Spelling suggestions: "subject:"heralding"" "subject:"heralded""
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Šlechta na Ústecku ve světle raně novověkých heraldických a epigrafických památek / The Nobility in the Usti Region in the Context of Early Modern Heraldic and Epigraphic RelictsŠrejber, Adam January 2015 (has links)
The Nobility in the Usti Region in the Context of Early Modern Heraldic and Epigraphic Relicts The Ústí region is one of regions which were affected by a loss of historical memory after the Second World War. It was caused by the elimination of a large part of the cultural heritage to a considerable extent. The Royal Town "Ústí nad Labem" was a common and traditional centre of the region at the beginning of the Early Modern period. It had an influence on the development of the whole region on a number of aspects. The absence of a larger noble dominion with a major administrative centre gave a space to minor noble properties, and to a construction of humbler religious buildings. Churches and their movables are often only relics of the formerly spectacular noble representation in the region. A doctor thesis concentrates on the documentation and interpretation of heraldic and epigraphic relics through which people from five noble families presented themselves in the Ústí region. Bearers of sign and inscription elements have been put into the wide, especially art historical context of a cultural heritage fund of North-West Bohemia. The thesis extends knowledge of the use of arms and inscriptions in seven religious buildings which came into existence on the initiative of the nobility of a foreign origin,...
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Sémiotická analýza brandu Staropramen a jeho přičlenění k marketingovému archetypu / Semiotic analysis of a Staropramen brand and his affiliations with marketing archetypePajerová, Hedvika January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the visual identity of the brand Staropramen analysis based on the theory of archetypes applied in marketing science. The theoretical part is focused on the archetypal theories of Jung. He marked twelve archetypes in his work, which include four main categories based on the desire they want to satisfy. The yearning for paradise: The Innocent, The Explorer and The Sage, archetypes that want to leave a thumbprint on the world: The Hero, The Outlaw and The Magician, a group that knows no man or no women is an island: The Regular Guy / Gal also known as The Everyman, The Lover and The Jester, group desiring to provide structure to the world: The Caregiver, The Creator and The Ruler. This theory is related to the use of the knowledge of psychology in marketing practice. I focused on the differences between the various archetypes on one desire too, but also the on the theoretical basis of storytelling. In the practical part I analyse the visual identity of the brand Staropramen, that I take apart to single symbols. Their importance I found in sources in the field of heraldry, mythology, botany, psychology and etymology. On the basis of identified associations I do a comparative analysis of the theoretical basis for describing the use of archetypes in marketing, describing points...
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Beskrywing van die hospitaal- en opleidingskoolwapens en embleme in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika : 'n etos van verplegingperspektiefNorval, Martha Susanna 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This research describes the coats of arms and emblems of hospitals and nursing colleges in the Republic of South Africa, an aspect of nursing's heritage and history have not yet been described. Data were collected by means of questionnaires. An extensive literature review on heraldics and an analysis of the meanings contained in the symbols appearing on these devices were done. The analysis resulted in the following; the uniqueness of the individual devices, the development of nursing and nursing education, the influence of values, norms, ideals, culture, religion and history on the selection of symbols. The heraldic meanings of symbols and the meanings indicated in the questionnaires were compared with the identified core concepts for nursing. The overall finding was that any congruence was purely circumstantial. / Hierdie navorsing beskryf die wapens en embleme van hospitale en verpleegkolleges in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 'n aspek van die erfenis en geskiedenis van verpleging wat nog nie vantevore beskryf is nie.
Inligting was deur middel van vraelyste ingesamel. 'n Uitgebreide literatuuroorsig oor die heraldiek en 'n ontleding van die betekenisse van die simbole soos aangetref op die wapens/embleme, is gedoen.Uit die analisering is die volgende bevind; die uniekheid van die individuele wapens/embleme, die ontwikkeling van verpleging en verpleegonderrig, die invloed van waardes, norme, ideale, kultuur, godsdiens en geskiedenis op die keuse van simbole. Die heraldiese betekenis van simbole en die betekenis wat in die vraelyste daaroor aangedui is, is met die geidentifiseerde kembegrippe vir verpleging, vergelyk. Die algemene bevinding is dat enige ooreenkoms bloot toevallig is. / Health Studies / M.A. (Verpleegkunde)
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Beskrywing van die hospitaal- en opleidingskoolwapens en embleme in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika : 'n etos van verplegingperspektiefNorval, Martha Susanna 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This research describes the coats of arms and emblems of hospitals and nursing colleges in the Republic of South Africa, an aspect of nursing's heritage and history have not yet been described. Data were collected by means of questionnaires. An extensive literature review on heraldics and an analysis of the meanings contained in the symbols appearing on these devices were done. The analysis resulted in the following; the uniqueness of the individual devices, the development of nursing and nursing education, the influence of values, norms, ideals, culture, religion and history on the selection of symbols. The heraldic meanings of symbols and the meanings indicated in the questionnaires were compared with the identified core concepts for nursing. The overall finding was that any congruence was purely circumstantial. / Hierdie navorsing beskryf die wapens en embleme van hospitale en verpleegkolleges in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 'n aspek van die erfenis en geskiedenis van verpleging wat nog nie vantevore beskryf is nie.
Inligting was deur middel van vraelyste ingesamel. 'n Uitgebreide literatuuroorsig oor die heraldiek en 'n ontleding van die betekenisse van die simbole soos aangetref op die wapens/embleme, is gedoen.Uit die analisering is die volgende bevind; die uniekheid van die individuele wapens/embleme, die ontwikkeling van verpleging en verpleegonderrig, die invloed van waardes, norme, ideale, kultuur, godsdiens en geskiedenis op die keuse van simbole. Die heraldiese betekenis van simbole en die betekenis wat in die vraelyste daaroor aangedui is, is met die geidentifiseerde kembegrippe vir verpleging, vergelyk. Die algemene bevinding is dat enige ooreenkoms bloot toevallig is. / Health Studies / M.A. (Verpleegkunde)
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