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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modèle et commande structurés : application aux grandes structures spatiales flexibles / Modeling and structured control law : applying to flexible space structures

Guy, Nicolas 26 November 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, les problématiques de la modélisation et du contrôle robuste de l’attitude des grandes structures spatiales flexibles sont considérées. Afin de satisfaire les performances de pointage requises dans les scénarios des futures missions spatiales, nous proposons d’optimiser directement une loi de commande d’ordre réduit sur un modèle de validation d’ordre élevé et des critères qui exploitent directement la structure du modèle. Ainsi, les travaux de cette thèse sont naturellement divisés en deux parties : une partie relative à l’obtention d’un modèle dynamique judicieusement structuré du véhicule spatial qui servira à l’étape de synthèse ; une seconde partie concernant l’obtention de la loi de commande.Ces travaux sont illustrés sur l’exemple académique du système masses-ressort, qui est la représentation la plus simple d’un système flexible à un degré de liberté. En complément, un cas d’étude sur un satellite géostationnaire est traité pour valider les approches sur un exemple plus réaliste d’une problématique industrielle. / In this thesis, modeling and robust attitude control problems of large flexible space structures are considered. To meet the required pointing performance of future space missions scenarios, we propose to directly optimize a reduced order control law on high order model validation and criteria that directly exploit the model structure. Thus, the work of this thesis is naturally divided into two parts : one part on obtaining a wisely structured dynamic model of the spacecraft to be used in the synthesis step, a second part about getting the law control. This work is illustrated on the example of the academic spring-masses system, which is the simplest representation of a one degree of freedom flexible system. In addition, a geostationary satellite study case is processed to validate developed approaches on a more realistic example of an industrial problem.

Optimisation des correcteurs par les métaheuristiques. Application à la stabilisation inertielle de ligne de visée. / Controllers optimization with metaheuristics – Application to the ligne of sight stabilization problem.

Feyel, Philippe 16 June 2015 (has links)
Dans l’industrie, l’automaticien doit concevoir une loi de commande unique qu’il valide sur un prototype unique, ayant un degré de robustesse suffisant pour satisfaire un cahier des charges complexe sur un grand nombre de systèmes. Pour cela, la méthodologie de développement qu’il emploie consiste en un processus itératif expérimental (phase d’essai-erreur), qui fait grandement appel à l’expérience de l’ingénieur. Dans cette thèse, on tente de rendre la méthodologie de synthèse des correcteurs des asservissements plus efficace car plus directe et donc moins couteuse en temps de développement en calculant un correcteur final (structuré) par une attaque directe de la spécification système haut niveau. La complexité des spécifications systèmes haut-niveau nous pousse à l’emploi des métaheuristiques : ces techniques d’optimisation ne nécessitent pas la formulation du gradient, la seule contrainte étant la possibilité d’évaluer la spécification. Ainsi avons-nous proposé dans ce travail de reformuler les problèmes de commande robuste pour l’optimisation stochastique : on montre dans ce travail comment on peut synthétiser des correcteurs structurés à partir de problématiques de type H ou -synthèse et on montre que l’intérêt de l’approche formulée réside dans sa flexibilité et la prise en compte de contraintes « exotiques » complexes ; les algorithmes évolutionnaires s’avérant très performants et compétitifs, nous avons finalement développé sur cette base une méthode originale de synthèse de correcteurs structurés et robustes vis-à-vis de critères d’optimisation de forme quelconque. La validation de ces travaux a été réalisée sur des exemples industriels de viseurs. / In the industrial framework, the control engineer must design a unique control law that valid on a single prototype, with a sufficient degree of robustness to satisfy a complex specification on many systems. For that purpose, his development methodology consists of an experimental iterative process (trial and error phase), which relies heavily on the experience of the engineer. In this thesis, we try to make the methodology for computing controllers more efficient and more direct with a less costly development time by calculating a final structured controller by a direct optimization on the high level specification.The complexity of high-level specifications pushes us to the use of metaheuristics: these optimization techniques do not require the formulation of the gradient, the only constraint being the possibility of evaluating the specification. Thus we proposed in this work to reformulate robust control problems for stochastic optimization: we show in this work how to synthesize structured controllers for control problems such H synthesis or -synthesis and show that the interest of the formulated approach lies in its flexibility and the consideration of exotic complex constraints. Evolutionary algorithms proving very effective and competitive, we finally developed on this basis a new method for synthesizing robust and structured controllers with respect to any form of optimization criteria. The validation of this work was carried out on the industrial example of the line of sight stabilization problem.

Commande robuste pour une gestion énergétique fonction de l’état de santé de la batterie au sein des véhicules hybrides / Robust control approach to battery health accommodation of EMS in HEV

Wang, Tinghong 23 October 2013 (has links)
Un des enjeux actuels de la réduction des émissions polluantes pour les véhicules automobiles concerne l'utilisation de moyens de propulsion hybride (électrique+thermique). Les problématiques principales, pour l'automatique, sont alors d'optimiser l'efficacité énergétique globale du véhicule, mais aussi d'améliorer les performances du véhicule hybride. Nous envisageons ici de développer des méthodes de commande robuste dans cet objectif, tout en prenant en compte les contraintes liées à la mise en oeuvre pratique. / In the recent years, growing public concern has been given both on the energy problem and on the environment problem resulted from dramatically increased vehicles equipped with Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). Subsequently, intensive contributions have been made by the automotive industries and research institutes on vehicles that depend less on the fossil fuels, and introduce less pollutant emissions. This has led to the emergence of environment-friendly and energy-saving vehicles such as the Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) that is usually equipped with one or more additional electric motors and the associated power battery compared with the Conventional vehicles (CVs) propelled solely by the ICE. The key point of an HEV is to design a proper Energy Management Strategy (EMS) that decides how to split the demanded power between the engine and the motor (battery). As the most important and expensive part of an HEV, it is important to take into account battery states, such as battery State of Charge (SOC) and battery ageing, aiming at maintain the optimality of the achieved EMS, as well as prolonging the battery life. In this dissertation, an HEV of parallel structure, which is equipped with a Lithiumion battery is considered. This dissertation is focused on accounting for battery related items, i.e. battery SOC and SOH indicated by battery parameters, in the EMS developments leading to a kind of fault tolerant EMS. Some brief introduction on the control methods and realization approaches involved in this work is presented first, followed by two big parts: the first part is focused on the battery modeling and estimation, while the second part is concerned by the vehicle modeling and few kinds of EMS development methods.

Optimisation des correcteurs par les métaheuristiques. Application à la stabilisation inertielle de ligne de visée. / Controllers optimization with metaheuristics – Application to the ligne of sight stabilization problem.

Feyel, Philippe 16 June 2015 (has links)
Dans l’industrie, l’automaticien doit concevoir une loi de commande unique qu’il valide sur un prototype unique, ayant un degré de robustesse suffisant pour satisfaire un cahier des charges complexe sur un grand nombre de systèmes. Pour cela, la méthodologie de développement qu’il emploie consiste en un processus itératif expérimental (phase d’essai-erreur), qui fait grandement appel à l’expérience de l’ingénieur. Dans cette thèse, on tente de rendre la méthodologie de synthèse des correcteurs des asservissements plus efficace car plus directe et donc moins couteuse en temps de développement en calculant un correcteur final (structuré) par une attaque directe de la spécification système haut niveau. La complexité des spécifications systèmes haut-niveau nous pousse à l’emploi des métaheuristiques : ces techniques d’optimisation ne nécessitent pas la formulation du gradient, la seule contrainte étant la possibilité d’évaluer la spécification. Ainsi avons-nous proposé dans ce travail de reformuler les problèmes de commande robuste pour l’optimisation stochastique : on montre dans ce travail comment on peut synthétiser des correcteurs structurés à partir de problématiques de type H ou -synthèse et on montre que l’intérêt de l’approche formulée réside dans sa flexibilité et la prise en compte de contraintes « exotiques » complexes ; les algorithmes évolutionnaires s’avérant très performants et compétitifs, nous avons finalement développé sur cette base une méthode originale de synthèse de correcteurs structurés et robustes vis-à-vis de critères d’optimisation de forme quelconque. La validation de ces travaux a été réalisée sur des exemples industriels de viseurs. / In the industrial framework, the control engineer must design a unique control law that valid on a single prototype, with a sufficient degree of robustness to satisfy a complex specification on many systems. For that purpose, his development methodology consists of an experimental iterative process (trial and error phase), which relies heavily on the experience of the engineer. In this thesis, we try to make the methodology for computing controllers more efficient and more direct with a less costly development time by calculating a final structured controller by a direct optimization on the high level specification.The complexity of high-level specifications pushes us to the use of metaheuristics: these optimization techniques do not require the formulation of the gradient, the only constraint being the possibility of evaluating the specification. Thus we proposed in this work to reformulate robust control problems for stochastic optimization: we show in this work how to synthesize structured controllers for control problems such H synthesis or -synthesis and show that the interest of the formulated approach lies in its flexibility and the consideration of exotic complex constraints. Evolutionary algorithms proving very effective and competitive, we finally developed on this basis a new method for synthesizing robust and structured controllers with respect to any form of optimization criteria. The validation of this work was carried out on the industrial example of the line of sight stabilization problem.

Modélisation et commande de suspensions semi-actives SOBEN

Aubouet, Sébastien 25 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse concernent la modélisation, la commande et l'estimation de suspensions automobiles semi-actives, dans un contexte industriel. La contribution principale concerne le développement d'une méthodologie de synthèse d'observateurs et de contrôleurs adaptés aux suspensions semi-actives. Fondée sur un observateur, un contrôleur principal et quatre contrôleurs locaux, la stratégie de commande permet d'améliorer le confort et la tenue de route du véhicule. La méthode de synthèse Hinfinity appliquée aux systèmes Linéaires à Paramètres Variants (LPV) est utilisée pour la commande des amortisseurs, permettant ainsi de prendre en compte leurs non linéarités dans la synthèse. Différents résultats de simulation et expérimentaux sont présentés pour valider l'observateur et les lois de commande.

Aplicação de controladores H-infinito em modelo não linear de suspensão ativa eletromagnética. / Application of H-infinity controllers in a nonlinear model of electromagnetic active suspension.

Falleiros, Murilo Fregonesi 13 June 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a aplicação da teoria de Controle Robusto H-infinito em modelo não linear de sistema de suspensão ativa com Atuador Tubular de Ímã Permanente (ATIP). Os principais objetivos na aplicação dos sistemas ativos de suspensão são a obtenção de melhores níveis de conforto do usuário e dirigibilidade do veículo em relação aos sistemas de suspensão passivo e semi-ativo, e a manutenção dos limites de deslocamento da suspensão. Inicialmente, são apresentados os modelos de suspensão ativa de um quarto de carro e carro completo, utilizados respectivamente como planta para o projeto dos controladores H-infinito e como modelo para as simulações dos sistemas de suspensão em malha fechada. Em seguida, o conjunto de controladores H-infinito e desenvolvido, baseado em especificações de projeto definidas, para posterior avaliação e comparação dos sistemas projetados. Verificações de robustez dos sistemas de suspensão ativos, utilizando-se da Análise-µ como ferramenta de avaliação, são feitas em conjunto com as análises de desempenho de cada sistema. A avaliação de desempenho dos sistemas é realizada tanto no domínio do tempo (avaliando-se angulações, velocidades, acelerações, defexões e energia do sistema) quanto no domínio da frequência (através da análise de densidade espectral de potência, ou Power Spectral Density (PSD), das acelerações verticais do veículo e do esforço de controle do atuador). A excitação do sistema é realizada por meio de distúrbios impostos às posições das rodas, dos tipos determinístico e estocástico, representativos de condições reais da aplicação de um veículo. O conjunto de controladores desenvolvido neste trabalho apresenta resultados satisfatórios para distúrbios de entrada do tipo determinísticos e estocásticos, com ganhos de desempenho dos sistemas de suspensão ativa em relação ao sistema passivo de referência de até 34; 92% para a métrica de avaliação do conforto do usuário, de 17; 23% para a métrica da manutenção da dirigibilidade, e de 43; 48% e 30; 10% para as métricas das acelerações dos ângulos de arfagem e de rolagem da carroceria, respectivamente. / This work presents the application of the H-infinity robust control theory into a non-linear model of active suspension system with a Tubular Permanent Magnet Actuator (TPMA). The main objectives in the application of the active suspension systems are the achievement of greater levels of comfort to the user and of road holding for the vehicle, when compared to the passive and semi-active suspension systems, besides the maintenance of suspension displacement limits. Initially are presented the active suspension models of a quarter-car and of a full-car, used respectively as a plant for the design of the H-infinity controllers and as a model for the simulations of the closed loop suspension systems. In the sequel, the controllers are developed, based on properly defined specifications, for further evaluation and comparison among the systems designed. Robustness verications of the active suspension systems, using the µ-Analysis as assessment tool, are performed together with the performance analysis of each system. The performance evaluation of the systems is performed both in the time domain (assessing angles, speeds, accelerations, dections and the energy of the system) and in the frequency domain (through the analysis of Power Spectral Density (PSD) of vertical accelerations of the vehicle and the control efort of the actuator). The excitation of the system is carried out by means of disturbances imposed to the vertical wheel\'s positions. Those disturbances are of deterministic and stochastic types, which are representatives of real working conditions of the vehicle. The set of controllers developed in this work presents satisfactory results for both deterministic and stochastic input disturbances, with performance gains of the active suspension systems in relation to the passive system of reference up to 34; 92%, 17; 23%, 43; 48% and 30; 10% respectively to the assessment metrics of user comfort, handling maintenance and acceleration of the pitch and roll angles of the chassis.

Aplicação de controladores H-infinito em modelo não linear de suspensão ativa eletromagnética. / Application of H-infinity controllers in a nonlinear model of electromagnetic active suspension.

Murilo Fregonesi Falleiros 13 June 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a aplicação da teoria de Controle Robusto H-infinito em modelo não linear de sistema de suspensão ativa com Atuador Tubular de Ímã Permanente (ATIP). Os principais objetivos na aplicação dos sistemas ativos de suspensão são a obtenção de melhores níveis de conforto do usuário e dirigibilidade do veículo em relação aos sistemas de suspensão passivo e semi-ativo, e a manutenção dos limites de deslocamento da suspensão. Inicialmente, são apresentados os modelos de suspensão ativa de um quarto de carro e carro completo, utilizados respectivamente como planta para o projeto dos controladores H-infinito e como modelo para as simulações dos sistemas de suspensão em malha fechada. Em seguida, o conjunto de controladores H-infinito e desenvolvido, baseado em especificações de projeto definidas, para posterior avaliação e comparação dos sistemas projetados. Verificações de robustez dos sistemas de suspensão ativos, utilizando-se da Análise-µ como ferramenta de avaliação, são feitas em conjunto com as análises de desempenho de cada sistema. A avaliação de desempenho dos sistemas é realizada tanto no domínio do tempo (avaliando-se angulações, velocidades, acelerações, defexões e energia do sistema) quanto no domínio da frequência (através da análise de densidade espectral de potência, ou Power Spectral Density (PSD), das acelerações verticais do veículo e do esforço de controle do atuador). A excitação do sistema é realizada por meio de distúrbios impostos às posições das rodas, dos tipos determinístico e estocástico, representativos de condições reais da aplicação de um veículo. O conjunto de controladores desenvolvido neste trabalho apresenta resultados satisfatórios para distúrbios de entrada do tipo determinísticos e estocásticos, com ganhos de desempenho dos sistemas de suspensão ativa em relação ao sistema passivo de referência de até 34; 92% para a métrica de avaliação do conforto do usuário, de 17; 23% para a métrica da manutenção da dirigibilidade, e de 43; 48% e 30; 10% para as métricas das acelerações dos ângulos de arfagem e de rolagem da carroceria, respectivamente. / This work presents the application of the H-infinity robust control theory into a non-linear model of active suspension system with a Tubular Permanent Magnet Actuator (TPMA). The main objectives in the application of the active suspension systems are the achievement of greater levels of comfort to the user and of road holding for the vehicle, when compared to the passive and semi-active suspension systems, besides the maintenance of suspension displacement limits. Initially are presented the active suspension models of a quarter-car and of a full-car, used respectively as a plant for the design of the H-infinity controllers and as a model for the simulations of the closed loop suspension systems. In the sequel, the controllers are developed, based on properly defined specifications, for further evaluation and comparison among the systems designed. Robustness verications of the active suspension systems, using the µ-Analysis as assessment tool, are performed together with the performance analysis of each system. The performance evaluation of the systems is performed both in the time domain (assessing angles, speeds, accelerations, dections and the energy of the system) and in the frequency domain (through the analysis of Power Spectral Density (PSD) of vertical accelerations of the vehicle and the control efort of the actuator). The excitation of the system is carried out by means of disturbances imposed to the vertical wheel\'s positions. Those disturbances are of deterministic and stochastic types, which are representatives of real working conditions of the vehicle. The set of controllers developed in this work presents satisfactory results for both deterministic and stochastic input disturbances, with performance gains of the active suspension systems in relation to the passive system of reference up to 34; 92%, 17; 23%, 43; 48% and 30; 10% respectively to the assessment metrics of user comfort, handling maintenance and acceleration of the pitch and roll angles of the chassis.

Contrôle/Commande avancé pour l'optimisation du confort thermique d'un véhicule électrifié. / Advanced Control and Supervision for the Optimization of Thermal Comfort in an Electrified Vehicle

Esqueda Merino, Donovan Manuel 08 October 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous développons des structures de supervision permettant de définir des consignes optimales pour des actionneurs thermiques, ainsi que des stratégies de commande appropriées pour le pilotage d’une pompe à chaleur (PAC). Pour répondre à ces objectifs, plusieurs étapes ont été réalisées :- Modélisation orientée commande d’une PAC réversible, des thermistances, et de l’environnement permettant de les lier à l’intérieur de l’habitacle. Des modèles physiques ont été définis et intégrés dans une plateforme du type Model-in-the-Loop pour permettre a posteriori la validation des stratégies de commande et d’optimisation. - Commande d’une PAC. La linéarisation du modèle de PAC autour de certains points de fonctionnement a permis le développement de la commande de l’actionneur principal. La structure de commande proposée permet de prendre en compte, en boucle fermée, des contraintes d’état et d’entrée du système. Les performances de cette structure ont été analysées en considérant successivement des régulateurs principaux de type PI et Hinf. Enfin, des algorithmes réalisant le pilotage d’un actionneur secondaire du système ont été également proposés. - Optimisation des actionneurs thermiques. L’utilisation combinée de thermistances et de la PAC présente des avantages en termes de réduction de la consommation énergétique et/ou du maintien de la puissance thermique demandée dans des conditions aux limites de fonctionnement. Le problème d’optimisation a été résolu en deux temps : des solutions hors-ligne ont été obtenues par résolution d’un problème mixte en nombre entier avec modèle prédictif, puis utilisées pour déduire des stratégies embarquables sur le véhicule. / Through this thesis we develop some strategies to define the optimal set points for thermal actuators, as well as an adequate control strategy for a heat pump. To this extent, different steps were carried out:- Control-oriented modeling of a reversible heat pump, thermistors, and the environment connecting these elements to the interior of the car’s cabin. Simplified but non-linear physical models were defined and used to build a Model-in-the-Loop platform, which would later be considered for the validation of the control and optimization strategies. - Control of a heat pump. The linearization of the heat pump model around some operating points was used to develop the control of the electric compressor, being the main actuator. The proposed control structure takes into account, in closed loop, input and state constraints. The performance of the structure was analyzed by using main controllers of PI and Hinf type. Lastly, some control algorithms were also proposed to control a second actuator of the system. - Thermal actuators optimization. Despite the high efficiency of the heat pump, the use of thermistors can be advantageous both for reducing the energetic consumption and/or to ensure the thermal power requests in extreme conditions. The optimization problem was carried out in two steps: offline solutions were firstly obtained solving a mixed-integer problem with predictive model, then used to derive some strategies that could be embedded in the vehicle.

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