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Reality set, socialization and linguistic convergenceScollon, Suzanne B. K January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1982. / Bibliography: leaves 216-224. / Microfiche. / xiii, 224 leaves, bound 29 cm
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A study of Korean conjunctive verbal suffixes: towards a theory of morphopragmaticsChun, Chong-Hoon, School of Modern Language Studies, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to gain a deep understanding of the meanings of Korean conjunctive verbal suffixes from a pragmatic viewpoint, using real, not constructed data. In order to attain the purpose, this thesis conducts an in-depth analysis of the nature of the meanings, and the use, of six Korean conjunctive verbal suffixes: -ko, -nuntey, -nikka, -se, -ciman, and -to. The term the use refers to the truth-functionality of suffixes, i.e., whether they conjoin or disjoin the two propositions, which are recovered from two segments, truth-functionally. The data are obtained from 360 minutes of audio-taped Korean natural conversations. It adopts as its reasoning tool four major pragmatic theories - Gricean theory, neo-Gricean theory, Relevance Theory, and Default Semantics. However, it does not use the data to compare the four theories. The thesis emphasises how to elucidate the meanings of Korean conjunctive verbal suffixes that modern pragmatic theories cannot neatly explain. In Chapter 1 previous approaches on the six suffixes are analysed. It is pointed out that while these studies correctly equate the meanings of a given suffix with propositional relations that obtain between the two segments (linked by the suffix), they fail to see the importance of the use of the suffix. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the four pragmatic theories. The focus is on strengths and weaknesses of the four theories. In Chapter 3, we introduce propositional relations and the notions of encoding and inferred. What is meant by conjoining and disjoining truth-conditionally is also explained. Chapter 4 specifies the data. In Chapter 5, propositional relations between two propositions which are recovered from two conjoined segments are characterised. Chapter 6 applies the scope test to meanings of the six suffixes and distinguishes encoded and inferred meanings. It discusses encoded meanings of the six suffixes, which conjoin the two propositions truth-functionally, and discusses inferred meanings of only four of the six suffixes, which disjoin the two propositions truthfunctionally. In Chapter 7, we discuss the nature of the meanings of the six suffixes from two theoretical angles, Relevance Theory and Default Semantics, and in particular we argue against a unitary procedure hypothesis. Chapter 8 concludes the thesis and also includes suggestions for future studies.
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Tonkawa, Sundanese, and Kasem--some problems in generative phonology.Phelps, Elaine Farkas. January 1973 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington. / Bibliography: l. [319]-323.
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The best imperative approach to deontic discourseSuzuki, Makoto, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2007. / Full text release at OhioLINK's ETD Center delayed at author's request
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Syllable weight : phonetics, phonology, typology /Gordon, Matthew Kelly. January 1900 (has links)
Univ. of California Los Angeles, Diss.--Los Angeles, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 367-402) and index.
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Linguistic clues : the foreign language learner's use of sortal classifiers and morphological cues in Mandarin Chinese /Wilson, Jennifer Lynn. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Honors)--College of William and Mary, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 52).
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Two-level morphology a general computational model for word-form recognition and production /Koskenniemi, Kimmo. January 1983 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--University of Helsinki, 1984. / Added thesis t.p. inserted. Includes bibliographical references (p. 138-144).
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Quaestionum Plautinarum de verbo substantivo specimenOlsen, Waldemar, January 1884 (has links)
Inaug.-diss.--Greifswald. / Cover title. Vita. Filmed with: Walter, K. / Emendationum in Sophoclis fabulas specimen -- Wandinger, C. / Pomponiana Graecina : Tac. Ann. XIII. 32 -- Walther, G.H. / Observationum in C. Cornelii Taciti opera conscriptarum specimen alterum -- Warren, M. / On the enclitic ne in early Latin -- Wasmansdorff, E. / Luciani scripta ea, quae ad Menippum spectant, inter se comparantur et diiudicantur -- Zellmer, W. / De lege Plautia quae fuit de vi -- Zijnen, F.B.J.S. / Specimen historico-philosophum, quo Plutarchi de nonnullis Chrysippi placitis judicium examinatur -- Waldfogl, C. / Ueber den Platonischen Dialog der Sophist oder vom Sein -- Waller, W. / Excursus criticus in P. Papinii Statii Silvas -- Wallinder, J. / De statu plebejorum Romanorum ante primam in montem sacrum secessionem quaestiones -- Wallrafen, W. / Einrichtung und kommunale Entwicklung der rm̲ischen Provinz Lusitanien -- Walther, E. / De dativi instrumentalis usu Homerico -- Walther, F. / Studien zu Tacitus und Curtius -- Widmann, H. / De Gaio Vettio Aquilino Iuvenco carminis evangelici poeta et Vergilii imitatore -- Werner, J. / Quaestiones Babrianae -- Wernicke, J.C. / De Pausaniae Periegetae studiis Herodoteis -- Wessig, H. / De aetate et auctore Philopatridis dialogi -- Wetzell, C. / De usu verbi substantivi Tacitino -- Werder, C.F. / De Platonis Parmenide -- Stamer, A. / Engkuklios paideia in dem Urteil der griechischen Philosophenschulen -- Sexauer, H. / Sprachgebrauch des Romanschriftstellers Achilles Tatius -- Stamkart, J.A. / Specimen litterarium inaugurale exhibens commentarium in Plauti Mostellarium -- Seibel, M. / Klage um Hektor im letzten Buche der Ilias -- Siegismund, A.J. / Quaestionum de metathesi Graeca particula I -- Tanzmann, J.J. / De C. Plinii Caecilii Secundi vita ingenio moribus quaestio -- Teetz, F. / Beitrg̃e zur Rhythmopoiie des Sophokles ... -- Siemering, F.O. / Quaestionum Lucretianarum particula I et II -- Thedinga, F. / De Numenio philosopho Platonico -- Theissen, W. / De Sallustii, Livii, Taciti digressionibus -- Schemann, L. / De legionum per alterum bellum Punicum historia quae investigari posse videantur -- Natorp, P. / Quos auctores in ultimis Belli Peloponnesiaci annis describendis secuti sint Diodorus Plutarchus Cornelius Iustinus -- Partsch, J.F.M. / Darstellung Europa's in dem geographischen Werke des Agrippa. Includes bibliographical references.
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On the interaction between aspect and arbitrary null objects : evidence from Spanish /Salome, Margaret. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1996. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [113]-115).
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The Yunnanese Chinese phonology /Panchai Poonwathu, Wanna Tienmee, January 1984 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A. (Linguistics))--Mahidol University, 1984.
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