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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prosesanalise om die inligtingsvloei van 'n teaterpasiënt in 'n privaat hospitaal in Pretoria te optimaliseer : 'n gevallestudie / Hermien Wolff

Wolff, Hermien January 2014 (has links)
Kommunikasie- en inligtingsoordragfoute is algemeen in situasies waar verskeie persone betrokke is, waar die kommunikasiepatrone kompleks is en baie druk ervaar word. Werk in 'n teaterkompleks skep só 'n situasie. Foute in die mediese veld kan lei tot 'n pasiënt se dood of tot beserings. Die meeste medies-geregtelike insidente kan voorkom word. Deur dus inligtingsoordragfoute in 'n teaterkompleks te verminder, kan medies-geregtelike insidente voorkom word. Rekenaargebaseerde inligtingstelsels kan 'n oplossing wees vir die voorkoming van hierdie probleem. Die probleem is egter dat dit tans nie suksesvol geïmplementeer word nie. Die rede daarvoor is dat die gebruikers voel dat die stelsel nie aan hulle spesifieke behoeftes voldoen nie en dat die werking daarvan nie by hulle bestaande werksisteem inpas nie. Die verandering is te groot. Die oplossing vir 'n suksesvolle implementering van 'n rekenaargebaseerde inligtingstelsel is dus om 'n grondige behoeftebepaling te doen. Dit stem ooreen met die eerste fase van 'n sagteware-ontwikkelingsprojek. As deel van die behoefteanalise moet daar gekyk word hóé die inligting vloei. Dit sal 'n aanduiding wees van wat die beoogde stelsel moet kan doen en bydra daartoe dat bestaande sisteme nie omvergewerp word nie. Hierdie navorsingstudie dien dus om die inligtingsvloei binne 'n privaat hospitaal in Gauteng, Suid-Afrika, se teaterkompleks, vanuit 'n professionele verpleegkundige se perspektief, te ondersoek. Die afdelings wat direk gemoeid is met die teaterkompleks is ingesluit, maar nie so volledig ondersoek soos die teaterkompleks nie. Die studie is kwalitatief van aard. Dit is ondersoekend, beskrywend en kontekstueel. Binne die kwalitatiewe aard van die studie is 'n gevallestudiebenadering gevolg. Ondersoek is ingestel na die aard van inligtingsvloei binne die teaterkompleks en dit is beskryf en grafies voorgestel met behulp van 'n reeks diagramme. Hierdie diagramme sal aan 'n sagteware-ingenieur voorgelê word vir gebruik tydens die stelselontwerp. Die konteks van die studie is, soos gesê, 'n teaterkompleks binne 'n privaat hospitaal in Gauteng, Suid-Afrika. Die eenheid van analise van die gevallestudie is 'n pasiënt wat vir 'n noodlaparotomie teater toe gegaan het. Hierdie geval is gekies weens die kompleksiteit van die inligtingsoordrag wat daarby betrokke is. Die studie is in vyf opeenvolgende fases gedoen. Fase 1 is die seleksie en beskrywing van die geval. In Fase 2 is 'n pasiëntlêer deur middel van 'n ewekansige steekproef gekies en die dokumente is geanaliseer. Die produk van hierdie analise was 'n voorlopige stel diagramme wat die inligtingsvloei voorstel wat in Fase 3 gebruik is om deur rolspelers van die teaterkompleks geëvalueer te word. Die deelnemers van Fase 3 is nie-waarskynlik en doelgerig gekies. Data-insameling het vier vrae behels. Die data is geanaliseer deur van die ses stappe van tematiese analise gebruik te maak. Die produk van Fase 3 is gebruik om Fase 4 te voltooi. Fase 4 is die diagrammatiese voorstelling van die inligtingsvloei na afloop van die deelname deur lede van die multidissiplinêre span. Fase 5 is die integrasie van al die resultate en die gevallestudie. Hierdie integrasie is tematies hanteer. / MCur, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Prosesanalise om die inligtingsvloei van 'n teaterpasiënt in 'n privaat hospitaal in Pretoria te optimaliseer : 'n gevallestudie / Hermien Wolff

Wolff, Hermien January 2014 (has links)
Kommunikasie- en inligtingsoordragfoute is algemeen in situasies waar verskeie persone betrokke is, waar die kommunikasiepatrone kompleks is en baie druk ervaar word. Werk in 'n teaterkompleks skep só 'n situasie. Foute in die mediese veld kan lei tot 'n pasiënt se dood of tot beserings. Die meeste medies-geregtelike insidente kan voorkom word. Deur dus inligtingsoordragfoute in 'n teaterkompleks te verminder, kan medies-geregtelike insidente voorkom word. Rekenaargebaseerde inligtingstelsels kan 'n oplossing wees vir die voorkoming van hierdie probleem. Die probleem is egter dat dit tans nie suksesvol geïmplementeer word nie. Die rede daarvoor is dat die gebruikers voel dat die stelsel nie aan hulle spesifieke behoeftes voldoen nie en dat die werking daarvan nie by hulle bestaande werksisteem inpas nie. Die verandering is te groot. Die oplossing vir 'n suksesvolle implementering van 'n rekenaargebaseerde inligtingstelsel is dus om 'n grondige behoeftebepaling te doen. Dit stem ooreen met die eerste fase van 'n sagteware-ontwikkelingsprojek. As deel van die behoefteanalise moet daar gekyk word hóé die inligting vloei. Dit sal 'n aanduiding wees van wat die beoogde stelsel moet kan doen en bydra daartoe dat bestaande sisteme nie omvergewerp word nie. Hierdie navorsingstudie dien dus om die inligtingsvloei binne 'n privaat hospitaal in Gauteng, Suid-Afrika, se teaterkompleks, vanuit 'n professionele verpleegkundige se perspektief, te ondersoek. Die afdelings wat direk gemoeid is met die teaterkompleks is ingesluit, maar nie so volledig ondersoek soos die teaterkompleks nie. Die studie is kwalitatief van aard. Dit is ondersoekend, beskrywend en kontekstueel. Binne die kwalitatiewe aard van die studie is 'n gevallestudiebenadering gevolg. Ondersoek is ingestel na die aard van inligtingsvloei binne die teaterkompleks en dit is beskryf en grafies voorgestel met behulp van 'n reeks diagramme. Hierdie diagramme sal aan 'n sagteware-ingenieur voorgelê word vir gebruik tydens die stelselontwerp. Die konteks van die studie is, soos gesê, 'n teaterkompleks binne 'n privaat hospitaal in Gauteng, Suid-Afrika. Die eenheid van analise van die gevallestudie is 'n pasiënt wat vir 'n noodlaparotomie teater toe gegaan het. Hierdie geval is gekies weens die kompleksiteit van die inligtingsoordrag wat daarby betrokke is. Die studie is in vyf opeenvolgende fases gedoen. Fase 1 is die seleksie en beskrywing van die geval. In Fase 2 is 'n pasiëntlêer deur middel van 'n ewekansige steekproef gekies en die dokumente is geanaliseer. Die produk van hierdie analise was 'n voorlopige stel diagramme wat die inligtingsvloei voorstel wat in Fase 3 gebruik is om deur rolspelers van die teaterkompleks geëvalueer te word. Die deelnemers van Fase 3 is nie-waarskynlik en doelgerig gekies. Data-insameling het vier vrae behels. Die data is geanaliseer deur van die ses stappe van tematiese analise gebruik te maak. Die produk van Fase 3 is gebruik om Fase 4 te voltooi. Fase 4 is die diagrammatiese voorstelling van die inligtingsvloei na afloop van die deelname deur lede van die multidissiplinêre span. Fase 5 is die integrasie van al die resultate en die gevallestudie. Hierdie integrasie is tematies hanteer. / MCur, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

n Kritiese evaluering van die sosio-ruimtelike implikasies van die Lentegeur hospitaalkompleks.

Saayman, Daniel Bernardus January 1993 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Die fokuspunt van hierdie studie is die impak van die Lentegeur Hospitaal op die plaaslike inwoners. Omdat daar gewoonlik 'n stigma aan geestesinrigtings kleef, wou daar met hierdie studie vasgestel word wat die inwoners se persepsie van die Lentegeur Hospitaal is. Dieselfde konsepte waarmee Dear (1980) gewerk het, is ook in hierdie studie gebruik, nl. afstandsverval, ruimtelike esternaliteitsveld, intensiteit, impak en eksternaliteitsbron. Vir die doel van hierdie studie is van beide kwalitatiewe (onderhoude) en kwantitatiewe (vraelyste)' navorsingsmetodes gebruik gemaak om die empiriese data te verkry. Deur altwee metodes te gebruik, word die beperkinge van 'n enkele metode ten minste gedeeltelik oorkom. Sodoende kon die persepsies van die plaaslike inwoners ten beste verwoord word. Alhoewel daar ook na ander perspektiewe gekyk word, vorm die politiek-ekonomie die dominante teoretiese raamwerk. Hierdie paradigma dien as 'n verwysingsraamwerk waarbinne die toestande in 'n land soos Suid-Afrika bestudeer kan word; en wat ook verklaringsmoontlikhede bied vir die politieke en ekonomiese ongelykhede in die land. Die belangrikste bevindinge van hierdie ondersoek is soos volg: Die oorheersende persepsie van die inwoners ten opsigte van die hospitaal is positief. Dus is die aanname dat geestesinrigtings noodwendig 'n negatiewe impak moet hê, deur hierdie studie verkeerd bewys. Alhoewel gemeenskapsleiers die noodsaaklikheid van 'n algemene hospitaal gepropageer het, was niemand gekant teen Lentegeur Hospitaal nie. Hierdie positiewe ingesteldheid teenoor die hospitaal kan tot 'n groot mate toegeskryf word aan: die aantreklike struktuur van die inrigting; die fasiliteite van die hospitaal wat aan die inwoners beskikbaar gestel word; die feit dat die hospitaal 'n belangrike werkverskaffer is; en en baie van die inwoners behandeling by die hospitaal ontvang / South Africa

'n Psigo-Sosiale Studie van Tienerswangerskappe in die Noordelike Stadsgebiede van die Kaapse Skiereiland

Todt, Aletta Elizabeth January 1990 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Die verskynsel van tienerswangerskap kom in alle samelewingsvorme voor en toon 'n steeds stygende toename in alle wêrelddele sodat dit deur sommige outeurs as epidemies beskou word (Chelala, 1988: 22). Dit vorm deel van die toename in bevolkingsgetalle en die sogenaamde bevolkingsontploffing. Gevolglik word die demografiese tendense beïnvloed en so vorm tienergeboortes 'n belangrike bydrae tot bevol_kingsgroei Die studie van tienerswangerskappe kan egter nie in isolasie benader word nie. Dit vorm deel van 'n kringloop van verwante samelewingsverskynsels wat oorsaaklik of gevolglik mag wees, byvoorbeeld bevolkingstoename en ander demografiese tendense, armoede, swak behuisingstoestande, drankmisbruik en dwelmverslawing, gebrekkige voeding en onderwys, om maar net 'n paar te noem. In hierdie studie sal daar gepoog word om aan te dui dat tienerswangerskap in verband gebring moet word met die interaksie van 'n verskeidenheid van dinamies interafhanklike psigo-sosiale verskynsels. Verder sal daar ondersoek ingestel word om te bepaal watter psigo-sosiale faktore spesifiek by die voorkoms van tienerswangerskap betrokke is.

Clozapine usage in a public sector psychiatric hospital in the Nelson Mandela Metropole / Mari-San Moolman

Moolman, Mari-San January 2013 (has links)
About 30.00% of schizophrenic patients fail to respond to conventional antipsychotics. Clozapine shows superior efficacy, for both the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia, over conventional antipsychotics. The reputation of clozapine lies mainly with its repeated proven efficacy in the treatment of refractory schizophrenia. However, clozapine has quite a severe side effect profile. Patients receiving clozapine therapy may develop serious adverse effects such as agranulocytosis, neutropenia and metabolic syndrome. Therefore guidelines are required which recommend that regular haematological and metabolic monitoring be performed. These monitoring guidelines should assist medical practitioners in the early detection and reporting of serious adverse effects associated with clozapine therapy. South Africa lacks uniform provincial or national guidelines regulating practices in the treatment of mental disorders. International guidelines may be considered, which are not specifically adapted for the South African setting. These guidelines recommend both the haematological and metabolic monitoring of clozapine. At present there are no South African guidelines recommending the metabolic monitoring of clozapine. The general aim of the study was to determine the prescribing and monitoring patterns of clozapine at Elizabeth Donkin Hospital in the Nelson Mandela Metropole. Due to the absence of specific South African guidelines and the severe side effect profile of clozapine, some of the research objectives were to determine whether the initiation of clozapine, as well as the haematological and metabolic monitoring performed, was compliant with international clinical guidelines. In this pharmacoepidemiological study a retrospective drug utilisation review was performed. The study was observational in design and included quantitative data. Data were collected from the files of 65 patients (N=65) discharged on clozapine between 1 December 2010 and 29 February 2012. Follow-up investigations were performed at the clinics and long-term care centres both three months and six months after discharge. In 52.30% (n=34) of the cases clozapine was previously prescribed. Compliance with the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for the appropriate initiation of clozapine was 63.10% (n=41). Compliance with the Standard Treatment guidelines for the initiation of clozapine by a psychiatrist was 63.10% (n=41). Noncompliance with the recommended guidelines for haematological monitoring occurred in 77.40% of patients in the hospital setting (n=48) as well as in 95.70% of patients during the three-month follow-up at the clinics (n=44). Non-compliance with the guidelines for metabolic monitoring occurred in all the observed patients in the hospital setting (n=62) as well as in 45.70% of patients in the clinic setting (n=21). It was found that 71.00% (n=46) of patients were still on clozapine three months after discharge and 65.00% (n=42) were still on clozapine six months after discharge from hospital, resulting in discontinuation rates of 29.00% and 35.00% respectively. It was found that clozapine was inadequately monitored although in most cases the initiation of clozapine was compliant with the recommended guidelines. However, practitioners should be trained on the existing prescribing and monitoring guidelines to promote the rational use of clozapine in the public health sector of South Africa. / MPham (Pharmacy Practice), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Clozapine usage in a public sector psychiatric hospital in the Nelson Mandela Metropole / Mari-San Moolman

Moolman, Mari-San January 2013 (has links)
About 30.00% of schizophrenic patients fail to respond to conventional antipsychotics. Clozapine shows superior efficacy, for both the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia, over conventional antipsychotics. The reputation of clozapine lies mainly with its repeated proven efficacy in the treatment of refractory schizophrenia. However, clozapine has quite a severe side effect profile. Patients receiving clozapine therapy may develop serious adverse effects such as agranulocytosis, neutropenia and metabolic syndrome. Therefore guidelines are required which recommend that regular haematological and metabolic monitoring be performed. These monitoring guidelines should assist medical practitioners in the early detection and reporting of serious adverse effects associated with clozapine therapy. South Africa lacks uniform provincial or national guidelines regulating practices in the treatment of mental disorders. International guidelines may be considered, which are not specifically adapted for the South African setting. These guidelines recommend both the haematological and metabolic monitoring of clozapine. At present there are no South African guidelines recommending the metabolic monitoring of clozapine. The general aim of the study was to determine the prescribing and monitoring patterns of clozapine at Elizabeth Donkin Hospital in the Nelson Mandela Metropole. Due to the absence of specific South African guidelines and the severe side effect profile of clozapine, some of the research objectives were to determine whether the initiation of clozapine, as well as the haematological and metabolic monitoring performed, was compliant with international clinical guidelines. In this pharmacoepidemiological study a retrospective drug utilisation review was performed. The study was observational in design and included quantitative data. Data were collected from the files of 65 patients (N=65) discharged on clozapine between 1 December 2010 and 29 February 2012. Follow-up investigations were performed at the clinics and long-term care centres both three months and six months after discharge. In 52.30% (n=34) of the cases clozapine was previously prescribed. Compliance with the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for the appropriate initiation of clozapine was 63.10% (n=41). Compliance with the Standard Treatment guidelines for the initiation of clozapine by a psychiatrist was 63.10% (n=41). Noncompliance with the recommended guidelines for haematological monitoring occurred in 77.40% of patients in the hospital setting (n=48) as well as in 95.70% of patients during the three-month follow-up at the clinics (n=44). Non-compliance with the guidelines for metabolic monitoring occurred in all the observed patients in the hospital setting (n=62) as well as in 45.70% of patients in the clinic setting (n=21). It was found that 71.00% (n=46) of patients were still on clozapine three months after discharge and 65.00% (n=42) were still on clozapine six months after discharge from hospital, resulting in discontinuation rates of 29.00% and 35.00% respectively. It was found that clozapine was inadequately monitored although in most cases the initiation of clozapine was compliant with the recommended guidelines. However, practitioners should be trained on the existing prescribing and monitoring guidelines to promote the rational use of clozapine in the public health sector of South Africa. / MPham (Pharmacy Practice), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Clinical accompaniment in a rural hospital : student and professional nurses experience / Steppies Richard Rikhotso

Rikhotso, Steppies Richard January 2010 (has links)
This study investigated the clinical accompaniment of nursing students in a rural hospital. Nursing students are allocated to clinical facilities for clinical exposure and learning opportunities; to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical skills and professional socialization under guidance and support from professional practitioners. Although the rural hospital, as context for this study, provides unique and challenging learning opportunities for clinical teaching and learning, the environment as such and the relationship between the stakeholders (nursing students and professional nurses) seem to be questionable and not conducive for learning. A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design served as framework for this study. Data was collected by means of semi–structured focus–group interviews with samples selected from two (2) populations of stakeholders with first hand experience of the clinical accompaniment of nursing students allocated to the rural hospital for clinical exposure and learning. The first sample consisted of thirteen (n=13) nursing students and the second sample consisted of professional nurses (n=6) directly involved in the clinical accompaniment of the nursing students. The focus of the interviews was the participants' experience of the clinical accompaniment in a specific rural hospital. Data was analyzed by means of the process of content analysis as described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004). Three (3) themes and eight (8) subthemes emerged from the data collected from the nursing students. The data collected from the professional nurses resulted in five (5) themes and eleven (11) subthemes. The collected data was integrated with relevant national and international literature to culminate in eight (8) conclusive statements. The conclusive statements served as basis for the proposal of guidelines to improve the clinical accompaniment of nursing students in a rural hospital and to enhance learning in the clinical practice area. / Thesis (M.Cur.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Prescribing patterns of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs at Sekgoma Memorial Hospital ARV therapy clinic in Botswana / E. Kalokoni

Kalokoni, Emmanuel January 2010 (has links)
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is characterized by the progressive destruction of a person’s immune system and is the latest and most serious stage of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. Botswana currently has the highest estimated prevalence of HIV infection in the world. Botswana has a relatively young population structure, with about 60% of the approximately 1,8 million people aged less than 45 years. HIV prevalence for pregnant women aged 15–45 years in Botswana did, however, decrease marginally from 36,2% in 2001 to 35,4% in 2002. It is estimated that about 258 000 Botswana are now living with HIV and AIDS, and high morbidity and mortality rates due to HIV/AIDS have seen Botswana slip down the United Nations Development Plan (UNDP) Human Development Index rankings from 71 in 1996, to 122 in 1999/2000. In 2002 Botswana initiated public antiretroviral therapy (ART) at four sites initially to provide treatment to HIV/AIDS patients before expanding the programme to the rest of the country. The specific objective of the study was to investigate the prescribing patterns of ARV drugs at Sekgoma Memorial Hospital ARV therapy clinic (SMH–IDCC) in the central district of Botswana for a two–year period from 2005 to 2006. Data from 1717 patients were obtained from the SMH–IDCC electronic database regarding ARV drugs prescribed during the study period, CD4–Tcell count (cells/?L) at the commencement of therapy and after six months from the commencement of therapy and side effects necessitating change of therapy for the study period 2005 until 2006. The study showed that there were eight antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens prescribed: zidovudine plus lamivudine plus efavirenz (AZT/3TC/EFV), zidovudine plus lamivudine plus nevirapine (AZT/3TC/NVP), Combivir® plus efavirenz (CBV/EFV), Combivir® plus nelfinavir (CBV/NFV), Combivir® plus nevirapine (CBV/NVP), stavudine plus lamivudine plus efavirenz (D4T/3TC/EFV), stavudine plus lamivudine plus nelfinavir (D4T/3TC/NFV), and stavudine plus lamivudine plus nevirapine (D4T/3TC/NVP). The most prescribed ART regimen for adult patients was Combivir® plus efavirenz (CBV/EFV) (51,37%). This was broken down as 17,20% of females and 34,17% of males. The second most prescribed ART regimen was Combivir® plus nevirapine (CBV/NVP)(36% of the total study population (N=1717). This represented 34,17% of females and 1,98% of males. The most prescribed ART regimen in children was zidovudine plus lamivudine plus efavirenz (AZT/3TC/EFV) (3,73% of the total population), broken down as 1,05% of females and 2,68% of males. The second most prescribed regimen in this group was zidovudine plus lamivudine plus nevirapine (ZDV/3TC/NVP) (3,50% of total population). The findings from this study indicated that all eight the ART regimens prescribed at the study site were in accordance with the Botswana national ART guidelines. There were thirteen different types of side effects necessitating change of therapy, including pregnancy, treatment failure and poor adherence. The average CD4–Tcell count change (155.63 cells/?L, ± 204.08 cells/?L) for the study population was more than 100% after six months from commencement of therapy, indicating success of therapy in terms of CD4–Tcell count. / Thesis (M.Pharm. (Pharmacy Practice))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Clinical accompaniment in a rural hospital : student and professional nurses experience / Steppies Richard Rikhotso

Rikhotso, Steppies Richard January 2010 (has links)
This study investigated the clinical accompaniment of nursing students in a rural hospital. Nursing students are allocated to clinical facilities for clinical exposure and learning opportunities; to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical skills and professional socialization under guidance and support from professional practitioners. Although the rural hospital, as context for this study, provides unique and challenging learning opportunities for clinical teaching and learning, the environment as such and the relationship between the stakeholders (nursing students and professional nurses) seem to be questionable and not conducive for learning. A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design served as framework for this study. Data was collected by means of semi–structured focus–group interviews with samples selected from two (2) populations of stakeholders with first hand experience of the clinical accompaniment of nursing students allocated to the rural hospital for clinical exposure and learning. The first sample consisted of thirteen (n=13) nursing students and the second sample consisted of professional nurses (n=6) directly involved in the clinical accompaniment of the nursing students. The focus of the interviews was the participants' experience of the clinical accompaniment in a specific rural hospital. Data was analyzed by means of the process of content analysis as described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004). Three (3) themes and eight (8) subthemes emerged from the data collected from the nursing students. The data collected from the professional nurses resulted in five (5) themes and eleven (11) subthemes. The collected data was integrated with relevant national and international literature to culminate in eight (8) conclusive statements. The conclusive statements served as basis for the proposal of guidelines to improve the clinical accompaniment of nursing students in a rural hospital and to enhance learning in the clinical practice area. / Thesis (M.Cur.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Prescribing patterns of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs at Sekgoma Memorial Hospital ARV therapy clinic in Botswana / E. Kalokoni

Kalokoni, Emmanuel January 2010 (has links)
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is characterized by the progressive destruction of a person’s immune system and is the latest and most serious stage of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. Botswana currently has the highest estimated prevalence of HIV infection in the world. Botswana has a relatively young population structure, with about 60% of the approximately 1,8 million people aged less than 45 years. HIV prevalence for pregnant women aged 15–45 years in Botswana did, however, decrease marginally from 36,2% in 2001 to 35,4% in 2002. It is estimated that about 258 000 Botswana are now living with HIV and AIDS, and high morbidity and mortality rates due to HIV/AIDS have seen Botswana slip down the United Nations Development Plan (UNDP) Human Development Index rankings from 71 in 1996, to 122 in 1999/2000. In 2002 Botswana initiated public antiretroviral therapy (ART) at four sites initially to provide treatment to HIV/AIDS patients before expanding the programme to the rest of the country. The specific objective of the study was to investigate the prescribing patterns of ARV drugs at Sekgoma Memorial Hospital ARV therapy clinic (SMH–IDCC) in the central district of Botswana for a two–year period from 2005 to 2006. Data from 1717 patients were obtained from the SMH–IDCC electronic database regarding ARV drugs prescribed during the study period, CD4–Tcell count (cells/?L) at the commencement of therapy and after six months from the commencement of therapy and side effects necessitating change of therapy for the study period 2005 until 2006. The study showed that there were eight antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens prescribed: zidovudine plus lamivudine plus efavirenz (AZT/3TC/EFV), zidovudine plus lamivudine plus nevirapine (AZT/3TC/NVP), Combivir® plus efavirenz (CBV/EFV), Combivir® plus nelfinavir (CBV/NFV), Combivir® plus nevirapine (CBV/NVP), stavudine plus lamivudine plus efavirenz (D4T/3TC/EFV), stavudine plus lamivudine plus nelfinavir (D4T/3TC/NFV), and stavudine plus lamivudine plus nevirapine (D4T/3TC/NVP). The most prescribed ART regimen for adult patients was Combivir® plus efavirenz (CBV/EFV) (51,37%). This was broken down as 17,20% of females and 34,17% of males. The second most prescribed ART regimen was Combivir® plus nevirapine (CBV/NVP)(36% of the total study population (N=1717). This represented 34,17% of females and 1,98% of males. The most prescribed ART regimen in children was zidovudine plus lamivudine plus efavirenz (AZT/3TC/EFV) (3,73% of the total population), broken down as 1,05% of females and 2,68% of males. The second most prescribed regimen in this group was zidovudine plus lamivudine plus nevirapine (ZDV/3TC/NVP) (3,50% of total population). The findings from this study indicated that all eight the ART regimens prescribed at the study site were in accordance with the Botswana national ART guidelines. There were thirteen different types of side effects necessitating change of therapy, including pregnancy, treatment failure and poor adherence. The average CD4–Tcell count change (155.63 cells/?L, ± 204.08 cells/?L) for the study population was more than 100% after six months from commencement of therapy, indicating success of therapy in terms of CD4–Tcell count. / Thesis (M.Pharm. (Pharmacy Practice))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

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