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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of shallow gas development on relative abundances of grassland songbirds in a mixed-grass prairie

Rodgers, Jennifer Anne 02 August 2013 (has links)
Grassland bird species have declined more than birds of any other region in North America, and industrial development may exert additional pressure on these species. I evaluated the effects of natural gas infrastructure on the relative abundances of grassland songbirds in southeastern Alberta, Canada using point counts at sites with well densities ranging from 0 to 20 per 1×1 mile. Generalized Linear Mixed Models were used to evaluate effects of infrastructure on birds, and parsimonious models were selected using Akaike’s Information Criterion. Vegetation near infrastructure was shorter and sparser than locations farther away, but was unlikely to have driven responses to infrastructure by birds. Gas wells may have acted as “artificial shrubs” attracting species such as vesper sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) and western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) that use vegetation for perching, while other species, such as Sprague’s pipit (Anthus spragueii) and chestnut-collared longspur (Calcarius ornatus), had higher abundances farther from wells.

Effects of shallow gas development on relative abundances of grassland songbirds in a mixed-grass prairie

Rodgers, Jennifer Anne 02 August 2013 (has links)
Grassland bird species have declined more than birds of any other region in North America, and industrial development may exert additional pressure on these species. I evaluated the effects of natural gas infrastructure on the relative abundances of grassland songbirds in southeastern Alberta, Canada using point counts at sites with well densities ranging from 0 to 20 per 1×1 mile. Generalized Linear Mixed Models were used to evaluate effects of infrastructure on birds, and parsimonious models were selected using Akaike’s Information Criterion. Vegetation near infrastructure was shorter and sparser than locations farther away, but was unlikely to have driven responses to infrastructure by birds. Gas wells may have acted as “artificial shrubs” attracting species such as vesper sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) and western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) that use vegetation for perching, while other species, such as Sprague’s pipit (Anthus spragueii) and chestnut-collared longspur (Calcarius ornatus), had higher abundances farther from wells.

The Effects of Conventional Oil Wells and Associated Infrastructure on the Abundances of Five Grassland Songbird Species in Alberta’s Mixed-grass Prairie

Nenninger, Heather R. 31 August 2016 (has links)
Although grassland bird populations have steadily declined, little research has examined the effect of oil infrastructure on abundances of grassland songbirds. Even less research has identified mechanisms that explain observed effects. To evaluate this, I sampled abundance of 5 songbird species at oil well sites with different pump mechanisms, power sources, and activity levels; I also evaluated the effects of perch and road density and exotic vegetation, all of which are associated with oil development. Both Baird’s sparrows (Ammodramus bairdii) and Sprague’s pipits (Anthus spragueii) had lower abundances at all sites that contained oil infrastructure. The other 3 species, chestnut-collared longspurs (Calcarius ornatus), western meadowlarks (Sturnella neglecta), and Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis), were relatively unaffected by oil wells, linear features, or exotic vegetation. Given that oil well sites negatively affected two species of concern, more research is needed to determine mitigation strategies. / October 2016

Effects of past grazing management on songbirds and plants in rested pastures: the potential for grazing management to influence habitat in the landscape following livestock exclusion

Fischer, Samantha 20 September 2016 (has links)
Grasslands are the most threatened terrestrial ecosystem in the world, and as they decline the species that depend on them also decline. Variable stocking rates and resting rangeland could be used by range managers to manipulate plant cover and create wildlife habitat. I used generalized linear mixed-models to evaluate how effects of rest on vegetation and songbirds varied based stocking rates previously applied from 2006-2014 in Grasslands National Park, Canada. My results indicate, in the mixed-grass prairie, succession is retrogressive following rest, and both vegetation and songbirds are resilient to grazing. Recovery of songbirds was linked to the recovery of habitat structure. Songbirds with flexible habitat requirements, such as Savannah and grasshopper sparrows, responded rapidly to livestock exclusion. The retrogressive nature of succession in mixed-grass prairie offers managers an opportunity to take chances when attempting to create wildlife habitat with livestock grazing, as risk of irreversible change is relatively low. / October 2016

Role of landscape composition and geographical location on breeding philopatry in grassland passerines : a stable isotope approach

Brewster, Katherine Rose 01 April 2009
Grassland bird populations in North America are in steady decline. Despite declining faster and more consistently than any other group of birds, grassland songbird populations are relatively understudied and little is known about factors driving breeding-site philopatry and dispersal. Landscape and habitat composition may influence fidelity of grassland songbirds to a breeding area. As predicted by the theory of the <i>Ideal Free Distribution</i>, high-quality sites are likely to have a higher percentage of return breeders than low-quality sites because higher quality sites should have more or better-quality resources birds need for improved fitness. Using stable hydrogen isotope (äD) analysis, I approximated minimum fidelity rates of two grassland songbirds to two landscape (grass- vs crop-dominated landscapes) and two habitat (native grass vs planted grass) types. I hypothesized that grassland songbirds would return more readily to higher quality sites. For Spragues Pipit (<i>Anthus spragueii</i>), a habitat specialist, this would mean returning more readily to native grass habitat in grass dominated landscapes. I expected no difference in return rate of Savannah Sparrow (<i>Passerculus sandwichensis</i>), a habitat generalist, to either habitat or landscape. However, I found that the proportion of non-returning breeders was not influenced by landscape or habitat for either species. Furthermore, I examined attributes (distance from capture point to nearest crop and to the nearest road, as well as the percentage of native grass, planted grass, water and woody vegetation within landscape and territory buffers around the capture point) of the landscape and territory of each individual to determine if specific landscape or territory characteristics influenced their return rate to a breeding area. Neither species showed an affinity or aversion to any of the landscape or territory characteristics considered.<p> At a larger scale, geographical position within the breeding range may influence dispersal rates of migratory songbirds. Given that environmental factors often change in a clinal manner, central populations presumably experience the most favorable environmental conditions and peripheral populations the least favorable. Therefore, geographically peripheral locations likely occur in ecologically marginal or stressful conditions, resulting in higher dispersal rates of migratory birds. I examined the differences in dispersal rates of two grassland songbirds at two geographically distinct locations; one centrally located in the Spragues Pipit breeding range (Last Mountain Lake area, SK, Canada) and one at the periphery (Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge, MT, USA). As expected, Spragues Pipits at the Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge had a significantly larger dispersal rate than at the Last Mountain Lake area. Savannah Sparrow dispersal rates did not differ between locations at the more conservative outlier classification. These results provide some limited evidence that geographical position within the breeding range can influence dispersal rates.<p> Using äD analysis, I found that local amount-weighted growing-season deuterium in precipitation (äDp) at locations within grassland ecosystems differed from those long-term (45+ year) models described by stable hydrogen isotope ratio basemaps, illustrated in Hobson and Wassenaar (1997), Meehan et al. (2004) and Bowen et al. (2005). Therefore, I describe how äDp values were corrected from the long-term isoscape value predicted by Bowen et al. (2005). This method of determining year-specific local weighted growing-season äDp is an improvement upon the currently used Bowen et al. (2005) isoscape that is based on long-term precipitation patterns. To improve assignment of individuals to origins based on their äDf values, future research should incorporate year-to-year variation by applying year-specific corrections to the Bowen et al. (2005) isoscape.<p> More research is needed to determine the factors affecting the philopatry and dispersal of grassland songbirds in order to conserve them.

Role of landscape composition and geographical location on breeding philopatry in grassland passerines : a stable isotope approach

Brewster, Katherine Rose 01 April 2009 (has links)
Grassland bird populations in North America are in steady decline. Despite declining faster and more consistently than any other group of birds, grassland songbird populations are relatively understudied and little is known about factors driving breeding-site philopatry and dispersal. Landscape and habitat composition may influence fidelity of grassland songbirds to a breeding area. As predicted by the theory of the <i>Ideal Free Distribution</i>, high-quality sites are likely to have a higher percentage of return breeders than low-quality sites because higher quality sites should have more or better-quality resources birds need for improved fitness. Using stable hydrogen isotope (äD) analysis, I approximated minimum fidelity rates of two grassland songbirds to two landscape (grass- vs crop-dominated landscapes) and two habitat (native grass vs planted grass) types. I hypothesized that grassland songbirds would return more readily to higher quality sites. For Spragues Pipit (<i>Anthus spragueii</i>), a habitat specialist, this would mean returning more readily to native grass habitat in grass dominated landscapes. I expected no difference in return rate of Savannah Sparrow (<i>Passerculus sandwichensis</i>), a habitat generalist, to either habitat or landscape. However, I found that the proportion of non-returning breeders was not influenced by landscape or habitat for either species. Furthermore, I examined attributes (distance from capture point to nearest crop and to the nearest road, as well as the percentage of native grass, planted grass, water and woody vegetation within landscape and territory buffers around the capture point) of the landscape and territory of each individual to determine if specific landscape or territory characteristics influenced their return rate to a breeding area. Neither species showed an affinity or aversion to any of the landscape or territory characteristics considered.<p> At a larger scale, geographical position within the breeding range may influence dispersal rates of migratory songbirds. Given that environmental factors often change in a clinal manner, central populations presumably experience the most favorable environmental conditions and peripheral populations the least favorable. Therefore, geographically peripheral locations likely occur in ecologically marginal or stressful conditions, resulting in higher dispersal rates of migratory birds. I examined the differences in dispersal rates of two grassland songbirds at two geographically distinct locations; one centrally located in the Spragues Pipit breeding range (Last Mountain Lake area, SK, Canada) and one at the periphery (Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge, MT, USA). As expected, Spragues Pipits at the Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge had a significantly larger dispersal rate than at the Last Mountain Lake area. Savannah Sparrow dispersal rates did not differ between locations at the more conservative outlier classification. These results provide some limited evidence that geographical position within the breeding range can influence dispersal rates.<p> Using äD analysis, I found that local amount-weighted growing-season deuterium in precipitation (äDp) at locations within grassland ecosystems differed from those long-term (45+ year) models described by stable hydrogen isotope ratio basemaps, illustrated in Hobson and Wassenaar (1997), Meehan et al. (2004) and Bowen et al. (2005). Therefore, I describe how äDp values were corrected from the long-term isoscape value predicted by Bowen et al. (2005). This method of determining year-specific local weighted growing-season äDp is an improvement upon the currently used Bowen et al. (2005) isoscape that is based on long-term precipitation patterns. To improve assignment of individuals to origins based on their äDf values, future research should incorporate year-to-year variation by applying year-specific corrections to the Bowen et al. (2005) isoscape.<p> More research is needed to determine the factors affecting the philopatry and dispersal of grassland songbirds in order to conserve them.


2014 January 1900 (has links)
Temperate grasslands and the biodiversity they sustain are becoming increasingly imperilled. Habitat loss and degradation are considered primary causes of grassland species declines. Since livestock production is a dominant use of remaining temperate grassland, livestock producers and the grazing management decisions they make play a vital role in the recovery of grassland species. In this thesis, I examined social and ecological factors that drive habitat management and abundance of prairie wildlife species so as to contribute to conservation planning for prairie species at risk and their habitat. I focused on grassland songbirds because, of all prairie wildlife species, grassland birds have undergone some of the most dramatic declines in recent years. I employed an interdisciplinary approach, using theory and methodology from ornithology, rangeland management and the human dimension of conservation biology to achieve three objectives: i) to determine the extent to which indices of rangeland health explained variation in grassland songbird abundance for ten grassland bird species, including three species currently listed under Canada’s Species at Risk Act: Sprague’s pipit, McCown’s longspur and Chestnut-collared longspur; ii) to describe livestock producer characteristics, summarize producer awareness of and attitudes towards species at risk and the Canadian Species at Risk Act and evaluate how characteristics, awareness and attitudes affect producer willingness to engage in voluntary stewardship actions that support species at risk conservation; and iii) to explore relationships between select social and ecological factors and bird abundance for the three aforementioned grassland bird species at risk to elucidate novel pathways for achieving their conservation. I address the first objective in Chapter 2, where I identify the rangeland health index as a poor predictor of bird abundance and vegetation structure variables, such as litter and vegetation volume, as strong predictors of bird abundance. These findings make a case for further refining the rangeland health index as a tool for biodiversity assessment. In Chapter 3 I achieve the second objective and summarize producer characteristics, awareness and attitudes towards species. I also identify awareness, attitudes and rangeland management learning approach as important to producer willingness to support species at risk recovery. I accomplish the third objective in Chapter 4, where I present results of a structural equation model that upholds bird-habitat relationships identified in Chapter 2 and distinguishes management jurisdiction, size of land holdings and attitudes as important social factors to consider in conservation planning. Chapters 2 and 3 contribute to theory and methodology related to the ecological and social dimensions of grassland bird conservation, respectively. Chapter 4 demonstrates how structural equation models can be used to integrate social and ecological factors, and thereby inform habitat conservation and management. Both social and ecological data presented in this thesis make valuable contributions to producer engagement and habitat management aspects of conservation planning efforts for species at risk in the Milk River watershed of southwestern Saskatchewan. Overall, my findings point to the importance of a joint effort by regional private and public managers to use livestock grazing to create a mosaic of vegetation structure and habitat conditions suitable for the grassland bird community as a whole. This thesis provides a methodological approach that draws on and integrates social and ecological data, methods and concepts, thereby demonstrating how to conduct interdisciplinary research for biological conservation.

Responses of grassland birds to patch-burn grazing in the Flint Hills of Kansas

Erickson, Amy Nicole January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biology / Brett K. Sandercock / Grassland birds are declining throughout their native range. The Flint Hills of eastern Kansas and Oklahoma contain large tracts of tallgrass prairie, but intensification of agricultural practices may be contributing to ongoing population declines. Common rangeland management practices include annual burning coupled with heavy grazing by cattle. This system, known as intensive early stocking and burning, promotes homogeneous utilization of forage by cattle but may not provide habitat for some grassland bird species. Patch-burn grazing is an alternative management system that aims to restore heterogeneity on rangelands by recreating the fire-grazing interaction that would have historically occurred throughout the Great Plains. From 2011-2013, we examined responses of grassland birds to traditional rangeland management and patch-burn grazing by conducting vegetation surveys, line transect surveys, and nest monitoring on privately-owned pastures in Chase County and Greenwood County, Kansas. Vegetative heterogeneity was higher on patch-burned pastures, with unburned patches having higher visual obstruction and less bare ground. Densities of grassland birds differed by species and among habitat strata. Unburned patches on patch-burned pastures were associated with increased densities of Dickcissels (Spiza americana), Eastern Meadowlarks (Sturnella magna) and Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum). Henslow’s Sparrows (A. henslowii) were only detected on patch-burned pastures. Nest survival of grassland songbirds was similar among management systems but varied by year. Probability of nest parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) varied among years and between treatments for Dickcissels and Grasshopper Sparrows, with overall lower rates on burned areas and during drought years. For Dickcissels and Grasshopper Sparrows, there was a significant reduction in host clutch size between parasitized versus unparasitized nests. Overall, nest survival of grassland songbirds in managed rangelands was low. Patch-burn grazing improved rangeland conditions and provided habitat for more species of birds, but did not increase nest survival. Drought conditions in 2012 and 2013 may have influenced the results of this study, as many landowners were unable to burn as planned. Further study is needed to determine underlying factors driving variation in nest success and parasitism rates for grassland birds, particularly on private lands which make up the vast majority of remnant tallgrass prairies.

The effects of oil and gas development on songbirds of the mixed-grass prairie: nesting success and identification of nest predators

Bernath-Plaisted, Jacy 14 January 2016 (has links)
Over the past century, populations of North American grassland songbirds have declined sharply as a consequence of habitat destruction. Alberta’s mixed-grass prairie constitutes Canada’s largest remaining tract of native grassland. However, this region has recently undergone a rapid expansion of conventional oil and natural gas development, and few studies have documented its effects on songbird nesting success. During the 2012-2014 breeding seasons, I monitored 813 nests of grassland songbirds located at sites that varied with respect to presence/absence, distance from, and types of oil and gas infrastructure (pump jacks, screw pumps, compressor stations) and gravel roads. Nest survival was significantly lower at infrastructure sites relative to controls for both Savannah sparrow and vesper sparrow. Additionally, vesper sparrow nest density was greater within 100 m of structures. These findings suggest that habitat disturbance caused by infrastructure may result in increased frequencies of nest predation at multiple spatial scales. / February 2016

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