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Le Corbusier's Unite d'habitation: a slab for all seasons?Avin, Uri Pinchas 31 March 2020 (has links)
Most arguments about high-rise housing are waged in the shadow of Le Corbusier. The pervasive effects of his dogged half-century spent advocating the benefits of high-rise dwelling are still everywhere apparant. His watchwords - "soleiI, espace, verdure”, "le grand gaspi Iage du temps moderne", "les services communs", "Ies prolongements du Iogis" - are stiII in one form or another the uItimate weapons of the apologists and detractors of high-rise, and the Unites, in particular, have become the touchstone for much of the slab-building around. In view of alI this, one would expect that there exists a solid corpus of critical works explicating Le Corbusier's precise position whose meaning, as a result, would unambiguously and by common consent be implied whenever the Corbusian Freudian-father is invoked. There are not however, any such rigorous citical studies of Le Corbusier's housing proposals and among the general works that do exist, Iittle consensus and indeed some contradiction exists on the definition of the Corbusian solution; that is, on the question of the Unites proper context - the planning matrix within which it fits. The Unite itself, its genesis and its ultimate canonization, has been the subject of even less objective investigation. This study set out to fiII that gap; in the course of my research it was found that Le Corbusier's supposedly-consistent proposals concealed during their long evolution many shifts, disjunctions and non sequiturs. This uneven and disconnected dialogue between the former and latter parts of Le Corbusier's 'oeuvre' that is described in this study reveals the Unite finally as being not at alI firmly embedded in or clearly resulting from his overalI design contexts and housing proposals. It stands, finally, as a separable declaration of Le Corbusier's particular understanding of the psycho/visual nature of human perception, and this is judged to be an inadequate and over - exclusive raison d'etre.
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Propuesta de diseño de un prototipo de vivienda social de construcción progresiva en el cono norte, Lima / Proposal for the design of a prototype of social housing of progressive construction in the northern cone, LimaVargas Aparcana, Sergio Iván, Zamora Laguna, Jose Leonidas 24 August 2019 (has links)
En la actualidad, el problema de la vulnerabilidad de la vivienda y la calidad en su diseño y construcción sigue siendo vigente por la continua informalidad en su desarrollo y ejecución. Lo que nos indica que la mayoría de estas nuevas viviendas van a ser autoconstruidas por los habitantes de estas localidades sin ningún tipo de asesoría o referente técnico. Esto se agrava, cuando se considera que los que ejecutaran estas viviendas no cuentan con las habilidades y conocimientos técnicos mínimos para una buena práctica constructiva. Generándose con ello una vulnerabilidad estructural, así como un uso deficiente en su habitabilidad.
La presente tesis tiene como objetivo, desarrollar un prototipo de vivienda social de construcción progresiva para el Cono Norte de Lima. La propuesta destaca que el prototipo de vivienda social de construcción progresiva más adecuada, es la de un diseño de modelo integrado sumamente sencillo y practico en su aplicación, bajo el enfoque, de plantear primero la modulación estructural y luego las demás especialidades; basado en el cumplimiento de los parámetros normativos de la zona, y la normatividad en el diseño de la arquitectura, de estructuras, instalaciones sanitarias e instalaciones eléctricas.
La metodología usada, es de enfoque cualitativo, sustentada, en explorar y describir los hechos, para luego generar perspectivas teóricas de solución, para ello se buscará información a través de fichas de inspección, encuesta de campo, fotografías y análisis planimétrico.
Finalmente, el aporte de esta tesis es determinar el prototipo de vivienda social de construcción progresiva modular en lima, para contribuir especialmente a la solución de la autoconstrucción y sus efectos en la vulnerabilidad y habitabilidad en las viviendas. / At present, the problem of housing vulnerability and quality in its design and construction remains in force due to the continuing informality in its development and execution. This indicates that most of these new homes will be self-built by the inhabitants of these locations without any advice or technical reference. This is aggravated, when it is considered that those who run these homes do not have the minimum technical skills and knowledge for a good constructive practice. Generating with it a structural vulnerability, as well as a poor use in its habitability.
This thesis aims to develop a prototype of social housing of progressive construction for the Northern Cone of Lima. The proposal emphasizes that the most adequate progressive construction social housing prototype is that of a very simple and practical integrated model design in its application, under the approach, of first proposing structural modulation and then the other specialties; based on the fulfillment of the normative parameters of the area, and the normativity in the design of the specialty of architecture, structures, sanitary installations and electrical installations.
The methodology used is of a qualitative, sustained approach, in exploring and describing the facts, and then generating theoretical perspectives of solution, for this information will be sought through inspection sheets, field survey, photographs and planimetric analysis.
Finally, the contribution of this thesis is to determine the prototype of modular progressive construction social housing in Lima, to contribute especially to the solution of self- construction and its effects on vulnerability and habitability in homes. / Tesis
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