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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model upotrebe otpadne staklene ambalaže kao sekundarne sirovine u proizvodnji blokova od gline / Model of waste glass containers using as secondary raw material in clay blocks production

Mirosavljević Zorica 15 March 2019 (has links)
<p>Istraživanje u okviru doktorske disertacije obuhvata analizu mogućnosti<br />primene reciklaže otpadnog ambalažnog stakla radi dobijanja novog<br />proizvoda. Sa ciljem iznalaženja potencijalnog rešenja za postojeći problem<br />u oblasti upravljanja otpadnom staklenom ambalažom u Srbiji i načina za<br />poboljšanje održivosti u oblasti industrijske proizvodnje, testirana je<br />upotreba drobljenog otpadnog stakla u formi praha, kao sekundarne sirovine<br />u proizvodnji blokova od gline u ciglani. U skladu sa dobijenim<br />eksperimentalnim rezultatima i zaključkom da je 30% optimalna masena<br />količina staklenog praha koja može da se meša sa glinom kod praktične<br />proizvodnje blokova dobrog kvaliteta, razvijen je model, baziran na podacima<br />koji se odnose na konkretan primer. Rezultati modela u okviru analize<br />uticaja procesa proizvodnje blokova sa staklenim reciklatom na životnu<br />sredinu, kao i rezultati analize uticaja na cenu proizvodnje blokova<br />upotrebom staklenog reciklata, predstavljaju značajan doprinos kompletnom<br />sprovedenom istraživanju i usmeravaju na dalji tok istraživanja u oblasti<br />upotrebe otpada kao resursa u industrijskoj proizvodnji.</p> / <p>The research within doctoral dissertation includes a possibility analysis of applying<br />waste glass containers recycling in the production of new product. In order to find a<br />potential solution for the existing problem in the waste glass container management<br />in Serbia and to find a way to improve sustainability in the field of industrial<br />production, the use of waste glass cullet in powder form as a secondary raw material<br />in the clay block production was tested. In accordance with the obtained<br />experimental results and the conclusion that 30 wt. % is the optimal glass cullet<br />amount which can be mixed with clay in the practical production of good quality<br />blocks, a model, based on data related to the concrete example, has been developed.<br />The results of environmental impact assessment of clay/glass blocks production and<br />its costs, represent a significant contribution for complete research and focus on a<br />further research course in the field of waste utilization as a resource in industrial<br />production.</p>

Aluminosilikati u ishrani pilića: biohemijski parametri iantitoksični efekti / Aluminosilicate in Chicken Nutrition: Biochemical Parameters and Antitoxic Effects

Prvulović Dejan 23 March 2012 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj Antitoksičnognutritiva(ATN), preparata na bazi prirodnih aluminosilikata,na biohemijske, fiziolo&scaron;ke, tehnolo&scaron;ke i proizvodne parametre uzgoja pilića. ATN je sme&scaron;a zeolita klinoptilolita, gline monmorilonita i male količine aktivnog uglja. Dodatak ovog preparata u hranivo za piliće u količini od 5 g/kg nije izazvao promene u normalnoj biohemijskoj i fiziolo&scaron;koj homeostazi životinja. Hematolo&scaron;ki parametri, koncentracija metabolita, elektrolita i aktivnost enzima seruma i jetre je bila u granicama referentnih vrednosti. ATN ne utiče na prirast životinja, ni na konverziju hrane, ali dovodi do povećanja relativnih masa pojedinih organa digestivnog trakta.</p><p>Uočava se da dodatkom ATN-a u hranivo dolazi do smanjenja količine masti a povećanja količine proteina u belom mesu. ATN takođe povećava i sadržaj pepela u<br />belom i crvenom mesu.</p><p>Akutni ili hronični tronedeljni oralni unos pojedinih toksikanata (mikotoksina aflatoksina B1i ohratoksina A, herbicida parakvata, jona olova ili toksina<br />cijanobakterija-mikrocistisa) dovodi do poremećaja normalne biohemijske i fiziolo&scaron;ke homeostaze pojedinih organa i tkiva pilića, &scaron;to je utvrđeno na osnovu rezultata hematolo&scaron;kih i biohemijskih analiza, određivanja enzima antioksidativne za&scaron;tite i lipidne&nbsp;<br />peroksidacije, kao i odredjivanja parametara uzgoja i težine organa. ATN, dodat u hranu u količini od 5 g/kg, mogao da bude dobar protektivni agens za delovanje aflatoksina, parakvata, jona te&scaron;kih metala i mikrocistisa, ali ne i ohratoksina.</p> / <p>This study investigated the effects of dietary supplementation with hydrated aluminosilicate (Antitoxic Nutrient-ATN), based on zeolitic ore (clinoptilolite), clay bentonite (montmorillonite),and small amounts of activated charcoal, on&nbsp; performance, hematological, serum, and liver biochemical parameters, as well as organ weights and meat quality in broiler chickens. The dietary addition of ATN has&nbsp; no adverse effects on serum and liver biochemical parameters and does not affect the normal physiological homeostasis of animals. However, the results of this study demonstrate that supplementation with 5 g/kg of ATN influenced organ weights, and chemical composition of broiler chicken meat.</p><p>This study also evaluated the effectiveness of ATN to protect broilers from adverse effects of five different toxic substances (mycotoxins aflatoxin B1, and ochratoxin A, herbicide paraquat, heavy metal ions supplied as lead-acetate, and microcystis, toxin of cyanobacteria). Toxic substances induced oxidative stress and disturb normal biochemical and physiological homeostasis of different tissues and organs in poultry. The results from this study demonstrate that the biochemical variables of serum, liver, kidney, lung and other organs were negatively affected by all five toxic substances. The additionof 5 g/kg of ATN was protective against aflatoxin B1, lead-acetate, paraquat and microcystis, but not against ochratoxin A.</p>

Strukturna i katalitička svojstva sintetičkih, termički aktiviranih Mg-Al-Fe anjonskih glina / Structural and catalytic properties of synthetic,thermally activated Mg-Al-Fe anionic clays

Vulić Tatjana 29 December 2006 (has links)
<p>Ispitivani su dvostruki slojeviti hidroksidi, LDH i me&scaron;oviti oksidi nastali njihovom<br />razgradnjom, sa različitim sadržajem Mg-Al-Fe i pro&scaron;irenom supstitucijom aluminijuma.<br />Koprecipitacione metode male i velike prezasićenosti odabrane su za sintezu LDH op&scaron;te<br />formule [Mg1<sub>-x </sub>M(III)<sub>x </sub>(OH)<sub>2</sub>](CO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>x/2</sub> &sdot; mH<sub>2</sub>O, gde M(III) pretstavlja Al i/ili Fe, a x udeo<br />trovalentnih anjona, x = M(III) / [M(II) + M(III)], variran u intervalu 0,15 &lt; x &lt; 0,7.<br />Katalizatori na bazi me&scaron;ovitih oksida sa gvožđem pogodni za upotrebu u redoks<br />reakcijama, formirani su nakon termičke aktivacije - razlaganja LDH. Izvr&scaron;ena je<br />karakterizacija me&scaron;ovitih oksida nastalih iz LDH, kao i netretiranih LDH, ispitivanjem<br />kristalne strukture (XRD), termičke stabilnosti (TG-DTA), teksture (adsorpcija N<sub>2</sub>), redoks<br />(H<sub>2</sub> TPR) i kiselo-baznih karakteristika (NH<sub>3</sub> TPD), a utvrđena je i priroda prisutnih vrsta<br />gvožđa (Moessbauer spektroskopija). Pokazano je kako metoda pripreme i obim<br />supstitucije M(III) jona utiču na strukturne, povr&scaron;inske i redoks karakteristike LDH i<br />njihovih me&scaron;ovitih oksida u korelaciji sa katalitičkim svojstvima u odabranim test<br />reakcijama (razgradnja N<sub>2</sub>O i redukcija sa NH<sub>3</sub>). Utvrđeno je da na katalitičku aktivnost<br />dominantno utiču redoks karakteristike i priroda vrste gvožđa u me&scaron;ovitom oksidu, ali<br />takođe i strukturne karakteristike polaznog LDH, pri čemu je povr&scaron;inska struktura aktivnih<br />centara intervalentnog Fe<sup>2+</sup>-Fe<sup>3+ </sup>gvožđa ključna za redoks procese ispitivanih reakcija.<br />Kod svih me&scaron;ovitih oksida dobijenih iz LDH aktivni centri imaju relativno jednake jačine,<br />dok razlike u katalitičkom pona&scaron;anju potiču od razlika u dostupnosti aktivnih centara.<br />Najbolje performanse u katalitičkim reakcijama pokazali su uzorci sa najmanjom<br />stabilno&scaron;ću inicijalnih LDH kod kojih je količina supstituisanih M(III) jona bila blizu<br />granice za inkorporaciju u LDH matricu (x = 0,5), a naročito uzorak sintetisan metodom<br />velike prezasićenosti sa malom količinom dodatne Al(OH)<sub>3</sub> faze.</p> / <p>Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) and derived mixed oxides with different Mg-Al-Fe content and extended aluminum substitution were investigated. High and low supersaturation precipitation methods were used for the synthesis of LDHs with general formula [Mg1<sub>-x</sub> M(III)<sub>x</sub> (OH)<sub>2</sub>](CO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>x/2</sub> &sdot; mH<sub>2</sub>O where M(III) presents Al and/or Fe and x the content of trivalent ions, x = M(III) / [M(II) + M(III)], varied between 0.15 &lt; x &lt; 0.7. Iron-containing mixed oxides, suitable as catalysts for redox reactions, were formed after thermal activation - decomposition of LDH. Both, LDHs and derived mixed oxides were characterized with respect to crystalline structure (XRD), thermal stability (TG-DTA), textural (N<sub>2</sub> adsorption), redox (H<sub>2</sub> TPR) and acid-base properties (NH<sub>3</sub> TPD) as well as the nature of the iron species (Moessbauer spectroscopy). It was demonstrated how preparation method and the extent of M(III) substitution influence the structure, surface and redox properties of LDHs and derived mixed oxides in correlation to catalytic properties in chosen test reactions (N<sub>2</sub>O decomposition and reduction with NH3). The catalytic behavior is mainly determined by the redox properties and the nature of the iron species in mixed oxides, but also by the structural properties of initial LDHs. It was confirmed that surface structure of intervalent Fe<sup>2+</sup>-Fe<sup>3+</sup> iron active sites is crucial for the redox processes in chosen reactions. The strength of active sites is similar for all mixed oxides derived from LDH, but the differences in catalytic behavior arise from the differences in active sites accessibility. The best catalytic results were obtained when the stability of the initial LDH matrix was lowest e.g. when the amount of substituted M(III) was near the limit for the incorporation into LDH matrix (x = 0.5), especially for the sample synthesized with high superasaturation method containing a small amount of additional Al(OH)<sub>3</sub> phase.</p>

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