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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling and Analysis of Large-Scale On-Chip Interconnects

Feng, Zhuo 2009 December 1900 (has links)
As IC technologies scale to the nanometer regime, efficient and accurate modeling and analysis of VLSI systems with billions of transistors and interconnects becomes increasingly critical and difficult. VLSI systems impacted by the increasingly high dimensional process-voltage-temperature (PVT) variations demand much more modeling and analysis efforts than ever before, while the analysis of large scale on-chip interconnects that requires solving tens of millions of unknowns imposes great challenges in computer aided design areas. This dissertation presents new methodologies for addressing the above two important challenging issues for large scale on-chip interconnect modeling and analysis: In the past, the standard statistical circuit modeling techniques usually employ principal component analysis (PCA) and its variants to reduce the parameter dimensionality. Although widely adopted, these techniques can be very limited since parameter dimension reduction is achieved by merely considering the statistical distributions of the controlling parameters but neglecting the important correspondence between these parameters and the circuit performances (responses) under modeling. This dissertation presents a variety of performance-oriented parameter dimension reduction methods that can lead to more than one order of magnitude parameter reduction for a variety of VLSI circuit modeling and analysis problems. The sheer size of present day power/ground distribution networks makes their analysis and verification tasks extremely runtime and memory inefficient, and at the same time, limits the extent to which these networks can be optimized. Given today?s commodity graphics processing units (GPUs) that can deliver more than 500 GFlops (Flops: floating point operations per second). computing power and 100GB/s memory bandwidth, which are more than 10X greater than offered by modern day general-purpose quad-core microprocessors, it is very desirable to convert the impressive GPU computing power to usable design automation tools for VLSI verification. In this dissertation, for the first time, we show how to exploit recent massively parallel single-instruction multiple-thread (SIMT) based graphics processing unit (GPU) platforms to tackle power grid analysis with very promising performance. Our GPU based network analyzer is capable of solving tens of millions of power grid nodes in just a few seconds. Additionally, with the above GPU based simulation framework, more challenging three-dimensional full-chip thermal analysis can be solved in a much more efficient way than ever before.

Houding teenoor televisie-advertensie : 'n psigometriese perspektief / Attitude towards television commercials : a psychometric perspective

Joubert, Johan Pierre Retief 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Dit is belangrik vir bemarkingsorganisasies om die effek van bemarkingsaksies en meer spesifiek reklame te meet van wee eskalerende koste-oorwegings. Wat die rol van reklame in verbruikersgedrag betref, is die belewing van of houding-teenoor-reklame konsepte van sentrale be lang. Aangesien die term bel ewing meer beskrywend is oor die impak wat advertensies op verbruikers het word hierdie term algemeen gebruik. Hierdie studie ondersoek die konsep advertensiewaardering en ontleed die invloed daarvan op advertensiebelewing. Die kyker-responsprofiel soos deur Schlinger (1979) ontwikkel, word algemeen gebruik om televisiekykers se houding teenoor televisie-advertensies te meet. Hierdie studie poog om die toepaslikheid en geldigheid van die kyker-responsprofiel onder Suid-Afrikaanse televisiekykers te ondersoek. Die navorsingsmetode het uit twee fases bestaan. Die eerste fase was meer kwalitatief van aard, en ondersoek kykers se kognitiewe struktuur van houding teenoor televisie-advertensies. Die teoretiese uitgangspunt tydens hierdie fase is persoonlike-konstrukteorie. Repertoriumrooster onderhoude is met 50 volwasse televisiekykers (ouer as 16 jaar) uit verskillende taalgroepe gevoer. Daar is bevind dat kykers gemiddeld ses konstrukte gebruik ten einde die waarderingsvlak van advertensies te bepaal. 313 Konstrukte is in totaal deur die 50 respondente ontlok. Hierdie konstruke is deur individuele roosterontledings en ooreenkomsanalise tot 'n aantal konstrukgroepe gereduseer. Beskrywings van konstrukgroepe is aan die hand van n literatuurnavorsing gedoen. Die konstrukgroepe (tevredenheid, vermaaklikheid, interessantheid, sosialiteit, duidelikheid, realiteit, tempo en emosialiteit) toon 'n mate van ooreenstemming met die sewe Schlinger basisfaktore. Die onderliggende indiwiduele konstrukte wat vermaaklikheid, sosialiteit tempo en interessantheid beskryf, toon hoe korrelasies met waardering wat daarop dui dat waardering meer as net vermaaklikheid behels. Fase twee was meer kwantitatief van aard en het die ontleding van 382 kykerresponsprofiele behels. 'n Faktorontleding van die 32 Schlinger-items het sewe basisfaktore tot gevolg. Die eerste vyf faktore (vermaaklikheid, verwarring, relevante nuus, handelsmerkversterking en empatie) beskik oor soortgelyke faktorladings as faktorontledings wat in die V.S.A. gedoen is. Hierdie bevinding dui daarop dat die affektiewe belewingstruktuur van televisiekykers in Suid-Afrika grootliks dieselfde is as kykers in die Verenigde State. Die ander twee faktore (familiariteit en vervreemding) se ladings verskil van die in die Verenigde State maar hierdie verskille kan gegewe die aard van die advertensies ( bestaande en nuwe advertensiekonsepte) en die kruiskulturele aard van Suid-Afrikaanse kykers verklaar word. Die Schlingeritems is statisties beskryf en ontleed deur die rol wat die tipe advertensie (bestaande versus nuwe), produk-kategorie en kulturele teikenmark speel in waardering van advertensies te ondersoeK. Nuwe konsepte is geneig om meer vermaaklik en relevant te wees. Zulu, Sotho en Xhose kykers is geneig om advertensies as meer positief te beleef. Kosmetika en medisinale-, korporatiewe- en motoradvertensies is verder minder vermaaklik as voedsel en handelsadvertensies. Die Schlingeritems wat advertensiewaardering die beste beskryf en voorspel is bepaal deur bondelontledings en meerdimensionele verskaling. Daar is gevind dat waardering die mate waartoe 'n advertensie aan die vermaaklikheids, empatie en relevante nuus doelwitte voldoen sonder om verwarrend, vervreemdend of oorbekend te wees. Dit wil voorkom of daar twee dimensies bestaan wat die meeste variansie in Schlingeritems verklaar naamlik waardering (positief of negatief) en relevansie. Bondelontleding dui verder daarop dat 'n positiewe persepsie van 'n geadverteerde handelsmerk kykers ontvanklik maak om meer van 'n advertensie te hou of te waardeer. / It is important that, given escalating cost considerations, marketing organisations determine the effect that their marketing efforts have. With regard to the role of advertising m consumer behaviour, attitude towards commercials is of utmost importance. This study examined the liking of television advertisement concept and analyses the effect of this concept on attitude towards television advertising. The viewer response profile as developed by Schlinger (1979) is commonly used to evaluate viewer's attitude towards television commercials. This study attempted to investigate the applicability and validity of this instrument amongst South African television viewers. The study consisted of two phases. Phase one was more qualitative in nature and investigated the viewer's cognitive structure of attitude towards television commercials. The theoretical approach used during this phase was personal construct theory. It was found that viewers on average use six constructs to evaluate whether they like or dislike commercials. 313 Constructs were elicited and based on individual grid analyses and correspondence analysis a reduced number of construct groups was identified. These construct groups ( contentness, entertainment, interesting, sociality, clearness, reality, emotionality, and tempo) show a measure of similarity to the seven Schlinger factors or dimensions. The individual constructs, which make up entertainment, sociality, emotionality, tempo and interesting, show high levels of correlation with advertisement liking. This finding suggests that advertisement liking involve more than pure entertainment. Phase two was more quantitative and consisted of analysing 382 viewer response profiles. A factor analysis of the 32 items, which make up the viewer response profile, resulted in seven factors. The first five factors (entertainment, confusion, relevant news, brand reinforcement and empathy) show similar factor loading to factor analytical studies done in the United State of America. The other two factors (familiarity and alienation) show different loading to the United States of America study but these differences could be explained given the nature of commercials tested (existing commercials and new commercial concepts) and the cross cultural nature of South African viewers. The Schlinger items were analysed in greater detail by investigating the role which type of commercial (existing versus new), product category and cultural target market play in liking of commercials. New concepts are proven to be more entertaining, creative and relevant. Zulu and Sotho viewers are likely to be more positively disposed towards television commercials while cosmetic, medicine, corporate and motor vehicle commercials are less entertaining than food and commercial commercials. Those Schlinger items, which best describe and predict commercials liking were determined by using cluster and multi dimensional scaling techniques. It is apparent from this analysis that likability is the extent to which the objective of entertainment, empathy or relevant news is achieved without confusion, alienation or familiarity. Cluster analysis furthermore suggests that a positive perception of an advertised brand predispose viewers to higher levels of commercial liking. Multi dimensional scaling suggest two dimensions explaining most of the Schlinger factor variance namely liking (positive of negative) and relevance. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Com. (Bedryfsielkunde)

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