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Hospodaření s vodou v územním plánu / Water management in a physical planPospíšilová, Nikola January 2020 (has links)
The Master's thesis responds to the current challenge of the Czech landscape - reflecting its adaptation to climate change. At the local level, according to Czech legislation, the instrument forming the landscape should be primarily the physical plan, which was therefore selected as the subject of interest for this work. The work examines the possibilities of the physical plan in the field of water management by means of a case study focused on five municipalities in Vysocina region. The aim of this work is to verify whether spatial planning in the Czech environment responds to climate change, and thus whether it participates in responsible landscape water management. Firstly, the work analyzes the expected climate changes, their impact on the Czech landscape and approaches of society to these changes. Another part of the work is devoted to spatial planning, its tools and possibilities in the formation of landscape. In the practical part of the work, two qualitative research methods are used. The first is a semantic analysis of municipal spatial plans, the second chosen method are semi-structured interviews with representatives of public administration. The results of both methods show that the physical plan rather permits water management. Near natural measures are in the physical plans expressed...
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Pomoc při finančním hospodaření a využití finančně poradenských služeb v azylovém domě pro matky s dětmi / Assistance in financial management and use of financial counselling services in the asylum house for mothers with childrenVondráčková, Alice January 2011 (has links)
The theme of my thesis is Assistance in financial management and use of financial counselling services at the asylum houses for mothers with children. The aim of this study is to determine whether it is possible to help mothers at asylum houses with financial management. Financial literacy and the skill to manage their money of these users is very low and it is later on transmitted to their children. Social workers at asylum houses try to help and to encourage their clients in various areas of their lives. Money is not the area every client allows you to intervene in. In my work I consider the views of particular participants on issues of financial management and through using various tools to cooperate with users to improve their financial management skills and at the end of my work I review how the cooperation worked out and succeeded.
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Statutární a ekonomická transformace České filharmonie / Statutory and economic transformation of the Czech philharmonic orchestraDoubětová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The target of the study was an analysis of the current legal environment of the state contributory culture organizations in the Czech Republic and the options for their transformation into non-profit non-governmental organizations. This was demonstrated on the case of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, a contributory organization. Apart form the analysis of the documents, mainly analysis of semi-structured expert interviews, inner observations and informal expert interviews were applied in the qualitative research. These methods were the tool for a conclusion whether the current legal form of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra is appropriate or whether there is a more suitable alternative in the current Czech legal environment. The result of the research is its practical application demonstrated on a model transformation of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra into a non- profit organization (a specific type of a Czech non-profit non-governmental organization serving the public interest and/or common good), according to the Act on non-profit non- governmental organizations in its amended version.
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Právní úprava pozemkových úprav / Legal aspects of land consolidationBrychta, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
Since the second half of the 19th century the land consolidation has been carried out as an administrative proceeding in the territory of the Czech Republic. As a result of a gradual development, the scope of land consolidation is becoming broader and goals of the proceeding are becoming more and more ambitious. What issues can be solved using land consolidation and which instruments are used to accomplish that? How do public and private interests affect the land consolidation and parties to the proceeding? What is, or rather what should be the course of the land consolidation proceedings? Are measures adopted in the proceeding actually being implemented in the landscape? Submitted master's thesis draws attention to substantive and procedural aspects of the matter, relevant case law, as well as statistical data and other evidence regarding concluded land consolidation. The first part of the thesis deals with historical development of land consolidation, focusing on the 19th and 20th century. This chapter aims to allow for a better understanding of the basis of the effective legal regulation, which adopts some former concepts, while firmly abandoning others. The second part represents a first introduction to the effective legal framework of the land consolidation. Using statistical data this chapter...
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Voda ve veřejném prostoru Starého Brna / Water in Public Space of Staré BrnoŠerek, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the project is to restore water features in public spaces of the oldest city quarter Old Brno, and also to strengthen the genius loci of this characteristic district by mention of defunct Svratka raceway. The main theme of the work will be combination of water management, urbanism and architecture with a special attention on cultivation of public spaces by application of linear water features.
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Ponava – potenciál rozvoje území / Ponava – potential of area developmentHolý, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Problem - Ponava is an area with relatively large areas of brownfield sites. Ponava should be territory with clearly defined texture blocks, mixed functions , high proportion of total housing and urban character. The area solved in this work was selected as most suitable for the creation of the initiation core, ie core starting as development of the whole territory. Uncertainty about the future, including needs to be in 5, 10, 20 years doing the classic urban planning dysfunctional method of working with the territory. Solution - My urban concept seeks to provide sufficient flexibility in terms of use of buildings and open spaces. It is particularly advantageous because it can hold more small investors, who can work independently. Each part of the territory may work alone, just under the current situation and needs of society. The concept is simple division of the area in a regular rectangular network by the same part of the individual and their subsequent filling. Placing buildings is chessboard, thus ensuring their adequate sun and at the same time easy permeability of territory in all directions. The spaces between buildings have in the outer parts character of living square with a strong influence of the adjacent street. Inside these areas is the interspace quiet and mainly serves the local population.
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Ekonomická gramotnost ředitele školy / Economic Literacy of HeadmasterBlažková, Vlasta January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with examining the economic literacy of a headmaster. The topic has been chosen because of the belief that a good financial management is important for the development of a school. Another reason for the choice is the fact that there is virtually no set of unambiguously defined responsibilities and no set of suggested knowledge in the economic area which would provide guidance for headmaster in his work. The aim of the theoretical part is to find the necessary information, to define the key terms and to place the economics of the school management into the legislative framework. The practical (research) part examines the actual state of knowledge and the activity of headmasters in the financial management of the school. The difficulty, the risk of financial management in relation to other managerial activities and the comparability of different types and sizes of schools are also examined here. The outcome of this thesis is to give the definition and the content of the economic and financial literacy of a headmaster. It is also to determine the level of the financial literacy of the interviewed headmasters. KEYWORDS: Headmaster, economic literacy, financial literacy, decision-making authority, responsibilities of the headmaster, delegation of responsibilities, financial...
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Vytvoření metodiky zavádění systému managementu hospodaření s energií ve výrobním podniku / Development and implementation of energy savings and energy management methodology in an industrial enterpriseDudarev, Ivan Unknown Date (has links)
V současné době se problematika energetických úspor dostává do popředí zájmu jak na úrovni jednotlivých podniků, tak i na úrovni celého státu. Často bývá příčinou sporů ve vědeckých kruzích i mezi odborníky z praxe. Lidstvo tradičně začalo využívat energii z minerálních přírodních zdrojů, které však ve srovnání s obnovitelnými zdroji energie mají omezení. Výzkum a implementace moderních technologií jsou ztíženy otázkou investic a časově omezeny. Proto se evropská strategie energetické bezpečnosti zaměřuje na energetickou účinnost, která je jedním z nejefektivnějších způsobů zlepšení bezpečnosti spotřeby energie. Velké společnosti a podniky jsou jedním z hlavních spotřebitelů energie. Proto je tato vědecká práce zaměřena na problematiku úspor energie a zlepšování energetické účinnosti podniku. Těžiště práce spočívá ve vytvoření a zavedení metodiky pro úsporu energie a managementu hospodaření s energií ve výrobním procesu automobilového podniku. Dále je pro účely této práce vytvořen a popsán způsob vizualizace spotřeby energie v prostředí virtuální reality
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Daň z příjmů právnických osob / Corporate Income TaxMajer, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the corporate income tax. At first there are explained adjustments of accounting profit in the procedure defining the tax base, the most important part of which relates to tax deductible and non-deductible expenses. Subsequently there is defined how to determine the amount of payable tax and how to report this tax in financial statements. There is also mentioned the impact of payable tax on the disposable profit. The hypothesis, that in most cases the payable income tax is higher than the product of accounting profit before tax and tax rate, is tested in the concluding part of this thesis.
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Vliv produkčních procesů při chovu hospodářských zvířat na emise CO2 / The impact of production processes on emission of CO2 in livestock raisingMAKRLÍKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
This theses fokus on the enviromental impact of livestock raising cycle (cattle, pigs and poultry). Energetical costs and emissions caused by livestock fattening are counted including processing and transport of the final product ? meat. Conventional and organic farming were compared as well as different forms of housing. SIMA Pro software tool was used for obtaining the emission load. The aim of the work was to find which form of livestock raising has the least environmental impact. This work was created in the European Union internatiponal project M00080-EUS-AT-SUKI Sustainable Kitchen focusing on the emission load of substantial links of vertical production chain.
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