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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The behaviour of jacked concrete pipes during site installation

Norris, Paul January 1992 (has links)
While much money and effort has been spent by manufacturers and users of pipe jacking equipment to develop suitable techniques, this work appears to be the first to study the method at full scale, in a scientific research programme. It has involved monitoring a series of five pipe jacks during construction. In each case a heavily instrumented pipe was incorporated into the pipe string to measure pipe joint stresses, pipe and joint compressions and contact stresses between pipe and ground. Total jacking loads and movements of the pipe string were also measured and all results correlated with a detailed site log, full tunnel alignment surveys, and observed ground conditions. The success of the site monitoring has been highly dependent upon the development of a suitable instrumentation and data acquisition system in conjunction with appropriate site procedures for working in the restricted and physically demanding pipe jack environment without undue disruption to normal site operations. The build up of total jacking force is the result of highly complex soil-pipe interaction. The local interface stresses are essentially frictional in most ground conditions, and can be related to the shear strength of the ground. The problem is in determining the effective radial stresses which are affected by soil insitu stresses, stiffness and strength; groundwater conditions; rate of progress; pipeline misalignment and use of lubricants. Relations between pressure distributions at pipe joints and measured tunnel alignments are presented. That small angular deviations between successive pipes cause severe localisation of stresses on their ends is clearly demonstrated. Careful back analysis shows that the linear stress approach of the Concrete Pipe Association of Australia can adequately match the measured stresses and could be used by pipe manufacturers to provide design data on allowable jacking forces for pipes on the basis of pipe size, packer properties, concrete strength and angular alignment. It is also clear from the small pipe barrel stresses that improved packing materials would allow more of the potential strength of pipes to be achieved. Since relative angular than absolute deviations control transfer mechanisms between pipes, uncritical adherence to specifications based on absolute line and level is counter-productive.

Finite element studies of reinforced and unreinforced two-layer soil systems

Brocklehurst, Christopher Joseph January 1993 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to obtain an insight into the mechanisms by which a geosynthetic membrane influences the performance of a plane strain and an axisymmetric two-layer soil system, where the reinforcement is incorporated either into a layer of fill, or at the interface of a layer of fill overlying clay subgrade. New axisymmetric membrane and interface element formulations are developed and incorporated in to an existing large strain finite element code. A linear elastic model of behaviour is used for the membrane material and an elastic-perfectly frictional model, based on the Mohr-Coulomb yield function, is implemented for the interface. These new formulations both take account of large global displacement and rotation effects, although the interface element is constrained to small relative displacements, and are checked against small and large strain closed form test problems. The finite element equations are based on an Updated Lagrangian description of deformation. Plane strain finite element investigations into the significance of the resolution and relative size of the finite element mesh, and the differences between large and small strain analyses, are undertaken. For typical unreinforced and reinforced plane strain and axisymmetric two- layer soil systems a detailed analysis is presented of the soil displacements, strains, stresses, principal stress directions, mobilised fill friction angles and the stresses on the underside of the footing. A series of plane strain and some axisymmetric parametric studies of the various material properties is conducted, to assess the influences and relative importance of those variables to the performance of the two-layer soil system under monotonic loading. The study considers various reinforcement lengths and stiffnesses, fill depths and strengths, and different clay strengths. The mechanisms of reinforcement are identified through careful examination of the footing load-displacement response, the reinforcement tension and the stresses and displacements at the interfaces with the surrounding soil. A comparative study is also undertaken between the results obtained by the finite element model and those predicted by a plane strain and axisymmetric limit equilibrium design method. The effects of including a low friction membrane within an oil storage tank base, as secondary containment against oil leakage, are investigated by a series of axisymmetric finite element analyses.

A large displacement finite element analysis of a reinforced unpaved road

Burd, Harvey John January 1986 (has links)
A series of finite element predictions of the behaviour of a reinforced unpaved road consisting of a layer of fill compacted on top of a clay subgrade with rough, thin reinforcement placed at the interface, is described in this thesis. These numerical solutions are obtained using a large strain finite element formulation that is based on the displacement method, and are restricted to the case of plane strain, monotonic loading. Separate elements are used to model the soil and reinforcement. In the finite element formulation, an Eulerian description of deformation is adopted and the Jaumann stress rate is used in the soil constitutive equations. Elastic perfectly-plastic soil models are used which are based on the von Mises yield function for cohesive soil and the Matsuoka criterion for frictional material. Emphasis is placed on obtaining new closed form solutions to parts of calculations that are performed numerically in many existing finite element formulations. The solution algorithm is based on a "Modified Euler Scheme". The computer implementation of the formulation is checked against an extensive series of test problems with known closed form solutions. These include the analysis of finite deformation of a single element of material and the calculation of small strain collapse loads. Finite cavity expansion is also studied. This numerical formulation is used to perform back analyses of a series of reinforced unpaved road model tests. The reinforcement tensions, and the stresses at the interface with the surrounding soil, are calculated using the numerical model and discussed with a view to identifying the mechanisms of reinforcement. Two existing analytical design models of the reinforced unpaved road are described and critically reviewed in the light of the finite element results.

Investigations of suction caissons in dense sand

Byrne, Byron Walter January 2000 (has links)
Offshore structures are used in a variety of applications ranging from the traditional oil and gas extraction facilities to emerging renewable energy concepts. These structures must be secured to the seabed in an efficient and cost effective manner. A novel approach is to use shallow inverted buckets as foundations, installed by suction, in place of the more usual piles. These foundations lead to cost savings through reduction in materials and in time required for installation. It is necessary to determine how these foundations perform under typical offshore loading conditions so that design calculations may be developed. This thesis presents experimental data from a comprehensive series of investigations aimed at determining the important mechanisms to consider in the design of these shallow foundations for dense sand. Initially the long term loading behaviour (e.g. wind and current) was investigated by conducting three degree of freedom loading {V:M/2R:H} tests on a foundation embedded in dry sand. The results were interpreted through existing work-hardening plasticity theories. The analysis of the data has suggested a number of improved modelling features. Cyclic and transient tests, representing wave loading, were carried out on a foundation embedded in an oil saturated sand. The novel feature of the cyclic loading was that a 'pseudo-random' load history (based on the 'NewWave' theory) was used to represent realistic loading paths. Of particular interest was the tensile load capacity of the foundation. The results observed suggested that for tensile loading serviceability requirements rather than capacity may govern design. Under combined-load cyclic conditions the results indicated that conventional plasticity theory would not provide a sufficient description of response. A new theory, termed 'continuous hyperplasticity' was used, reproducing the results with impressive accuracy. Surprisingly, under the conditions investigated, loading rate was found to have a negligible effect on response.

The piezocone in lightly over consolidated clay

Nyirenda, Zedi Mesheck January 1989 (has links)
A laboratory experimental programme was carried out to investigate the behaviour of the piezocone in lightly over consolidated clay. The clay samples were prepared from reconstituted kaolin. The powdered form of this clay was mixed with water to form a slurry at a moisture content of approximately 120% under vacuum. The clay slurry was consolidated and then allowed to swell in chambers which were well instrumented. Penetration tests were carried out with two sizes of piezocones. The smaller piezocone had a cross sectional area of 1cm² with pore pressure measurement at the cone shoulder. The larger piezocone with a cross sectional area of 5cm² had pore pressure measurements at four locations. In addition to penetration testing, further information on the strength and consolidation characteristics of the test chamber samples was obtained form shear vane, restricted flow consolidation, flow pump permeability and consolidated undrained triaxial tests. The horizontal effective stress and the vertical stress ratio were found to influence the generated excess pore pressure at all four different locations on the piezocone shaft and the net tip resistance. This led to the establishment of direct correlations for the tip resistance factor Q with the coefficient for lateral earth pressure at rest Ko and the vertical effective stress ratio (OCR). Direct correlations for the excess pore pressure ratio at all four measuring positions with Ko and OCR were also established. Several methods of estimating over consolidation ratio were examined. One of the factors examined was Bq which was found to correlate poorly with OCR before tending asymptotically to a value of approximately 0.4. Other examples of factors which showed promising results as estimators of OCR were Bmi, the excess pore pressure ratio, and Q, the tip resistance factor. The excess pore pressures well behind the cone shoulder, which are partly generated by the shear stress in the area, showed promising correlations with the undrained shear strength. However, because correlations with pore pressure on the piezocone are dependent upon the position of the filter element, the particular results from this series may only be used for piezocones whose filter elements are at equivalent positions. The undrained strength ratio was also correlated with the tip resistance factor Q and the result was very promising for future interpretation of piezocone data.

A study of the cone-pressuremeter test in sand

Schnaid, Fernando January 1990 (has links)
The cone-pressuremeter is a new site investigation device which incorporates a pressuremeter behind a standard cone penetrometer tip. This dissertation is concerned with an understanding of the new device, and in particular the establishment of a detailed procedure to allow the test to be used to determine the engineering properties of cohesionless soils. A series of 34 calibration tests was performed, in which three cone-pressuremeter prototypes with cross-sectional areas corresponding to 15cm², 10cm² and 5cm² were used. The tests were carried out on cylindrical samples, enclosed in a chamber 1.0 m in diameter and 1.5 m in height. Stress controlled boundaries allowed independent control of vertical and horizontal stress in the range of 50 kPa to 300 kPa. A raining deposition technique was used to produce three sand densities, corresponding to loose, medium and dense samples. A programme of calibration was designed to provide an examination of the influence of relative density, stress level and stress ratio on cone-pressuremeter test data. Soil properties were related to the values of the limit pressure obtained from the pressuremeter test and the cone resistance values from the cone test. Empirical relationships were proposed for deriving density, friction angle and horizontal stress. Cone-pressuremeter tests were used for assessing directly the shear stiffness of the soil. A series of calibrations was needed to obtain the best possible estimation of the unload-reload shear modulus. Interpretation of the measured modulus was made by examining appropriate methods of calculating the modulus from unload-reload loops. Strain arm measurements and volume change measurements were compared. A method has been presented that allows the shear modulus values to be correlated to the relevant stress level acting around the pressuremeter during the test. The values of shear modulus obtained with the cone- pressuremeter were compatible with those obtained from the self-boring pressuremeter. An assessment of chamber size effects yielded useful information regarding the applicability of test correlations derived from calibration chambers to field problems. An additional study identified experimentally the influence of length to diameter ratio on the pressuremeter pressure-expansion curve.

The analysis of offshore foundations subjected to combined loading

Ngo-Tran, Cong Luan January 1996 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with four different types of offshore foundations, namely gravity foundations, jack-up foundations, the mudmats for piled jacket structures and caisson foundations for jacket structures. In most applications, these can be idealised as circular rigid foundations. Unlike onshore foundations, offshore foundations are subjected to large horizontal and moment loads. This research used the finite element method to examine the elastic behaviour and stability of circular footings under combined loading. Due to the circular shape of the footings and the combination of vertical, horizontal and moment loads, three dimensional finite element analysis was used. In-depth analyses of the elastic behaviour of circular footings under combined loading (V,H,M) were performed. The vertical stiffness coefficient was investigated using two dimensional axi-symmetric analyses whereas three dimensional analyses were used to examine the other coefficients. Different features of offshore foundations such as footing embedment and cone angle were taken into consideration. Based on the numerical results, a set of empirical expressions for elastic stiffness coefficient was derived. For footing stability calculations, large horizontal or moment loads can cause the footing to lose contact with the soil, or cause the footing to slide relative to the soil. In finite element analyses, this loss of contact and sliding are modelled by interface elements. A new zero-thickness iso-parametric interface element was formulated for both two and three dimensional analyses. An exact close formed solution for integration of the stress-strain relationship (for the two dimensional interface element) was found. The element is then used to explore footing stability. It was shown that by using a yield criteria which allows the interface to behave as either frictional or cohesive interface, depending upon the normal stress, numerical stability is achieved. The footing stability was examined by establishing the bearing capacity envelope. The envelopes for footings on undrained clays were established for surface flat strip footings and for surface flat circular footings. The effects of soil strength varying with depth, cone angle and embedment on the bearing capacity envelope were also investigated.

A model study of the end bearing capacity of piles in layered calcareous soils

Evans, Keith Martin January 1987 (has links)
The results of a series of over 120 model tests to study the end bearing capacity of piles in layered calcareous soils are described. The tests were carried out on samples enclosed in a cylindrical testing chamber, 450 mm diameter and 450 mm high, which allowed independent control of horizontal and vertical stress in the range 25 kPa to 500 kPa. The samples consisted of a loose, uncemented calcareous sand consisting predominantly of foraminifera and mollusc micro-organisms (D50 = 0.2 mm, calcium carbonate content 92%). Into this was built a layer of the same material artificially cemented by a gypsum plaster. The layer had similar properties to naturally cemented deposits, and layers with unconfirmed crushing strengths in the range 500 kPa to 4000 kPa have been prepared. All samples were tested dry. Closed end model piles of 16mm diameter were jacked at 0.1mm/s into the sample, and continuous profiles of end bearing capacity obtained during penetration. A parametric study has been carried out to examine the effects on the bearing capacity of stress level, K0, cemented layer thickness (0.5 pile diameters to 5.0 pile diameters) and layer strength. In addition, tests have been conducted with different pile geometry, multiple cemented layers, and using dynamic installation techniques. The study has identified ranges of parameters for which brittle failure of the cemented layer occurs (low stress levels and high layer strengths) and ranges where the failure is ductile (high stresses and low layer strengths). Characteristic patterns have been observed of the variation of end bearing with position as a layer is penetrated. Examination of the samples after testing has revealed details of failure mechanisms. Simple procedures are proposed for modelling the bearing capacity of such layered systems, and some implications of the results for design methods are discussed.

Compound shock waves and creep behaviour in sediment beds

Bartholomeeusen, Gert January 2003 (has links)
This research is a theoretical, experimental and numerical study of the one-dimensional deformation of suspensions. The study is focussed on the transition between sedimentation and consolidation, and creep during soil consolidation. In the literature, sedimentation, traditional large strain consolidation and creep are explored independently. The theory of sedimentation has been derived in parallel with the mathematical description of shock waves. The large strain consolidation theory of Gibson et al. (1981) has been adopted, and attention is given to the material properties of compressibility and permeability. Traditionally creep has been studied on thin samples, and a review is given to identify parallels with creep behaviour of the thick samples studied here. The experimental work was carried out in the laboratory using settling column tests. During the sedimentation stage, when the soil particles are fluid supported, shock waves were monitored and tracked by means of an X-ray absorption technique to allow for the calculation of experimental flux functions. Settling column experiments on different natural soils have been performed to study the consolidation behaviour by means of the measurement of pore water pressure and X-ray density measurements. An in-depth study of the development of effective stress has been performed to quantify the creep behaviour of the soils studied in a strain rate surface. The sedimentation equation is classified as a hyperbolic partial differential equation. In this kind of equation, discontinuities can propagate, and standard solution methods, eg finite differences, fail to give adequate results. For this reason codes have been developed using the finite volume method (FVM) to solve the sedimentation equation numerically. A standard numerical code has been developed for the solution of the large strain consolidation equation, while for the unified sedimentation-consolidation model the finite volume method (FVM) has been used. The shock waves monitored in the experiments are successfully predicted by the sedimentation model using experimentally derived flux functions. This study made it possible to formulate a physically and mathematically correct definition of the transition from sedimentation to consolidation. The strengths and weaknesses of the traditional large strain consolidation model have been identified by means of an international Class A prediction seminar. A new unified sedimentation-consolidation model is proposed using a flux function, a permeability relationship and a strain rate surface as material functions. Successful predictions of experiments have been performed, showing the transition from sedimentation to consolidation and the inclusion of creep.

The performance of soil reinforcement in bending and shear

Pedley, Martin John January 1990 (has links)
Previous experimental studies of soil-reinforcement interaction have generally concentrated on the effect of reinforcement working in axial tension; this study looks at reinforcement working in bending and shear. The experimental programme was carried out in a large scale direct shear apparatus able to contain a cubic soil sample of side 1m. A previous study showed that the apparatus required improvements to its boundaries. Modifications to the apparatus resulted in a significant improvement in the performance of the apparatus. The data being comparable with those from direct shearboxes with similar symmetrical boundary conditions. The effect of reinforcement in shear and bending was studied by varying the reinforcement cross section reinforcement orientation, method of installation, and the relative soil- reinforcement stiffness and strength. All tests were carried out on a well graded and uniform quartz sand. The reinforcement was typically mild steel circular bar. Data from tests on instrumented reinforcement bars allowed the distribution of lateral loading to be observed. This led to the development of a mathematical model for predicting the shear force available from reinforcement in soil. A comparison of this model with the test data and from data in the literature revealed it to provide an accurate upper estimate of reinforcement shear force are much greater than those required for axial force. The conclusions in this dissertation address much of the ambiguity over the use of soil reinforcement in shear and bending for soil nailing and dowelling design.

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