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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Solution-Processing of Organic Solar Cells: From In Situ Investigation to Scalable Manufacturing

Abdelsamie, Maged 05 December 2016 (has links)
Photovoltaics provide a feasible route to fulfilling the substantial increase in demand for energy worldwide. Solution processable organic photovoltaics (OPVs) have attracted attention in the last decade because of the promise of low-cost manufacturing of sufficiently efficient devices at high throughput on large-area rigid or flexible substrates with potentially low energy and carbon footprints. In OPVs, the photoactive layer is made of a bulk heterojunction (BHJ) layer and is typically composed of a blend of an electron-donating (D) and an electron-accepting (A) materials which phase separate at the nanoscale and form a heterojunction at the D-A interface that plays a crucial role in the generation of charges. Despite the tremendous progress that has been made in increasing the efficiency of organic photovoltaics over the last few years, with power conversion efficiency increasing from 8% to 13% over the duration of this PhD dissertation, there have been numerous debates on the mechanisms of formation of the crucial BHJ layer and few clues about how to successfully transfer these lessons to scalable processes. This stems in large part from a lack of understanding of how BHJ layers form from solution. This lack of understanding makes it challenging to design BHJs and to control their formation in laboratory-based processes, such as spin-coating, let alone their successful transfer to scalable processes required for the manufacturing of organic solar cells. Consequently, the OPV community has in recent years sought out to better understand the key characteristics of state of the art lab-based organic solar cells and made efforts to shed light on how the BHJ forms in laboratory-based processes as well as in scalable processes. We take the view that understanding the formation of the solution-processed bulk heterojunction (BHJ) photoactive layer, where crucial photovoltaic processes take place, is the one of the most crucial steps to developing strategies towards the implementation of organic solar cells with high efficiency and manufacturability. In this dissertation, we investigate the mechanism of the BHJ layer formation during solution processing from common lab-based processes, such as spin-coating, with the aim of understanding the roles of materials, formulations and processing conditions and subsequently using this insight to enable the scalable manufacturing of high efficiency organic solar cells by such methods as wire-bar coating and blade-coating. To do so, we have developed state-of-the-art in situ diagnostics techniques to provide us with insight into the thin film formation process. As a first step, we have developed a modified spin-coater which allows us to perform in situ UV-visible absorption measurements during spin coating and provides key insight into the formation and evolution of polymer aggregates in solution and during the transformation to the solid state. Using this method, we have investigated the formation of organic BHJs made of a blend of poly (3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and fullerene, reference materials in the organic solar cell field. We show that process kinetics directly influence the microstructure and morphology of the bulk heterojunction, highlighting the value of in situ measurements. We have investigated the influence of crystallization dynamics of a wide-range of small-molecule donors and their solidification pathways on the processing routes needed for attaining high-performance solar cells. The study revealed the reason behind the need of empirically-adopted processing strategies such as solvent additives or alternatively thermal or solvent vapor annealing for achieving optimal performance. The study has provided a new perspective to materials design linking the need for solvent additives or annealing to the ease of crystallization of small-molecule donors and the presence or absence of transient phases before crystallization. From there, we have extended our investigation to small-molecule (p-DTS (FBTTh2)2) fullerene blend solar cells, where we have revealed new insight into the crucial role of solvent additives. Our work has also touched upon modern polymers, such as PBDTTPD, where we have found the choice of additives impacts the formation mechanism of the BHJ. Finally, we have performed a comparative study of the BHJ film formation dynamics during spin coating versus wire-bar coating of p-DTS(FBTTh2)2: fullerene blends that has helped in curbing the performance gap between lab-based and scalable techniques. This was done by implementing a new apparatus that combines the benefits of rapid thin film drying common to spin coating with scalability of wire-bar coating. Using the new apparatus, we successfully attain similar performance of solar cell devices to the ones fabricated by spin coating with dramatically reduced material waste.

Analysis of Unusual Eukaryotic tRNA Nucleotidyltransferases and Establishment of a High-Throughput Sequencing Method for Mature tRNAs

Erber, Lieselotte 10 August 2020 (has links)
Transfer RNA nucleotidyltransferases (CCA-adding enzymes) are important enzymes, which catalyze the attachment of a CCA triplet to the 3‘ end of tRNAs, an essential requirement for subsequent aminoacylation. These special enzymes function in a fascinating manner without a nucleic acid template. Furthermore, a substrate affinity switch from CTP to ATP is fulfilled with high specificity and the reaction is precisely terminated after addition of the terminal ATP. In some bacteria, the CCA-adding activity is divided into two enzymes: a CC- and an A-adding enzyme. This diversity that was long only assigned to Bacteria. However, the growing number of eukaryotic genomes allowed for deep bioinformatic investigation, revealing several eukaryotic organisms with an unusual amount of tRNA nucleotidyltransferase genes. In the present work, the function of several tRNA nucleotidyltransferases found in the genome of certain fungi, amoeba and choanoflagellates was investigated. For the tRNA nucleotidyltrans-ferases detected in Salpingoeca rosetta and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a divided activity similar to bacterial CC- and A-adding enzymes could be observed. Additionally, in the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum two bona fide CCA-adding enzymes were found, which are inversely regulated during the developmental cycle. In the amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii, four different tRNA nucleotidyltransferases with different activities, localization and evolutionary origin were identified. Moreover, a method for the precise analysis of mature tRNAs by high-throughput sequencing was established as well. This method includes the specific ligation of a hairpin adapter molecule, which complementarily and highly efficiently binds to tRNAs with a 3’-CCA end resulting in a very specific preparation of tRNAs for high-throughput sequencing. It also allows for analysis of some modified bases usually found in tRNAs, which was used to analyze the alteration of certain tRNA modifications during the developmental cycle of D. discoideum.:Erklärung der Selbstständigkeit II List of Abbreviations V Bibliografische Darstellung VII Zusammenfassung 1 Summary 6 Chapter I 11 1.1. Transfer RNAs 12 1.1.1. Structure and maturation of transfer ribonucleic acids (tRNAs) 12 1.1.2. tRNAs as regulatory molecules and their role in diseases 13 1.1.3. Sequencing of tRNAs – a special challenge 14 1.1.4. The 3’-CCA end of tRNAs 15 1.2. tRNA nucleotidyltransferases 16 1.2.1. Classification and biological roles 16 1.2.2. Class II tRNA nucleotidyltransferases 18 1.2.3. Enzymes with split activity – bacterial CC- and A-adding enzymes 19 1.2.4. Two types of eukaryotic tRNA nucleotidyltransferases 21 1.2.5. Distribution of eukaryotic organisms with multiple tRNA nucleotidyltransferase genes 22 1.3. Aim of the work 23 1.4. References 25 Chapter II 33 Chapter III 44 Chapter IV 75 Chapter V 100 Chapter VI 119 Publications and Presentations IX Author Contribution Statement XI Danksagung XVI

Variation phénotypique de la résistance quantitative à Phytophthora capsici dans la diversité naturelle du piment, et diversité moléculaire et profil d'évolution du QTL majeur Pc5.1 / Phenotypic variation for quantitative resistance to Phytophthora capsici in pepper germplasm, and molecular diversity and evolution pattern of the major effect QTL Pc5.1

Cantet, Mélissa 12 April 2013 (has links)
L'utilisation de variétés présentant des résistances quantitatives polygéniques est une pratique respectueuse de l'environnement et potentiellement durable pour lutter contre les bioagresseurs. Les résistances quantitatives sont cependant mal connues et encore peu exploitées. Via l'étude de l'interaction Capsicum spp. / Phytophthora capsici, les objectifs sont de (i) caractériser la diversité naturelle de l'hôte pour le phénotype quantitatif de résistance, (ii) décrire la diversité au QTL Pc5.1, déterminant majeur de la résistance, conservé chez les géniteurs et efficace à large spectre, et (iii) déterminer le profil d'évolution moléculaire aux gènes candidats de Pc5.1. L'évaluation du niveau de résistance de ressources génétiques de Capsicum spp. et du spectre de résistance d'un panel d'accessions a permis d'identifier de nouveaux géniteurs de forte résistance au spectre large et a fourni un set d'isolats différenciant les accessions selon leur spectre. Le polymorphisme à Pc5.1 a été révélé par séquençage haut débit. Globalement, Pc5.1 présente un polymorphisme nucléotidique plus élevé que le reste du génome. Les accessions résistantes sont très peu divergentes au QTL, signe d'une forte conservation intra- et inter-génique, alors que les accessions sensibles sont plus polymorphes. Aux gènes candidats, deux haplotypes majeurs ont été identifiés, l'un présent quasi exclusivement chez des accessions résistantes et l'autre chez des accessions sensibles, ce qui confirme la forte conservation du locus et la divergence entre résistants et sensibles. Le déséquilibre de liaison mesuré aux gènes candidats étant fort, surtout chez les C. annuum, 65% des polymorphismes sont significativement associés à la résistance. Cette étude a mis en évidence le caractère contraint de l'allèle de résistance à Pc5.1 et interroge sur l'origine et l'histoire évolutive du QTL, en relation avec sonefficacité à large spectre. Il semble qu'une localisation proche du centromère limite les recombinaisons au locus et que la divergence entre les sensibles et les résistants soit un événement ancien. La détermination de la nature moléculaire et de l'histoire évolutive de Pc5.1 sera poursuivie en approfondissant les analyses de divergence des séquences et en se focalisant sur la validation fonctionnelle des gènes candidats déjà en cours. / An environmentally friendly and potentially durable strategy to control diseases is the breeding for varieties displaying quantitative polygenic resistances. However a few is known about quantitative resistances, which are thus underexploited. Through the investigation of the Capsicum spp. / Phytophthora capsici interaction, this study aimed to (i) phenotype natural host diversity for the quantitative resistance, (ii) describe the nucleotide diversity at the QTL Pc5.1, a major determinant of resistance that is retrieved among genitors and is broad-spectrum, and (iii) explore the pattern of molecular evolution at Pc5.1 candidate genes. Through the phenotyping for level of resistance in Capsicum spp. genetic resources and spectrum of resistance in a sample of accessions, novel genitors displaying strong and broadspectrum resistance have been identified, and a set of isolates that differentiate accessions according to their resistance spectrum has been established. High-throughput sequencing has been exploited to identify polymorphisms at Pc5.1. Nucleotide diversity at Pc5.1 is higher than over the genome. Resistant accessions displayed low divergence thatindicates high intra- and inter-genic conservation, while susceptible accessions are more polymorphic than resistant ones. At the candidate genes, two major haplotypes have been identified, one being almost exclusively exhibited by resistant accessions and the other by susceptible ones, which reinforces the assessments that the QTL is highly conserved and that resistant and susceptible accessions are divergent. Linkage disequilibrium at candidate genes being high, particularly for C. annuum, 65% of polymorphisms are in significant association with resistance. By highlightingthe constraint pattern of selection at Pc5.1, this study wonders about the origin and the evolution history of the QTL, in relation to its broad-spectrum efficiency. A close proximity with the centromere region seems to restrict recombinations at the QTL, and divergence between resistant and susceptible may be an ancient event. The investigation of the molecular function and the pattern of evolution of Pc5.1 will be continued through in depth study of the acquired sequences and functional validation of candidate genes already ongoing.

Estudo clínico, histológico e molecular da miopatia centronuclear / A clinical, histological and molecular study of centronuclear myopathy

Abath Neto, Osório Lopes 02 October 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A miopatia centronuclear é uma doença muscular congênita com apresentação clínica heterogênea, caracterizada histologicamente pela proeminência de fibras musculares com núcleos centralizados. Três formas são reconhecidas: neonatal grave, com herança ligada ao X e envolvimento do gene MTM1; autossômica dominante, com início geralmente tardio e curso mais leve, associada a mutações no gene DNM2; e autossômica recessiva, com gravidade intermediária entre as outras formas e envolvimento dos genes BIN1, RYR1 ou TTN. Apesar da identificação dos principais genes responsáveis pela doença, os métodos usuais de diagnóstico genético não encontram mutações em cerca da metade dos casos. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi a caracterização clínica, histológica e molecular de pacientes brasileiros portadores de miopatia centronuclear. Métodos: Laudos de dois bancos de biópsia muscular foram usados para identificar pacientes com diagnóstico de miopatia centronuclear nos últimos dez anos. As lâminas das biópsias foram revisadas e analisadas, e as famílias correspondentes convocadas para aplicação de protocolo clínico e coleta de sangue periférico para extração de DNA genômico. As famílias foram estudadas para os genes conhecidos por sequenciamento Sanger, MLPA, painel de genes implicados em doenças neuromusculares ou sequenciamento de exoma. Resultados: Foram convocados 24 pacientes provenientes de 21 famílias, em 16 das quais foi possível estabelecer o diagnóstico molecular. As 7 famílias com a forma neonatal grave constituíam um grupo homogêneo clínica e histologicamente, e mutações novas e conhecidas foram encontradas no gene MTM1 em 6 destas. Dois meninos deste grupo, com evolução estável, tiveram óbito súbito por choque hipovolêmico subsequente a rompimento de cisto hepático. O gene MTM1 também foi implicado em uma menina portadora manifestante, com quadro mais leve, na forma de uma macrodeleção em heterozigose, detectada por MPLA. Duas famílias em cuja histologia foram encontradas fibras com aspecto em \"roda de carroça\" apresentaram mutações no gene DNM2, uma das quais, p.Phe372Cys, nunca havia sido descrita. Em 7 famílias, o gene RYR1 foi o responsável, em todas sob a forma de heterozigose composta, com 14 mutações, das quais 13 novas, encontradas ao longo de todo o gene. Este grupo, apesar de heterogêneo clinicamente, apresentou em comum a presença de falhas focais na atividade oxidativa das fibras musculares na maioria dos indivíduos. O gene TTN está provavelmente implicado em uma família com um único afetado, no qual o sequenciamento de exoma mostrou mutação nula em heterozigose composta. Nesta coorte de pacientes brasileiros, não houve famílias com alterações no gene BIN1, e três famílias seguem sem diagnóstico molecular, com prováveis novos genes implicados. Conclusões: Os achados clínicos e histológicos de pacientes brasileiros com miopatia centronuclear seguem os padrões descritos na literatura, e em conjunto podem direcionar o estudo molecular adequado. Nesta coorte de pacientes, o gene RYR1, estudado por sequenciamento de alto débito de exoma, foi o mais frequentemente acometido, sugerindo que sua implicação na miopatia centronuclear vem sendo subestimada. Novas mutações encontradas nos genes MTM1, DNM2 e RYR1 contribuíram para confirmar regiões de patogenicidade e ampliar o espectro de alterações nestes genes / Introduction: Centronuclear myopathy is a heterogeneous congenital muscle disease, characterized by the prominence of centralized nuclei in muscle fibers. Three disease forms are recognized: a severe neonatal, X-linked form caused by mutations in the MTM1 gene; an autosomal dominant, late-onset milder form, associated to the DNM2 gene; and an autosomal recessive form, with intermediate severity, so far with the BIN1, RYR1 or TTN genes implicated. In spite of the identification of these genes, usual molecular diagnostic methods don\'t yield a molecular diagnosis in about half of cases. Objetives: The aim of this work was to study clinical, histological, and molecular aspects of centronuclear myopathy Brazilian patients. Methods: Reports taken from two muscle biopsy banks were used to identify centronuclear myopathy patients in the last ten years. Biopsy slides were reviewed and analyzed, and corresponding families recruited to apply a clinical protocol and to draw peripheral blood to extract genomic DNA. Families were studied for known genes via Sanger sequencing, MLPA, panel of genes implicated in neuromuscular diseases, or exome sequencing. Results: Twentyfour patients out of 21 families were recruited, and in 16 families molecular diagnosis was established. The 7 families with the severe neonatal form amounted to a clinically and histologically homogeneous group, and mutations, both known and novel, were found in the MTM1 gene in 6 of these. Two boys of this group, with a stable course, died suddenly of hypovolemic shock due to a hepatic cyst rupture. The MTM1 gene was also implicated in the case of a mild manifesting carrier girl with a heterozygous macrodeletion detected via MLPA. Two families whose histology contained fibers with a \"spoke of wheels\" aspect had mutations in the DNM2 gene, one of which, p.Phe372Cys, had never been described. In 7 families, the RYR1 gene was the culprit, in all of them in a compound heterozygous state, with 14 mutations, 13 of which novel, found throughout the length of the gene. This group, despite clinically heterogeneous, had in common the presence of focal disruptions in the oxidative activity of muscle fibers in the majority of individuals. The TTN gene is probably implicated in a family with a single affected, whose exome sequencing showed compound heterozygous null mutations. In this cohort of Brazilian patients, no family was found to have alterations in the BIN1 gene, and three families remain without molecular diagnosis, with probable new implicated genes. Conclusions: Clinical and histological findings of Brazilian patients with centronuclear myopathy follow patterns already described in the literature, and taken as a whole can direct the adequate molecular study. In this patient cohort, the RYR1 gene, sequenced though hight-throughput techniques, was the most frequently involved, suggesting that its implication in centronuclear myopathy is underestimated. Novel mutations found in the MTM1, DNM2 and RYR1 genes contributed to confirm pathogenic regions and expand the spectrum of alterations in these genes

Conservation of mechanosignaling: responses of human adult mesenchymal stem cells and differentiated vascular cells to applied physical forces

Doyle, Adele Marion 25 March 2010 (has links)
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may benefit vascular cell-based therapies as smooth muscle or endothelial cell substitutes or through paracrine actions to repair, replace, or regenerate vascular tissue. Previous studies have demonstrated that MSCs can adopt traits of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) or endothelial cells (ECs), as well as secrete specific factors that tune signaling and material properties in the local environment. Few studies have investigated the cell signaling response of MSCs to mechanical forces present in the vasculature: specifically, shear stress due to blood flow and cyclic strain due to pulsatile blood flow. Thus, the central objective of this dissertation was to determine the signaling responses of MSCs to vascular-relevant applied physical forces, in comparison with that of differentiated vascular cells. Vascular-relevant mechanosignaling of MSCs was assessed through two comparisons: (1) MSC and SMC responses to applied cyclic strain and (2) MSC and EC responses to applied fluid shear stress. MSCs and SMCs were seeded on fibronectin-coated silicone and subjected in vitro to cyclic strain (10%, 1 Hz) or parallel static culture using a custom-built equibiaxial cyclic strain device. Gene expression analysis of 84 signal transduction molecules demonstrated both cell types respond with significant (p<0.05, n=3) fold-changes (|FC|≥ 1.5) within 24 hours of applied equibiaxial strain. Most strain-responsive genes identified were significantly strain-responsive in only one cell type. A signaling trio of Interleukin 8, Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1, and Heme oxygenase 1 was significantly altered in both MSCs and SMCs, suggesting cyclic strain regulates immune and inflammatory functions in both cell types. The response to shear stress of MSCs and ECs was compared using cells seeded on type I collagen or fibronectin and exposed to steady laminar shear stress (5 or 15 dyn/sq-cm) using a parallel plate shear chamber system. Gene expression was compared in MSCs and ECs for a panel of immune and inflammation-related markers. Expression of Cox-2 and Hmox-1 increased significantly (p<0.05, n≥3; |FC|≥1:5) in both cell types. Reduced shear stress-responses of Mcp-1, Pecam-1, and VE-Cad in MSCs relative to ECs suggests that MSCs promote less inflammation and immune activation in response to shear stress than ECs. Mechanosensitivity profiles for MSCs and differentiated vascular cells were broadened using whole genome microarrays. These high-throughput studies confirmed that (1) signaling profiles between sample groups vary significantly more (p<0.05, n=3) with cell type than applied force condition and (2) a subset of conserved mechanosensitive genes alter expression levels significantly and in the same direction fold-change in multiple cell types. Bioinformatics analysis of these conserved mechanoresponsive genes highlighted oxidative stress, cell cycle, and DNA replication as functions regulated by vascular-relevant mechanical cues. These studies demonstrate that MSCs partially reproduce differentiated vascular cell mechanosignaling, while simultaneously altering expression of genes not typically force-responsive in vascular cells. This work defines a role for conserved mechanosignals, based on genes whose expression in response to applied force alters significantly (p<0.05, n≥3) and by at least 1.5-fold change in multiple cell types and/or force types. Comparisons completed for this dissertation motivate future studies to track the functional impact of specific similar or unique MSC mechanoresponses. This work contributes to design of MSC-based vascular therapies and an understanding of stem and differentiated cell mechanobiology.

Estudo clínico, histológico e molecular da miopatia centronuclear / A clinical, histological and molecular study of centronuclear myopathy

Osório Lopes Abath Neto 02 October 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A miopatia centronuclear é uma doença muscular congênita com apresentação clínica heterogênea, caracterizada histologicamente pela proeminência de fibras musculares com núcleos centralizados. Três formas são reconhecidas: neonatal grave, com herança ligada ao X e envolvimento do gene MTM1; autossômica dominante, com início geralmente tardio e curso mais leve, associada a mutações no gene DNM2; e autossômica recessiva, com gravidade intermediária entre as outras formas e envolvimento dos genes BIN1, RYR1 ou TTN. Apesar da identificação dos principais genes responsáveis pela doença, os métodos usuais de diagnóstico genético não encontram mutações em cerca da metade dos casos. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi a caracterização clínica, histológica e molecular de pacientes brasileiros portadores de miopatia centronuclear. Métodos: Laudos de dois bancos de biópsia muscular foram usados para identificar pacientes com diagnóstico de miopatia centronuclear nos últimos dez anos. As lâminas das biópsias foram revisadas e analisadas, e as famílias correspondentes convocadas para aplicação de protocolo clínico e coleta de sangue periférico para extração de DNA genômico. As famílias foram estudadas para os genes conhecidos por sequenciamento Sanger, MLPA, painel de genes implicados em doenças neuromusculares ou sequenciamento de exoma. Resultados: Foram convocados 24 pacientes provenientes de 21 famílias, em 16 das quais foi possível estabelecer o diagnóstico molecular. As 7 famílias com a forma neonatal grave constituíam um grupo homogêneo clínica e histologicamente, e mutações novas e conhecidas foram encontradas no gene MTM1 em 6 destas. Dois meninos deste grupo, com evolução estável, tiveram óbito súbito por choque hipovolêmico subsequente a rompimento de cisto hepático. O gene MTM1 também foi implicado em uma menina portadora manifestante, com quadro mais leve, na forma de uma macrodeleção em heterozigose, detectada por MPLA. Duas famílias em cuja histologia foram encontradas fibras com aspecto em \"roda de carroça\" apresentaram mutações no gene DNM2, uma das quais, p.Phe372Cys, nunca havia sido descrita. Em 7 famílias, o gene RYR1 foi o responsável, em todas sob a forma de heterozigose composta, com 14 mutações, das quais 13 novas, encontradas ao longo de todo o gene. Este grupo, apesar de heterogêneo clinicamente, apresentou em comum a presença de falhas focais na atividade oxidativa das fibras musculares na maioria dos indivíduos. O gene TTN está provavelmente implicado em uma família com um único afetado, no qual o sequenciamento de exoma mostrou mutação nula em heterozigose composta. Nesta coorte de pacientes brasileiros, não houve famílias com alterações no gene BIN1, e três famílias seguem sem diagnóstico molecular, com prováveis novos genes implicados. Conclusões: Os achados clínicos e histológicos de pacientes brasileiros com miopatia centronuclear seguem os padrões descritos na literatura, e em conjunto podem direcionar o estudo molecular adequado. Nesta coorte de pacientes, o gene RYR1, estudado por sequenciamento de alto débito de exoma, foi o mais frequentemente acometido, sugerindo que sua implicação na miopatia centronuclear vem sendo subestimada. Novas mutações encontradas nos genes MTM1, DNM2 e RYR1 contribuíram para confirmar regiões de patogenicidade e ampliar o espectro de alterações nestes genes / Introduction: Centronuclear myopathy is a heterogeneous congenital muscle disease, characterized by the prominence of centralized nuclei in muscle fibers. Three disease forms are recognized: a severe neonatal, X-linked form caused by mutations in the MTM1 gene; an autosomal dominant, late-onset milder form, associated to the DNM2 gene; and an autosomal recessive form, with intermediate severity, so far with the BIN1, RYR1 or TTN genes implicated. In spite of the identification of these genes, usual molecular diagnostic methods don\'t yield a molecular diagnosis in about half of cases. Objetives: The aim of this work was to study clinical, histological, and molecular aspects of centronuclear myopathy Brazilian patients. Methods: Reports taken from two muscle biopsy banks were used to identify centronuclear myopathy patients in the last ten years. Biopsy slides were reviewed and analyzed, and corresponding families recruited to apply a clinical protocol and to draw peripheral blood to extract genomic DNA. Families were studied for known genes via Sanger sequencing, MLPA, panel of genes implicated in neuromuscular diseases, or exome sequencing. Results: Twentyfour patients out of 21 families were recruited, and in 16 families molecular diagnosis was established. The 7 families with the severe neonatal form amounted to a clinically and histologically homogeneous group, and mutations, both known and novel, were found in the MTM1 gene in 6 of these. Two boys of this group, with a stable course, died suddenly of hypovolemic shock due to a hepatic cyst rupture. The MTM1 gene was also implicated in the case of a mild manifesting carrier girl with a heterozygous macrodeletion detected via MLPA. Two families whose histology contained fibers with a \"spoke of wheels\" aspect had mutations in the DNM2 gene, one of which, p.Phe372Cys, had never been described. In 7 families, the RYR1 gene was the culprit, in all of them in a compound heterozygous state, with 14 mutations, 13 of which novel, found throughout the length of the gene. This group, despite clinically heterogeneous, had in common the presence of focal disruptions in the oxidative activity of muscle fibers in the majority of individuals. The TTN gene is probably implicated in a family with a single affected, whose exome sequencing showed compound heterozygous null mutations. In this cohort of Brazilian patients, no family was found to have alterations in the BIN1 gene, and three families remain without molecular diagnosis, with probable new implicated genes. Conclusions: Clinical and histological findings of Brazilian patients with centronuclear myopathy follow patterns already described in the literature, and taken as a whole can direct the adequate molecular study. In this patient cohort, the RYR1 gene, sequenced though hight-throughput techniques, was the most frequently involved, suggesting that its implication in centronuclear myopathy is underestimated. Novel mutations found in the MTM1, DNM2 and RYR1 genes contributed to confirm pathogenic regions and expand the spectrum of alterations in these genes

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