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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nové trendy v monitoraci a kontrole glykémie v perioperačním období. / New trends in perioperative monitoring and glycaemic control.

Lipš, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Glycaemic control in critically ill patients has been a topic of considerable attention for the past 20 years. In literature and at scientific meetings, there have been ongoing debates regarding the efficacy of glycaemic control in these patients with frequently entirely opposite opinions. These range from a strict invasive approach with target glycaemia 4-6 mmol/l to a liberal approach tolerating even values higher than 12 mmol/l. In the preview of this PhD thesis we have analysed so far published literature and describe the reasons for this inconsistency. According to the results of recent studies, the most significant efficacy of tight glycaemic control has been observed in cardiac surgical patients. If we consider the concept of tight glycaemic control as efficient strategy, there are three important questions remaining unanswered as follow. Does the specific algorithm-protocol play a key part in the concept of tight glycaemic control alongside the knowledge and skills of nursing staff in safe and efficient blood glucose control? What is the ideal timing of starting the strategy of tight glycaemic control (TGC) in cardiac surgical patient? And is there any benefit in outcome respect to mortality or morbidity? Do we have any more safe and efficient option or add-on to standard perioperative...

Biochemické parametry energetického metabolismu v mozkomíšním moku u zánětlivých a nezánětlivých onemocnění CNS. / Biochemical parameters of energy metabolism in cerebrospinal fluid in inflammatory and non-inflammatory CNS diseases.

Bořecká, Klára January 2020 (has links)
The basic examination of the cerebrospinal fluid provides a quick orientation in the diagnostic algorithm of CNS diseases about the nature of the pathological process. The current evaluation of cytology and biochemical parameters of glucose metabolism reports about the cells present and at the same time about the level of their activation. The aim of the work was to investigate the relationship between biochemical and cytological findings in cerebrospinal fluid in a large data set (n = 8 178), or confirm the hypothesis of a significant alteration in the Coefficient of Energy Balance (CEB) in cytological classes typically accompanying oxidative burst of phagocytes. CEB was subjected to analysis and comparison with other energy parameters (lacto-glucose ratio, gluco-lactate ratio, concentration of lactate and glucose in cerebrospinal fluid). The relationships between blood and cerebrospinal fluid glucose and lactate concentrations were investigated. CEB values were statistically significantly different in cytological groups, which reflected purulent inflammation, tumor involvement or infection by potential intracellular pathogens, the hypothesis was confirmed. Other energy parameters excluding glycorrhachia distinguish these cytological groups as well as CEB. There are inaccuracies in the derivation...

Nízkosacharidová strava v léčbě diabetes mellitus 1. typu / Low-carbohydrate diet in diabetes mellitus type 1 treatment

Němečková, Monika January 2021 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is the influence of a low-carbohydrate diet on the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus. It is an autoimmune disease for which it is necessary for patients to administer insulin. The selection of suitable sports activities, good health and mental condition and, above all, the adjustment of eating habits also contribute to the successful compensation of diabetes. This work demonstrates a low-carbohydrate diet as one of the possibilities diabetics can eat. The work is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part briefly describes the disease and presents the recommended and a low- carbohydrate diet. The following section also addresses physical activity. It describes the issues of sports for people with diabetes who are on a regular diet, as well as on low-carbohydrate diet. The practical part shows the results of glucose sensors (Free Style Libre, Dexcom G6 and Medtronic), which continuously measure blood sugar levels. In the practical part, eight respondents with type 1 diabetes, who switched the recommended diet for a low-carbohydrate diet, were surveyed in the form of a questionnaire. The purpose of the questionnaire was to assess the effects of switching to a low- carbohydrate diet on: the compensation of diabetes; the frequency of...

Časná pooperační péče u pacienta s levostrannou mechanickou srdeční podporou HeartMate II / Early postoperative care of the patient with the left ventricular assist device HeartMate II

Malá, Irena January 2013 (has links)
Author's name: Bc. Irena Malá School: Charles university, Prague 1st Faculty of Medicine Institut of Theory and Practice of Nursing Vídeňská 800, 140 59 Prague 4 - Krč Program: Health Care Administration Title: Early postoperative care of the patient with the left ventricular assist device HeartMate II Diploma thesis supervisor: PhDr. Hocková Jana, PhD. Number of pages: 170 Number of attachments: 41 Year: 2013 Key words: early postoperative care, hypotermia, blood transfusion, fluid resuscitation, perioperative cardiovascular dysfunction, pharmacologic support, ventricular assist device HeartMateII, monitoration, device, cardiac arrhythmias, ventilation management, postoperative anticoagulation, glycemic kontrol, renal insufficiency, nutrition, nursing, complications, physiotherapy, psychological aspects The occurrence of the heart failure is similar to an epidemic with high mortality. This fact, together with stagnate or even decreasing number of suitable donors, led to a need of replacing the heart pump activity with an artificial one. Mechanical cardiac support systems are sophisticated devices that are able to support a certain period of time or completely replace the function of the heart as a pump. The indications implantation of mechanical cardiac support is significant symptomatic heart...

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