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Kan högt EQ skapa bättre förutsättningar för ledarskap? : En kvalitativ studie om hur självförtroende hos ledare påverkar relationshanteringEnglund, Fredrika, Liveroth, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Title: Can high EQ create better conditions for leadership? - A Qualitative Study of how Leaders’ Self-Awareness Impact Relationship Management Level: Student thesis, final assignment for the bachelor’s degree in business management Authors: Fredrika Englund and Elin Liverot Supervisors: Monika Wallmon and Svante Brunåker Date: 2020 - June Aim: The aim with this study is to increase the understanding about how leaders’ EQ in the form of self-awareness impacts on relationship management. Method: The study has been conducted through a qualitative approach with 10 semi-structured interviews based on the Harvard Professor, Daniel Goleman’s EQ-model. We used a comparative design to be able to apply comparison logic. With this design we compared the subcategories in relationship management to self-awareness that were of relevance for the study. Conclusions: We found that there is a correlation between the leader’s self-awareness and his/her ability to handle relationship management. Further we found that the eight subcategories to relationship management (develop others; influence; communication; conflict management; inspirational leadership; change catalyst; build bonds; teamwork and collaboration) influence leader in a larger or lesser extent. Also we could discern that certain leaders who had gotten a weaker self-awareness in a situation, still went on pursuing the task as a leader but with an attitude that it would not generate the same result as in a situation when the leader had a strong self-awareness. Contribution of the thesis: The contribution of the study is to increase the understanding for how the self-awareness of the leader have an impact on relationship management, and therefore should be something both organizations and leaders should be aware of since it has an impact on the business. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, EQ, Relationship Management, Self-Awareness, Leadership, Goleman
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Disseny, desenvolupament i avaluació d'un programa d'educació emocional en un centre educatiuObiols Soler, Meritxell 04 November 2005 (has links)
El sistema educatiu actual s'orienta vers la formació integral de l'alumne i l'educació per a la vida. Això implica atendre de manera equilibrada tant el desenvolupament cognitiu, tradicionalment l'aspecte predominant, com el desenvolupament emocional. Aquest últim ha esdevingut un terreny oblidat, bé per la poca rellevància donada fins ara a aquesta dimensió emocional, bé per la mateixa manca de formació del professorat.Segons Goleman (1995), les persones i la societat han posat en evidència les conseqüències d'aquest analfabetisme emocional (estrès, ansietat, depressió, violència, entre d'altres). L'educació emocional pretén oferir una resposta educativa a aquestes mancances, a part de repercutir directament en la millora de les relacions interpersonals, el clima de classe, la disciplina, el rendiment acadèmic, etc. Així doncs, es potencia la prevenció per evitar la reacció.Entenem per educació emocional un procés educatiu, continu i permanent, que pretén desenvolupar el coneixement sobre les pròpies emocions i les dels altres amb l'objecte de capacitar l'individu per a què adopti comportaments que tinguin present els principis de prevenció i desenvolupament humà (Bisquerra, 2000).La línia de recerca d'aquesta tesi doctoral presentarà l'educació emocional com a objecte d'estudi, mitjançant l'aplicació d'un model d'investigació consistent en el disseny, implantació i avaluació de programes basats en un marc teòric. El pla de treball estarà organitzat en dues parts fonamentals:La primera, suposarà tota la reflexió teòrica de l'anàlisi bibliogràfica i conceptual al voltant de tres temes d'estudi bàsics en la tesi: la funció i la conceptualització de l'educació emocional davant els reptes que ens presenta la realitat de la societat actual; la justificació del tractament de l'educació emocional a la primària i a la secundària obligatòria, des de les finalitats i els principis que orienten aquestes etapes educatives i les característiques dels seus plantejaments curriculars; i la formació del professorat com l'element clau i necessari per fer efectiva qualsevol estratègia en educació emocional.La segona part comprendrà la part empírica amb el disseny, la planificació, la posada en pràctica i l'avaluació del programa d'educació emocional dins l'acció tutorial del Col·legi La Salle Bonanova. A més a més, com que aplicarem un model avaluatiu col·laboratiu orientat al desenvolupament i la millora, també oferirem unes propostes optimitzadores del programa i la formació del professorat des d'una perspectiva crítica, com aportacions principals d'aquest treball.En aquesta recerca, l'anàlisi de la informació no té un caràcter terminal, sinó que constitueix el punt de partida per al plantejament de les propostes d'optimització, en dues direccions principals: respecte al contingut del programa, per adaptar-lo a la realitat de la primària i la secundària obligatòria, tot afavorint la institucionalització del canvi i per donar una resposta més congruent amb el model global de l'educació emocional; i pel que fa a la formació del professorat, per facilitar l'aplicació de l'educació emocional des d'un enfocament més crític, coherent amb l'esmentada proposta d'optimització del contingut.Per acabar, obrirem un capítol de reflexions finals i prospectiva que recollirà els elements més destacables i rellevants de la recerca realitzada, així com algunes derivacions i suggeriments per a la pràctica i possibles línies d'investigació futures. / The current educational framework is oriented both towards an integral system of instruction as well as towards providing students with an education in life-skills. Such an approach requires a balanced focus between the traditionally predominant area of development, cognitive development, and a less traditional area of development, emotional development. The area of emotional development constitutes previously overlooked terrain, perhaps due to the scant attention paid to date to the emotional dimension in general or perhaps due to the more specific fact that in the past it has not been an area of focus in training educators.According to Goleman (1995), the current state of the individual and society reveals the consequences of what we may refer to as emotional illiteracy in the form of such factors as stress, anxiety, depression, violence, and so on. The motivation behind the movement known as emotional education is to provide an educational response to these current and troubling issues at the societal level as well as to provide solutions for improving interpersonal relationships, classroom climate, disciplinary issues, academic results, and so on in the field of education. In other words, the focus is on empowering society and the individual to emphasize preventative measures and to avoid purely reactive responses.The concept of emotional education is understood to be a continuous and permanent educational process aimed at developing knowledge both of an individual's internal emotions as well as of external emotions, that is, those of other individuals, in order to enable each individual to adopt behaviors that reflect the principles of prevention and human development (Bisquerra, 2000).The research in this doctoral thesis is based on a theoretical framework which presents the concept of emotional education as a central theme consistent with a design, implementation and series of programs of evaluation. The thesis is organized in two sections.The first section consists of a review of the literature and includes theoretical and conceptual analyses of the following three basic topics of study:1. The conceptualization and role of emotional education as the field confronts the challenges presented by the reality of present day society.2. The justification of the systematic application of emotional education in primary and secondary schools as viewed through the objectives and principles that these educational levels are aimed towards and the characteristics of the curriculum design inherent to these educational levels.3. The training of educators as a vitally necessary element in the process of fomenting the basic principles of emotional education as an effective solution to improving the educational system.The second section is empirical in nature and is comprised of the design, implantation, implementation and evaluation of an emotional education program already in place at the "Collegi La Salle Bonanova" in Barcelona, Spain. In addition, and due to the fact that a collaborative system of evaluation, aimed at both development and improvement, is employed, a primary contribution of this doctoral thesis consists in providing recommendations on how to optimize proposals on emotional education programs and how such programs can best be used in training educators. The analysis provided herein is not conceived of as conclusive in nature, but rather as a point of departure for establishing a foundation for the optimization of proposals in two principal areas:(1) Proposals regarding program contents, the aim of which is to adapt said contents to the reality present in nationally mandated as obligatory primary and secondary school levels with the purpose of propounding the institutionalization of change and with the objective of providing a response more congruent in nature with today's global model of emotional education.(2) Proposals regarding the training of educators in order to facilitate the systematic application of the principles of emotional education from a more critical perspective and coherent with the proposal described herein for optimizing program content.The final chapter contains a summary of the thesis, conclusions and proposals for areas of future research.
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Implementing Change: How, Why, and When Teachers Change Their Classroom PracticesVan Bodegraven, Diane Beth 01 January 2015 (has links)
Teacher implementation of school reforms varies widely and often results in inconsistent student outcomes. Teachers adopt or resist change for complex reasons that are not fully understood. This qualitative study explored how veteran teachers described their experiences with school reform and changes in classroom practices that occurred over the course of their careers; it also examined factors that teachers identified as having positive and negative influences on their adoptions of change. The conceptual framework was based on Senge's systems theory as applied to learning organizations and Goleman's emotional intelligence theory. The research questions focused on: (a) How veteran teachers described their experiences with various school reforms and changes in classroom practices that have occurred over the course of their careers, and (b) What internal and external factors veteran teachers identified as having a positive or negative influence on their adoptions of change. Eight veteran K-12 public school teachers from a northeastern state were interviewed using a semi-structured, open-ended questionnaire. Data were analyzed using first and second level coding in order to identify emerging patterns and themes and discrepant data. Key findings indicated that the teachers who reported successful implementation of school reforms also reported that the internal factors of self-assessment, self-confidence, initiative, adaptability, and empathy, and the external factors of shared vision, team learning, and systems thinking were important to implementing change. When administrators supported teachers through quality professional development, adequate collaboration time, and respect for their professional judgment, participants embraced school reforms and changed their classroom practices.
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