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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vyhodnocení těžebně-dopravní činnosti na území NP Podyjí

Olah, Ondřej January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Verbální komunikace mezi vyučujícími a žáky na střední škole (Dialog při výuce českého jazyka) / Verbal communication between teachers and students at secondary school (Dialogue in lesson of Czech language)

Komárková, Linda January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyze verbal communication between teachers and students in Czech language lessons at secondary schools. It focuses on dialogue. The thesis in the theoretical part summarizes the relevant existing knowledge about school communication. It focuses on the verbal communication of teachers and students and deals with the typical communication structure used in school teaching. Information from the theoretical part of the thesis is also confronted with the main conclusions of the practical part of the thesis. The practical part of the thesis analyzes communication in Czech language lessons, based on five recordings of communication between teachers and students at secondary schools. The thesis analyzes and characterizes verbal communication of teachers and students during the lesson and deals with the communication structure that appears in these lessons - questions from teachers, answers of students and feedback from teachers. The individual lesson analyzes are finally compared.

Vedení efektivní diskuse v hodinách anglického jazyka na střední škole / How teachers lead effective classroom discussions in English lessons at upper-secondary schools

Michálková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with leading discussions in English lessons at upper-secondary schools. In the theoretical part, procedures ensuring effective discussions are described based on previous research findings. The empirical part of the thesis explores how teachers tackle starting, conducting and concluding discussions in real classes and how students evaluate their teachers' efforts. The research is conducted by observing teachers and their classes, by interviewing teachers and by collecting feedback from students in questionnaires. Results comparing the theory with the in-class practice are provided. The conclusion summarizes the common tendencies and differences between the lessons, and the effectiveness of the approaches observed. Key words: discussion, lesson, effectiveness, upper-secondary, leading

Využívání počítačového programu 'Jazyky bez bariér' při výuce angličtiny žáků s dyslexií / Application of the Computer Programme 'Languages without Barriers' in Teaching English to Dyslectic Children

Blahynková, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on teaching English to dyslexic children, especially on the application of a special computer programme designed for dyslexic pupils, called Languages without Barriers. The aim of the theoretical part was to give a report on who dyslexic pupils are, what textbooks and other special materials that encourage dyslexic children are available in the Czech Republic and to outline the way dyslexic pupils should be approached in English lessons. The aim of the practical part was to look briefly into the current situation of teaching English to dyslexic children in the Czech Republic and find out whether Czech teachers have enough information on how to approach such pupils. The main aim of this part was to focus on the special computer programme Languages without Barriers. This diploma thesis aimed to find the optimal application of this programme. To accomplish this task a research was carried out. The programme was introduced to three lower secondary schools in Prague, where it was applied in several English lessons and later at home to help children prepare for their English lessons. The research was based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative analyses. The research shows that Languages without Barriers is a useful programme for dyslexic pupils as well as for...

Jak se reálně učí hudební výchova na 2. stupni ZŠ / The Real Way of Teaching Music at the Upper Primary Schools

ROZNEROVÁ, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the theme of teaching music lessons at the upper primary schools. The theoretical part of the thesis contains a chapter dealing with the paedagogy of music as a theoretical basis for music education. The following chapters provide resources for music education and problems of psychological aspects of music-related activities. The last chapter of the theoretical part is devoted to a concrete music lesson. The practical part introduces individual teachers and students, giving their view of teaching music and bringing their opinions on particular goals solved.

Didaktické metody využívané při výuce botaniky na základních školách / Didactic Methods used in Botany Teaching at Elementary Schools

Fialová, Alžběta January 2016 (has links)
Didactic Methods used in Botany Teaching at Elementary Schools Diploma thesis concerns the topic of utilizing didactic methods in the education of botanic at the grammar schools. The thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part, there are described chosen didactic methods and current classification of botanic in the "General education programme of the basic education system". Furthermore, there is described past classification of the botanic in the "Education programme of Grammar school, General school and National school". Second part contains questionnaire results - pupils and teachers of botanic in the 7. grade of grammar school. The goal of the questionnaire was to find out, which teaching methods are used during the education of botanic, which methods are popular and unpopular with teachers as well as students and which methods are, according to the opinions of the teachers, effective and ineffective. Other goal of the questionnaire was to find out, if the teachers are using education programmes during lessons. In the third part of the thesis, there is listed my own proposal of a lesson of a chosen topic in botanic, which I have based on the results of the questionnaires. To be specific, it's teaching about family of legumes plants (Fabaceae) utilizing many didactic methods without...

Vytvoření návrhu výuky volejbalu na střední škole. / The drafting of teaching volleyball in high school

Kulasová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with issues of teaching volleyball in high schools. It shows one of many possible methods how to include volleyball into the curriculum and into lessons of PE to the graduate teachers. This work strive for more systematic and concrete work of PE teachers in teaching volleyball, which should high school graduates encourage to an increase the requierements on the volleyball skills. In the theoretical part the reader is informed about volleyball as one of the sports games, with all gaming activities of the individual that brings volleyball and that students should be controlled using basic techniques at least. Main for the implementation of the volleyball match are basic options of hits, which are also described here. Some chapters also refer to the expected motion level of basic school and high school graduates. There is also mention of motion abilities. The end of theoretical part is about physical education classified to the educational programs. There is no specific request to involve volleyball in these educational programs. The empirical part is about the proposal of high schools education of volleyball. Volleyball teaching is divided into two grades, 10 lessons each. Activities were chosen based on the literature and my own experience. Keywords: Educational programs,...

Třídnická hodina jako specifická náplň práce třídního učitele na 2. stupni základní školy v České republice / Lesson with a form teacher as a specific part of the form teacher work for the lower secondary education in the Czech Republic

Bureš, Petr January 2011 (has links)
V diplomové práci je řešena problematika třídnické hodiny jako specifické náplně práce třídního učitele na 2. stupni základní školy v České republice. Cílem práce je objasnit, jakým způsobem vnímají a přistupují třídní učitelé k třídnické hodině jako ke specifické náplni své práce. Teoretická část se zabývá třídním učitelem, jeho činnostmi a kompetencemi, analyzuje třídu jako sociální skupinu a vymezuje třídnickou hodinu i s jejími specifiky. Popisu přípravy výzkumného šetření a jeho výsledků se věnuje praktická část. Šetření bylo realizováno metodou dotazníku na vybraných základních školách v České republice a respondenti byli třídní učitelé. Zjištění jsou porovnávána s údaji v odborné literatuře a ze získaných dat jsou vyvozovány závěry pro praxi. Klíčová slova Třídní učitel, školní třída, skupinová dynamika, třídnická hodina, sociální dovednosti.

Využití netradičních pomůcek v hodinách tělesné výchovy na 1. stupni ZŠ / Use of non-traditional aidsin physical education classes et elementary school

Pospíšilová, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
TITLE Use of non-traditional aids in physical education classes at elementary school AUTHOR Eliška Pospíšilová DEPARTMENT Department of Physical Education SUPERVISOR PaedDr. Ivan Přibyl ABSTRACT The diploma thesis deals with the use of non-traditional aids in physical education classes at primary school, both from the point of view of physical education teachers and primary school pupils. The theoretical part is focused on the definition of basic concepts on the given issue, the Framework Education Program for basic education and movement games using non-traditional aids. The practical part is based on a questionnaire survey with physical education teachers and interviews with pupils. The task of the research is to find out whether physical education teachers at the first level of primary schools in Prague 4 use non-traditional aids in their classes and if not, what are the reasons for doing so. The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the results of the research and to summarize the contribution and the negatives of using non-traditional aids in the classes of physical education for pupils. Part of the diploma thesis is "list of games with the use of non-traditional aids" which are verified in practice and supplemented by a final reflection. KEYWORDS: Non-traditional aids, traditional aids, physical...

Využití internetových serverů ve výuce anglického jazyka. / Using Internet Servers in English Language Teaching.

ŠPIČKOVÁ, Eva January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation is focused on the possibilities of using the Internet, especially Internet servers that are focused on English learning, teaching and also practice for lower secondary school learners. One of the aims was to find such servers, to compare and assess them, not only from the didactic point of view. Other aspects have been studied - functionality, orientation in the structure of the internet servers. The text and content of the web pages were also taken into consideration. Another criterion is the utilization of these internet servers by teachers and learners. The aim of this dissertation is to give advice to teachers and learners which servers are appropriate to English teching and learning. The practical part includes a survey based on questionnaires among lower secondary school learners. Its aim is to find out whether they already know and use such servers.

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