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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Određivanje vitamina B1, B2 i B3 primenom hronopotenciometrije i hronopotenciometrijske striping analize / Determination of vitamin B1, B2 and B3 by means of chronopotentiometry and chronopotentiometric stripping analysis

Brezo-Borjan Tanja 14 October 2019 (has links)
<p>U okviru ove doktorske disertacije razvijene su elektroanalitičke metode za određivanje pojedinih vitamina B grupe. Za određivanje vitamina B<sub>1</sub> i B<sub>3</sub> primenjena je adsorpciona hronopotenciometrijska striping analiza (AdHSA) na tankoslojnoj živinoj elektrodi kao radnoj elektrodi, dok je za određivanje vitamina B2 primenjena hronopotenciometrijska analiza (HA) na dvema geometrijski različitim elektrodama od staklastog ugljenika: planarnoj disk elektrodi i elektrodi u vidu procesne posude. U cilju optimizacije metoda ispitan je uticaj najznačajnijih eksperimentalnih faktora. Optimalni eksperimentalni uslovi za određivanje vitamina B<sub>1</sub> su podrazumevali primenu 0,2 mol/l citratnog pufera vrednosti pH 6 kao pomoćnog elektrolita, potencijala i vremena akumulacije od -1,313 V i 50 s, redom, i struje rastvaranja depozita od 1,9 &ndash; 6,1 &mu;A. Odgovarajući eksperimentalni faktori za određivanje vitamina B<sub>2</sub> su bili: 0,025 mol/l HCl kao pomoćni elektrolit, inicijalni potencijal od 0,023 V i struja redukcije od 0,8 &ndash; 4,2 &mu;A, dok su optimalni radni uslovi za određivanje vitamina B<sub>3</sub> obuhvatali primenu 0,05 mol/l citratnog pufera pH 6, potencijala akumulacije od -1,405 V pri vremenu akumulacije od 15 s, i struji rastvaranja u intervalu od 1,4 &ndash; 15,1 &mu;A. U slučaju određivanja vitamina B<sub>2</sub> primenom radne elektrode u vidu procesne posude ispitan je i uticaj aktivne povr&scaron;ine radne elektrode na analitički signal vitamina B<sub>2</sub>. Optimalna vrednost aktivne povr&scaron;ine radne elektrode iznosila je 13,4 cm<sup>2</sup>. Pod optimalnim eksperimentalnim uslovima, dolazilo je do elektrooksidacije molekula vitamina B<sub>1</sub> i B<sub>3</sub> na tankoslojnoj živinoj elektrodi u analitičkom koraku, dok se vitamin B<sub>2</sub> redukovao na elektrodama od staklastog ugljenika. U okviru validacije metoda definisani su opsezi linearnosti, određene su vrednosti granice detekcije i granice kvantitativnog određivanja, ocenjena je preciznost i ispitane su interferencije. Uz odgovarajuće uslove rada, dobijena je dobra linearnost analitičkog signala od sadržaja za sva tri ispitivana vitamina. Ostvarene su granice detekcije od 1,64 mg/l za vitamin B<sub>1</sub>, 0,076 mg/l za vitamin B<sub>2</sub> uz primenu planarne disk elektrode i 0,018 mg/l (vitamin B<sub>2</sub>) uz primenu procesne posude od staklastog ugljenika kao radne elektrode. Ostvarena granica detekcije za vitamin B<sub>3</sub> je iznosila 2,20 mg/l. Nakon optimizacije i validacije, razvijene metode HA i AdHSA primenjene su za određivanje vitamina B<sub>1</sub>, B<sub>2</sub> i B<sub>3</sub> u komercijalnim multivitaminskim dodacima ishrani i multivitaminskim instant napicima. Tačnost razvijenih metoda je potvrđena paralelnim analizama izvedenim primenom visokopritisne tečne hromatografije.</p> / <p>Within the scope of this doctoral dissertation, electroanalytical methods for the determination of several vitamins of the B-complex are developed. For the determination of vitamin B1 and B3 adsorptive chronopotentiometric stripping analysis was applied, with mercury film electrode as the working electrode. For vitamin B2 determination, the chronopotentiometric analysis was performed on two geometrically different glassy carbon working electrodes: the planar disc electrode and the process vessel electrode. The most important experimental parameters of the analysis were investigated and optimized. For vitamin B<sub>1</sub> determination, the optimized experimental conditions were: 0,2 mol/l citrate buffer pH 6 as the supporting electrolyte, accumulation potential of -1,313 V, accumulation time of 15 s and the oxidation current between 1,9 &mu;A and 6,1 &mu;A. The appropriate experimental factors for vitamin B<sub>2</sub> determination included 0,025 mol/l HCl solution (supporting electrolyte), initial potential of 0,023 V and reduction current in the range from 0,8 &ndash; 4,2 &mu;A, whereas the optimal working parameters for vitamin B3 determination were as follows:0,05 mol/l citrate buffer pH 6, accumulation potential of -1,405 V, accumulation time of 15 s and dissolution current from 1.4 &ndash; 15.1 &mu;A. When the process vessel was used as the working electrode, the optimal volume of the analyzed solution i.e. the active surface area of the electrode was optimized. The optimal value of the active surface area was 13,4 cm2. As well, under the optimal experimental conditions, vitamin B<sub>1</sub> and vitamin B3 underwent electrooxidation process in the analytical step, whereas vitamin B<sub>2</sub> was electrochemically reduced on glassy carbon electrodes. A validation procedure of the optimized methods was performed by evaluation of the following parameters: linearity, the limit of detection (LOD), the limit of quantitation (LOQ), precision, selectivity, and accuracy. Under optimal working conditions, the linearity of the proposed methods was very good. The achieved limits of detection were 1.64 mg/l for vitamin B<sub>1</sub>, 0,076 mg/l for vitamin B<sub>2</sub> (planar disc electrode) and 0,018 mg/l (process vessel electrode) and 2,2 mg/l for vitamin B<sub>3</sub>.<br />After optimization and validation procedures, the developed methods were applied for vitamin B<sub>1</sub>, B<sub>2</sub>, and vitamin B<sub>3</sub> determination in commercially available multivitamin supplements and instant multivitamin beverages. The accuracy of the proposed methods was tested by parallel HPLC analyses of the same samples.</p>

Elektrohemijsko određivanje histamina / Electrochemical determination of histamine

Stojanović Zorica 23 September 2011 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu su razvijene elektrohemijske metode za određivanje histamina. U svim<br />elektrohemijskim ispitivanjima kori&scaron;ćena je hronopotenciometrija. Istraživanja su obuhvatila optimizaciju uslova elektroanalitičkih tehnika i upoređivanje mehanizama generisanja analitičkog signala primenom različitih radnih elektroda, razvoj odgovarajućeg postupka pripreme uzoraka za analizu i samo određivanje histamina u hrani i piću. Ispitana je mogućnost primene čvrste zlatne elektrode, tankoslojne živine i tankoslojne niklove elektrode za elektrohemijsko određivanje histamina. U slučaju elektrooksidacije histamina, razja&scaron;njeni su mehanizmi generisanja signala na primenjenim elektrodama. Optimizacija uslova elektroanalitičkih tehnika obuhvatila je odabir odgovarajućeg pomoćnog elektrolita i njegove koncentracije, ispitivanje uticaja početnog potencijala i struje oksidacije na analitički signal analita. Pored toga, za svaki elektrohemijski sistem definisana su osetljivost i reproduktivnost, selektivnost, kao i opseg linearnosti. Primenom tankoslojne niklove elektrode uočena je pojava adsorpcionog koncentrovanja analita, te su u slučaju ovog elektrohemijskog sistema ispitani i uticaji vremena adsorpcije i temperature ispitivanog medijuma na analitički signal histamina. Na tankoslojnoj živinoj elektrodi analitički signal se generisao usled direktne oksidacije histamina primenom konstantne struje. Na ostale dve elektrode, pored elektrodnih reakcija odvijale su se i hemijske reakcije, tako da se oksidacija histamina u oba slučaja odigravala po ECE mehanizmu (elektrodna reakcija &ndash; hemijska reakcija &ndash; elektrodna reakcija). Na čvrstoj zlatnoj elektrodi, generisanje signala je bilo posledica oksidacije histamina elektrogenerisanim hlorom, dok se u slučaju tankoslojne niklove elektrode radilo o kombinovanoj katalitičko‐adsorpcionoj hronopotenciometriji. Tankoslojna živina elektroda je pokazala dobru selektivnost pri koncentracijama aminokiselina i histamina nižim od 5 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>, dok je pri vi&scaron;im koncentracijama dolazilo do preklapanja analitičkih signala. Ostali elektrohemijski sistemi nisu pokazali odgovarajuću selektivnost. Najveća osteljivost je ostvarena primenom tankoslojne niklove elektrode (LOD = 0,11 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>), zatim sledi čvrsta zlatna elektroda (LOD = 0,27 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>) i na kraju tankoslojna živina elektroda (LOD = 1,31 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>). U okviru definisanja postupka pripreme uzoraka, ispitana je efikasnost različitih ekstrakcionih tehnika i različitih ekstragenasa u pogledu izdvajanja histamina iz uzoraka. Pored toga razvijeni su odgovarajući postupci preči&scaron;ćavanja ekstrakata primenom preparativnih hromatografskih tehnika, i to na tankom sloju i na stubu adsorbensa. Po definisanju optimalnih uslova elektrohemijskog određivanje histamina, kao i razvijanja postupka pripreme uzoraka, histamin je određen u različitoj hrani i piću.</p> / <p>In this work, the electrochemical methods for the determination of histamine were<br />developed. All electrochemical investigations were carried out by chronopotentiometry. The research included optimization of the experimental parameters of electroanalytical techniques and comparison of the mechanism of the analytical signal generation by using the different working electrodes. Upon the development of sample preparation procedure, histamine was determined in different food and beverages. The possibility of applying solid gold electrodes, thin film mercury electrode and thin film nickel electrode for electrochemical determination of histamine was examined. The mechanisms of histamine electrooxidation on different working electrodes were explained and elaborated. Optimization of the experimental parameters of electroanalytical techniques included the selection of appropriate supporting electrolyte and its concentration, and investigation of the influence of initial potential and oxidation current on histamine analytical signal. Beside this, for each electrochemical system sensitivity and reproducibility, selectivity as well as linearity range were defined. The use of thin nickel film electrode resulted in adsorptive accumulation, and in that case the effects of accumulation time and medium temperature on histamine analytical signal were defined. On thin film mercury electrode, histamine analytical signal was generated<br />due to direct oxidation of histamine by a constant current. On other two electrodes, electrode reactions were coupled with chemical reaction, and histamine oxidation was by ECE mechanism (electrode reaction &ndash; chemical reaction &ndash; electrode reaction). On solid gold electrode histamine was oxidized indirectly by electrogenerated chlorine, while in the case of thin film nickel electrode combination of catalytic and adsorptive chronopotentiomety was responsible for signal generation. Thin film mercury electrode showed good selectivity for histamine and amino acids concentrations below 5 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>, but higher concentrations caused the overlapping of analytical signals. Other electrochemical systems did not show adequate selectivity. The best sensitivity was achived by thin film nickel electrode (LOD = 0.11 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>),<br />followed by a solid gold electrode (LOD = 0.27 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>), and by thin film mercury electrode (LOD = 1.31 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>). In order to define adequate sample preparation procedure, the efficiency of different extraction techniques and different solvents were tested for histamine extraction from the samples. Appropriate procedures for purification of extracts were defined as well, by applying preparative thin layer and column chromatography. After optimization of the electrochemical methods for histamine determination, as well as the procedure of sample preparation, developed methods were applied for histamine determination in various food and beverages.</p>

Razvoj metoda za hronopotenciometrijsko određivanje odabranih pesticida u vodi / Development of methods for chronopotentiometric determination of selected pesticides in water

Đurović Ana 04 July 2018 (has links)
<p>U okviru ove doktorske disertacije, razvijene su elektroanalitičke metode za određivanje odabranih pesticida primenom hronopotenciometrije. Ispitana je mogućnost primene elektrode od staklastog ugljenika i tankoslojne živine elektrode kao radnih elektroda za određivanje insekticida imidakloprida i herbicida metamitrona i metribuzina. U cilju optimizacije uslova hronopotenciometrijske tehnike, za svaki ispitivani sistem (pesticid/radna elektroda) ispitan je uticaj najznačajnijih eksperimentalnih parametara na analitički signal pesticida, uključujući mehanizam generisanja analitičkog signala na radnoj elektrodi (oksidacija/redukcija), optimalnu metodu za uklanjanje rastvorenog kiseonika iz analiziranog rastvora, kao i vrstu, pH i koncentraciju pomoćnog elektrolita. Nakon toga definisan je optimalni opseg potencijala i struje redukcije. Pored toga, u okviru validacije metode za svaki ispitivani sistem, ispitan je i definisan opseg linearnosti, određena granica detekcije i granica kvantifikacije, ispitana preciznost, tačnost, robusnost i selektivnost metode. Dobijeni analitički signal za ispitivane pesticide bio je posledica ireverzibilne redukcije analita na radnoj elektrodi, a za svaki analit dobijen je jedan redukcioni pik. U slučaju određivanja metribuzina eksperimenti su pokazali da se analitički signal ne može detektovati na elektrodi od staklastog ugljenika uz kori&scaron;ćenje dostupne instrumentacije. Ispitivanja u model-rastvorima za svaki ispitivani sistem pokazala su dobre karakteristike u pogledu preciznosti, tačnosti, selektivnosti i robusnosti metode. Najveća osetljivost za sva tri pesticida postignuta je uz primenu tankoslojne živine elektrode, a vrednosti granice detekcije iznosile su 0,17 mg/l za imidakloprid, 0,07 mg/l za metamitron i 0,04 mg/l za metribuzin. Nakon optimizacije i validacije, razvijene hronopotenciometrijske metode primenjene su na komercijalne formulacije pesticida i uzorke vode. U cilju dodatne potvrde hronopotenciometrijskih rezultata na uzorcima vode izvedena su komparativna merenja uz primenu hromatografske LC-MS/MS analize.</p> / <p>Within this doctoral dissertation, electroanalytical methods for the determination of selected pesticides using chronopotentiometry are developed. The possibility of using glassy carbon electrode and thin film mercury electrode as a working electrode for determination of insecticide imidacloprid and herbicides metamitron and metribuzin is investigated. In order to optimize the conditions of the chronopotentiometric technique for each tested system (pesticide/working electrode), the influence of the most important experimental parameters on the analytical signal of the pesticides is investigated, including the generating mechanism of the analytical signal on the working electrode (oxidation/reduction), the optimal method for removal of dissolved oxygen from the analyzed solution, as well as type, pH, and concentration of the supporting electrolyte. Afterwards, the optimal range of potential and reduction current is defined. Additionally, within the validation of the method for each tested system, the linearity range is determined and defined, limit of detection and quantification are determined, and precision, accuracy, robustness and selectivity of the method are tested. The obtained analytical signal for the investigated pesticides is the result of irreversible reduction of the analyte on the working electrode, and for each analyte one reduction peak is obtained. In the case of metribuzin determination, the experiments have shown that by using the available instrumentation the analytical signal can not be detected on the glassy carbon electrode. Investigation in model solutions for each tested system shows good characteristics in terms of precision, accuracy, selectivity and robustness of the method. The highest sensitivity for all three pesticides was achieved by using thin film mercury electrode, and values of detection limit were 0.17 mg/l for imidacloprid, 0.07 mg/l for metamitron and 0.04 mg/l for metribuzin. After optimization and validation, the developed chronopotentiometric methods are applied to commercial pesticide formulations and water samples. In order to further confirm the chronopotentiometric results on the water samples, comparative measurements are performed using chromatographic LC-MS/MS analysis.</p>

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