevima iz oblasti medicinske kriminalistike, humane identifikacije i ve&scaron;tačenja spornih srodničkih odnosa u populaciji Vojvodine. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 200 odraslih, međusobno nesrodnih osoba. Izolacija DNK materijala iz krvnih mrlja vr&scaron;ena je Chelex metodom, a amplifikacija dobijenih uzoraka DNK metodom PCR, uz kori&scaron;ćenje komercijalnog Mentype&reg; Argus X-12 PCR Amplification Kit &ndash; a. Razdvajanje i detekcija dobijenih fragmenata izvr&scaron;eno je kapilarnom elektroforezom GeneScan i Genotyper programom. Statististička obrada rezultata izvr&scaron;ena je pomoću Arlequin i GENEPOP programa. Za vizuelizaciju interpopulacionih genetičkih odnosa, upotrebljen je program POPTREE2 i koordinatna analiza (Principal Coordinate Analysis - PCoA). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se analiza ispitivanih X-STR markera može uspe&scaron;no primeniti u slučajevima iz oblasti medicinske kriminalistike, humane identifikacije i ve&scaron;tačenja spornih srodničkih odnosa u populaciji Vojvodine, kao i da mogu poslužiti kao osnova za dalja istraživanja u&nbsp; populacionogenetičkim, antropolo&scaron;kim, demografskim i drugim oblastima.</p> / <p>Short tandem repeats (STR) represent a class of microsatellites, widely spread throughout the human genome, consisting of tandemly repeated sequences of 2-6 bp. Related to variation in the number of repeat unit displayed, most of microsatellites show a high degree of length polymorphism, investigated by the PCR techniques. The aim of this research is to create a population study, which will be used to calculate allele and haplotype frequencies, determine the value of relevant statistical parameters and assess the possibility of applying X-STR markers analysis in the fields of forensics, human identification and kinship testing. The study included 200 unrelated adults. DNA isolation was performed by Chelex method and DNA amplification by PCR, using commercial Mentype Argus X-12 PCR Amplification Kit. Separation and detection of fragments was obtained by capillary electrophoresis using Gene Scanand Genotyper program. Statistical analysis of the result was performed using Arlequin and GENEPOP program. For visualization of inter population genetic distances POPTREE2 program and coordinate analysis (PCoA) was used. The results show that the analysis of X-STR markers can be successfully applied in the field of forensics, human identification and kinship testing in the population of Vojvodina, as well as to serve as a basis for further research in population genetic, anthropological, demographic and other scientific areas.</p>

Modelové systémy při studiu a výuce molekulární biologie / Model Systems in the Study and Teaching of Molecular Biology

Kripnerová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
Molecular biology and genetics are currently very fast developing disciplines. One of the possibilities how to increase the pupils' interest in studying of molecular biology and genetics, and to support their own curiosity is to use research-based teaching strategies. Although Czech Education tries to correspond with this progress, teaching of molecular biology and genetics is limited not only by financial and material limits but also by a lack of vocational education. The diploma thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the position of molecular biology in teaching and model systems in the study and teaching of molecular biology and genetics. The practical part is divided into three chapters. The goal of the first chapter was to present available teaching materials suitable for a teaching at grammar schools, especially with regard to the availability of manuals for practical seminars. The second chapter summarized the results of a questionnaire survey among grammar school teachers, which concerns the position of molecular biology and genetics in teaching. Both of the above-mentioned goals have shown that more needs to be done about the molecular biology of genetics. According to the teachers, students who would like to continue to pursue this...

Kanaanský pes a využití psa ve vzdělávání / Canaan Dog and Dog Assistant Education

Rutová, Šárka January 2019 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is Canaan dog including dog assistant education. The first part is theoretical and introduces the reader to the Canaan dog breed. The origin of this rare and very old breed is Izrael and first dogs were imported to the Europe and America in 60s of 20th century. The lack of Canaan dogs in Europe causes problems with breeding and transmission of genetic diseases. Especially in the Czech republic there is only few dogs. The teoretical part introduces a transmission of genetic diseases and other diseases. The practical part is focused on a creation of a genealogy of Canaan dogs in the Czech republic. Further I studied inbreeding. In the second part I studied the use of dog in education. The practical part are two education programs, which I created. The first training program is about dogs behaviour, it's also tested in practice and its completed results are part of the appendix. Pupils will learn important information about dogs, how to handle and understand a dog or information about a primitive breed like rare Canaan dog. The second education program is designed for high school students. The program is about inbreeding and includes text and worksheet. Key words: Canaan dog, genetic, heritage, genetic diseases of dogs, inbreeding, animal assistant education.

Prognostický význam PCA3, fúzního genu TMPRSS2:ERG a dalších markerů u karcinomu prostaty / The prognostic value of PCA3, the fusion gene TMPRSS2:ERG and other markers in prostate cancer

HOLÁ, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to assess the presence of fusion gene TMPRSS2:ERG and expressions of PCA3, miR23b, miR26 and miR221 in PCa. PSA was measured in peripheral blood and tumor tissue (FFPE samples). The presence of fusion gene TMPRSS2:ERG and expression of PCA3 gene and miRNA in FFPE tumor tissue was analysed by RT real-time PCR. This determination would help to identify patients with high-risk tumors.

Genetická rozmanitost českých populací kriticky ohrožených modrásků (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) / Genetic diversity of Czech populations of critically endangered blues (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae)

BENEŠ, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
Butterfly family Lycaenidae is cosmopolitan. Some species of the family are common in the Czech Republic, but some are at the risk of extinction, which is caused either by lack of habitat or host plant deficiency. Among the most endangered species in the Czech Republic are the damon blue (Polyommatus damon (Denis a Schiffermüller, 1775)) and the turquoise blue (Polyommatus dorylas (Denis a Schiffermüller, 1775)). This thesis aims to review the biology of both species, causes of threat and possibilities of their practical conservation, and to describe genetic variability of Czech populations of two critically endangered Lycenids, the damon blue and the turquoise blue, and to compare them with European populations for potential import of alien individuals to Czech populations. Genetic assignment is important for possible reintroduction or revitalization of Czech populations from foreign sources. I detected in this thesis that the damon blue has more genetic variability than the turquoise blue and this pattern is not only geographical. I assume that Czech populations of both species experienced bottleneck and are under genetic drift. Furthermore, the Central European individuals genetically differ from Southern European and Baltic samples, and the number of haplotypes is high in Central Europe. The current distribution is not caused by colonization after the last glacial period. According to the results, it is appropriate to protect all current populations separately, rather than supplement them from other sources, because they can be genetically different. Finally, I discuss the management planned for the two species in the Czech Republic and connect it to my results.

Populační genetika a speciační mechanizmy u řasníků rodu Stylops (Strepsiptera) / Population genetics and speciation in Stylops (Strepsiptera)

Kodejš, Karel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused to population genetics of selected species of genus Stylops in Europe. Within this genus, five species was analysed by usage of two approaches - microsatellite analysis in Stylops ater and analysis of mitochondrial DNA in all five species. Mitochondrial gene for cytochome c oxidase (1st subunit) was used. For microsatellite analysis was performed bayesian clustering analysis and ABC approach (Aproximate Bayesian Computation). Mitochondrial markers were processed by making haplotype networks and demography analysis by computing Bayesian skyline plots. For Stylops ater, surprisingly low lewel of population subdivision was detected, yet with clearly differentiated population clusters from Scandinavia and baltic coast of Europe, which may imply period of isolation of these populations or relativelly recent population expansion and genetic differentiation due to lower population sizes. Next, hypotesis of possible temporal segregation of subpopulations of Stylops nevinsoni based on different aktivity period of their host species groups, was supported. In other three species, population subdivision was observed to be related either due to host specialisation (Stylops mellitae) or geographic consequences (S.nassonowi, S.spreta). Interesting finding is also detection of population...

Narození / Birth

Piskova, Olena January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is a continuation of my subject, "Why?", Also includes the theme of man and the environment. I started to be interested in the controversial topic of genetically modified organisms, genetic engineering. I found a personal story in it. Now it is difficult to comment on the extent to which these researches are important, but we shouldn’t stop there.

Nástroj pro vizuální analýzu evoluce obvodů / A Tool for Visual Analysis of Circuit Evolution

Staurovská, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of the master's thesis is to compose a study on cartesian genetic programming with focus on evolution of circuits and to design a concept for visualisation of this evolution. Another goal is to create a program to visualise the circuit evolution in cartesian genetic programming, its generations and chromosomes. The program is capable of visualising the changes between generations and chromosomes and comparing more chromosomes at once. Several user cases had been prepared for the resulting program.

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