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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ANDRE MURBACH MAIDL 14 October 2015 (has links)
[pt] Linguagens dinamicamente tipadas, tais como Lua, não usam tipos estáticos em favor de simplicidade e exibilidade, porque a ausência de tipos estáticos significa que programadores não precisam se preocupar em abstrair tipos que devem ser validados por um verificador de tipos. Por outro lado, linguagens estaticamente tipadas ajudam na detecção prévia de diversos bugs e também ajudam na estruturação de programas grandes. Tais pontos geralmente são vistos como duas vantagens que levam programadores a migrar de uma linguagem dinamicamente tipada para uma linguagem estaticamente tipada, quando os pequenos scripts deles evoluem para programas complexos. Sistemas de tipos opcionais nos permitem combinar tipagem dinâmica e estática na mesma linguagem, sem afetar a semântica original da linguagem, tornando mais fácil a evolução de código tipado dinamicamente para código tipado estaticamente. Desenvolver um sistema de tipos opcional para uma linguagem dinamicamente tipada é uma tarefa desafiadora, pois ele deve ser o mais natural possível para os programadores que já estão familiarizados com essa linguagem. Neste trabalho nós apresentamos e formalizamos Typed Lua, um sistema de tipos opcional para Lua, o qual introduz novas características para tipar estaticamente alguns idiomas e características de Lua. Embora Lua compartilhe várias características com outras linguagens dinamicamente tipadas, em particular JavaScript, Lua também possui várias características não usuais, as quais não estão presentes nos sistemas de tipos dessas linguagens. Essas características incluem funções com aridade flexível, atribuições múltiplas, funções que são sobrecarregadas no número de valores de retorno e a evolução incremental de registros e objetos. Nós discutimos como Typed Lua tipa estaticamente essas características e também discutimos nossas decisões de projeto. Finalmente, apresentamos uma avaliação de resultados, a qual obtivemos ao usar Typed Lua para tipar código Lua existente. / [en] Dynamically typed languages such as Lua avoid static types in favor of simplicity and exibility, because the absence of static types means that programmers do not need to bother with abstracting types that should be validated by a type checker. In contrast, statically typed languages provide the early detection of many bugs, and a better framework for structuring large programs. These are two advantages of static typing that may lead programmers to migrate from a dynamically typed to a statically typed language, when their simple scripts evolve into complex programs. Optional type systems allow combining dynamic and static typing in the same language, without affecting its original semantics, making easier this code evolution from dynamic to static typing. Designing an optional type system for a dynamically typed language is challenging, as it should feel natural to programmers that are already familiar with this language. In this work we present and formalize the design of Typed Lua, an optional type system for Lua that introduces novel features to statically type check some Lua idioms and features. Even though Lua shares several characteristics with other dynamically typed languages such as JavaScript, Lua also has several unusual features that are not present in the type system of these languages. These features include functions with exible arity, multiple assignment, functions that are overloaded on the number of return values, and the incremental evolution of record and object types. We discuss how Typed Lua handles these features and our design decisions. Finally, we present the evaluation results that we achieved while using Typed Lua to type existing Lua code.

Improving the efficiency and reliability of gradual typing

Allende Prieto, Esteban Armando January 2015 (has links)
Doctor en Ciencias, Mención Computación / Gradual Typing permite a un programador aplicar tipos estáticos a ciertas partes de un programa, dejando el resto dinámicamente tipeado. Sin embargo, esto viene con un costo en el rendimiento. Una razón es que el runtime tiene que realizar siempre un casteo en el borde entre tipos estáticos y dinámicos. Otra razón es que el borde puede ser creado accidentalmente. Esto también trae un efecto lateral de reducir la fiabilidad del código estático, porque ahora el programador no puede garantizar que su código no arrojará errores de tipo en tiempo de ejecución. En este trabajo de tesis, mejoramos el rendimiento y la fiabilidad de los programas gradualmente tipeados. Para esto, desarrollamos un lenguaje gradualmente tipeado, Gradualtalk, y luego presentamos dos novedosas ideas: hybrid strategy y Confined Gradual Typing. La hybrid strategy es una nueva forma de insertar los casts al invocar métodos que combina dos estrategias existentes, permitiendo obtener el mejor rendimiento de ambas. Validamos esta afirmación con benchmarks. Confined Gradual Typing refina gradual typing con anotaciones para prohibir explícitamente ciertos cruces de frontera entre el código estáticamente y dinámicamente tipeado. Nosotros desarrollamos formalmente dos variantes de CGT que capturan diferentes compromisos entre flexibilidad/garantías. Probamos que CGT es type sound y que las anotaciones ofrecen las garantías esperadas.

Metodologia para zoneamento de risco a inundações graduais

Righi, Eléia January 2016 (has links)
A gestão e gerenciamento de riscos naturais têm sido aprimorados à medida que as perdas associadas a desastres assumem proporções insustentáveis do ponto de vista socioeconômico. As inundações graduais são os desastres que mais provocam perdas materiais e humanas mundialmente. Assim, esse trabalho objetiva propor uma metodologia para zoneamento de risco a inundações graduais para áreas urbanas localizadas em grandes bacias hidrográficas. A aplicabilidade da sistemática proposta foi na área urbana do município de Uruguaiana. A metodologia foi estruturada primeiramente para definir os tempos de retorno, ou seja, os graus de perigo, através de modelos matemáticos. Na análise da vulnerabilidade incluíram-se parâmetros associados às características socioeconômicas, estrutura das edificações, infraestrutura urbana, doenças de veiculação hídrica e o impacto emocional. A combinação entre os graus de perigo a inundações e a vulnerabilidade, permitiu a construção de “Mapas de Risco”. Assim, foram gerados três níveis de perigo identificando-se 1664 edificações, dessas 857 possuem baixo padrão estrutural, sendo estruturalmente muito frágeis. Consequentemente as áreas com alta vulnerabilidade são predominantes envolvendo muitas residências de baixo padrão urbano, deficiência na infraestrutura urbana, um grande número de pessoas atingidas, aproximadamente 4300, e com uma baixa capacidade resiliente (baixa renda nominal). São os locais que mais impactam psicologicamente a população em pré-evento e pós-evento. A zona de média vulnerabilidade é pequena e concentra-se na parte Centro/Norte da área urbana, a faixa de baixa vulnerabilidade também ocupa uma pequena área e está distribuída por toda a zona de perigo, nela encontramos setores com uma renda média nominal superior a R$ 600,00, ultrapassando os R$ 2000,00. Apesar de possuir um numero significativo de pessoas afetadas (aproximadamente 1000) as condições das edificações e a renda permite uma total recuperação, mesmo em médio prazo. Em relação ao risco, assim como ocorreu na vulnerabilidade, na faixa de alto risco, encontram-se um total de 832 edificações, com aproximadamente 2900 pessoas, constituindo-se a maioria de residências de baixo padrão estrutural com um sistema de esgoto, água e drenagem pluvial inexistente e viário deficitário. A faixa de risco médio possui 490 edificações, dessas duas são para usos comerciais e três são institucionais, e possui em torno de 1500 pessoas. Nas áreas caracterizadas de baixo risco predominam edificações com médio e alto padrão construtivo, com 334 residências e aproximadamente 800 pessoas. Nesse sentido, o conhecimento teórico, técnico e prático sobre as áreas de perigo, vulnerabilidade e risco de inundações graduais é, indiscutivelmente, fundamental para o desenvolvimento de técnicas adequadas para estabelecer planos de proteção civil e programar sistemas de vigilância dos fenômenos e alerta a população de Uruguaiana. / The management of natural hazards have been enhanced as the losses associated with disasters assume unsustainable proportions of the socioeconomic point of view. Gradual floods are the disasters that cause material losses and more human world. Thus, this paper aims to propose a methodology for risk zoning the gradual flooding to urban areas located in large river basins. The applicability of the methodology proposed was in the urban area of the municipality of Uruguaiana. The methodology was first structured to set the return time, namely the degree of danger, by mathematical models. The vulnerability analysis included up parameters associated with socioeconomic characteristics, the structure of buildings, urban infrastructure, waterborne diseases and the emotional impact. The combination of the degrees of danger and vulnerability to floods, allowed the construction of "Risk Maps". Therefore, we generated three hazard levels identifying buildings in 1664, 857 of these have low structural pattern, being structurally very fragile. Consequently areas with high vulnerability are prevalent involving many low standard urban residences, deficiency in urban infrastructure, a large number of people affected, about 4300, and with a low resilient capacity (low nominal income). Are the places that most psychologically impacting the population in pre-event and post-event. The average vulnerability zone is small and focuses on the Center/North inner city, low vulnerability group also occupies a small area and is distributed throughout the danger zone, there we find sectors with an average nominal income above R$ 600,00, surpassing the R$ 2.000,00. Despite having a significant number of affected people (about 1000) the conditions of the buildings and the income allows a full recovery, even in the medium term. Regarding the risk, as occurred in vulnerability in high-risk group, there are a total of 832 buildings, with about 2900 people, constituting the majority of low structural pattern residences with a sewer system, water and nonexistent storm drainage and road deficit. The medium-risk group has 490 buildings, these two are for commercial uses and three are institutional, and has around 1500 people. Characterized in low-risk areas predominate buildings with medium and high construction standards, with 334 homes and approximately 800 people. In this sense, the theoretical, technical and practical knowledge about the areas of risk, vulnerability and risk of progressive flooding is arguably crucial to the development of appropriate techniques to establish civil protection plans and program of phenomena surveillance systems and alert the population Uruguaiana.

Recherche de motifs graduels et application aux données médicales / Gradual patterns extraction and application to health data

Di Jorio, Lisa 05 October 2010 (has links)
Avec le développement des nouvelles technologies d'analyse (comme par exemple les puces à ADN) et de gestion de l'information (augmentation des capacités de stockage), le domaine de la santé a particulièrement évolué ces dernières années. En effet, des techniques de plus en plus avancées et efficaces sont mises à disposition des chercheurs, et permettent une étude approfondie des paramètres génomiques intervenant dans des problèmes de santé divers (cancer, d'Alzheimer ...) ainsi que la mise en relation avec les paramètres cliniques. Parallèlement, l'évolution des capacités de stockage permet désormais d'accumuler la masse d'information générée par les diverses expériences menées. Ainsi, les avancées en terme de médecine et de prévention passent par l'analyse complète et pertinente de cette quantité de données. Le travail de cette thèse s'inscrit dans ce contexte médical. Nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressé à l'extraction automatique de motifs graduels, qui mettent en évidence des corrélations de variation entre attributs de la forme "plus un patient est âgé, moins ses souvenirs sont précis". Nous décrivons divers types de motifs graduels tels que les itemsets graduels, les itemset multidimensionnels graduels ou encore les motifs séquentiels graduels, ainsi que les sémantiques associées à ces motifs. Chacune de nos approches est testée sur un jeu de données synthétique et/ou réel. / With the raise of new biological technologies, as for example DNA chips, and IT technologies (e.g. storage capacities), health care domain has evolved through the last years. Indeed, new high technologies allow for the analysis of thousands of genomic parameters related to various deseases (as cancer, Alzheimer), and how to link them to clinical parameters. In parallel, storage evolutions enable nowadays researchers to gather a huge amount of data generated by biological experiments. This Ph.D thesis is strongly related to medical data mining. We tackle the problem of extracting gradual patterns of the form « the older a patient, the less his memories are accurate ». To handle different types of information, we propose to extract gradualness for an extensive range of patterns: gradual itemsets, gradual multidimensionnal itemsets, gradual sequencial patterns. Every contribution is experimented on a synthetic or real datasets.

Toyota Just In Time Production System Application In Steel Structure Industry-China Steel Structure Coperation

Lee, Chien-Cheng 21 May 2003 (has links)
There has been full of inefficiency and waste in current operation method of steel structure industries. This study hopes to utilize Toyota Just-in-time Production System for fabrication of steel structure to eliminate current each waste during the production process. The main purpose of this study is take case company as an example to discuss the following respects: 1.The current production process of steel structure industries. 2.The application of Toyota Just-in-time Production System in the steel structure fabrication. This study first introduces the framework of Toyota Just-in-time Production System to apprehend its spirit and then explains the concept and advantage of Toyota Just-in-time Production System explicitly. Also, this study compares Toyota Just-in-time Production System with current production method of steel structure industries. Second, according to the glancing of related document reference, this study discusses the application method and its profit for Toyota Just-in-time Production System in the manufacturing industries. As there are significant differences in structure or operation method between steel structure industries and manufacturing industries, thus this study utilizes gradual erection plan to match Toyota Just-in-time Production System during the period of fabrication process plan to eliminate the distinction between these two industries besides explaining the necessary rationalized operation when leading Toyota Just-in-time Production System in. Having visited the production line and made mutual communication with operation chief, this study has found the current problems existing in production management in case company. According to this discovery, this study uses bridge production line and built-up H section production line as pilot implementation to discuss the possible question and solution policy for Toyota Just-in-time Production System concept applied in steel structure fabrication so as to frame the procedures and criterion of Toyota Just-in-time Production System in fabrication of steel structure and also to evaluate its profit.

Carrier transport in optical-emitting and photodetecting devices based on carbon-nanotube field-effect transistors

Hsieh, Chi-Ti 21 May 2010 (has links)
A theory of the carrier transport, optical emission, and photoconductivity from optoelectronic devices based on ambipolar long-channel carbon-nanotube (CNT) field-effect transistors (FETs) is presented in this dissertation. In optical emitters based on ambipolar long-channel CNT FETs, an analytic diffusive-transport model for various recombination mechanisms is provided for the first time. The relationship and the scaling of emitted light-spot size and emitted optical power are clearly depicted for the first time as well. We also implement a numerical diffusive-transport approach for the light emission, in which the focus is on the effects of radiative and nonradiative recombination in the channel, with the movement of the spatial recombination profile in response to the gate and drain voltages. For the first time, we find that the emitted light-spot size and the emitted optical power depend sensitively on the operative nonradiative recombination mechanisms. We implement a numerical diffusive-transport approach including exciton photogeneration as well for photoconductors based on ambipolar long-channel CNT FETs with uniform and near-field photoexcitation. We show that the photocurrents are typically much smaller than the dark currents, and explain some possible reasons. Moreover, the exciton densities in CNTs are calculated and the effect of exciton diffusion is presented.

The Gradual of St. Yrieix in eleventh-century Aquitaine

Sherrill, William Manning 06 July 2011 (has links)
During the eleventh century the Aquitanian monastery of St. Yrieix, located forty kilometers south of Limoges, acquired a new gradual, a manuscript containing the liturgical Mass chants for the year. The Gradual of St. Yrieix, now at the Paris Bibliothèque Nationale (Pa903), includes both text and music, redacted with the musical notation typical of the region of Aquitaine. The objective of this research is to analyze Pa903 as a document of liturgical musical practice and as a participant in the historical events of its region and time. While the Gregorian chant repertory dominates the gradual, this dissertation addresses the neo-Gregorian chants of Pa903, composed in the period following the dissemination of Gregorian chant throughout Europe. These neo-Gregorian chants were open to the influence of the contemporary regional musical style and cultural traditions surrounding St. Yrieix. Chapter II reviews the backdrop of historical events surrounding Pa903, focusing on the reform and expansion at St. Yrieix and its transition from a monastery to a chapter of canons. The musical and liturgical characteristics of Pa903 (Chapter III) show that St. vii Yrieix favored its senior patron St. Martin of Tours and St. Aredius (its patron saint) above St. Martial of Limoges (a powerful neighbor) and presented in the gradual a community of saints with strong regional influence. Chapters IV and V analyze the concordances of antiphons, tropes, prosulas, prosas, and neo-Gregorian Mass chants of Pa903 with those of the Aquitanian graduals and other sources throughout Europe. The tropes of the Proper and Ordinary, the complete repertory of prosulas and prosas, and the neo-Gregorian Mass chants of Pa903 are collected together here for the first time outside of Pa903. The neo-Gregorian chants are found in the sanctoral, temporal, and the ritual Masses and include a group of chants that reflects textual and musical elements of the prior Gallican tradition. The chant repertory of the gradual also presents a subgroup of forty-nine antiphons, prosas, prosulas, and neo-Gregorian Mass chants found only in Pa903, documented here with musical examples. / text

Vienos išsigimstančios dalinių išvestinių diferencialinių lygčių sistemos sprendinių struktūros tyrimas / The research of solutions structure of one system of partial differential equations with gradual degeneration of row

Jankus, Arnoldas 29 January 2013 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėta išsigimstanti dalinių išvestinių diferencialinių lygčių sistema su laipsniniu eilės išsigimimu. Rasti sistemos sprendiniai yra analizinės funkcijos išsigimimo daugdarų taškų aplinkose. Sprendiniai išskleisti laipsninėmis eilutėmis, kintamojo pagal kurį išsigimsta sistemos eilė laipsniais. / In this work, there was analyzed the system of partial differential equations with gradual degeneration of row. There were found the solutions of analytical function in manifold point environments. The solutions are expanded by gradual lines, by variable where system number of degrees degenerates.

The graduale romanum : a comprehensive approach to chant restoration

Frecker, Kevin A. 24 January 2012 (has links)
The restoration of Gregorian chant throughout the nineteenth century culminated in the publication of new official Vatican chant books, particularly the Graduale Romanum of 1908. Major contributions were made by the monks at the abbey of Solesmes, who focused on the oldest available medieval manuscripts, and by scholars in the Cecilian movement, who favored sources compiled after the Middle Ages. These two viewpoints were fused into the Graduale Romanum to create a comprehensive historical perspective. To support this position, this thesis traces historical events and conflicts leading up to the publication of the Graduale Romanum. It also compares the Graduale Romanum with its most immediate source, the 1895 Liber Gradualis by Solesmes, focusing on the Propers of the four Sundays of Advent. Analysis of the differences between the two reveals that the Graduale Romanum closely resembles medieval manuscripts and reflects Renaissance and nineteenth-century sources to a limited degree. / The graduale romanum of 1908 : an exposition -- Toward a new edition of chant -- Graduale romanum and Liber gradualis compared -- Conclusions and proposals for further study. / School of Music

Um Estudo da evolução da GQT por meio do modelo de resposta gradual da teoria da resposta ao item

Oliveira, Kátia Michelle Matos de January 2010 (has links)
OLIVEIRA, Kátia Michelle Matos de. Um Estudo da Evolução da GQT por meio do modelo de resposta gradual da teoria da resposta ao item. 2010. 134f. Dissertação(Mestrado em Gestão Logística e Pesquisa Operacional)- Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós Graduação, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza,2010. / Submitted by Winne Gomes da Silva (winnegomez87@gmail.com) on 2012-06-08T14:29:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_dis_kmmoliveira.pdf: 2893670 bytes, checksum: 2eab8f070b3bb9e1c2b7e648d3416f20 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Nirlange Queiroz(nirlange@gmail.com) on 2012-07-06T12:42:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_dis_kmmoliveira.pdf: 2893670 bytes, checksum: 2eab8f070b3bb9e1c2b7e648d3416f20 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-06T12:42:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_dis_kmmoliveira.pdf: 2893670 bytes, checksum: 2eab8f070b3bb9e1c2b7e648d3416f20 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Aiming to evaluate the degree of maturity in the use of tools and techniques of Total Quality Management (TQM), and its evolution over the past 10 years, in the companies of transformation and construction of medium and large scale in the State of Ceara, this study used the Graded Response Model of Item Response Theory (IRT). This model was designed to examine responses graded and capable of ordinate. As a basis of comparison for possible evaluates in the maturity, it was used the work done by Alexander in 1999. The methodology used for collecting data was the quantitative survey, using a structured questionnaire in Likert scale with five response categories. The study used a model for assessment of maturity by creating a standardized measurement scale with the support of the IRT, whereby it became possible to compare and to check that there was a low evolution of maturity of organizations, especially taking into account the importance of quality as a competitive differential for maintenance companies in the global market. The scale constructed may serve as a basis to enable companies to identify potential practice has not implanted, allows, still monitoring their development level of maturity / Com o objetivo de avaliar o grau de maturidade, quanto à utilização de ferramentas e técnicas da Gestão pela Qualidade Total (GQT), e sua evolução nos últimos 10 anos, nas empresas de transformação e construção civil de portes médio e grande no Estado do Ceará, o presente trabalho utilizou o Modelo de Resposta Gradual da Teoria da Resposta ao Item (TRI). Este modelo foi projetado para analisar respostas graduadas e passíveis de ordenação. Como base de comparação para verificar uma possível evolução na maturidade, foi utilizado o trabalho realizado por Alexandre (1999). A metodologia empregada para a coleta de dados foi a pesquisa quantitativa, através de um questionário estruturado na escala de Likert com 5 categorias de resposta. O estudo utilizou o modelo de Resposta Gradual da TRI para avaliação da maturidade criando-se uma escala de medida padronizada, através do qual se tornou possível a comparação e a verificação de que houve uma evolução pouco significativa da maturidade das empresas, principalmente levando-se em conta a importância da qualidade como diferencial competitivo para a manutenção das empresas no mercado globalizado. A escala construída pode auxiliar na identificação de práticas não implantadas que poderiam melhorar a qualidade dos produtos.

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