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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zircon LA-ICPMS Geochronology of the Cornubian Batholith, SW England

Neace, Erika R. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Crustal Evolution of the New England Appalachians: The Rise and Fall of a Long-Lived Orogenic Plateau

Hillenbrand, Ian 18 December 2020 (has links) (PDF)
The rise and demise of mountain belts, caused by growth, modification, or removal of the continental lithosphere are fundamental processes that influence almost all Earth systems. Understanding the nature, timing, and significance of active processes in the creation and evolution of modern mountain belts is challenged by a lack of middle crustal and lower crustal exposures. Analogues can be found in ancient orogens, whose deeply eroded roots offer a window into deeper processes, yet this record is complicated by overprinting events and complex deformational histories. Research presented herein constrains the tectonic history of multistage Appalachian Orogen, type locality of the Wilson cycle. Data-driven analysis of newly assembled geochronologic, geochemical, and geothermobarometric databases are synthesized with structural fabrics and geophysical imaging to constrain the timing and nature of crustal thickening and thinning events. Results identify a two-stage crustal thickening history in the dominant Acadian Orogeny and suggest the existence of a high elevation, low relief orogenic plateau. This plateau, the Acadian altiplano, formed in central and southern New England by ca. 380 Ma and exited for at least 50 m.y. until underwent orogen parallel collapse ca. 330-310 Ma. Collapse of the plateau likely formed the geophysically observed 12-15 km offset in Moho depth in western New England, and implies that the step has existed for ca. 300 m.y. These data constrain a four-dimensional record of crustal evolution over a period exceeding 100 m.y. Recognition of the Acadian altiplano may have important implications for the genesis of critical Li deposits, paleoclimate, and evolution of the Appalachian basin. Further, present a region that may provide an analogue for studying mid-crustal processes such as partial melting, ductile flow, and plutonism underneath modern plateaus.

Ch4- IODP EXP 341 U-Pb Zircon Results for Lonestones

Wai Kehadeezbah Allen (14671736) 17 May 2024 (has links)
<p>This dataset includes U-Pb zircon summary excel file with datatables for all lonestones analyzed.This file also sorts data to include information of Rim and Core analyses were appropriate.</p> <p><br></p> <p>In addition, raw data for each individual sample are included that have detailed information regarding parameters during each analytical session. </p> <p><br></p> <p>All samples were analyzed at the University of Arizona Laserchron Center (NSF-EAR 1649254)</p> <p><br></p> <p>High Resolition Scanning Electron Microscopy Images are also included that were imaged at the University of Arizona Laserchron Center</p> <p><br></p>

Le gisement d’or du Tocantinzinho (province aurifère du Tapajós) relations entre déformation, hydrothermalisme et minéralisation / Tocantinzinho gold deposit (Tapajós Gold Province) relationship between deformation, hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation

Borgo, Ariadne 23 February 2017 (has links)
Le gisement de Tocantinzinho est situé sur la province aurifère de Tapajós et est le plus grand gisement d'or de la province, avec 53,9 tonnes d'or estimées. Sa formation commence par un magmatisme granodioritique autour de 2005 Ma, suivi d'un magmatisme granitique. Le granite Tocantinzinho est composé de deux faciès principaux (syenogranite - 1996± 2Ma; monzogranite 1989±1 Ma), des corps d’aplite et de pegmatite, qui suggère un magmatisme enrichie en fluide et mis en place à faible profondeur. Intrusifs dans ces roches, des dykes d'andésite (1998±8Ma) ont des fragments de granite et des mélanges entre les 2 magmas suggèrent un magmatisme à la fois continu et polyphasé. Il est proposé que les premiers dykes d’andésite se sont mis en place alors que le granite n’était pas entièrement cristallisé (mingling) et les derniers lors des stades de déformation à l’état solide du granite. Utilisant la courbe de refroidissement, un âge minimum de 1975 Ma a été estimé pour l’andésite. Les taux de refroidissement des roches plutoniques varient de 3,6 à 14,7°C/Ma, avec une moyenne de 7,5°C/Ma, suggérant que les processus d'exhumation verticale sont faibles. La géométrie allongée du granite ainsi que la tectonique syn-magmatique de l'andésite corroborent la prédominance des mouvements horizontaux. L’affinité calc-alcaline fortement potassique et des anomalies en niobium définissent deux configurations possibles pour le cadre géotectonique: arc continental de type Andin ou Post-collisionnel. Compte tenue la relation génétique entre magmatisme, cisaillement décrochant et les faibles taux de refroidissement, l’environnement post-collisionnel est plus probable. Cela ensemble avec les âges nous permettent de comparer ces roches avec celles de la Suite Intrusive Creporizão (1997-1957Ma). La dacite (1992 ± 2 Ma) recoupe les autres roches, cependant, la signature géochimique comparable aux roches anorogéniques suggère qu’elle appartient à une série magmatique distinct. La zone minéralisée est limitée par deux failles majeures senestres de direction N100°-130E°. Le granite Tocantinzinho et les roches hypo-volcaniques déformées sont dans ce couloir, altérées par de fluides hydrothermaux et minéralisées pendant deux phases tectoniques distinctes. La première est caractérisée par des brèches et des microfractures remplies par muscovite (1864±5Ma) et pyrite, associées à de faibles teneur d’or (<1,5ppm) restreintes au granite. La deuxième phase a été contrôlée par le cisaillement décrochant senestre normal générant des fentes de tension et des brèches remplies par quartz, chlorite, calcite, albite, rutile, pyrite, galène, sphalérite, chalcopyrite et or. La teneur en or peut atteindre jusqu'à 70 ppm dans les veines riches en sulfures. Ces structures de remplissage syntectonique sont parallèles entre elles et orientées N30-60°E. Deux hypothèses ont été proposées pour expliquer la genèse du gisement: la première considère une relation génétique entre magmatisme et minéralisation au moins pour le premier stage de minéralisation selon un modèle porphyrique et la seconde alternative considère une réactivation des failles préexistantes par une tectonique transtensive liée au magmatisme Maloquinha (ca. 1880Ma) pour les deux stades minéralisateurs. Les deux phases dans les deux hypothèses, ont été classées comme des minéralisations de type magmato-hydrothermale qui pourraient être classées soit comme des systèmes d'or liés à l'intrusion. De nouveaux travaux sur le terrain et en laboratoire seraient nécessaires pour identifier et caractériser la nature et la source des fluides hydrothermaux, pour dater la minéralisation et mieux comprendre le rôle des roches hypo-volcaniques. Toutefois, les premiers résultats, et notamment le rôle fondamental du contrôle tectonique pour la minéralisation sont très significatifs et peuvent aider de manière conséquente à l'établissement des programmes d'exploration et d'exploitation futurs. / The Tocantinzinho deposit is located on the Tapajós Gold Province and is the largest gold deposit within Province, with 53,9 tons of gold. Its formation begins with a granodioritic magmatism around 2005Ma, followed by a granitic magmatism 10 Ma latter. The Tocantinzinho granite is composed by two main facies, syenogranite (1996±2Ma) and monzogranite (1989±1Ma), and by aplite and pegmatite bodies, suggesting a fluid-rich magmatism at shallow depth. Andesite dikes (1998±8Ma) are intrusive in both rocks. Sharp fragments of those rocks along contacts and minor mingling with granitic magma suggest a multiphase magmatism at distinct timing. The first dikes have intruded within granite when it was crystalizing, thus a minimum age of 1975Ma was estimated. Cooling rates of plutonic rocks vary from 3.6 to 14.7°C/Ma, with an average of 7.5°C/Ma, suggesting vertical exhumation processes were minor. The elongated geometry of granite along with sin-magmatic strike-slip tectonics of andesite corroborate the predominance of horizontal movements. Geochemical analysis show high-K calk-alkaline affinity and niobium anomaly indicator of two possible geotectonic settings for these rocks: Andean-type continental arc or post-collisional one. Considering the genetic relationship between magmatism, strike-slip faults, and low cooling rates, a post-collisional setting is more likely. The geochemical signature, ages and style of tectonism allow us to compare those rocks with the ones from Creporizão Intrusive Suite (1997-1957Ma). Dacite dikes (1992±2Ma) cut across all other rocks, but the temporal relationship among them remains misunderstood, due to the geochemical signature similar to the anorogenic rocks, suggesting it belongs to a distinct and latter magmatic series. Indeed, the dated zircons were probably inherited from host rocks. The mineralized area is restricted to a domain constrained by two major sinistral strike-slip N100°-130E°E faults that comprises the Tocantinzinho granite and sub-volcanic rocks, which were hydrothermally altered, brittle deformed and mineralized during two phases. The first one is characterized by breccias and microfractures infilled with muscovite (1864±5Ma) and pyrite, which contains low gold grades and are restricted to the Tocantinzinho granite. The second phase was controlled by strike-slip and normal tectonics generating tension gashes veins and pull apart breccias infilled with quartz, chlorite, calcite, albite, rutile, pyrite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and gold. The gold grade can reach up to 70 ppm in some sulfide-rich veins. These structures are parallel and mainly trends N30-60°E, showing textures and orientated minerals typical of syn-tectonic infilling. Based on petrographical features and argon ages two hypothesis were proposed for the ore genesis: the first one consider a genetic relationship between magmatism and ore fluids for first mineralization stage and the second hypothesis consider a reactivation of pre-existing faults by an extensional tectonism related to the Maloquinha Intrusive Suite magmatism (ca.1880Ma) for this phase. The second mineralization phase is considered as formed as consequence of tectonic reactivation at ca. 1880Ma, in both hypothesis. Both phases in both hypothesis were classified as magmatic-hydrothermal ore mineralization and might be classified as intrusion-related gold systems. However, new field works are important in order to identify and characterize the nature and source of hydrothermal fluids, as well as ore dating and new geochemical and geochronological data of sub-volcanic rocks are imperative to better understand the genesis and evolution of the Tocantinzinho gold deposit. Such results, strongly linked to the fact that the tectonic control seem significant, may help for future exploration and exploitation programs.

Structure, stratigraphy, and U-Pb zircon-titanite geochronology of the Aley carbonatite complex, northeast British Columbia: Evidence for Antler-aged orogenesis in the Foreland Belt of the Canadian Cordillera

McLeish, Duncan Forbes 26 April 2013 (has links)
The tectonic significance and age of carbonatite intrusions in the western Foreland Belt of the Canadian Cordillera are poorly constrained. Recent 1:5,000 scale field mapping of one of these carbonatite intrusions, the Aley carbonatite (NTS 94 B/5), has demonstrated that it was emplaced as a syn-kinematic sill, coeval with a major nappe-forming tectonic event. Determining the age of the Aley carbonatite therefore provides a means of directly dating tectonism related to carbonatite magmatism. A U-Pb titanite age of 365.9 +/- 2.1 Ma was obtained from the Ospika pipe, an ultramafic diatreme spatially and genetically related to the carbonatite. We interpret the Late Devonian age of the Ospika pipe to be the minimum possible age of the carbonatite and syn-magmatic nappe-forming tectonic event. The maximum possible age of the carbonatite is constrained by the Early Devonian age of the Road River Group (ca. 410 Ma), the youngest strata intruded by carbonatite dykes and involved in the nappe forming event. Our dating results for the Aley carbonatite closely correlate with U-Pb zircon and perovskite ages obtained for the Ice River carbonatite complex in the western Foreland Belt of the southern Canadian Cordillera, and support the interpretation of carbonatite intrusions of the western Foreland Belt as genetically linked components of an alkaline-carbonatitic magmatic province. Structural, stratigraphic, and geochronological data from the Aley area indicate that deformation was similar in style to, and coeval with, structures attributable to the Antler Orogeny, and are consistent with the Antler orogen having extended the length of Cordilleran margin from the southern United States to Alaska. Deformed alkaline-carbonatite intrusions that characterize continental suture zones in Africa and Tibet may provide an analogue for the Aley carbonatite and correlative alkaline-carbonatite complexes in the western Foreland Belt. / Graduate / 0372 / mcleish@uvic.ca

Provenance of the south Texas Paleocene-Eocene Wilcox Group, western Gulf of Mexico basin : insights from sandstone modal compositions and detrital zircon geochronology

Mackey, Glen Nelson 2009 August 1900 (has links)
Sandstone modal compositions and detrital zircon U-Pb analysis of the Paleocene-Eocene Wilcox Group of the southern Gulf Coast of Texas indicate long-distance sediment transport primarily from volcanic and basement sources to the west, northwest and southwest. The Wilcox Group of south Texas represents the earliest series of major post-Cretaceous pulses of sand deposition along the western margin of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). Laramide basement uplifts have long been held to be the provenance of the Wilcox Group, implying that initiation of basement uplifts was the driving factor for this transition from carbonate sedimentation to clastic deposition. To determine the provenance of the Wilcox Group and test this conventional hypothesis, 40 thin sections were point-counted using the Gazzi-Dickinson method to determine sandstone composition and 10 detrital zircon samples were analyzed by LA-ICP-MS to determine U-Pb age spectra for each of the sampled areas. Modal data for sand grain populations suggest mixed sources including basement rocks, magmatic arc rocks and subordinate sedimentary rocks for the Wilcox Group. Zircon age spectra for these sandstones reveal a complex grain assemblage derived from older sediments and crystalline rocks ranging in age from Archean to Cenozoic. Sediment was primarily derived from Laramide uplifted crystalline blocks of the central and southern Rocky Mountains, the Cordilleran arc of western North America, and arc related extrusive and intrusive igneous rock of northern Mexico. Comparisons of Upper and Lower Wilcox zircon age spectra show that more arc related material was deposited in the Lower Wilcox, whereas more basement material was deposited in the Upper Wilcox. / text

Las Trampas, New Mexico: Dendrochronology of a Spanish Colonial Church

Ames, Martha Hyde January 1972 (has links)
Wooden beams and planks from the Spanish Colonial church and other structures in Las Trampas, north-central New Mexico, have been sampled and dated by dendrochronology. Dates of AD 1735 imply Spanish occupation of the area 16 years prior to official grant. Stockpiling of timber for church construction began as early as 1758. Exterior walls were 15 feet high by 1762 and were completed to roof level by 1764. Late in 1776, wood was cut for a dust-guard over the adobe altar and mural. According to clustering of tree-ring dates, a new altar and wooden altar screen were constructed soon after 1785. Beam re-use was prevalent. Timbers bearing early dates were incorporated into the 1785 altar screen, indicating re-use from within the church or from other pre-1760 structures. A roof viga was later used as a floor plank after reroofing. In domestic buildings, re-use of beams is repeated. Replacement of beams supporting the balcony was made in the 1860's and 1870's. Tree-ring dates indicate repairs again in the 1930's and 1943. A survey of the literature pertaining to dendrochronology of historical sites revealed that shaping of beams and lack of thorough sampling have heretofore hindered successful application. The documentary record of Las Trampas art and architectural history has been further refined by tree -ring dating, and the study reaffirms the potentials for historical sites dendrochronology.

La chaîne panafricaine du Nord-Ouest de l'Angola : étude pétrostructurale, géochimique et géochronologique. Implications géodynamiques / The panafrican belt of N-W Angola : petrostructural, geochemical and geochronological constraints. Geodynamical implications.

Nsungani, Pedro Claude 30 March 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de l'évolution géodynamique de la chaîne panafricaine au NW de l'Angola, sur la marge occidentale du craton du Congo. Ce segment orogénique, conséquence de la convergence des cratons du São Francisco et du Congo à la fin du Néoprotérozoïque et début du Paléozoïque, peut être subdivisé en un domaine externe plissé et peu métamorphique et un domaine interne formé de roches magmatiques et métamorphiques. Les études structurales, pétrologiques, géochimiques et géochronologiques conduisent à distinguer deux unités principales dans le domaine interne : - l'unité supérieure de gneiss et micaschistes (P-Tmax : 8-12 kbar, 650-680°C) dont la déformation D1 est synchrone de la mise en place des nappes vers l'ENE; - l'unité inférieure dans la partie occidentale constituée de gneiss et migmatites (P-Tmax : 7-9 kbar, 700-750°C) affectés par une déformation polyphasée. L'étude géochronologique démontre l'existence de protolithes granitiques datés à ~2 Ga impliqués dans l'orogénèse pan africaine caractérisée par une histoire polyphasée entre 540 Ma pour le pic du métamorphisme syn-D1 et 480 Ma pour les dernières phases de recristallisation et d'exhumation des roches métamorphiques de haut grade. La synthèse des données permet ainsi de reconstruire précisément les deux chemins P-T-D-t de ces deux unités tectono-métamorphiques et de comparer ce segment panafricain à ceux présents de part et d'autre de l'Atlantique Sud. Ce travail témoigne de la complexité des processus géodynamiques de convergence amenant à l'assemblage du Gondwana impliquant à la fois de larges masses cratoniques et des microplaques intercalées entre ces masses. / This thesis is devoted to the study of the geodynamic evolution of the panafrican belt in NW Angola, lying on the western margin of the Congo craton. This orogenic belt, resulting from the late neoproterozoic – early paleozoic convergence of the São Francisco and Congo cratons, can be subdivided into two main domains: 1) an eastern foreland made of folded neoproterozoic sediments and 2) a western hinterland made of magmatic and metamorphic rocks. Our structural, petrological, geochemical and geochronological studies lead to the recognition of two main units within this hinterland : 1) an upper eastern unit made of gneiss and micaschists (P-Tmax : 8-12 kbar, 650-680°C) that preserves D1 deformation structures related to the ENE transport of nappes and 2) a western lower unit made of gneiss and migmatites (P-Tmax : 7-9 kbar, 700-750°C) that were affected by a polyphased deformation. Our geochronological study shows that this belt contains ~2Ga old granites that were involved in a polyphased panafrican evolution between 540 Ma for syn-D1 peak metamorphic conditions and 480 Ma for the last stages of recrystallization and exhumation of high grade rocks. The synthesis of all data leads to a precise reconstruction of P-T-D-t paths in both tectono-metamorphic units and to comparison of this panafrican belt with similar belts distributed on both sides of the Atlantic ocean. This work attests of the complexity of the geodynamic processes resulting in the Gondwana assembly and implying both large cratonic landmasses and intercalated microplates.

Míra deformačního propojení kůry a pláště během orogeneze / Strain coupling versus decoupling of mantle and crust during orogenesis

Kusbach, Vladimír January 2011 (has links)
Deformační interakce mezi horninami na významném rozhraní k·ra - litosférický pláš' je jedním z hlavních proces·, jejichž pochopení umožní lépe popsat termomechanické procesy probíhající hluboko v rozsáhlých pohořích a především chování kontinentálního pláště během kolize kontinentálních desek. Tato disertační práce obsahuje tři hlavní kapitoly, představující výsledky r·zných geologických metod, využitých při zkoumání p·vodu a deformačního chování peridotitových těles ve spodní k·ře Variského orogenu. První kapitola prezentuje závěry ze strukturní studie Mohelenského peridotitu a okolních granulit· z Náměštského granulitového masívu. Jako jedinou efektivní metodou pro studium vnitřní stavby peridotitu se kv·li rozsáhlé serpentinizaci ukázalo měření přednostní mřížkové orientace (EBSD). V serpentinizovaném peridotitu byly zjištěny dva odlišné olivínové skluzné systémy, jejichž distribuce společně s detailním strukturním mapováním v okolním Náměš'ském granulitovém masívu umožnily vysvětlit reologické chování peridotitového tělesa v prostředí kořene orogenu. V této kapiole jsme se pokusili vytvořit geotektonický model, který popisuje historii peridotitového tělesa v rámci mnoha fází tektonické historie orogenního kořenu. Ve druhé kapitole představujeme výsledky z analýzy serpentinizačních proces· v...

Reconstitution de l’évolution morpho-structurale et de la dynamique éruptive du massif du Cantal : relation avec la distribution spatio-temporelle du volcanisme du Massif Central (France) / Reconstruction of the morpho-structural evolution and the eruptive dynamics of the Cantal massif : ; relationship with the spatio-temporal evolution of the Massif Central volcanism (France)

Leibrandt, Sébastien 16 December 2011 (has links)
Le massif du Cantal, localisé dans la province volcanique Cénozoïque du Massif Central (France), est le plus grand complexe volcanique Miocène d’Europe. Il est majoritairement constitué de brèches volcanoclastiques qui lui confèrent des dimensions impressionnantes et une morphologie surbaissée. Des observations de terrain, couplées à des datations K-Ar, nous ont permis de reconstituer l’évolution morpho-structurale, la dynamique éruptive et l’histoire volcanique du massif. Après avoir contraint dans l’espace et dans le temps une séquence stratigraphique identique tout autour du massif, nous montrons qu’il existe des évidences chrono-stratigraphiques, structurales et géomorphologiques en faveur de la formation d’une caldeira centrale de 8 x 10 km il y a environ 8 Ma occupée par un lac. L’étude morphologique et sédimentologique de la principale unité bréchique du massif, le Grand Écoulement Bréchique, nous a conduit à le définir comme l’un des plus importants debris flow syn-éruptifs connus au monde dont nous estimons un volume de l’ordre de 100 km3. Nous proposons que cet écoulement résulte d’une éruption sous-lacustre intracaldeira majeure. L’interaction entre un magma juvénile et l’eau du lac de caldeira, selon un dynamisme surtseyen, a initié la formation du debris flow qui s’est propagé sur les pentes externes du volcan à 360° jusqu’à plus de 25 km de sa source. Cette étude ouvre des perspectives d’une part quant aux risques volcaniques liés aux éruptions sous-lacustres intracaldériques majeures, et d’autre part quant à la possibilité de reconstituer la morphologie passée de la source d’un écoulement bréchique volcanoclastique âgé de plusieurs Ma, par l’étude de son dépôt selon des critères sédimentologiques et morphologiques.Dans un deuxième temps, la combinaison de nouvelles datations K-Ar et d’observations de terrain nous ont permis de reconstituer l’histoire volcanique du plateau du Cézallier, siège de la plus jeune activité volcanique de France métropolitaine, du plateau de l’Aubrac, et également la chronologie du volcanisme le long du Sillon Houiller. Nous avons pu ainsi établir les relations spatio-temporelles entre le massif du Cantal et les provinces volcaniques adjacentes révélant le rôle important des fractures héritées de l’Hercynien pour la remontée des magmas. Nous confirmons ainsi une migration spatio-temporelle vers le nord du volcanisme en Auvergne. Finalement, l’acquisition au cours de ce travail de 47 nouveaux âges K-Ar de 12,8 Ma à 9 ka complète la chronologie du volcanisme du Massif Central en précisant sa distribution spatio-temporelle. / The Cantal massif, located in the French Cenozoic volcanic province, is the largest Miocene volcano in Europe. It is mainly composed of volcaniclastic breccias giving impressive dimensions and a shield-like morphology. Field observations, coupled with K-Ar datings, allowed us to reconstruct the morpho-structural evolution, the eruptive dynamics and the volcanic history of the massif. We first constrained a stratigraphic sequence which is identical all around the massif. Then, we show that it exists from chrono-stratigraphic, structural and geomorphologic evidences a 8 x 10 km central caldera ca. 8 Myrs ago occupied by a lake. The sedimentological and morphological study of the main breccia unit, the Large Breccia Flow, led us to define it as one of the largest syn-eruptive debris flow in the world. We estimate its volume at ca. 100 km3. We propose that this debris flow resulted from a major intracaldera lake eruption. The interaction between a juvenile magma and the water of the caldera lake, with a surteyan dynamics, initiated the debris flow that propagated on the external slopes of the volcano at 360° until 25 km from its source. This study opens outlets on one hand to volcanic hazards related to major intracaldera lake eruptions ; on the other hand, we show that it is possible to reconstruct the former source morphology of a several Myrs-old volcaniclastic breccia flow by studying the sedimentological and morphological criterion of its deposit.Furthermore, the combination of new K-Ar datings with field observations allowed us to reconstruct the volcanic history of the Cézallier plateau (site of the youngest volcanic activity in the continental France), of the Aubrac plateau, and also the volcanism along the Sillon Houiller. Consequently, we established the spatio-temporal relationships between the Cantal massif and the adjacent volcanic provinces, highlighting the important role of the Hercynian inherited fractures in the magmas ascent. We thus confirm the spatio-temporal migration toward the north in Auvergne. Finally, the acquisition of 47 new K-Ar ages ranging from 12.8 Ma to 9 ka conveys new time constraints on the chronology of Massif Central volcanism by precising its spatio-temporal distribution.

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