Spelling suggestions: "subject:"spela"" "subject:"spect""
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Comparative Study on Hulled Wheats Kernel, Flour, Dough Quality and Dietary Fiber VariationMaddakandage Dona, Jayani Chathurika Sandarani January 2020 (has links)
This study was conducted to evaluate the kernel, flour and dough qualities and dietary fiber content of hulled wheats. Experimental design was separate randomized complete block designs for hulled wheat species with four field replicates. According to the results, significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in kernel quality, flour, and dough quality compared to common bread wheat. Einkorn and spelt reported significantly lower insoluble dietary fiber and total dietary fiber content, in contrast emmer had contents with both higher and lower genotypes. Interestingly, few genotypes of hulled wheat had a higher content of low molecular weight soluble dietary fibers (LMW-SDF) such as fructo and galacto oligosaccharides. Overall, hulled wheats differed from modern bread wheat in their kernel, flour, baking and nutritional quality. Moreover, due to higher LMW-SDF content, hulled wheats would be a potential candidate for breeding and producing health beneficial novel food products.
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Genetics of Wheat Domestication and Septoria Nodorum Blotch Susceptibility in WheatSharma, Sapna January 2019 (has links)
T. aestivum ssp. spelta Iranian type has long been thought to potentially be the direct non-free threshing hexaploid progenitor. I evaluated a RIL population derived from a cross between CS and Iranian spelta accession P503 to identify loci suppressing free-threshabilty in P503. Identification of QTL associated with threshability in region known to harbor the Tg2A gene, and an inactive tg2D allele supported the hypothesis of Iranian spelta being derived from a more recent hybridization between free-threshing hexaploid and emmer wheat. Parastagonospora nodorum is an important fungal pathogen and secretes necrotrophic effectors that evoke cell death. In this research, a DH population segregating for Snn5 was used to saturate Snn5 region of chromosome 4B with molecular markers. The physical distance between Snn5 flanking markers was narrowed to 1.38 Mb with genetic distance of 2.8 cM. The markers developed in this study will provide a strong foundation for map-based cloning of Snn5.
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Vyhodnocení efektu vláčení na zaplevelenost, výnosové parametry a jakost pšenice špaldy. / Influence of harrowing of wheat on weeds rate, yield parameters and quality of spelt.BERÁNEK, Jaroslav January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with harrowing of spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) by the weeding harrows and its influence on weed frequency, yield and quality parameters of wheat. In the literature review there are described general cultivation principles for the growing of spelt (Triticum spelta L.) used in current agricultural practice. There is overview of the general principles of spelt wheat cultivation in the organic farming, available varieties in the Czech Republic and brief description of agricultural technology suitable for its cultivation. We also describe the types of weeds, their brief description and the possibility of reducing their frequency in the organic farming growing system. The literature review provides also information about the technology of harrowing cereal crops as a measure to control weeds and other positive aspects of harrowing on grain crops. In the practical part, data from a field trial were collected, where the effect of harrowing on the weed frequency, the influence of harrowing on spelt wheat tillering and other parameters were statistically evaluated and compared with results in the literature. At the end of the thesis, given the results evaluated in the practical part, it was determined whether it is appropriate to use harrowing as protection of spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.), its number, influence on weed infestation and its influence on both the quantitative and qualitative properties of spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.).
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Identifikacija Alternaria spp. na zrnu spelte i uticaj zaraze na komponenete prinosa, sadržaj mikotoksina i tehnološki kvalitet / Identification of Alternaria spp. on spelt kerenels and impact of infection on yield parameters, mycotoxins content and technological qualityĐisalov Jovana 11 December 2015 (has links)
<p>Savremeni trendovi na tržištu utiču na sve veću potražnju za speltom (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta), alternativnom, plevičastom formom pšenice visoke nutritivne vrednosti, koja doprinosi održavanju agroekoloških sistema gajenja. Smatra se da prisustvo plevičastih omotača pruža zaštitu zrna od različitih bolesti i štetočina, što je od naročitog značaja za organsku proizvodnju gde upotreba hemijske zaštite nije dozvoljena. Rod Alternaria obuhvata veliki broj izrazito varijabilnih i široko rasprostranjenih saprofitnih i fitopatogenih vrsta. Značaj Alternaria spp. se ogleda ne samo u smanjenju prinosa i narušavanju kvaliteta zrna pšenice, već i u tome što mnoge vrste ovog roda produkuju toksične metabolite, koji su štetni za zdravlje ljudi i životinja. U cilju preduzimanja blagovremenih i efikasnih mera suzbijanja fitopatogenih vrsta roda Alternaria i monitoringa dominantnih toksigenih vrsta, veoma je značajna njihova pouzdana i prezicna identifikacija.<br />Istraživanja su obuhvatila identifikaciju i molekularnu karakterizaciju Alternaria spp. na zrnu spelte u Republici Srbiji uz analizu intenziteta zaraze posebno plevičastih i oljuštenih zrna spelte kako bi se ispitala efikasnost plavičastih omotača u zaštiti zrna spelte. Istovremeno je određen sadržaj najznačajnijih Alternaria toksina (alternariol-AOH i alternariol monometil-etar-AME), kao i sveobuhvatni uticaj ovih gljiva na komponente prinosa, zdravstvenu bezbednost i tehnološki kvalitet spelte. Izolovano je ukupno 25 Alternaria spp. sa zrna spelte roda 2011. god. iz različitih regiona Vojvodine i na osnovu morfoloških, patogenih i molekularnih karakteristika utvrđeno je prisustvo dve vrste: A. tenuissima (22 izolata) i A. infectoria (3 izolata). Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju ujedno i prvo naučno saopštenje od vrstama roda Alternaria na spelti u Srbiji. Veštačkom inokulacijom tri različita genotipa spelte (Nirvana, Austria i Ostro) odabranim Alternaria izolatima u 2011. i 2012. god. uočena je značajna razlika u intenzitetu zaraze Alternaria spp. na zrnima sa plevičastim omotačima gde se intenzitet infekcije kretao od 87-100% dok je na oljuštenim zrnima iznosio od 16-72% u 2011. god., odnosno od 95-100% na plevičastim zrnima i 42-68% na oljuštenim zrnima u 2012. god. Efekat hemijske zaštite fungicidom se pokazao značajan za redukciju Alternaria spp. u obe istraživačke godine kako na plevičastim tako i na oljuštenim zrnima spelte. Kolorimetrijskim merenjima intenziteta zaraze plevičastih omotača i oljuštenih zrna inokulisanih biljaka u 2011. i 2012. god. potvrđena su standardna vizuelna fitopatološka ispitivanja, što ukazuje na to da se metoda instrumentale ocene zaraze može koristiti kao efikasna i brza metoda detekcije tamnokličnih zrna, gde uz dodatne verifikacije postoji mogućnost primene i u praksi. AOH i AME detektovani su u proseku četiri puta većoj koncentraciji u plevičastim omotačima nego u oljuštenim zrnima, što potvđuje efikasnost plevičastih omotača u zaštiti zrna spelte, ne samo od prodiranja Alternaria spp. već i od njihovih toksičnih metabolita. Najmanja koncentracija Alternaria toksina zabeležena je na oljuštenim zrnima bijaka tretiranih fungcidom (AOH - 84 μg/kg i AME - 153 μg/kg). Ispitivanja prometnog i tehnološkog kvaliteta spelte zaražene Alternaria spp. su pokazala da tamnoklična zrna značajno narušavaju parametre prometnog i tehnološkog kvaliteta spelte, negativno utičući na nalivanje i sazrevanje zrna kao i sintezu skroba i proteina.<br />Prikazani rezultati ukazuju na to da plevičasti omotači predstavljaju efikasnu barijeru u zaštiti zrna od infekcije vrstama roda Alternaria, što ima izuzetan značaj za otpornost spelte naročito u uslovima gajenja u sistemu organske proizvodnje gde upotreba hemijske zaštite nije dozvoljena. Međutim, uprkos prirodnoj otpornosti i genetskoj predodređenosti spelte za organsku proizvodnju, rezultati efikasne primene fungicida u suzbijanju Alternaria spp. opravdavaju adekvatan hemijski tretman u dobroj poljoprivrednoj praksi i proizvodnji zdravstveno bezbedne hrane. Multidisciplinarni pristup ove doktorske disertacije, ukazuje na neophodnost komplementarnog sagledavanja agronomskih i tehnoloških aspekata u poljoprivrednoj i prehrambenoj industriji, kao jedinstvenog modela koji omogućava praćenje savremenih tendencija u proizvodnji zdravstveno bezbedne hrane visokog nutritivnog kvaliteta.</p> / <p>There is an increasing market demand for alternative crops such as spelt wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta), an ancient, hulled with high nutritional values which<br />6<br />encourages agroecogical production systems. Accodrding to literture overview, it is considered that hulls protect kernels aginst different pests and pathogens, which is of great importance in organic production where chemical treatment is forbidden. Alternaria is a ubiquitous fungal genus that includes saprobic, and pathogenic species associated with yield losses and reduction of technological quality of small grains. Moreover, some of Alternaria spp. has high toxigenic potential and can be harmful for human and animal health. In order to conduct efficient disease control and monitoring of toxigenic Alternaria species, precise and reliable identification is highly important issue.<br />This study include identification and molecular characterisation of Alternaria spp. isolated from spelt kernels in the Republic of Serbia, followed by assessing of level of infection of hulled and dehulled kernels, separately. Additionally, the content of the most important Alternaria toxins (alternariol-AOH and alternariol monomethyl-etar-AME) is analysed, as well as the overall impact of infection on yield parameneters, food safety and technological quality of spelt wheat. Out of 25 Alternaria strains isolated from spelte kernels harvested in 2011. from different regions of Vojvodina and according to morphological, pathogenic and molecular characteristics, the most dominant species was A. tenuissima (22 isolates) followed by A. infectoria (3 isolates). This is the first report of Alternaria spp. detected on species level on spelt wheat in Serbia. After artificial inoculation of three different spelt genotypes (Nirvana, Austria i Ostro) with Alternaria isolates in 2011. and 2012., the sighnificant difference in the level of infection on hulled and dehulled kernels is noted. On the hulled kernels infection was in the range of 87-100%, while on the dehulled kernels was from 16 to 72% in 2011., and from 95 to 100% on hulled kernels and from 42 to 68% on dehulled kernels in 2012., respectivelly. Chemical treatment showed positive effect in the reduction of Alternaria disease in both years, on hulled and dehuled kernels as well. Colorimetric measurements of the level of infection proved conventional phytopatholoical analyses, which indicates that such instrumental method can be efficiently used in rapid detection of black point kernels and with additional verifications might be use in practise. AOH and AME were detected in four time higher concetrations in hulls compared to dehulled kernels, which confirms that hulls act as barriers against fungal infection and their toxic metabolities. The minimum concetration was detected on dehulled kernels treated with fungicide (AOH - 84 μg/kg i AME - 153 μg/kg). In the technological quality analysis of infected kernels, it was found that black point disease reduced tecnhnological quality, due to negeative impact of infection on maturation of grains and sinthesis of proteins and starch.<br />Presented results indicate that hulls on spelt kernels act as efficient barrires in the protection of kernels against Alternaria spp. and their toxic metabolities, which is of great importance for the resistance of spelt wheat particulary in the organic farming where chemical treatment is forbidden. Inspite of the fact that spelt is suitable for organic production, adequate fungicide application against Alternaria spp. is justified from the aspect of the good agriculture practise and food safety. Multidisciplinary approach of this doctoral dissertation points to necessity of complementary perception of agronomic and technological aspects in agriculture and food industry, as the unique model that supports contemporary trends in the production of food safety products with high nutritional value.</p>
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Optimizacija procesa ekstrudiranja spelte za kreiranje funkcionalnih proizvoda sa dodatkom betaina / Optimization of the extrusion process in creation of snack products from spelt wholegrain flour with added betaineKojić Jovana 15 September 2018 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify;">Betain je bioaktivno jedinjenje, koje ima značajne fiziološke funkcije u čovekovom organizmu kao osmolit i donor metil grupa za mnoge biohemijske procese. Endogena sinteza betaina je uglavnom nedovoljna da zadovolji potrebe organizma te je zbog toga neophodan njegov unos preko hrane. Žitarice predstavljaju glavni izvor betaina u ljudskoj ishrani. Jedan od načina da se poveća unos betaina u ljudskoj ishrani je preko funkcionalne hrane obogaćene betainom. Prema regulativi evropskog udruženja cerealija za doručak (European Breakfast Cereal Association) iz 2012. god. (Commission Regulation (EU) No 432/2012) dozvoljeno je deklarisanje zdravstvene izjave za prehrambene proizvode koji sadrže najmanje 500 mg betaina po porciji (40g flips proizvoda) uz navođenje napomene da se zdravstveni efekti mogu očekivati ukoliko se dnevno unese 1500 mg betaina. Zdravstvena izjava glasi: „betain doprinosi normalnom metabolizmu homocisteina“. Povećano interesovanje za zdravu ishranu dovelo je do veće potražnje za alternativnim žitaricama, gde spelta zbog svojih bioloških, agronomskih, prehrambenih i medicinskih karakteristika kao i bogatih nutritivnih svojstava, zauzima značajno mesto. Glavni cilj ove teze je bila optimizacija ekstrudiranja i proizvodnje funkcionalnog flips proizvoda od speltinog integralnog brašna sa dodatkom betaina na dvopužnom ekstruderu. Prvi put je u procesu prehrambenog ekstrudiranja primenjena analiza višeciljne optimizacije u kombinaciji sa neuronskim mrežama i genetskim algoritmom kako bi se dobio maksimalan sadržaj betaina u flips proizvodu pri minimalnoj potrošnji specifične mehaničke energije. Definisan je nov funkcionalni proizvod sa betainom koji bi potencijalno proširio asortiman flips proizvoda na tržištu i utvrđene su njegove fizičke, funkcionalne, teksturalne, reološke i senzorske osobine. Sadržaj betaina i potrošnja specifične mehaničke energije su ključni izlazi koji predstavljaju konkurentne ciljeve u procesu ekstrudiranja. Za proizvodnju flips proizvoda poboljšanog nutritivnog kvaliteta i funkcionalnog profila koji sadrži od 1601,6 do 1764,7 mg betaina u 40 g (čime se i zadovoljava preporučeni dnevni unos betaina) i kome odgovara potrošnja specifične mehaničke energije od 97,4 do 114,1 Wh/kg optimalni su sledeći procesni parametri: protok materijala od 20,45 do 24,04 kg/h, vlaga materijala od 18,6 do 19,44 % i brzina obrtanja pužnice od 250 obrtaja u minuti. Da bi se dobili pouzdani rezultati za sadržaj betaina u spelti i flips proizvodima razvijena je, optimizovana i validovana metoda tečne hromatografije visokih perfomansi. Metoda je uspešno primenjena i u analizi betaina u žitaricama, pseudožitaricama i njihovim proizvodima.</p> / <p>Betaine is a bioactive compound that has significant physiological functions in the human organism as an osmolite and methyl group donor for many biochemical processes. The endogenous synthesis of betaine is generally insufficient to satisfy the requirements of the organism, therefore its intake is necessary through the food. Cereals are the main sources of betaine in human nutrition. One of the ways to increase betaine intake in human nutrition is through betaine enriched functional foods. In the 2012 European Union Regulation (Commission Regulation (EU) No 432/2012), it is permissible to declare a health statement for foods containing at least 500 mg betaine per portion (40g of extruded product), stating that the health effects can be expected if 1500 mg of betaine are consumed on a daily basis. The health statement states: "Betaine contributes to the normal metabolism of homocysteine." Increased interest in healthy food has led to the higher demand for alternative cereals, where spelt takes a significant place due to its biological, agronomic, nutritional and medical characteristics, as well as its rich nutritional properties. The main goal of this work was the optimization of extrusion and production of the functional snack product from spelt wholegrain flour with the addition of betaine which is performed on twin-screw extruder. According to our best knowledge, there was no investigation in which the multi-objective optimization (MOO) analysis coupled with artificial neural network and genetic algorithm was applied to the extrusion cooking process in order to achieve simultaneously maximum betaine content and minimum energy consumption in the snack spelt product. A new functional snack product that can potentially expand the range of snack products and its physical, functional, textural, sensory and rheological properties were defined. The betaine content and specific mechanic energy are the key outputs that represent competing objectives in the extrusion proces. To produce snack product with improved nutritive quality and functional profile which contains betaine content from 1601,6 to 1764,7 mg/40g, which would contribute to the recommended daily intake of betaine, correspond to specific mechanical energy from 97,4 to 114,1 Wh/kg, following optimal parameters were obtained: feed rate from 20,45 to 24,04 kg/h, moisture content from 18,6 to 19,44 % and screw speed at 250 rpm. Also, optimization, development and validation of the high pressure liquid chromatographic method for measuring betaine content in spelt and snack products was also designed and applied.</p>
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Genetické zdroje pšenice špaldy v Evropě a možnosti jejich praktického využití v ekologickém zemědělství / Genetics resources of spelt and their use and potential for organic farming in EuropeHŮDA, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with problems of available genetic resources of spelt(Triticum spelta L.) in Europe, their structure at the European level, including the spread of cultivation of spelt, varieties and development of spelt plantations in European countries. The work presents evaluation of small parcel of land experiments conducted on certified organic land in the Czech republic and Austria with a focus on morphological, biological, economic and quality characters in landraces of spring spelt. In Europe not only spelt is grown in organic farming, but with respect to the assignment of the work was mainly just data from organic farming statistics used to present the results of this work. The results of this work is apparent steady state of spelt plantations in Europe, the availability of genetic resources of spelt, spelt suitability for cultivation in organic farming system and its potential for multiple uses in the food industry, especially for the production of organic products.
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Posouzení možností využití celých klásků pšenice špaldy pro přípravu pekařských produktů / Possibilities of use spelt spikelets for baking products preparationVOPÁTKOVÁ, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Spelt (Triticum spelt L.) is commonly processed to wholegrain flour, especially in organic quality. Even this type of flour does not usually contain husks which are removed before milling. This thesis aims to evaluate a possibility of utilizing whole grains including husks in the bakery industry and its effect on the quality from the nutritional as well as technological point of view. Quality control analyses were conducted in 17 samples. These included whole meal flour of common wheat, whole meal flour of spelt without husks, white flour of spelt with husks, white flour of common wheat and white flour of spelt. Remaining samples were made of soft four and coarse meal mixed in various proportions. The alpha and omega for the quality of bread and other bakery products is the quality of ingredients, especially the flour. Therefore, it was necessary to determine quality values and conduct corresponding analyses (Zeleny sedimentation test, falling number, wet gluten content, protein content, etc.). All samples were also subject to measuring rheological characteristics of dough using Mixolab II. In whole grain meals, in which there is the highest risk of mycotoxin contamination, incidence of such contamination was surveyed using the ROSA Mycotoxin Strips method. In the end, the bakery test was conducted with selected 11 samples after which the volume of the baked products was evaluated. This was followed by sensory evaluation by respondents following a presented questionnaire. The bakery experiment showed that it is possible to use spelt grains with husks, but this was reflected in the sensory test by the respondents. They preferred products which are more common and they did not positively evaluate the new taste and texture.
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Kvalitativní parametry těstovin z pluchatých pšenic a optimalizace jejich receptur / Quality of hulled wheat pasta and optimalization of its recipesHRDLIČKOVÁ, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with qualitative parameters of hulled wheat pasta and consequently optimization of its recipes. The work uses samples of eincorn Triticum monococcum L.,emmer Triticum dicoccum Schuebl, spelt Triticum spelta L. and commercially used bread wheat Triticum aestivum L. The diploma thesis defines the bakery quality of these kinds of wheat. For bakery quality the Kjeldahl method determined the organic N, the Zeleny test determined the sedimentation value. Sets the amount of wet gluten, the gluten index, and the falling number. Mixolab was used to determine rheological properties. To evaluate the quality of the pasta, cooking tests were carried out. These were cooking time, bulkiness, water absorption and amount of sediment. In the next part, wheat mixtures are produced based on the results. Here is assessed the impact of individual kind of wheat on pasta made from mixtures, which are composed of two wheat species. To determine the quality of the pasta from the mixtures, sensory evaluation and cooking tests were performed. In this work I demonstrate, that adding emmer to the mixture increases the quality of pasta.
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Gelatinization and Molecular Properties of Organic and Conventional Rice and Spelt StarchesIe, Pauline S. 26 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Technologická a senzorická jakost zrna a pečiva z pšenice špaldy / Technological and senzorical quality of grain and baking products from spelt wheatKYPTOVÁ, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the baking quality of the spelt wheat grain (Triticum spelta L.) compared with common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Mixed flours were made of different share of spelt wheat and common wheat (in total 11 mixtures). The technological quality of these mixtures was analyzed, focusing on standard evaluation methods (protein content, characteristic of gluten or swellability of protein). The analysis was supplemented by complete rheological analysis made by MIXOLAB II. Bread was used as a model product. Subsequently, sensory evaluation of baked bread from the previously prepared mixtures was done. Part of the analysis was to estimate the economic basic bread recipe with different proportions of common wheat and spelt wheat. The results were statistically analyzed via STATISTICA 9.1 (StatSoft, Inc., USA). It was proved that the flour made of spelt can give cereal products with higher nutritional value. From a technological point of view, the results have shown that the spelt grain is much more suitable for baking. Its advantage is the higher protein content and higher resistence of kneading of the dough and starch gelatinization rate, which was statistically confirmed by Tukey HSD test. The other benefits of spelt grain is the higher nutritional value in comparsion to common wheat grain. The main disadvantage is the higher price of spelt. According to the results, the ideal utilization of spelt wheat based on sensory analysis and economic calculations seems to be the mixture of spelt wheat and bread wheat, which results in an undenieble decrease of the product cost, and hence effects the common customer choice and taste preferences.
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