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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacto da estimulação do córtex motor primário por corrente contínua na dor e funcionalidade pós-operatória de hálux valgo : um ensaio clinico randomizado

Ribeiro, Hugo Daniel Welter January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O hálux valgo é uma importante causa de dor e desconforto e acomete 28% dos adultos e 37% dos idosos, com predominância na população feminina. Para atingir a cura desta deformidade, faz-se necessário o tratamento cirúrgico, cuja principal razão é o tratamento da incapacidade relacionada à dor (IRD). No entanto, um ano após a cirurgia de hálux valgo, dor crônica moderada a grave persiste em 21% em repouso e 43% durante a caminhada. Esta resposta anormal faz parte dos sintomas que constitui a síndrome de sensibilização central (SSC), a qual é decorrente de um processo de neuroplasticidade mal adaptativa. Pacientes sensibilizados, não só têm uma maior propensão a desenvolver dor persistente pós-operatória como também experenciam uma dor pós-operatória mais intensa em comparação com pacientes não sensibilizados, devido à amplificação da resposta a estímulos nociceptivos e disfunção dos sistemas inibitórios. Relacionadas ao processo de alterações neuroplásticas, encontramos proteínas tais como o fator neurotrófico derivado do cérebro (BDNF). Esta neurotrofina participa do processo de LTP, mecanismo de neuroplasticidade que sustenta o processo de memória dolorosa. O aumento de BDNF incrementa a LTP, enquanto que a redução de seus níveis atenua este fenômeno. Portanto, a relação de níveis de BDNF com a severidade da doença pode confirmar a influência sistêmica desse biomarcador em estados de dor sustentada. A fim de alterar a neuroplasticidade mal adaptativa induzida pela dor a longo prazo, a estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua (ETCC), uma técnica não invasiva, que visa à modulação do sistema nervoso central para controle da dor, pode se tornar uma opção terapêutica. No entanto, ainda não foi explorado o efeito da ETCC aplicada no período pré-operatório com intuito de melhorar o controle da dor pós-operatória de pacientes sensibilizadas e melhorar a reabilitação pós-operatória dessas pacientes. Neste estudo optou-se pelo uso da ETCC pelo seu potencial de contra regular as alterações ETCC pré-operatória comparada ao ETCC-sham no controle da dor e reabilitação em pacientes com artralgia da 1ªAMF submetidas a tratamento cirúrgico de hálux valgo. Método: Ensaio clínico, randomizado, duplo-cego, em paralelo, controlado com sham que incluiu 40 pacientes do sexo feminino, entre 18 e 70 anos, candidatas a tratamento cirúrgico de hálux valgo sob técnica combinada de Chevron e Akin por artralgia da 1ªAMF. As pacientes foram randomizadas e divididas em dois grupos que receberam duas sessões de 20 minutos de ETCC-ativa(a) ou ETCC-sham(s) no período pré-operatório. A estimulação foi feita por corrente contínua de 2mA através do eletrodo anodal sobre o córtex motor primário (M1) e o catodal sobre a área supraorbital contralateral. Os desfechos avaliados foram: escores de dor na EAV(0-10), consumo analgésico, IRD avaliada pela B-PCP:S, função do sistema modulador descendente da dor, avaliada pelo teste CPM e os níveis séricos e liquóricos de BDNF. Resultados: O grupo ETCC-a apresentou escores mais baixos na escala Análogo Visual de Dor [EAV(0-10)] em repouso e durante a caminhada (P <0,001). Em repouso, a diferença entre os dois grupos foi de 2,13cm (95% IC = 1,59 a 2,68), enquanto durante a caminhada foi de 1,67cm (IC 95% = 1,05 a 2,28). O grupo ETCC-a, quando comparado ao grupo ETCC-s mostrou menor necessidade de doses analgésicas diárias com média de 1,37 (0,63) contra 1,81 (0,64) doses respectivamente (P <0,001). A ETCC ativa também obteve maior melhora da IRD que a ETCC sham, conforme demostrado pela maior redução na Brazilian Profile of Chronic Pain: Screen (B-PCP:S) (diferença média de 9,41 pontos, IC95% = 0,63 a 18,21) e ainda, aumentou a função do sistema modulador descendente da dor durante o teste da modulação condicionada de dor (CPM) com um tamanho de efeito médio. O aumento da função desse sistema representa a reversão das alterações neuroplásticas mal adaptativas promovidas pela dor crônica. Conclusão: Duas sessões de ETCC anódica aplicadas sobre M1 no pré-operatório melhorou a dor pós-operatória, como demonstrado pela redução dos escores de dor, consumo de analgésicos e IRD. Além disso, sugere-se que os efeitos da ETCC pré-operatória nestes desfechos envolvem a melhora da função dos sistemas moduladores descendentes da dor e mecanismos de neuroplasticidade conforme mensurados pelo BDNF. / Introduction: Hallux valgus, is an important cause of feet pain and discomfort and affects 28% of adults and 37% of elderly, predominantly in female population. To achieve the deformity heal, surgical treatment is needed, which main goal is to treat incapacity related to pain (IRP). However, one year after hallux valgus surgical treatment, moderate to severe chronic pain persists in 21% during rest and 43% during walking. This abnormal response is part of the symptoms that constitute central sensitization syndrome (CSS), which is due to a maladaptive neuroplasticity process. Sensitized patients, not only are more likely to develop postoperative persistent pain, but also experience more intense postoperative pain comparing to non-sensitized patients, due to the amplification of nociceptive inputs and inhibitory systems disfunction. Related to neuroplasticy process, proteins such as brain neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are found. This neurotrophin participates in the LTP process, a mechanism of neuroplasticity that sustains the process of pain memory. The increase of BDNF increases the LTP, while the reduction of its levels attenuates this phenomenon. Therefore, the relationship of BDNF levels with disease severity may confirm the systemic influence of this biomarker on sustained pain states. In order to alter long-term pain-induced maladaptive neuroplasticity, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a non-invasive technique, which aims for the central nervous system modulation for pain control, may become a therapeutic option for postoperative pain. However, the effect of tDCS applied in the preoperative period has not been explored yet with the intent of improving the postoperative pain control in sensitized patients, neither in postoperative rehabilitation. In this study, it was chosen to use tDCS due to its potential to counter-regulate the maladaptive neuroplastic alterations associated to chronic pain. Objective: to evaluate the effect of preoperative tDCS compared to tDCS-sham in the pain control and in the rehabilitation of patients with arthralgia of the first metatarsalfalangeal articulation submitted to hallux valgus surgical correction. Method: it is a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-sham controlled clinical trial, which includes 40 female patients, between 18 and 70 years old, candidates to hallux valgus surgical treatment by combined Chevron + Akin osteotomy due to arthralgia of the first metatarsalfalangeal articulation. The patients were randomized and divided into two groups that were treated with two tDCS or tDCS-sham sessions of 20 minutes each in preoperative period. The stimulation was done by 2mA continuous current through the anodal electrode on the primary motor cortex (M1) and the catodal on the contralateral supraorbital area. The outcomes were: VAS(0-10) scores, analgesic consumption, DRP assessed by the B-PCP: S, the function of the descending pain modulator system, assessed by the CPM test and the serum and CSF levels of BDNF. Results: a-tDCS group showed lower scores on Visual Analogue Scale [VAS(0-10)] at rest and during walking (P<0.001). At rest, the difference between both groups was 2.13cm (95%CI=1.59 to 2.68) while during walking was 1.67cm (95%CI=1.05 to 2.28). The a-tDCS group, when compared to s-tDCS, showed reduced need of daily analgesic intake from 1.37 (0.63) to 1.81 (0.64) mean doses, respectively (P<0.001). Active tDCS improved the DRP, as demonstrated by a greater reduction in the Brazilian Profile of Chronic Pain: Screen (B-PCP:S) (mean difference of 9.41 points, 95%CI=0.63 to 18.21) and also increased the function of descending pain modulatory system (DPMS) during conditioned pain modulation (CPM-task), with a medium size effect. The increased function of this system represents the reversal of maladaptive neuroplastic changes promoted by chronic pain. Conclusion: Two preoperative anodic tDCS sessions applied over M1 improved postoperative pain, as demonstrated by reduction in the pain scores, analgesic consumption and DRP. In addition, these results suggest that the effects of preoperative tDCS on these outcomes involved improving the function of pain modulation systems and neuroplasticity mechanisms as measured by BDNF.

Impacto da estimulação do córtex motor primário por corrente contínua na dor e funcionalidade pós-operatória de hálux valgo : um ensaio clinico randomizado

Ribeiro, Hugo Daniel Welter January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O hálux valgo é uma importante causa de dor e desconforto e acomete 28% dos adultos e 37% dos idosos, com predominância na população feminina. Para atingir a cura desta deformidade, faz-se necessário o tratamento cirúrgico, cuja principal razão é o tratamento da incapacidade relacionada à dor (IRD). No entanto, um ano após a cirurgia de hálux valgo, dor crônica moderada a grave persiste em 21% em repouso e 43% durante a caminhada. Esta resposta anormal faz parte dos sintomas que constitui a síndrome de sensibilização central (SSC), a qual é decorrente de um processo de neuroplasticidade mal adaptativa. Pacientes sensibilizados, não só têm uma maior propensão a desenvolver dor persistente pós-operatória como também experenciam uma dor pós-operatória mais intensa em comparação com pacientes não sensibilizados, devido à amplificação da resposta a estímulos nociceptivos e disfunção dos sistemas inibitórios. Relacionadas ao processo de alterações neuroplásticas, encontramos proteínas tais como o fator neurotrófico derivado do cérebro (BDNF). Esta neurotrofina participa do processo de LTP, mecanismo de neuroplasticidade que sustenta o processo de memória dolorosa. O aumento de BDNF incrementa a LTP, enquanto que a redução de seus níveis atenua este fenômeno. Portanto, a relação de níveis de BDNF com a severidade da doença pode confirmar a influência sistêmica desse biomarcador em estados de dor sustentada. A fim de alterar a neuroplasticidade mal adaptativa induzida pela dor a longo prazo, a estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua (ETCC), uma técnica não invasiva, que visa à modulação do sistema nervoso central para controle da dor, pode se tornar uma opção terapêutica. No entanto, ainda não foi explorado o efeito da ETCC aplicada no período pré-operatório com intuito de melhorar o controle da dor pós-operatória de pacientes sensibilizadas e melhorar a reabilitação pós-operatória dessas pacientes. Neste estudo optou-se pelo uso da ETCC pelo seu potencial de contra regular as alterações ETCC pré-operatória comparada ao ETCC-sham no controle da dor e reabilitação em pacientes com artralgia da 1ªAMF submetidas a tratamento cirúrgico de hálux valgo. Método: Ensaio clínico, randomizado, duplo-cego, em paralelo, controlado com sham que incluiu 40 pacientes do sexo feminino, entre 18 e 70 anos, candidatas a tratamento cirúrgico de hálux valgo sob técnica combinada de Chevron e Akin por artralgia da 1ªAMF. As pacientes foram randomizadas e divididas em dois grupos que receberam duas sessões de 20 minutos de ETCC-ativa(a) ou ETCC-sham(s) no período pré-operatório. A estimulação foi feita por corrente contínua de 2mA através do eletrodo anodal sobre o córtex motor primário (M1) e o catodal sobre a área supraorbital contralateral. Os desfechos avaliados foram: escores de dor na EAV(0-10), consumo analgésico, IRD avaliada pela B-PCP:S, função do sistema modulador descendente da dor, avaliada pelo teste CPM e os níveis séricos e liquóricos de BDNF. Resultados: O grupo ETCC-a apresentou escores mais baixos na escala Análogo Visual de Dor [EAV(0-10)] em repouso e durante a caminhada (P <0,001). Em repouso, a diferença entre os dois grupos foi de 2,13cm (95% IC = 1,59 a 2,68), enquanto durante a caminhada foi de 1,67cm (IC 95% = 1,05 a 2,28). O grupo ETCC-a, quando comparado ao grupo ETCC-s mostrou menor necessidade de doses analgésicas diárias com média de 1,37 (0,63) contra 1,81 (0,64) doses respectivamente (P <0,001). A ETCC ativa também obteve maior melhora da IRD que a ETCC sham, conforme demostrado pela maior redução na Brazilian Profile of Chronic Pain: Screen (B-PCP:S) (diferença média de 9,41 pontos, IC95% = 0,63 a 18,21) e ainda, aumentou a função do sistema modulador descendente da dor durante o teste da modulação condicionada de dor (CPM) com um tamanho de efeito médio. O aumento da função desse sistema representa a reversão das alterações neuroplásticas mal adaptativas promovidas pela dor crônica. Conclusão: Duas sessões de ETCC anódica aplicadas sobre M1 no pré-operatório melhorou a dor pós-operatória, como demonstrado pela redução dos escores de dor, consumo de analgésicos e IRD. Além disso, sugere-se que os efeitos da ETCC pré-operatória nestes desfechos envolvem a melhora da função dos sistemas moduladores descendentes da dor e mecanismos de neuroplasticidade conforme mensurados pelo BDNF. / Introduction: Hallux valgus, is an important cause of feet pain and discomfort and affects 28% of adults and 37% of elderly, predominantly in female population. To achieve the deformity heal, surgical treatment is needed, which main goal is to treat incapacity related to pain (IRP). However, one year after hallux valgus surgical treatment, moderate to severe chronic pain persists in 21% during rest and 43% during walking. This abnormal response is part of the symptoms that constitute central sensitization syndrome (CSS), which is due to a maladaptive neuroplasticity process. Sensitized patients, not only are more likely to develop postoperative persistent pain, but also experience more intense postoperative pain comparing to non-sensitized patients, due to the amplification of nociceptive inputs and inhibitory systems disfunction. Related to neuroplasticy process, proteins such as brain neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are found. This neurotrophin participates in the LTP process, a mechanism of neuroplasticity that sustains the process of pain memory. The increase of BDNF increases the LTP, while the reduction of its levels attenuates this phenomenon. Therefore, the relationship of BDNF levels with disease severity may confirm the systemic influence of this biomarker on sustained pain states. In order to alter long-term pain-induced maladaptive neuroplasticity, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a non-invasive technique, which aims for the central nervous system modulation for pain control, may become a therapeutic option for postoperative pain. However, the effect of tDCS applied in the preoperative period has not been explored yet with the intent of improving the postoperative pain control in sensitized patients, neither in postoperative rehabilitation. In this study, it was chosen to use tDCS due to its potential to counter-regulate the maladaptive neuroplastic alterations associated to chronic pain. Objective: to evaluate the effect of preoperative tDCS compared to tDCS-sham in the pain control and in the rehabilitation of patients with arthralgia of the first metatarsalfalangeal articulation submitted to hallux valgus surgical correction. Method: it is a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-sham controlled clinical trial, which includes 40 female patients, between 18 and 70 years old, candidates to hallux valgus surgical treatment by combined Chevron + Akin osteotomy due to arthralgia of the first metatarsalfalangeal articulation. The patients were randomized and divided into two groups that were treated with two tDCS or tDCS-sham sessions of 20 minutes each in preoperative period. The stimulation was done by 2mA continuous current through the anodal electrode on the primary motor cortex (M1) and the catodal on the contralateral supraorbital area. The outcomes were: VAS(0-10) scores, analgesic consumption, DRP assessed by the B-PCP: S, the function of the descending pain modulator system, assessed by the CPM test and the serum and CSF levels of BDNF. Results: a-tDCS group showed lower scores on Visual Analogue Scale [VAS(0-10)] at rest and during walking (P<0.001). At rest, the difference between both groups was 2.13cm (95%CI=1.59 to 2.68) while during walking was 1.67cm (95%CI=1.05 to 2.28). The a-tDCS group, when compared to s-tDCS, showed reduced need of daily analgesic intake from 1.37 (0.63) to 1.81 (0.64) mean doses, respectively (P<0.001). Active tDCS improved the DRP, as demonstrated by a greater reduction in the Brazilian Profile of Chronic Pain: Screen (B-PCP:S) (mean difference of 9.41 points, 95%CI=0.63 to 18.21) and also increased the function of descending pain modulatory system (DPMS) during conditioned pain modulation (CPM-task), with a medium size effect. The increased function of this system represents the reversal of maladaptive neuroplastic changes promoted by chronic pain. Conclusion: Two preoperative anodic tDCS sessions applied over M1 improved postoperative pain, as demonstrated by reduction in the pain scores, analgesic consumption and DRP. In addition, these results suggest that the effects of preoperative tDCS on these outcomes involved improving the function of pain modulation systems and neuroplasticity mechanisms as measured by BDNF.

Vliv obuvi na deformity nohy u žen - role sestry v prevenci / The effect of footwear on deformity of the foot in a woman - the role of the nurse in prevention

MLEJNKOVÁ, Natálie January 2019 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is "Influence of footwear on foot deformities in women - the role of nurses in prevention". The theoretical part is devoted to the foot anatomy, it describes the issue of heels on the foot and represents the Giraffe certification. The practical part of the qualitative research shows the role of nurses in preventing foot deformities for patients. This thesis has two goals. To find out what footwear affects the deformities of the legs in women and to find out what role the nurse plays in preventing this issue. The research questions are 1. What is the importance of wearing high-heeled shoes for women and how will this be reflected later? 2. What role do nurses attribute to the prevention in this issue? Data collection was collected by semi-structured interviews with nurses in the orthopaedic ward and orthopaedic clinics. The research sample consists of 20 respondents, the choice was deliberate and formed by snowball sampling. In February 2019, data was collected, which was subsequently terminated at the moment of theoretical saturation. The interview covered themes: wearing high-heeled shoes, leg deformities caused by high-heeled shoes, nurse-led prevention and education. The results show that only a fraction of nurses adhere to the role of a nurse who helps patients prevent leg deformities. The rest of the nurses leave prevention and education to doctors. This diploma thesis presents as a work output a poster, which can be an information material for nurses from the orthopaedic clinics and beds. The output of the thesis is an educational poster that will reflect the entire nursing issue in prevention (the role of a nurse, the deformity of the feet caused by high-heeled shoes, etc.).

Vývoj náhrady prvního metatarzofalangeálního kloubu / Development of the first metatarsophalangeal joint replacement

Barták, Vladislav January 2011 (has links)
The work provides a comprehensive overview of the issues hallux rigidus with a focus on the first metatarsophalangeal joint replacement and development of our own implant. The development was built to perform anatomical studies, the results were the basis for the construction of hemiarthroplasty and total arthroplasty. It was necessary to measure the marrow cavities of the distal part of first metatarsal and proximal half of proximal phalanx. We measured the size of the metatarsal head in two planes, and its tendency to diaphysis on the dry preparations. Through these studies we obtained valid data for the construction all components of both hemiarthroplasty and total arthroplasty of specifying the size spectrum. We have verified and then corrected the shape of implant treatment during post-mortem tests on the models. The result is a new type of arthroplasty with their own design to guarantee restoration of joint function and coated with a high osteointegral potential. In clinical studies, we performed 22 implantations of hemiarthroplasty and one implantation of total arthroplasty. Clinical results suggest the fact that the implant will be successful. However the ultimate answer to this question will provide long-term study. The other results presented with a detailed anatomical description show to...

Vliv palce nohy na stabilitu stoje a chůze / The influence of hallux on stand and gait stability

Hlinková, Zuzana January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Vliv palce nohy na stabilitu stoje a chůze" is focused on the function of hallux at stance and through the gait cycle and particularly to halluxes influence on stability of the stated motor stereotypes. The theoretical part summarizes the knowledge gained through literature research on anatomy and kinesiology of hallux. It also contains analysis of gait cycle and muscle coordination through it with emphasis upon activity of foot and function of hallux muscles. The practical part attempts to objectivize changes in stability and changes of loading of foot with instrumental examination. Force plate Balance Master® and GaitPlatform FDM were used for the measurements. On the force plate the parametres of movement of the centre of mass (COM, COG) and maintenance of stability while standing were compared. GaitPlatform® was used for measurement of ground reaction forces while standing and walking. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Vývoj náhrady prvního metatarzofalangeálního kloubu / Development of the first metatarsophalangeal joint replacement

Barták, Vladislav January 2011 (has links)
The work provides a comprehensive overview of the issues hallux rigidus with a focus on the first metatarsophalangeal joint replacement and development of our own implant. The development was built to perform anatomical studies, the results were the basis for the construction of hemiarthroplasty and total arthroplasty. It was necessary to measure the marrow cavities of the distal part of first metatarsal and proximal half of proximal phalanx. We measured the size of the metatarsal head in two planes, and its tendency to diaphysis on the dry preparations. Through these studies we obtained valid data for the construction all components of both hemiarthroplasty and total arthroplasty of specifying the size spectrum. We have verified and then corrected the shape of implant treatment during post-mortem tests on the models. The result is a new type of arthroplasty with their own design to guarantee restoration of joint function and coated with a high osteointegral potential. In clinical studies, we performed 22 implantations of hemiarthroplasty and one implantation of total arthroplasty. Clinical results suggest the fact that the implant will be successful. However the ultimate answer to this question will provide long-term study. The other results presented with a detailed anatomical description show to...

Efekt konzervativní terapie u deformity hallux valgus / Effect of conservative therapy to deformity hallux valgus

Levá, Helena January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the evaluation of a conservative approach to the hallux valgus deformity. 21 people took part in the empirical study in which the changes were tracked. I worked with a group of women who exercised regularly and a control group. The regularly exercising group participated in a 3-month therapeutic program led by a physiotherapist. Each of the participants was properly examined at the beginning of the program and after three months, when the program finished. Each examination consisted of a kinesiologic analysis, a plantography footprint, a foot X-ray, a pain evaluation (the numeric scale was used) and filling out a scoring scale questionnaire of American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS). The changes of pain of the MTP or IP toe joint, the development of foot arch, changes of the toe valgus angle according to the X-rays and the overall score achieved in the AOFAS questionnaire were statistically evaluated. The ability to isolate toe abduction, right posture of the foot, stability of the axial joints and other changes were followed as well. After comparing the results the conclusion of the study is that the three-months physiotherapist-led program weaken the pain of MTP/IP toe joint, rise the score achieved in the AOFAS questionnaire, improve the foot posture and the overall...

Hodnocení plantogramu a rozsahu pohybu kloubů dolní končetiny u deformity hallux valgus / Evaluation plantogram and range of motion of the joints of the lower extremity with hallux valgus deformity.

Michálková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
Title: Evaluation plantogram and range of motion of the joints of the lower extremity with hallux valgus deformity. Objectives: The aim of my thesis, "Evaluation plantogram and range of motion of the joints of the lower extremity with hallux valgus deformity" is a statistical comparison of the aspects of the lower limbs in healthy subjects and people affected by hallux valgus deformity. It will be a comparison of the measured values, such as the degree of hallux valgus angle, range of motion of the hip joint to spin, Q - angle of the lower limb, position of hocks and strained soles. Methods: Plantographic evaluation of the strain on the soles on Podoscope, goniometry, photography, plantographic diagnostic method - Chippaux - a Šmírák and Sztriter - Godunov. Results: During this research, I observed twenty seven individuals. Five individuals had hallux valgus deformity, fourteen individuals had valgus position of the thumb and seven individuals had no deformity. In the course of evaluating plantogram and range of motion of the joints of the lower limb with hallux valgus deformity I observed degree of flat. This statement was confirmed at a significant level of p = 0.01 for both legs. Unfortunately in case of individuals with mild hallux valgus deformity, the proximo-distal, or disto-proximal...

Comparação entre a avaliação radiográfica e a tomográfica do ângulo articular metatarsal distal

Cruz, Eduardo Pedrini January 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O hallux valgus é a deformidade mais comum do pé do adulto e é frequentemente incapacitante requerendo tratamento cirúrgico. O ângulo articular metatarsal distal (AAMD) é uma das variáveis importantes no estudo da deformidade, mas possui baixa correlação interobservadores quando avaliado pela radiografia. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar um método tomográfico de aferir este ângulo comparando-o com a medida radiográfica existente. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: O AAMD de 77 pés ( X pacientes) foram avaliados através de tomografia computadorizada por dois observadores. Os valores encontrados foram comparados entre os observadores e entre a medição radiográfica utilizando o coeficiente de correlação e concordância (CCC) proposto por King e análise de Bland-Altmann para concordância entre os métodos. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrado índice de concordância alto na medição tomográfica entre os observadores com CCC = 0,90 e p < 0,001. Em relação a mensuração radiográfica com a tomográfica houve uma concordância com CCC = 0,667 de com p < 0,001. Na análise gráfica de Bland-Altman a presença de round sign positivo sugere um aumento da diferença da medição radiográfica com a tomográfica e está associado a valor alto do AAMD. CONCLUSÃO: A mensuração do AAMD pelo método tomográfico demonstrou maior correlação interobservadores do que o método radiográfico. Em casos em que há dúvida sobre alteração patológica da inclinação da cabeça metatarsal com ângulos articulares metatarsais distais (AAMD) elevados e, principalmente, com a presença de round sign positivo, a tomografia pode ser um método alternativo para planejamento cirúrgico pré-operatório.

Biomechanical investigation of the hallux metatarsophalangeal joint

Ramanathan, Arun Kumar January 2014 (has links)
The human foot is a biomechanical marvel which forms the distal link in the lower limb kinematic chain. With its small polyarticular construct and flexibility, it supports the body and provides balance during walking. The first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) is a vital joint in the forefoot for normal load transmission and energy efficient locomotion. Albeit a lot in literature about this joint, paucity still exists in the biomechanical aspects. Also, there is a speculation in the biomechanical world that the time integral component of pressure recorded from the plantar pressure measuring devices maybe representative of the shear force recorded from force platforms. The aim of the current study was to quantify the kinematics of the first MTPJ in three dimensions and the pedobarographic data under the first MTPJ during each sub-phase of stance in the gait cycle of normal subjects and to assess the correlation between the shear force from the force plate of the motion capture system with the variables from the barefoot plantar pressure measuring device. Similar quantification will be undertaken for the patients with isolated hallux rigidus. After obtaining ethical approval, 40 normal subjects (80 feet) and 6 patients with varying grades of hallux rigidus were recruited for the study. The equipment used to collect data included the Vicon® motion analysis system, AMTI® force plate and the emed® plantar pressure measuring device. Various checks were performed to establish the reliability of the system setup. Four trials from each foot were taken. Of the 320 total trials from the normal subjects, the trial numbers varied for specific tasks as some trials which were suitable for testing one objective might not be suitable for testing the other. One of the patients’ data could not be used as the data quality was below par due to issues with marker tracking. The correlation between the shear force from the force plate and the anthropometric measurements/parameters from the plantar pressure measuring device was performed using the statistical regression model. The Vicon® data of the whole stance phase revealed that the first MTPJ’s sagittal plane motion ranged from 9° of plantarflexion to 53° of dorsiflexion. In the coronal plane, the maximum pronation was 34° and supination was 31°. In the transverse plane, the maximum varus was 11° and the valgus was 24°. There were two dorsiflexion peaks; one at the Initial contact and the other at Pre-swing. The joint moved from supination to pronation and varus to valgus during the progression of stance phase from Initial contact to Pre-swing. Considering the emed®-m, there were four basic parameters namely the force, area, peak pressure and maximum mean pressure from which the other parameters were derived. Only the basic parameters accounted for the sub-phases of stance and it came to light that the force under the first MTPJ was maximum in the terminal stance (22.1%). For the whole stance phase, the first MTPJ contributed about 11% of the contact area, 14.5% of the mean area, 24% of the maximum force, 56% of the peak pressure, 63% of maximum mean pressure, 44% of Pressure-time integral, 14% of Force-time integral and 14% of mean force. The correlation equation with reasonable number of dependent variables obtained by the statistical regression model could account for only 46% of the shear force. Among the paired correlation equations with single dependent variable, the one with the mean force was the best and even this could only account for 31.1% of the shear force. Albeit 3 patients were having similar radiological grading of the pathology and 2 others falling into another grade, their objective data were diverse and couldn’t be grouped together. The normal kinematics of the first MTPJ and the pedobarographic data under the first MTPJ were quantified during each subphase of stance. Attempt to use one system alone instead of two to calculate the shear force did not provide satisfactory results. The patients’ data questions the use of radiology alone in deciding the management plan which is a common scenario in the current clinical setting.

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