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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of fatigue behaviour of laser beam welded aerospace superalloy haynes 282

Buckson, Richard 16 January 2015 (has links)
In 2005, a new, wrought, nickel-base superalloy Haynes 282 was developed. Characteristic of superalloys, Haynes 282 was produced to be used for components, specifically aero and land-based gas turbine engines, which are subjected to high temperatures. The manufacture and/or repair of aero and land-based gas turbine engines require the use of joining processes, an example being welding. However, it was observed that laser beam welding (LBW) of the new superalloy resulted in cracking in the heat affected zone (HAZ) of the alloy. Accordingly, an aspect of this research involves the development of a procedure for preventing or minimizing cracking of the alloy. This is achieved through microstructural modification of the alloy prior to welding through the use of appropriate heat treatment. However, at the core of this research is the main objective of methodically studying the effect of LBW on the high temperature fatigue crack growth (FCG) behaviour of Haynes 282, and how to mitigate any negative effects. Findings from this research show that LBW causes a deleterious effect on the FCG behaviour by increasing the FCG rate. Thus, although this research resulted in a procedure that minimizes cracking during welding of the new alloy, the minimized level of cracking is not tolerable under dynamic loading. Therefore, a procedure to make the minimized level of cracking tolerable during dynamic service is developed. This is achieved by developing two post weld heat treatments, including a new thermal treatment schedule developed in this work, which significantly improved the FCG resistance of the new alloy after LBW. Additionally, Low cycle fatigue (LCF) tests results indicate strong fatigue deformation resistance of Haynes 282. On the other hand, FCG tests results show that, in contrast to common assumption, the loading frequency was observed to have an effect on the FCG behaviour at room temperature. Prior to this research, there was limited publication on the fatigue behaviour of Haynes 282. Hence, the study of the cyclic deformation characteristics and growth behaviour of fatigue crack in Haynes 282 in this research provides valuable information that helps establish design criteria to safeguard against component failure by fatigue.

Shear spinning of nickelbased super alloys and stainless steel

Hiuhu, John January 2015 (has links)
Shear spinning of Haynes 282, Alloy 718, Alloy 600 and AISI 316L was done using several tool feeds and mandrel clearances. Multi passing of the materials was limited due to strain hardening and circumferential cracking except for AISI 316L. The effect of the tool feed and the mandrel clearance on the successful forming of the materials was established. The successfully spun samples were solution heat treated at varying temperatures and holding times to establish a range of grain sizes and hardness levels. An aging heat treatment process was performed for Haynes 282 and Alloy 718 to achieve precipitation strengthening. The micro hardness measurements were conducted for the materials prior to spinning and after spinning. The same was also done after the various heat treatment processes. Grain size mapping was conducted by the use of lineal intercept methods. Comparison of the results in terms of grain sizes and hardness values was done. The temperature ranges suitable for full recrystallization of the materials after the shear spinning were identified and the effect of the holding times on the grain growth established. Comparison with unspun samples showed that the heat treatment times required to achieve comparative hardness and grain sizes were distinctively different.

Design of Experiment for Laser cutting in Superalloy Haynes 282

Rådberg, Malin January 2016 (has links)
This project aims to investigate the effect of varying different laser cutting parameters on the laser cut surface. The parameters that were varied were cutting speed, beam effect, gas pressure and focal point. The statistical method Design of Experiment was used to plan the experiments and two full factorial test plans were set up, one with argon as cooling and protective gas and one with nitrogen. Sheet metal consisting of the superalloy HAYNES ® 282 with a thickness of 2,54 mm was investigated. Samples from the material were cut with different laser cutting parameters according to the test plans. The samples were evaluated by measuring cracks, recast layer thickness, surface irregularity, burr height and distance to beam deflection point on the cut surface. The resulting data was inserted as responses into the statistical program Modde 10.1 for analysis. Modde 10.1 provided models of high significance for the responses of Recast layer, Tav; Recast layer, Tmax; Burrheight, max and Distance to deflection point for the argon series and Recast layer, Tav and Recast layer, Tmax for the nitrogen series. The results showed that both recast layer thickness and burr height decreases with increased values of cutting speed, gas pressure and focal point as well as decreased values of beam effect within the parameter window investigated. They also showed that distance to deflection point increased with increasing values of gas pressure and focal point and with decreased values of cutting speed and beam effect within the parameter window. The results also showed that for the samples cut with argon as cooling and assistant gas the parameters that affects the recast layer thickness the most are focal point and gas pressure, whereas for the nitrogen series it is gas pressure and beam effect. The parameter with greatest effect on burr height is the cutting speed and for the distance to deflection point it is focal point and gas pressure that have the greatest effect. When comparing the argon and the nitrogen series to each other it can be seen that the argon series generate less recast layer from the entry of the cut until between 60 – 80 % into the cut, after which the argon series bypasses the nitrogen series in amount of recast layer produced in the cutting process in the majority of the places measured. / Projektet syftar till att undersöka effekten på den laserskurna ytan då laserskärningsparametrar varieras. Parametrarna som varierades var skärhastighet, lasereffekt, gastryck och fokalpunkt. Den statistiska metoden Design of Experiments användes för att planera experimenten. Två stycken fullskaligt faktoriella försöksplaner skapades, en med argon som skärgas och en med kväve som skärgas. Undersökningen gjordes på plåt bestående av superlegeringen HAYNES ® 282 med en tjocklek på 2,54 mm. Provbitar från materialet skars ut utifrån försöksplanerna med olika laserinställningar under skärprocessen. Provbitarna utvärderades genom att mäta sprickor, tjockleken på det omsmälta materialet, ytojämnheten, gradhöjden och avståndet till laserstrålens avböjningspunkt på den laserskurna ytan. Resultaten användes för analys i det statistiska programmet Modde 10.1. Modde 10.1 bidrog med modeller av hög signifikans för responserna Recast layer, Tav; Recast layer, Tmax; Burrheight, max and Distance to deflection point för argonserien och Recast layer, Tav och Recast layer, Tmax för kväveserien. Resultaten visar att både tjockleken på omsmält material och gradhöjden avtar med ökande värden på skärhastighet, gastryck och fokalpunkt samt minskande värden på lasereffekt inom det undersökta parameterfönstret. De visade också att till laserstrålens avböjningspunkt på den laserskurna ytan ökade med ökande värden på gastryck och fokalpunkt och med minskande värden på skärhastighet och lasereffekt inom parameterfönstret. Resultaten visade också att de parametrar som i störst utsträckning påverkar tjockleken på det omsmälta materialet för provbitarna i argonserien är fokalpunkt och gastryck, medan det för kväveserien är gastryck och lasereffekt. Parametern som har högst inverkar på gradhöjden är skärhastigheten, medan fokalpunkt och gastryck har störst effekt på avståndet till laserstrålens avböjningspunkt på den laserskurna ytan. Om kväveserien och argonserien jämförs med varandra kan det observeras att argonserien generellt genererar mindre omsmält material än kväveserien från det att laserstrålen träder in i materialet till dess att den är mellan 60 och 80 % in i snittet, vartefter argonserien går förbi kväveserien i mängd omsmält material på majoriteten av mätställen.

Process understanding of Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Nickel based superalloy Haynes 282 / Processförståelse för laserpulverbäddsfusion av nickelbaserade superlegeringen Haynes 282

Swaminathan, Kameshwaran January 2024 (has links)
Laser-material interaction of Nickel based superalloy Haynes 282 melt pools were studied for laser parameters similar to laser powder bed fusion (PBF-LB) without powder. The effect of power, speed, hatch distance and laser focus offset were analysed by characterizing different types of melt pool behaviour, including conduction, transition to keyhole, and keyhole mode. Focus offset parameter was found to modify the melting mode from keyhole to conduction type in experiments with and without powder. This change in melting mode is attributed to the variation in laser beam spot size for the same line energy. Such manipulation of type of melting with control of focus offset can be utilized as a method to optimize process parameters for novel materials in the PBF-LB process at high layer thickness. Based on the above study, cubes were built with refined process parameters utilizing powder layer thicknesses of 60- and 90-microns for improved productivity, using partial factorial design of experiment. The conduction mode of melting helped reducing defects, minimizing lack of fusion and keyhole porosity in specimens built with powder at 60- and 90-microns layer thickness. Effect of process parameters and indirect measure like area energy, on the melt pool overlap, defect level and dominant shape of the defects are presented. Optimizing the process parameters to identify the boundaries for building cubes with reduced porosity is also discussed. / Den Ni-baserade superlegeringen, Haynes 282, skannades med laserparametrar liknande de som används i laserpulverbäddfusion (PBF-LB), men utan pulver.Studien undersökte inverkan av effekt, hastighet, avstånd mellan två intilliggandeskanningspass och laserfokusförskjutning, vilket karakteriserades genom olikatyper av beteenden hos smältbadet, inklusive värmeledning, övergång frånvärmeledning till nyckelhål, och nyckelhål. Fokusförskjutningen visade sig ändrasmältbadets läge från nyckelhål till värmeledning. Denna förändring observeradesbåde i experiment utan pulver och i de med pulver. Förändringen beror påbreddningen av laserstrålens punktstorlek samtidigt som samma linjeenergibibehålls. Denna förändring i smältningstyp genom fokusförskjutning kananvändas som en metod för att optimera utforskningen av nya material i PBFLB-processen. Baserat på detta byggdes kuber med pulver med lagertjocklekar på 60 och 90mikrometer, användande olika processparametrar enligt en experimentell designbaserad på en central sammansatt design. Smältning genom värmeledning bidrogtill att minska defekter, minimera bindningsfel och nyckelhålsporositet i proversom byggts med pulver med lagertjocklekar på 60 och 90 mikrometer. Inverkanav processparametrarna och indirekta mått såsom areaenergi på smältbadetsöverlappning, defektnivå och den dominerande formen på defekter presenteras.Optimering av processparametrarna samt identifiering av parameterrymden föratt bygga kuber med minskad porositet undersöks också. / <p>Paper A is to be submitted, and paper C is acceptet and are not included in this licentiate thesis. We do  not have permission to publish paper B in the digital version.</p>

Study of the effect of process parameters in laser blown powder with superalloys : Varying laser power and scanning speed, analyzing material properties

Pettersson, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a growing process interesting many companies in many industries. Thereare multiple processes within the familty of AM, but this study focuses on laser blown powder (LBP). LBP involves a laser beam focused on the substrate with powder being blown into the laser beam. The laser beam melts both the powder and the surface of the substrate and as the laser beam moves and the melt pool solidies it leaves a bead of solid material behind. These beads are placed next to each other creating a layer which are then stacked, building the wanted geometry. As the method develops new materials are tested and this study analyses Haynes 282 powder onto Inconel 718 substrate. Multiple process parameters are involved in the LBP method and this study focuses on the impact of laser effect and scanning speed. Each value on the process parameters was inspired by previous reports with similar equipment and process. The laser effect ranges from 1600 W to 700 W, scanning speed ranges between 900 mm/min to 300 mm/min and the powder feeding rate was also varied from 4 g/min to 3 g/min. Each sample was built as a single bead and a multilayer specimen, which is ve layers and 16 beadswide at the bottom and 12 beads wide at the top. When analyzing the samples images from microscopes were mostly used for obtaining results. An image software called ImageJ allowed measurements in an image to obtain penetration depth or primary dendrite arm spacing. ImageJ also allowed measurements of porosity by turning the image binary and calculate the fraction of white and black. The results consists of numerical values and visual analysis of the bead geometry, minimum and maximum penetration, microstructure, porosity, hardness and cracks. The results show an increased bead width around 2 mm to 4 mm and decreased bead height around 0,2 mm to 0,7 mm of single beads with increased laser effect. Increased maximum penetration depth around, 200 μm to 500 μm, withincreased laser effect. More remelt between each deposited layer causing longer dendrites with increasinglaser effect. Porosity is decreased with an increased laser power, going from 0,04 % to 0,15 %. No distinct difference in hardness is observed between the samples, ranging between 255 HV to 310 HV. It is believed that aging causes the increased hardness right above the fusion zone. Cracks were found between dendrites and is believed to be caused by Laves-phases. Most results are comparable to previous similar studies, both as trends and numerical values. The statistics of the study is limited, meaning that all results should not be taken as granted but as a general guide line for more studies. The purpose and goals of the study has been met and completed.

Understanding the effect of temperature and time on Gamma prime coarsening for Nickel-base superalloy Haynes 282

Vattappara, Kevin January 2019 (has links)
Haynes 282 is a gamma prime (𝛾′)-strengthened nickel base superalloy developed in 2005, exhibiting a good combination of high temperature properties and fabricability. Microstructural features such as 𝛾′ and carbides play an important role in deriving the mechanical properties of the alloy during heat treatment. As Haynes 282 is a relatively new alloy with insufficient literature availability, the present thesis is aimed at studying the evolution of microstructure for different heat treatment times and temperature with a special focus on 𝛾′ phase precipitation kinetics with different initial conditions for the material. The study is divided into two sections with objectives which are focused on the different ends to the heat-treatment time scales. The first objective of this study was to investigate γ' precipitation at short heat treatment times and develop Time-Temperature Precipitation (TTP) and Hardness (TTH) diagrams for Haynes 282 using a novel arc heat treatment. In this technique, a steady state temperature gradient, covering room temperature to liquidus, was created using stationary TIG arc on a disc mounted on a water-cooled chamber. Aged and solutionized samples were arc heat treated for 1.5 minutes, 30 minutes and 4 hours. The study was complemented with temperature modelling, thermodynamic calculations, and 𝛾′ precipitation simulation. A unique graded microstructure formed, consisting of dendritic region in fusion zone; dissolution area of all phases including MC carbides, grain boundary carbides, and 𝛾′; grain boundary carbide zone, 𝛾′ band; and base metal. 𝛾′ precipitate size increased with increasing time and temperature. 𝛾′ precipitation simulation model was developed, and it showed very good agreement with experimental results. Finally, the results were summarized in TTH and TTP diagrams. The second objective in this work was to study understand the coarsening behaviour of 𝛾′ phase with an initial pre-heat-treated GKN heat treatment using furnace heat treatment. Isothermal heat treatments for temperatures from 800°C to 1120°C and times from 30 seconds to 96 hours were performed. Morphological changes in 𝛾′ phase, particle size distribution, grain sizes and hardness on these isothermal heat-treated states are presented in this work. Additionally, A TC PRISMA precipitation model was evaluated to predict 𝛾′sizes and compare it with the measurements. It was concluded that complex initial microstructure, containing bimodal distribution of 𝛾′ precipitates, caused deviations between predicted and measured values, while the model, in the previous objective, predicted the sizes in close approximation to the experimental values. Therefore, further understanding and development of precipitation kinetics with the software should be done to achieve closer results to the experiment. / Haynes 282 är ett gamma prime (𝛾′) - förstärkt superlegering av nickelbas som utvecklades 2005 och uppvisar en god kombination av högtemperaturegenskaper och tygbarhet. Mikrostrukturella egenskaper såsom 𝛾′ och karbider spelar en viktig roll för att få de mekaniska egenskaperna hos legeringen under värmebehandling. Eftersom Haynes 282 är en relativt ny legering med otillräcklig litteraturtillgänglighet syftar den aktuella avhandlingen till att studera utvecklingen av mikrostruktur för olika värmebehandlingstider och temperatur med ett särskilt fokus på 𝛾′ fasutfällningskinetik med olika initiala förhållanden för materialet. Studien är uppdelad i två sektioner med mål som är inriktade på de olika ändarna på värmebehandlings tidsskalorna. Det första syftet med denna studie var att undersöka 𝛾′nederbörd vid korta värmebehandlingstider och utveckla Time-Temperature Precipitation (TTP) och Hardness (TTH) diagram för Haynes 282 med användning av en ny bågvärmebehandling. I denna teknik skapades en jämn temperaturgradient, som täcker rumstemperatur till liquidus, med användning av stationär TIG-båge på en skiva monterad på en vattenkyld kammare. Åldriga och lösningsbara prover bågvärmebehandlades under 1,5 minuter, 30 minuter och 4 timmar. Studien kompletterades med temperaturmodellering, termodynamiska beräkningar och 𝛾′utfällningssimulering. En unik graderad mikrostruktur bildad, bestående av dendritisk region i fusionszon; upplösningsområde för alla faser inklusive MC-karbider, korngränsande karbider och 𝛾′; korngränsen karbidzon, 𝛾′ band; och oädel metall. 𝛾′utfällningsstorlek ökade med ökande tid och temperatur. 𝛾′utfällningssimuleringsmodell utvecklades, och den visade mycket bra överensstämmelse med experimentella resultat. Slutligen sammanfattades resultaten i TTH- och TTP-diagram. Det andra syftet med detta arbete var att studera förstå det förgrovning beteendemönster hos 𝛾′ fasen med en initial förvärmebehandlad GKN-värmebehandling med ugnsvärmebehandling. Isotermiska värmebehandlingar för temperaturer från 800 ° C till 1120 ° C och gånger från 30 sekunder till 96 timmar utfördes. Morfologiska förändringar i 𝛾′fasen, partikelstorleksfördelning, kornstorlekar och hårdhet på dessa isotermiska värmebehandlade tillstånd presenteras i detta arbete. Dessutom utvärderades en TC PRISMA-nederbördsmodell för att förutsäga 𝛾′ storlekar och jämföra den med mätningarna. Det drogs slutsatsen att komplex initial mikrostruktur, innehållande bimodal fördelning av 𝛾′-fällningar, orsakade avvikelser mellan förutspådda och uppmätta värden, medan modellen i det tidigare målet förutspådde storleken i nära anpassning till experimentvärdena. Därför bör ytterligare förståelse och utveckling av utfällningskinetik med programvaran göras för att uppnå närmare resultat till experimentet.

Evaluation of microstructure and mechanical properties in as-deposited and heat-treated Haynes 282 fabricated via electron beam melting.

Gupta, Avantika January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Friction Stir Processing of Nickel-base Alloys

Rodelas, Jeffrey M. 13 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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