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Μελέτη της ποιότητας ανθρώπινων γνάθων με φασματοσκοπία RamanΚουβαριτάκη, Σοφία 02 April 2014 (has links)
Το οστό είναι ένα βιογενές υλικό, το οποίο συνίσταται από μια ανόργανη φάση, το βιοαπατίτη (~70%) και την οργανική φάση (~30%). Η οργανική φάση αποτελείται από ίνες κολλαγόνου τύπου Ι (οι οποίες αποτελούν το 90% της ολικής πρωτεΐνης του οστού) και πολυάριθμες μη κολλαγονούχες πρωτεΐνες (οι οποίες αποτελούν το υπόλοιπο 10% της ολικής πρωτεΐνης του οστού). Το κολλαγόνο τύπου Ι είναι μια εξαιρετικά ινώδης πρωτεΐνη με σταυροδεσμούς, που προσδίδει στο οστό μηχανικές και βιοχημικές ιδιότητες. Οι κρύσταλλοι του βιοαπατίτη, ενός μη στοιχειομετρικού αναλόγου του υδροξυαπατίτη [Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2], βρίσκονται πάνω και μέσα στις ίνες του κολλαγόνου και τείνουν να είναι προσανατολισμένοι στην ίδια κατεύθυνση με αυτές.
Ο όρος «ποιότητα οστού» αναφέρεται στο σύνολο των συνθετικών και αρχιτεκτονικών ιδιοτήτων του οστέινου ιστού που καθορίζουν τις ιδιότητες του υλικού και την ικανότητά του να εκτελεί μηχανικές λειτουργίες. Οι μη-επεμβατικές τεχνικές που χρησιμοποιούνται για τη μέτρηση της Οστικής Πυκνότητας (Bone Mineral Density) παρουσιάζουν εγγενή προβλήματα, καθώς η απορρόφηση ακτίνων Χ στις οποίες βασίζονται, είναι ευαίσθητη μόνο στο ανοργανο συστατικό του οστού (βιοαπατίτη) χωρίς να λαμβάνουν υπόψη το οργανικό (κολλαγόνο τύπου Ι). Έτσι, υπάρχει η ανάγκη για ανάπτυξη νέων τεχνικών, όπως η φασματοσκοπία Raman, με την οποία μπορεί να αξιολογηθεί η ποιότητα ενός οστού χρησιμοποιώντας πληροφορίες όπως είναι η ποσότητα και το είδος των σταυροδεσμών του, ο λόγος ανόργανης προς οργανική φάση, η κρυσταλλικότητα του οστού (λόγος ανθρακικών προς φωσφορικά), κ.ά.
Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκε λοιπόν η ποιότητα ανθρώπινων γνάθων με χρήση φασματοσκοπίας Raman. Από τα φάσματα Raman που καταγράφηκαν επελέγησαν οι κορυφές που οφείλονται στο βιοαπατίτη και στο κολλαγόνο. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δυο δείκτες, ο λόγος βιοαπατίτη προς κολλαγόνο (Mineral to Matrix Ratio) και ο λόγος των μη αναγώγιμων σταυροδεσμών του κολλαγόνου προς τους αναγώγιμους σταυροδεσμούς του. Στην πρώτη περίπτωση, χρησιμοποιήθηκε ο λόγος των κορυφών στους 960 cm-1 για το βιοαπατίτη και το άθροισμα των κορυφών στους 855, 875 και 920 cm-1 για το κολλαγόνο, οι οποίες αποδίδονται στα αμινοξέα προλίνη και υδροξυπρολίνη του κολλαγόνου [960 cm-1 / (855 cm-1 + 875 cm-1 + 920 cm-1)]. Στην περίπτωση του λόγου των σταυροδεσμών του κολλαγόνου, χρησιμοποιήθηκε η περιοχή του αμιδίου Ι, και συγκεκριμένα οι δονήσεις στους 1658 και 1668 cm-1 για τους μη αναγώγιμους σταυροδεσμούς και οι δονήσεις στους 1680 και 1690 cm-1 για τους αναγώγιμους σταυροδεσμούς του κολλαγόνου [(1658 cm-1 + 1668 cm-1) / (1680 cm-1 + 1690 cm-1)]. Χρησιμοποιώντας αυτούς του δείκτες κατασκευάστηκαν διαγράμματα για την εκτίμηση της ποιότητας των οστών ανά σημείο ή/και ανά περιοχή των γνάθων.
Από τη μελέτη προέκυψε ότι κάθε οστό έχει διαφορετικές μηχανικές ιδιότητες οι οποίες ποικίλουν είτε από πλευρά σε πλευρά της γνάθου ή σημειακά. Οι διαφοροποιήσεις αυτές πιθανόν σχετίζονται με τις συνήθειες του ανθρώπου, όπως π.χ. η μάσηση.
Επίσης, έγινε προσπάθεια σύγκρισης των αποτελεσμάτων της φασματοσκοπίας Raman με την εγκαθιδρυμένη τεχνική DEXA η οποία αποτελεί το golden standard. Οι τιμές BMD (Bone Mineral Density) που συνελλέγησαν με την DEXA, συγκρίθηκαν με τις τιμές του MMR. Παρόλο που οι δυο τεχνικές αξιολογούν διαφορετικά στοιχεία, φάνηκε ότι υπάρχει συσχέτιση αποτελεσμάτων, καθώς περιοχές υψηλής και χαμηλής οστικής πυκνότητας αντιστοιχούν σε υψηλές και χαμηλές τιμές του MMR, αντίστοιχα.
Επιπλέον, μελετήθηκαν και οι μεταβολές που προκλήθηκαν στο κολλαγόνο του οστού λόγω της μη συντήρησης του υλικού. Φάσματα Raman καταγράφηκαν σε τμήμα οστού της ανθρώπινης γνάθου πριν και μετά την ενυδάτωση με ρυθμιστικό διάλυμα PBS (Phosphate Buffer Solution). Οι κορυφές της περιοχής του αμιδίου Ι, χρησιμοποιηθήκαν για τον υπολογισμό των εξής λόγων: 1660 cm-1 / 1690 cm-1, 1658 cm-1 / 1660 cm-1 και (1658 cm-1 + 1668 cm-1) / 1690 cm-1. Από τους παραπάνω λόγους, φαίνεται ότι η κορυφή στα 1658 cm-1 μπορεί να αποδοθεί στην αφυδατωμένη μορφή του κολλαγόνου. Η χρήση του ρυθμιστικού διαλύματος PBS βοηθά στη συντήρηση των οστών χωρίς να επηρεάζει τη δευτεροταγή δομή του κολλαγόνου τους. / Bone is a biogenic material which is distinguished from other forms of connective tissues by the fact that it becomes extremely hard. It consists of an inorganic phase, the bioapatite (~70%), and an organic matrix (~30%). Bone matrix is formed by type I collagen fibers (which make up 90% of the total protein of bone) and numerous non-collagenous proteins. Type I collagen is a highly cross-linked fibrillar protein which enhances the mechanical and biochemical properties of bone. On the other hand, crystals of bioapatite, a non-stoichiometric analogous of hydroxyapatite [Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2] are found on and within the collagen fibers and they tend to be oriented in the same direction as the collagen fibers.
The term "bone quality" refers to the ensemble of composition and architectural properties of bone tissue that together determine its material properties and its ability to perform mechanical functions. Non invasive techniques are used to measure Bone Mineral Density (BMD) but they have the disadvantage that they emit X rays and that they are able to account just the mineral matrix of bone (bioapatite) without considering the organic which also contributes to the bone strength. These reasons reinforce the need for finding new methods as Raman spectroscopy, which may be used for the estimation of numerous indicators associated with bone strength, such as the amount and the kind of collagen fibers, the ratio of inorganic/organic phase, crystallinity, bone aging, etc.
In this work, Raman spectroscopy was used for the study of the quality of human mandibles. Raman spectra were recorded and the bands attributed to bioapatite and collagen were analyzed. The ratio of bioapatite to collagen (Mineral to Matrix Ratio) and the ratio of non-reducible to reducible collagen cross-links were determined. In the first case, the Mineral to Matrix ratio (MMR) was calculated using the intensities of the bands at 960 cm-1 for bioapatite and 855 cm-1, 875 cm-1 and 920 cm-1 for proline and hydroxyproline, [I (960 cm-1 / (855 cm-1 + 875 cm-1 + 920 cm-1)], while the ratio of collagen cross-links was calculated using the amide I envelope, and specifically, using the intensities of the bands at 1658, 1668 cm-1 for non-reducible cross-links and 1680, 1690 cm-1 for reducible collagen cross-links [I (1658 cm-1 + 1668 cm-1) / (1680 cm-1 + 1690 cm-1)]. These indicators were applied for the construction of diagrams showing the changes of bone quality within the same mandible.
It was shown that each bone has different mechanical properties which vary spatially. These variations are possibly related to human habits such as chewing.
Comparison of Raman spectroscopy (MMR) results against dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry BMD measurements was also attempted and similarity in their trends was noticed.
Finally, the Raman spectral changes induced to mandible collagen due to different storage conditions, such as dehydration, were studied. Raman spectra were recorded from a sample of an as received human mandible and after immersion in PBS (Phosphate Buffer Solution). Sub-bands of amide I envelope were used for the calculation of the ratios 1660 cm-1 / 1690 cm-1, 1658 cm-1 / 1660 cm-1 and (1658 cm-1 + 1668 cm-1) / 1690 cm-1. From these ratios it was found that the presence of the band at 1658 cm-1 was due to dehydration and that immersion in PBS solution can, at least partially, rehydrate the collagen. At the same time, no collagen cross-linking changes were observed.
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Biomechanická studie lidské dolní čelisti ve fyziologickém stavu / Biomechanical Study of Human Mandible in Physiological StateBorák, Libor January 2010 (has links)
This study deals with the mechanical aspects of human mandible in physiological state during the occlusion. The work is focused on evaluation of stress-strain conditions of bone tissue. The emphasis is paid to the interaction of teeth with the bone. In addition, contact pres-sures in temporomandibular joints during various loading conditions were determined. The analysis of material model of some parts of the system regarding their modelling-level is pre-sented as well. The problem concerning the evaluation of stress-strain states is solved by computational simulation using the finite element method. The presented work is a detailed analysis of the parts of the masticatory system and a thorough description of their modelling is presented. Special focus is paid to modelling of cancellous bone as well as of periodontal tissue which mediates the interaction between a tooth and the alveolar bone. Three-dimensional geometry of the mandible and all its teeth has been obtained by using the digitizing of real objects, namely by using of three-dimensional optical scanner. Three various modelling levels of the material of periodontium are assessed: Linear iso-tropic model, bilinear isotropic model and linear orthotropic model. Characteristics of these models are analyzed and especially nine new constants describing orthotropic model (which is almost absent in the literature) are proposed. Two-dimensional models are used for analysis of differencies in mechanical response of cancellous bone to the tooth loading. Two cases are considered: Cancellous bone as a ho-mogenous continuous model on one hand and with detailed trabeculous architecture model on the other. Computational model is divided into four basic cases varying in level of masticatory appa-ratus geometry: A – 2D geometry of bone; B – 3D geometry of bone segment with one tooth through three teeth; C – 3D geometry of whole mandible with the only tooth; D – 3D geome-try of whole mandible with all teeth. All basic cases are further researched in different varia-tions for different material models etc.
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Stability of the Mandible–Strut Plate Complex in Isolated Angle Fractures: A Finite Element StudyLanka, Gopi Krishna 16 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Estrutura do nervo alveolar inferior em fetos humanos da 19ª a 36ª semana de vida intrauterina / Inferior alveolar nerve structure in human fetuses from 19th to 36th weeks of intrauterine lifeSilva, Ricardo Eustaquio da 11 December 2012 (has links)
O nervo alveolar inferior (Nai), o mais espesso ramo do nervo mandibular (V par craniano), está funcionalmente relacionado à inervação da mandíbula e dentes inferiores, além de parte dos tecidos moles circunjacentes. Seu estudo morfológico, sobretudo em mandíbulas adultas, foi sistematicamente realizado, contudo, sem ainda haver um consenso definitivo para o seu padrão de ramificação. Desse modo, considerando-se a importância em se demonstrar um modelo de constituição básica para o Nai, realizou-se o presente estudo em fetos humanos da 19ª a 36ª semana de vida intrauterina. Foram utilizados 86 hemimandíbulas, de ambos os sexos, em que se avaliou o padrão morfológico intraósseo do Nai e de seus ramos, seus envoltórios conjuntivos e suas relações com as estruturas vasculares, utilizando-se de microdissecção e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Relativamente ao padrão morfológico do segmento intramandibular do Nai, foram propostos 4 tipos de ramificação: Tipo I (16%), onde o Nai emite 3 ramos principais, os nervos alveolares inferiores posterior (Naip), médio (Naim) e anterior (Naia); Tipo II (34%), semelhante ao anterior, porém ausente o Naim; Tipo III (30%), semelhante ao primeiro, porém ausentes Naim e o Naia; e o Tipo IV (20%), a forma clássica do Nai, onde somente o Naia se ramifica a partir dele. Verificou-se uma série de conexões entre todos os feixes nervosos, sobretudo entre o Naip e o Nai, sendo que os ramos dentais e peridentais partem, em sua maioria, do Naip, Naim e Naia. Sobre os envoltórios conjuntivos, verificou-se que se espessam à medida que o feto se desenvolve, notando também a presença de uma bainha neurovascular comum a envolver o feixe vasculonervoso alveolar inferior. Quanto ao posicionamento da artéria alveolar inferior, adjacente ao forame da mandíbula, cruza o feixe nervoso, em sua maioria, pela face medial (41%) ou pela lateral (55%), para logo em seguida alcançar sua posição definitiva sobre a face superior do feixe nervoso. Quanto às veias alveolares inferiores, em número de 1 a 3, posicionam-se posteromedialmente às outras estruturas do feixe vasculonervoso. Para a veia de Serres, observada em todos os espécimes e envolta por um canal ósseo, propôs-se a terminologia veia paramandibular. / The inferior alveolar nerve (Nai), the thickest branch of the mandibular nerve (V pair of cranial nerve), is functionally related to jaw and lower teeth innervation as well as, being part of the surrounding smooth tissue. The Nai morphology has been systematically studied in mandible of adults however, no definitive consensus has been reached in relation to its branched pattern. Therefore, this study was been performed in 19 to 36 week-gestation fetuses, due to the importance of determining a basic model of Nai as available data refers only to its arrangement in adults. Micro dissection and Scanner Electron Microscopy (MEV) were performed on 86 human hemi-mandibles of both sexes in order to evaluate the morphological intraosseous pattern of Nai and its branches, its connective tissue and their relationship with vascular structures. In connection with the morphological pattern of intramandibular segment of Nai, four types of branches were proposed: Type I (16%) where Nai give rise to 3 main branches: posterior inferior alveolar nerve (Naip), medium (Naim), and anterior (Naia); Type II (34%), similar to Type I but Naim was absent; Type III (30%), similar to the first, however Naim and Naia were absent; and type IV (20%),the classic form of Nai, from which only Naia was raised. A series of connections was verified among all of the nervous bundles, especially between Nai and Naip. besides dental and periodontal branches commonly arising from Naip, Naim and Naia. In relation with the connective tissues, it was shown that they became thicker as the fetuses are developing; at this stage it was also noted one neurovascular sheath covering nerve bundles and blood vessels. Relatively to the inferior alveolar artery position, adjacent to mandible foramen, it can, frequently, cross the nerve bundle through medial (41%) or lateral surface (55%), reached after its final position on the superior surface of nerve bundle; the inferior alveolar veins (1 to 3), are posterior-medially positioned to the neurovascular bundle other structures. The terminology paramandibular vein was proposed to the Serres vein observed in all specimens studied which was surrounded by bone channel.
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Estrutura do nervo alveolar inferior em fetos humanos da 19ª a 36ª semana de vida intrauterina / Inferior alveolar nerve structure in human fetuses from 19th to 36th weeks of intrauterine lifeRicardo Eustaquio da Silva 11 December 2012 (has links)
O nervo alveolar inferior (Nai), o mais espesso ramo do nervo mandibular (V par craniano), está funcionalmente relacionado à inervação da mandíbula e dentes inferiores, além de parte dos tecidos moles circunjacentes. Seu estudo morfológico, sobretudo em mandíbulas adultas, foi sistematicamente realizado, contudo, sem ainda haver um consenso definitivo para o seu padrão de ramificação. Desse modo, considerando-se a importância em se demonstrar um modelo de constituição básica para o Nai, realizou-se o presente estudo em fetos humanos da 19ª a 36ª semana de vida intrauterina. Foram utilizados 86 hemimandíbulas, de ambos os sexos, em que se avaliou o padrão morfológico intraósseo do Nai e de seus ramos, seus envoltórios conjuntivos e suas relações com as estruturas vasculares, utilizando-se de microdissecção e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Relativamente ao padrão morfológico do segmento intramandibular do Nai, foram propostos 4 tipos de ramificação: Tipo I (16%), onde o Nai emite 3 ramos principais, os nervos alveolares inferiores posterior (Naip), médio (Naim) e anterior (Naia); Tipo II (34%), semelhante ao anterior, porém ausente o Naim; Tipo III (30%), semelhante ao primeiro, porém ausentes Naim e o Naia; e o Tipo IV (20%), a forma clássica do Nai, onde somente o Naia se ramifica a partir dele. Verificou-se uma série de conexões entre todos os feixes nervosos, sobretudo entre o Naip e o Nai, sendo que os ramos dentais e peridentais partem, em sua maioria, do Naip, Naim e Naia. Sobre os envoltórios conjuntivos, verificou-se que se espessam à medida que o feto se desenvolve, notando também a presença de uma bainha neurovascular comum a envolver o feixe vasculonervoso alveolar inferior. Quanto ao posicionamento da artéria alveolar inferior, adjacente ao forame da mandíbula, cruza o feixe nervoso, em sua maioria, pela face medial (41%) ou pela lateral (55%), para logo em seguida alcançar sua posição definitiva sobre a face superior do feixe nervoso. Quanto às veias alveolares inferiores, em número de 1 a 3, posicionam-se posteromedialmente às outras estruturas do feixe vasculonervoso. Para a veia de Serres, observada em todos os espécimes e envolta por um canal ósseo, propôs-se a terminologia veia paramandibular. / The inferior alveolar nerve (Nai), the thickest branch of the mandibular nerve (V pair of cranial nerve), is functionally related to jaw and lower teeth innervation as well as, being part of the surrounding smooth tissue. The Nai morphology has been systematically studied in mandible of adults however, no definitive consensus has been reached in relation to its branched pattern. Therefore, this study was been performed in 19 to 36 week-gestation fetuses, due to the importance of determining a basic model of Nai as available data refers only to its arrangement in adults. Micro dissection and Scanner Electron Microscopy (MEV) were performed on 86 human hemi-mandibles of both sexes in order to evaluate the morphological intraosseous pattern of Nai and its branches, its connective tissue and their relationship with vascular structures. In connection with the morphological pattern of intramandibular segment of Nai, four types of branches were proposed: Type I (16%) where Nai give rise to 3 main branches: posterior inferior alveolar nerve (Naip), medium (Naim), and anterior (Naia); Type II (34%), similar to Type I but Naim was absent; Type III (30%), similar to the first, however Naim and Naia were absent; and type IV (20%),the classic form of Nai, from which only Naia was raised. A series of connections was verified among all of the nervous bundles, especially between Nai and Naip. besides dental and periodontal branches commonly arising from Naip, Naim and Naia. In relation with the connective tissues, it was shown that they became thicker as the fetuses are developing; at this stage it was also noted one neurovascular sheath covering nerve bundles and blood vessels. Relatively to the inferior alveolar artery position, adjacent to mandible foramen, it can, frequently, cross the nerve bundle through medial (41%) or lateral surface (55%), reached after its final position on the superior surface of nerve bundle; the inferior alveolar veins (1 to 3), are posterior-medially positioned to the neurovascular bundle other structures. The terminology paramandibular vein was proposed to the Serres vein observed in all specimens studied which was surrounded by bone channel.
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