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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bewertung und Optimierung oberflächennaher Erdwärmekollektoren für verschiedene Lastfälle

Ramming, Klaus 10 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Oberflächennahe Erdwärmekollektoren, insbesondere horizontale Erdwärmekollektoren, stellen eine wirtschaftlich und energetisch sinnvolle Wärmequellenanlage für Wärmepumpen dar. Auf Grund mangelnder wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen in der Vergangenheit wurde deren Leistungsfähigkeit bisher jedoch kaum ausgenutzt. Des Weiteren fühlten sich die Planer bei der Auslegung oft unsicher, da es kaum verlässliche Auslegungsrichtlinien gab. In dieser Arbeit werden ein numerisches und ein analytisches Rechenmodell vorgestellt, mit denen Jahresverläufe der charakteristischen Soletemperaturen und der Eisbildung realitätsnah simuliert werden können. Mit Hilfe dieser Rechenmodelle wurde unter Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Bodentypen und Klimazonen die hydraulische und geometrische Auslegung anhand der Kriterien Energieeffizienz, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Betriebssicherheit und Umweltbeeinflussung bewertet, optimiert und Einsatzgrenzen klar ausgearbeitet. Daneben wurde auch die Auslegung für Kollektoren bei Spitzenlastnutzung und Sonderbauformen wie Grabenkollektoren und Erdwärmekörben untersucht.

Heat Flux Analysis of Deep Borehole Heat Exchangers

Randow, Jakob 11 February 2021 (has links)
In urban areas with limited space, deep borehole heat exchangers (DBHE) are coupled with ground source heat pump systems (GSHPS) to extract geothermal energy for building heating purposes. They can exploit more heat than common shallow systems. In this thesis, the open source software OpenGeoSys (OGS) has been utilized to analyse the long-term behavior and temperature evolution in and around single and multiple DBHEs. Moreover, an analysis to reduce the computation time has been applied. This way, the simulation time could be shortened by almost 75% by adjusting the tolerance of the non-linear solver and using an automatic time stepping in a first step. With larger element sizes, which still provide a sufficient result precision, the required duration could be shortened to less than 2% compared to the first method. Especially between the top and the bottom a layer size of 100 m is sufficient. The thickness around the top and bottom, however, should be small to avoid numerical inaccuracies. In the first years of operation most of the energy is extracted by the lower parts of the DBHE. Throughout the years, the contribution along the depth becomes more homogeneous and more soil is influenced. In summer, the top approximately 900 m are not contributing to the heat extraction but instead losing heat to the soil because of a low energy demand, which leads to high inflow temperatures. Considering the results of the in- and outflow temperature evolution, a single DBHE should be preferred over multiple systems. Nonetheless, those can multiply the extractable heat in a certain area and could be more economical.:List of Figures . . . v List of Tables . . . vii 1 Introduction . . . 1 2 Theoretical Background . . . 4 2.1 BHE equations . . . 5 2.2 Thermal Resistance . . . 6 2.3 Exchange Area . . . 10 2.4 Coefficient of Performance . . . 10 2.5 OpenGeoSys Pipe Network Feature . . . 12 3 Modeling Scenarios . . . 14 3.1 Model Setups . . . 15 3.2 Model Verification . . . 16 3.3 Model Environment . . . 20 3.4 Initial and Boundary Conditions . . . 22 3.5 Investigation on Computation Time Influences . . . 24 4 Results and Discussion . . . 30 4.1 In- and Outflow Temperature Evolution . . . 30 4.2 Energy Distribution . . . 34 4.3 Soil Heat Flux . . . 40 4.3.1 Winter in 2nd year . . . 41 4.3.2 Summer in 2nd year . . . 44 4.3.3 Winter in 30th year . . . 47 4.3.4 Summer in 30th year . . . 49 4.4 DBHE Heat Flux . . . 51 4.5 Soil Heat Flux in the Multiple DBHE Case . . . 55 4.5.1 Line Setup . . . 56 4.5.2 Square Setup . . . 61 4.6 Numerical Inaccuracies . . . 65 5 Conclusion . . . 68

Bewertung und Optimierung oberflächennaher Erdwärmekollektoren für verschiedene Lastfälle

Ramming, Klaus 24 July 2007 (has links)
Oberflächennahe Erdwärmekollektoren, insbesondere horizontale Erdwärmekollektoren, stellen eine wirtschaftlich und energetisch sinnvolle Wärmequellenanlage für Wärmepumpen dar. Auf Grund mangelnder wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen in der Vergangenheit wurde deren Leistungsfähigkeit bisher jedoch kaum ausgenutzt. Des Weiteren fühlten sich die Planer bei der Auslegung oft unsicher, da es kaum verlässliche Auslegungsrichtlinien gab. In dieser Arbeit werden ein numerisches und ein analytisches Rechenmodell vorgestellt, mit denen Jahresverläufe der charakteristischen Soletemperaturen und der Eisbildung realitätsnah simuliert werden können. Mit Hilfe dieser Rechenmodelle wurde unter Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Bodentypen und Klimazonen die hydraulische und geometrische Auslegung anhand der Kriterien Energieeffizienz, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Betriebssicherheit und Umweltbeeinflussung bewertet, optimiert und Einsatzgrenzen klar ausgearbeitet. Daneben wurde auch die Auslegung für Kollektoren bei Spitzenlastnutzung und Sonderbauformen wie Grabenkollektoren und Erdwärmekörben untersucht.

Contribution à l'étude de l'impact des anciens travaux miniers de charbon sur les eaux souterraines : application à la région d'Alès (Gard) / Contribution to the study of the impact of former mining works of coal on groundwater : application to the region of Alès (Gard)

Gairoard, Stéphanie 06 July 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse est une contribution à la connaissance des impacts, quantitatifs et qualitatifs, liés à la déprise minière de la région d’Alès. Le travail a consisté en l’analyse et l’interprétation de données quantitatives et qualitatives des eaux d’émergences des anciennes mines de charbon du bassin alésien afin de connaître la composition chimique des eaux d’émergences et de l’expliquer. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé des Analyses en Composantes Principales (ACP), des diagrammes de Piper et de Schoeller-Berkalov sur l’ensemble des émergences. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons réalisé une analyse de l’évolution temporelle des concentrations de chaque élément pour les émergences où les données sont disponibles. L’aspect quantitatif est étudié grâce à une synthèse des connaissances disponible sur le réservoir minier de Fontanes (géologie, répartition spatiale, données de pompage et de niveaux piézométriques). Certaines émergences présentent une qualité qui rend impossible leur rejet direct dans l’environnement et il est important dans cette situation de bien définir la masse d’eau concernée. Pour cela, nous avons élaboré un modèle hydrodynamique par automates séquentiels. Il est appliqué aux anciens travaux de Rochebelle-St-Martin, aboutissant à la détermination des paramètres perméabilité et épaisseur du réservoir par reconstitution du niveau piézométrique du réservoir tout en tenant compte d’un pompage encore maintenu dans l’exploitation. Cette modélisation permet de mieux connaître les paramètres définissant l’aquifère minier dans la perspective d’exploiter cette réserve. Ces eaux de mines présentent une qualité médiocre. A partir d’une meilleure connaissance hydrodynamique du système, obtenue par la modélisation, il devient possible de proposer une valorisation de cette eau par utilisation de ses calories en géothermie connaissant la géométrie du réservoir minier. Les anciennes exploitations minières sont à nouveau source d’énergie / This thesis is a contribution to the knowledge of the quantitative and qualitative impacts, linked to the abandonment of the mining works on Alès coal basin. This work consisted in analysis and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data on the waters outflows of former coal mines in order to determine the chemical composition of groundwaters outflows and the water chemistry. For that, we used principal component analysis, diagrams of Piper and Schoeller-Berkalov on all waters outflows. Secondly, we analyzed the temporal evolution of concentrations of each element for the waters outflows. The quantitative aspect is therefore considered by the synthesis of knowledge available on the mining reservoir of Fontanes (geology, spatial distribution, pumping data and piezometrics levels). Some groundwaters outflows have a quality that makes their direct discharge into the environment impossible and it is important, in this situation, to define the affected body of the water. For that, we have developed a hydrodynamical model by sequential automaton. It is applied to the former works of Rochebelle-St-Martin de Valgalgues leading to the determination of the parameters permeability and thickness of mining aquifer recovery of piezometric level of the reservoir while taking into account a pumping still maintained. This model will lead to a better comprehension of the parameters defining the aquifer in the mining perspective to exploit this reserve. The mine water has a poor quality. After a better knowledge obtained by a hydrodynamical modeling, it becomes realistic to propose a recovery of this water by use of its calories from geothermal and knowing the geometry of the tank mine

Viabilidade técnica e econômica do condicionamento geotérmico de edificações no Rio Grande do Sul / Technical and economic feasibility of geothermal conditioning of buildings in Rio Grande do Sul

Barcelos, Roberto Hubner January 2018 (has links)
O elevado consumo energético de edificações para o seu condicionamento térmico já é um dos maiores impactos ambientais da construção civil nos países desenvolvidos e, progressivamente, vem se tornando uma preocupação também nos países em desenvolvimento. Uma alternativa renovável relativamente recente, tanto para aquecimento como para resfriamento, são as bombas de calor geotérmicas (ground source heat pumps, GSHPs), que se valem da inércia térmica do solo para reduzir significativamente a demanda energética em relação ao ar. Apesar do seu grande potencial em reduzir o consumo de energia e as emissões de carbono, esta tecnologia ainda é quase inexistente na América Latina, não somente devido à falta de conhecimento ao seu respeito, mas também pela incerteza quanto à sua viabilidade frente a um custo inicial mais elevado. Embora existam muitas pesquisas sobre o funcionamento de GSHPs, grande parte do conhecimento prático quanto ao projeto, desempenho e viabilidade é baseada na experiência dos primeiros países onde a tecnologia começou a se tornar popular, e não pode ser assumida automaticamente como válida em outras situações sem uma avaliação prévia Estudos anteriores apontaram que o retorno econômico de GSHPs tende a ser maior em climas mais frios, enquanto a eficiência tende a ser maior em climas mais amenos, mas com sazonalidade. Por apresentar um bom balanço destas características, o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul apresenta potencial para um desempenho elevado de GSHPs. O objetivo deste trabalho é estimar os níveis de eficiência que esta tecnologia pode atingir em uma cidade de referência no Estado, assim como seu retorno econômico frente a ASHPs (air source heat pumps, ou seja, aparelhos de ar condicionado, ou A/C), seus limitantes e as dificuldades de projeto. Uma edificação unifamiliar residencial em Porto Alegre, projetada especialmente para estudos de sustentabilidade, foi utilizada como caso de estudo para o projeto conceitual completo de um GSHP vertical, um GSHP horizontal e um ASHP. Foram estimadas a demanda de energia e os custos de operação e de implantação para determinadas condições, que foram comparadas em um estudo de viabilidade econômica. Após, os resultados foram extrapolados por uma análise de sensitividade para condições mais genéricas de consumo. Através dos cálculos, observou-se que a tecnologia de GSHPs atingiu o dobro da eficiência dos A/C mais eficientes disponíveis para o caso de estudo. Economicamente, a tecnologia também se mostrou viável, e foram estimados limitantes econômicos a esta viabilidade. Por fim, o processo de projeto desenvolvido pode servir de auxílio a novos projetistas na área. / The high energy consumption in buildings for their thermal conditioning is already one of the greatest environmental impacts of civil construction in developed countries and, progressively, is also becoming a concern in the developing countries. A relatively recent renewable alternative, as much for heating as for cooling, are the ground source heat pumps, GSHPs, which take advantage of the thermal inertia of the ground to significantly decrease the energy demand comparing to air as a source. In spite of their huge potential for decreasing energy comsumption and carbon emissions, this technology is still almost inexistent in Latin America, due not only to lack of awareness, but mainly to uncertainties about their feasibility because of their higher investment cost. Although there are many researches about the characteristics and operation of GSHPs, great part of the practical knowledge as to the design, performance and feasibility is based in the experience from the first countries where the technology spreaded, and cannot be automatically assumed as valid without a previous evaluation. Former studies indicated that the economic profit of GSHPs tends to be higher in colder climates, while the efficiency tends to be higher in milder, but still seasonal climates. For presenting a good balance among these factors, the Rio Grande do Sul State shows potential for a high performance of GSHPs The objective of this work is to estimate the efficiency levels that can be reached by this technology in a reference city in the State, as its financial feedback compared to ASHPs (air source heat pumps, the traditional air conditioners, or A/C), its limitations and the design difficulties. A residential single-family building in Porto Alegre, specifically designed for sustainability studies, was used as case study for the complete conceptual design of a vertical GSHP, a horizontal GSHP and an ASHP. The energy demand and operation and installation costs for specific conditions were estimated and compared in a economic feasibility study. After, the results were extrapolated through a sensitivity analysis for more generic situations of consumption. Through the calculations, it was observed that the technology achieved twice the efficiency of the most efficient A/C available for the case study. Economically, the technology showed itself viable, and economic limitations were also estimated. At last, the developed design process can also serve as aid to new designers in the field.

Viabilidade técnica e econômica do condicionamento geotérmico de edificações no Rio Grande do Sul / Technical and economic feasibility of geothermal conditioning of buildings in Rio Grande do Sul

Barcelos, Roberto Hubner January 2018 (has links)
O elevado consumo energético de edificações para o seu condicionamento térmico já é um dos maiores impactos ambientais da construção civil nos países desenvolvidos e, progressivamente, vem se tornando uma preocupação também nos países em desenvolvimento. Uma alternativa renovável relativamente recente, tanto para aquecimento como para resfriamento, são as bombas de calor geotérmicas (ground source heat pumps, GSHPs), que se valem da inércia térmica do solo para reduzir significativamente a demanda energética em relação ao ar. Apesar do seu grande potencial em reduzir o consumo de energia e as emissões de carbono, esta tecnologia ainda é quase inexistente na América Latina, não somente devido à falta de conhecimento ao seu respeito, mas também pela incerteza quanto à sua viabilidade frente a um custo inicial mais elevado. Embora existam muitas pesquisas sobre o funcionamento de GSHPs, grande parte do conhecimento prático quanto ao projeto, desempenho e viabilidade é baseada na experiência dos primeiros países onde a tecnologia começou a se tornar popular, e não pode ser assumida automaticamente como válida em outras situações sem uma avaliação prévia Estudos anteriores apontaram que o retorno econômico de GSHPs tende a ser maior em climas mais frios, enquanto a eficiência tende a ser maior em climas mais amenos, mas com sazonalidade. Por apresentar um bom balanço destas características, o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul apresenta potencial para um desempenho elevado de GSHPs. O objetivo deste trabalho é estimar os níveis de eficiência que esta tecnologia pode atingir em uma cidade de referência no Estado, assim como seu retorno econômico frente a ASHPs (air source heat pumps, ou seja, aparelhos de ar condicionado, ou A/C), seus limitantes e as dificuldades de projeto. Uma edificação unifamiliar residencial em Porto Alegre, projetada especialmente para estudos de sustentabilidade, foi utilizada como caso de estudo para o projeto conceitual completo de um GSHP vertical, um GSHP horizontal e um ASHP. Foram estimadas a demanda de energia e os custos de operação e de implantação para determinadas condições, que foram comparadas em um estudo de viabilidade econômica. Após, os resultados foram extrapolados por uma análise de sensitividade para condições mais genéricas de consumo. Através dos cálculos, observou-se que a tecnologia de GSHPs atingiu o dobro da eficiência dos A/C mais eficientes disponíveis para o caso de estudo. Economicamente, a tecnologia também se mostrou viável, e foram estimados limitantes econômicos a esta viabilidade. Por fim, o processo de projeto desenvolvido pode servir de auxílio a novos projetistas na área. / The high energy consumption in buildings for their thermal conditioning is already one of the greatest environmental impacts of civil construction in developed countries and, progressively, is also becoming a concern in the developing countries. A relatively recent renewable alternative, as much for heating as for cooling, are the ground source heat pumps, GSHPs, which take advantage of the thermal inertia of the ground to significantly decrease the energy demand comparing to air as a source. In spite of their huge potential for decreasing energy comsumption and carbon emissions, this technology is still almost inexistent in Latin America, due not only to lack of awareness, but mainly to uncertainties about their feasibility because of their higher investment cost. Although there are many researches about the characteristics and operation of GSHPs, great part of the practical knowledge as to the design, performance and feasibility is based in the experience from the first countries where the technology spreaded, and cannot be automatically assumed as valid without a previous evaluation. Former studies indicated that the economic profit of GSHPs tends to be higher in colder climates, while the efficiency tends to be higher in milder, but still seasonal climates. For presenting a good balance among these factors, the Rio Grande do Sul State shows potential for a high performance of GSHPs The objective of this work is to estimate the efficiency levels that can be reached by this technology in a reference city in the State, as its financial feedback compared to ASHPs (air source heat pumps, the traditional air conditioners, or A/C), its limitations and the design difficulties. A residential single-family building in Porto Alegre, specifically designed for sustainability studies, was used as case study for the complete conceptual design of a vertical GSHP, a horizontal GSHP and an ASHP. The energy demand and operation and installation costs for specific conditions were estimated and compared in a economic feasibility study. After, the results were extrapolated through a sensitivity analysis for more generic situations of consumption. Through the calculations, it was observed that the technology achieved twice the efficiency of the most efficient A/C available for the case study. Economically, the technology showed itself viable, and economic limitations were also estimated. At last, the developed design process can also serve as aid to new designers in the field.

Viabilidade técnica e econômica do condicionamento geotérmico de edificações no Rio Grande do Sul / Technical and economic feasibility of geothermal conditioning of buildings in Rio Grande do Sul

Barcelos, Roberto Hubner January 2018 (has links)
O elevado consumo energético de edificações para o seu condicionamento térmico já é um dos maiores impactos ambientais da construção civil nos países desenvolvidos e, progressivamente, vem se tornando uma preocupação também nos países em desenvolvimento. Uma alternativa renovável relativamente recente, tanto para aquecimento como para resfriamento, são as bombas de calor geotérmicas (ground source heat pumps, GSHPs), que se valem da inércia térmica do solo para reduzir significativamente a demanda energética em relação ao ar. Apesar do seu grande potencial em reduzir o consumo de energia e as emissões de carbono, esta tecnologia ainda é quase inexistente na América Latina, não somente devido à falta de conhecimento ao seu respeito, mas também pela incerteza quanto à sua viabilidade frente a um custo inicial mais elevado. Embora existam muitas pesquisas sobre o funcionamento de GSHPs, grande parte do conhecimento prático quanto ao projeto, desempenho e viabilidade é baseada na experiência dos primeiros países onde a tecnologia começou a se tornar popular, e não pode ser assumida automaticamente como válida em outras situações sem uma avaliação prévia Estudos anteriores apontaram que o retorno econômico de GSHPs tende a ser maior em climas mais frios, enquanto a eficiência tende a ser maior em climas mais amenos, mas com sazonalidade. Por apresentar um bom balanço destas características, o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul apresenta potencial para um desempenho elevado de GSHPs. O objetivo deste trabalho é estimar os níveis de eficiência que esta tecnologia pode atingir em uma cidade de referência no Estado, assim como seu retorno econômico frente a ASHPs (air source heat pumps, ou seja, aparelhos de ar condicionado, ou A/C), seus limitantes e as dificuldades de projeto. Uma edificação unifamiliar residencial em Porto Alegre, projetada especialmente para estudos de sustentabilidade, foi utilizada como caso de estudo para o projeto conceitual completo de um GSHP vertical, um GSHP horizontal e um ASHP. Foram estimadas a demanda de energia e os custos de operação e de implantação para determinadas condições, que foram comparadas em um estudo de viabilidade econômica. Após, os resultados foram extrapolados por uma análise de sensitividade para condições mais genéricas de consumo. Através dos cálculos, observou-se que a tecnologia de GSHPs atingiu o dobro da eficiência dos A/C mais eficientes disponíveis para o caso de estudo. Economicamente, a tecnologia também se mostrou viável, e foram estimados limitantes econômicos a esta viabilidade. Por fim, o processo de projeto desenvolvido pode servir de auxílio a novos projetistas na área. / The high energy consumption in buildings for their thermal conditioning is already one of the greatest environmental impacts of civil construction in developed countries and, progressively, is also becoming a concern in the developing countries. A relatively recent renewable alternative, as much for heating as for cooling, are the ground source heat pumps, GSHPs, which take advantage of the thermal inertia of the ground to significantly decrease the energy demand comparing to air as a source. In spite of their huge potential for decreasing energy comsumption and carbon emissions, this technology is still almost inexistent in Latin America, due not only to lack of awareness, but mainly to uncertainties about their feasibility because of their higher investment cost. Although there are many researches about the characteristics and operation of GSHPs, great part of the practical knowledge as to the design, performance and feasibility is based in the experience from the first countries where the technology spreaded, and cannot be automatically assumed as valid without a previous evaluation. Former studies indicated that the economic profit of GSHPs tends to be higher in colder climates, while the efficiency tends to be higher in milder, but still seasonal climates. For presenting a good balance among these factors, the Rio Grande do Sul State shows potential for a high performance of GSHPs The objective of this work is to estimate the efficiency levels that can be reached by this technology in a reference city in the State, as its financial feedback compared to ASHPs (air source heat pumps, the traditional air conditioners, or A/C), its limitations and the design difficulties. A residential single-family building in Porto Alegre, specifically designed for sustainability studies, was used as case study for the complete conceptual design of a vertical GSHP, a horizontal GSHP and an ASHP. The energy demand and operation and installation costs for specific conditions were estimated and compared in a economic feasibility study. After, the results were extrapolated through a sensitivity analysis for more generic situations of consumption. Through the calculations, it was observed that the technology achieved twice the efficiency of the most efficient A/C available for the case study. Economically, the technology showed itself viable, and economic limitations were also estimated. At last, the developed design process can also serve as aid to new designers in the field.

Méthodes géodésiques appliquées à la géothermie et mesures de déformations locales dans le Fossé rhénan supérieur / Geodetic methods applied to geothermal monitoring and local deformation measurements in the Upper Rhine Graben

Heimlich, Christine 14 September 2016 (has links)
Le Fossé rhénan bénéficie de circulations naturelles d’eau géothermale, ce qui le rend propice à l’exploitation géothermique. Comment et où les fluides géothermaux circulent-ils ? Quels liens ont-ils avec la tectonique et la sismicité induite ? La géodésie spatiale pourrait-elle apporter de nouveaux éclairages à ces questionnements ? L’objectif de cette thèse est la réalisation d’un suivi géodésique des sites géothermiques de Soultz-sous-Forêts et de Rittershoffen (Alsace, France). Les observations permettent de faire un état des lieux des déplacements de surface des environs des sites pendant leur mise en place et apportent de nouvelles connaissances à l’échelle locale sur le Fossé rhénan supérieur. Les résultats majeurs concernent l’analyse des déformations observées à Landau (Rhénanie-Palatinat, Allemagne). Cette approche illustre également les complémentarités des méthodes géodésiques utilisées (InSAR, GNSS, nivellement). / The Upper Rhine Graben benefits of natural circulation of geothermal fluid, which makes it suitable for geothermal exploitation. How and where do geothermal fluids circulate? What are their links with induced seismicity and tectonics? Could geodesy provide new insigth to these questions ? The objective of this thesis is the realization of a geodetic monitoring at Soultz and Rittershoffen (Alsace, France) geothermal sites. The results are an inventory of nearby sites surface displacements during the implementation of the geothermal sites. They bring new knowledge locally on the Upper Rhine Graben. The main results are the analysis of deformations observed in Landau (Palatinat, Germany). This approach also reflects the complementarities of geodetic methods (InSAR, GNSS, levelling).

Modelling and experimental analysis of a geothermal ventilated foundation / Modélisation et étude expérimentale d'une fondation géothermique ventilée

Taurines, Kevin 26 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’analyse thermique et énergétique d’une fondation géothermique ventilée. A l’instar des échangeurs air-sol classiques (EAHE), celle-ci permet de rafraichir ou préchauffer selon la saison l’air destiné au renouvellement sanitaire des bâtiments. Face aux contraintes de rationalisation des consommations et aux exigences de confort thermique croissantes, ces systèmes passifs apparaissent comme étant prometteurs. Le principe de cette fondation est simple et similaire à celui des EAHE : faire circuler de l’air dans une conduite enterrée dans le sol (un à trois mètres) pour qu’il bénéficie - via convection - de l’inertie thermique du sol. La différence réside dans le fait que le canal dans lequel circule l’air n’est pas un tube en PVC ou aluminium mais fait partie intégrante de la structure du bâtiment, à savoir la fondation en béton armé. Ceci présente comme avantage majeur le gain de place lié à l’espace requis pour l’enfouissement des tuyaux. D’un point de vue thermique, la fondation échange non seulement de la chaleur avec le sol exposé aux sollicitations météorologiques mais aussi, et simultanément, aux sollicitations venant du bâtiment. De plus, la profondeur de la fondation – imposée par des raisons structurelles et économiques – est moindre que pour un EAHE traditionnel. Additionné au fait que le béton est poreux, la présence d’humidité peut fortement influencer la performance thermique de la fondation. Le présent travail propose donc d’étudier le comportement thermique complexe de cette fondation par deux approches. La première est expérimentale : un EHPAD équipé de deux fondations a été lourdement instrumenté et des données ont été accumulées sur plus d’un an. L’autre est numérique : deux modèles validés par comparaison avec les données expérimentales ont été développés. Le premier a vocation d’outil de dimensionnement, l’autre de compréhension fine des phénomènes physiques et prends en compte les transferts couplés de chaleur et de masse. / This thesis deals with the thermal and energy analysis of a geothermal ventilated fonudation. Similarly to earth-to-air heat exchangers (EAHE) this foundation enables, according to the season, to preheat or to cool down the air for the hygienic air change. Considering the energy consumption constraints and the buildings users thermal comfort desire, these systems appears to be relevant. The principle of this foundation is simple: to force the air to circulate in a hollowed beam buried into the ground (1 to 3m depth) so that it takes advantage - via convection - to the thermal inertia of the ground. The difference lays on the fact that the channel is not a plastic or aluminium pipe but it a part of the building structure, namely the reinforced concrete foundation. This induces a significant space gain, usually devoted to the pipe burying. From a thermal point of view, the foundation exchanges heat with both the soil beneath the building, and with the soil exposed to the weather thermal loads. Furthermore, the depth - imposed by structural and economical purposees - is lower than that of traditional EAHE. In addition to the fact that concrete is a porous material, the humidity content may strongly influence the thermal performance of the foundation. The current work thus proposes to study the complex thermal behaviour of this foundation in two ways. The first is experimental: an retirement home equipped with two foundation has been intensively instrumented and data recorded over more than one year. The other is numerical: two models validated against the experimental data have been developed. The first is intended to be a designing tool, the second a tool to allow a fine comprehension of the physical phenomenon and take into account coupled heat and moisture transfers.

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