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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparative Study on Hulled Wheats Kernel, Flour, Dough Quality and Dietary Fiber Variation

Maddakandage Dona, Jayani Chathurika Sandarani January 2020 (has links)
This study was conducted to evaluate the kernel, flour and dough qualities and dietary fiber content of hulled wheats. Experimental design was separate randomized complete block designs for hulled wheat species with four field replicates. According to the results, significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in kernel quality, flour, and dough quality compared to common bread wheat. Einkorn and spelt reported significantly lower insoluble dietary fiber and total dietary fiber content, in contrast emmer had contents with both higher and lower genotypes. Interestingly, few genotypes of hulled wheat had a higher content of low molecular weight soluble dietary fibers (LMW-SDF) such as fructo and galacto oligosaccharides. Overall, hulled wheats differed from modern bread wheat in their kernel, flour, baking and nutritional quality. Moreover, due to higher LMW-SDF content, hulled wheats would be a potential candidate for breeding and producing health beneficial novel food products.

Porovnání tvorby výnosu a kvality nahého a pluchatého ječmene / Yield formation and quality of spring naked and hulled barley

MAREK, Jan January 2016 (has links)
On the grounds of the South Bohemian University was founded in 2015 oneyear experiment. In this experiment we compared three classical and one naked variety of spring barley. Each variety were planted in four replications. For each repetition was assessed the number of emerged plants, number of tillers, number of ears, yield, thousand grain weight, the proportion of leading grain, density andcontent of nitrogenous substances. The average yield of the hulled varieties exceeded 6 t/ha, while in the nudevariety was 4,68 t/ha. The nude variety also showed the lowest HTZ, highest densityand the highest content of nitrogenous substances.

Porovnání odrůd a novošlechtění ovsa z hlediska výnosu a odolnosti k chorobám / The comparison of oat varieties from the point of view of yield and resistence to diseases

FUKSOVÁ, Eliška January 2018 (has links)
The purpouse of the thesis was compared the comparison in the yields of hulled and naked verifield varieties and new breeding genotypes of oats. The research was conducted in the breeding station Selgen Krukanice and and it was mainly focused on the main elements of yieĺd - number of plants, cuttings, and lat per m2, toatal grain yield, the number of grains per panicle, and the quality of grain - weight of thousand grains, density and share of fixed plugs. Results of the main elements of yield was average at all genotypes of oat, qualitative parametres wasslighty below average, the reason wast dry and warm weather. Also was found good health of oats, cause of weather, that was not favorable for disease development.

Porovnání výnosové schopnosti nahých a pluchatých odrůd ovsa / The comparison of naked and hulled oat yield ability

MÁCHALOVÁ, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is a comparison of the yield capability naked and hulled oat varieties. The work is divided into two sections. The first half of this thesis is devoted to literature search. The second part of this thesis describes the actual experiment, which was carried out in 2012 on the farm school University of South Bohemia (České Budějovice). 10 varieties of oats, 4 of them naked varieties and 6 hulled varieties, was used for this experiment. Highest average yield of hulled varieties reached Vok variety (3.85 tons per ha) and of naked varieties with a yield of 3.43 tons per hectare the Otakar variety. The average thousand grain weight was in naked varieties 28,7 grams and 33,4 grams hulled varieties. Number of grains per panicle reached 57 grains on average in nude varieties and 55 grains on average in hulled varieties. in nude varieties averaged 57 grains and 55 grains of hulled varieties.

Tvorba výnosu nahých a pluchatých odrůd ovsa / Yield formation of naked and hulled oat

ČERNÝ, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
On the basis of experiment was performed an evaluation of yield production of the selected spectrum of naked and hulled oat varieties. There were compared time-tested varieties to new varieties registered in the list of recommended varieties in 2013. At the same time were compared methods of yield production of hulled oat and naked oat. After evaluation of real yield was informatively compared the amount of raw food materials obtained from naked oat with the oat rice obtained from hulled oat by hulling machine.

Tvorba výnosu nahých a pluchatých odrůd ovsa / The yield formation of naked and hulled oats

FIŠER, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to assess the formation and reduction in the yield of naked and hulled oat varieties. The research was conducted two years and it was mainly focused on the main elements of income as a number of plants, cuttings, and lat per m2, further was assessed the number of grains per panicle 1, weight of thousand grains and total grain yield. As an additional assessment of quality indicators have been established; volume weight and the proportion of grains of the front. The values of determined individual elements have been compared to each other and evaluated by statistical analysis. The results based on the naked oat varieties attain average yields of grain; diameter compared varieties of naked oats totalled 3.03 tons per hectare, diameter of hulled varieties amounted to 5.03 tons per hectare and other indicators also moved around the average values. It was confirmed that the newer varieties are breeding to a higher threshold of revenue, while old varieties exhibit better values of the quality parameters.

Kvalitativní vlastnosti nahého a pluchatého ovsa / Qualitative parameters of naked and hulled oats

HOUDEK, Matěj January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the qualitative properties of naked and hulled oats. The theoretical part includes a review of literature on botanical characteristics , use, production process and quality oats. The practical part deals with the results attempt during the years 2011 and 2012.

Análise das alterações no perfil amino-proteíco em acessos de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) em função da diversidade do acúmulo de zinco em grãos / Analyses of alterations in the amino-proteic profile in rice (Oryza sativa L.) accessions with different Zn accumulation in grains

Franco, Mônica Regina 02 May 2018 (has links)
O arroz está entre os cereais mais consumidos do mundo. A desnutrição por micronutrientes como zinco (Zn) e ferro (Fe) é generalizada, especialmente em populações pobres, cujas calorias diárias são obtidas principalmente pelo consumo de cereais. Apesar de o arroz ser diferenciado por possuir maior quantidade de lisina em seus grãos em comparação ao trigo, milho ou cevada, a sua quantidade de proteínas representa somente de 8-9% do grão. Sendo o Zn é um micronutriente correlacionado com o funcionamento vital de plantas e animais, e estando relacionado direta e indiretamente com a síntese e funcionamento de várias proteínas, a proposta deste trabalho foi analisar a possível correlação da quantidade de Zn encontrado no grão com o perfil das proteínas de reserva, aminoácidos solúveis, enzimas envolvidas no metabolismo do ácido aspártico e do fator antinutricional ácido fítico, nos grãos de diferentes genótipos de arroz, avaliando primordialmente as diferenças inerentes de cada material genético a fim de agregar conhecimentos que possam ser utilizados como ferramenta para o melhoramento dessa espécie, visando ganho nutricional em seu grão. Para tanto, foram executados dois experimentos distintos. No primeiro foram avaliados três genótipos, os quais foram expostos à adubação foliar com sulfato de zinco, nas concentrações 0, 2 e 4 kg.ha-1 de ZnSO4.7H2O, buscando aumentar-se o nível de Zn nos grãos. No entanto não se verificou incremento significativo do metal na porção de interesse alimentar, sendo a variação encontrada nas concentrações de Zn em grãos integrais e polidos foram inerentes aos genótipos. Ainda assim, foram verificados os outros aspectos nutricionais, para os quais os resultados apontaram diferenças significativas entre os tipos de grãos analisados, sendo indicado o consumo de grão integral ao polido, destacando-se o genótipo Primavera, que apresentou maior concentração de proteínas e menor quantidade de fitato. Esse experimento ainda confirmou que o catabolismo da lisina é a principal via de modulação para o acréscimo desse aminoácido no grão. Para a execução do segundo experimento foram utilizados 16 genótipos cultivados no Brasil, buscando caracterizar a diversidade genética em relação às principais propriedades do grão relacionadas à qualidade nutricional humana. Os dados mostraram que apesar do Zn estar correlacionado positivamente com fitato, não há relação direta entre a concentração desse elemento com a síntese e concentração de aminoácidos e nem com a concentração total de proteínas de reserva. No entanto, com os resultados obtidos para grão integral em relação às características nutricionais, permite apresentar os genótipos Carolino e Goiano como os de melhor desempenho, além de ressaltar a importância da camada da aleurona do grão, já que está relacionada com todas as características nutricionais importantes para um projeto de bioforticação, indicando que estudos devem ser intensificados para entender o transporte de nutrientes até o interior do endosperma, ou ainda, que o consumo de arroz integral deve ser mais reforçado. / Human malnutrition due to low intake of the micronutrients zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) is relatively common in poor population, who uses cereals as main sources of calories. Currently, rice is one of the most consumed cereals worldwide but, despite its high lysine concentration in comparison to other cereal crops, rice grains have low protein contents (8-9%). Therefore, the current work aimed to evaluate the influence of additional Zn supply on amino acid profile, storage proteins, macro- and micronutrients, as well as on phytate concentration, and on activity of enzymes from lysine metabolism in grains of different rice genotypes, primarily evaluating the inherent differences of each genetic material in order to aggregate knowledge like a tool for the improvement of this species, aiming nutritional gain in its grain. For this purpose, two different experiments were performed. First of all, three genotypes were evaluated and exposed to foliar fertilization with zinc sulfate, in the concentrations 0, 2 and 4 kg.ha-1 of ZnSO4.7H2O, seeking to increase the level of Zn in the grains. However, there was no significant increase of the metal in the grain, and the variation found in Zn concentrations in brown and polished grains was according to the genotypes. Nevertheless, the other nutritional aspects were verified, for which the results indicated significant differences between the types of grains analyzed, being indicated the consumption of brown grain to instead polished one, and the genotype \'Primavera\' stood out with higher concentration of proteins and smaller amount of phytate. This experiment also confirmed that lysine catabolism is the main modulation pathway to increase this amino acid in the grain. For the second experiment 16 genotypes cultivated in Brazil were used to characterize the genetic diversity in relation to the major grain properties related to human nutritional quality. Zinc concentration was positively correlated to phytate, but no direct association between Zn and synthesis and concentration of amino acids or storage proteins was detected. Based on results, \'Carolino\' and \'Goiano\' rice cultivars presented the best performance. Moreover, due to the relevance of aleurone layer in retaining important nutritional features in rice grains, biofortification programs should investigate nutrient transportation from this region to endosperm in order to achieve better results.

Análise das alterações no perfil amino-proteíco em acessos de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) em função da diversidade do acúmulo de zinco em grãos / Analyses of alterations in the amino-proteic profile in rice (Oryza sativa L.) accessions with different Zn accumulation in grains

Mônica Regina Franco 02 May 2018 (has links)
O arroz está entre os cereais mais consumidos do mundo. A desnutrição por micronutrientes como zinco (Zn) e ferro (Fe) é generalizada, especialmente em populações pobres, cujas calorias diárias são obtidas principalmente pelo consumo de cereais. Apesar de o arroz ser diferenciado por possuir maior quantidade de lisina em seus grãos em comparação ao trigo, milho ou cevada, a sua quantidade de proteínas representa somente de 8-9% do grão. Sendo o Zn é um micronutriente correlacionado com o funcionamento vital de plantas e animais, e estando relacionado direta e indiretamente com a síntese e funcionamento de várias proteínas, a proposta deste trabalho foi analisar a possível correlação da quantidade de Zn encontrado no grão com o perfil das proteínas de reserva, aminoácidos solúveis, enzimas envolvidas no metabolismo do ácido aspártico e do fator antinutricional ácido fítico, nos grãos de diferentes genótipos de arroz, avaliando primordialmente as diferenças inerentes de cada material genético a fim de agregar conhecimentos que possam ser utilizados como ferramenta para o melhoramento dessa espécie, visando ganho nutricional em seu grão. Para tanto, foram executados dois experimentos distintos. No primeiro foram avaliados três genótipos, os quais foram expostos à adubação foliar com sulfato de zinco, nas concentrações 0, 2 e 4 kg.ha-1 de ZnSO4.7H2O, buscando aumentar-se o nível de Zn nos grãos. No entanto não se verificou incremento significativo do metal na porção de interesse alimentar, sendo a variação encontrada nas concentrações de Zn em grãos integrais e polidos foram inerentes aos genótipos. Ainda assim, foram verificados os outros aspectos nutricionais, para os quais os resultados apontaram diferenças significativas entre os tipos de grãos analisados, sendo indicado o consumo de grão integral ao polido, destacando-se o genótipo Primavera, que apresentou maior concentração de proteínas e menor quantidade de fitato. Esse experimento ainda confirmou que o catabolismo da lisina é a principal via de modulação para o acréscimo desse aminoácido no grão. Para a execução do segundo experimento foram utilizados 16 genótipos cultivados no Brasil, buscando caracterizar a diversidade genética em relação às principais propriedades do grão relacionadas à qualidade nutricional humana. Os dados mostraram que apesar do Zn estar correlacionado positivamente com fitato, não há relação direta entre a concentração desse elemento com a síntese e concentração de aminoácidos e nem com a concentração total de proteínas de reserva. No entanto, com os resultados obtidos para grão integral em relação às características nutricionais, permite apresentar os genótipos Carolino e Goiano como os de melhor desempenho, além de ressaltar a importância da camada da aleurona do grão, já que está relacionada com todas as características nutricionais importantes para um projeto de bioforticação, indicando que estudos devem ser intensificados para entender o transporte de nutrientes até o interior do endosperma, ou ainda, que o consumo de arroz integral deve ser mais reforçado. / Human malnutrition due to low intake of the micronutrients zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) is relatively common in poor population, who uses cereals as main sources of calories. Currently, rice is one of the most consumed cereals worldwide but, despite its high lysine concentration in comparison to other cereal crops, rice grains have low protein contents (8-9%). Therefore, the current work aimed to evaluate the influence of additional Zn supply on amino acid profile, storage proteins, macro- and micronutrients, as well as on phytate concentration, and on activity of enzymes from lysine metabolism in grains of different rice genotypes, primarily evaluating the inherent differences of each genetic material in order to aggregate knowledge like a tool for the improvement of this species, aiming nutritional gain in its grain. For this purpose, two different experiments were performed. First of all, three genotypes were evaluated and exposed to foliar fertilization with zinc sulfate, in the concentrations 0, 2 and 4 kg.ha-1 of ZnSO4.7H2O, seeking to increase the level of Zn in the grains. However, there was no significant increase of the metal in the grain, and the variation found in Zn concentrations in brown and polished grains was according to the genotypes. Nevertheless, the other nutritional aspects were verified, for which the results indicated significant differences between the types of grains analyzed, being indicated the consumption of brown grain to instead polished one, and the genotype \'Primavera\' stood out with higher concentration of proteins and smaller amount of phytate. This experiment also confirmed that lysine catabolism is the main modulation pathway to increase this amino acid in the grain. For the second experiment 16 genotypes cultivated in Brazil were used to characterize the genetic diversity in relation to the major grain properties related to human nutritional quality. Zinc concentration was positively correlated to phytate, but no direct association between Zn and synthesis and concentration of amino acids or storage proteins was detected. Based on results, \'Carolino\' and \'Goiano\' rice cultivars presented the best performance. Moreover, due to the relevance of aleurone layer in retaining important nutritional features in rice grains, biofortification programs should investigate nutrient transportation from this region to endosperm in order to achieve better results.

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