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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Wearable Device for Physiotherapeutic Home Training

Bishehsari, Taraneh January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

A Closer Look at the Body: Preliminary Findings on Effective use of Body Maps in Interaction Design : Exploring the use of body maps as a research tool in Interaction Design and their effectiveness in a yoga setting

van Rantwijk, Michael Vincent January 2021 (has links)
In this paper we analyze what makes body maps effective at collecting data in interaction design research. A systematic literature review showed a lack of documentation of the method application in current works and we set out to explore what makes body maps effective at gathering knowledge about the body. After designing different body maps using research-through-design methods, we tested the body maps in user studies in which we asked participants to fill out body maps after a yoga activity. Results suggest that the design of body maps and the prompts around them are fundamental to the type and richness of data gathered and that body maps have a function of enabling deeper reflection about the bodily experience. We suggest that researchers carefully design their body maps based on the type of data they are interested in when using them in their studies and document this accordingly.

Improving User Experiences to Help Students Know Their Equal Rights and Opportunities

Englund, Linn January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Data Literacy and young children : Design suggestions for a game intended to teach data literacy to children 8-10 years of age

Olson, Ella January 2021 (has links)
In todays' society, one encounters different visualizations of data on an everyday basis and the ability to understand data has become one of the most sought-after skills on the job market. It is, therefore, no surprise that OECD (The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) has included data literacy in their 2030 Learning compass. Data literacy is defined by the OECD as the ability to analyze, explore, read and argue with data. Since this is such an important skill and becoming more important as society embraces data in various ways, children must learn this in school, so that they are not left behind in the future data-driven society. There have been attempts on how to implement and teach the skill of data literacy for children aged 10 and onward. However, data literacy is still a new field of research and most earlier studies have been on adults and university students. One report written by Bengtsson et al. (2021) proposes an educational game, “The Rescue of Dataville”, which aims at teaching data literacy to children aged 10-12. This thesis will build upon and adapt their work to better suit a younger age group, children aged 8-10. Earlier research indicates that younger children do have the ability to understand some visualizations of data. To do this, the current research regarding abilities required to acquire data literacy as well as research in educational psychology, UX design, cognitive science, and the Swedish curriculum was obtained. In-depth semi-structured interviews with children aged 8 -10 and teacher students were conducted to get an understanding of what data literacy capabilities the children have. These interviews were transcribed and analyzed via the thematic analysis approach. Four themes emerged: Definition of difficult terms, Need for a data mini-game, Need for a new character, and Easier exercises. Based on these themes design changes were proposed. The design proposals were then validated via a survey sent out to teachers. The answers from the survey show promising results and indicate that the design proposals are appropriate for the intended target group. However, the current covid-19 pandemic resulted in a very small sample size, hence a bigger more thorough study should be conducted to further validate the results found in this report.

Att digitalisera en akutmottagning : En kvalitativ studie om hur Region Östergötlands akutmottagningar kan digitaliseras / To digitize an emergency room : A qualitative study of how the emergency departments of Region Östergötland can be digitized

Henriksson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med den här studien var att bidra till digitaliseringsarbetet på akutmottagningarna i Region Östergötland. Utifrån domänens perspektiv konstaterades att digitaliseringsprocessen inom sjukvården är tidskrävande samtidigt som det finns visioner och drivkrafter från olika håll att föra den framåt i snabb takt. Utifrån ett teoretiskt perspektiv konstaterades att digitaliseringen potentiellt kan bidra med lösningar på delar av dagens problem samt att det finns olika ramverk som kan tillämpas i digitaliseringsarbetet för att öka effektiviteten i arbetet som utförs på akutmottagningarna. Med den utgångspunkten formulerades följande fyra frågeställningar som besvarades och således uppfyllde syftet: Vid vilka situationer sker informationsöverlämning mellan personal på akutmottagningar i Region Östergötland och hur kan situationerna beskrivas? Hur upplever personalen de olika situationerna utifrån digitaliseringsperspektiv? Vilka informationsnycklar och kritiska moment inom informationsöverlämningen kan identifieras? Hur kan potentiella lösningsförslag se ut för fortsatt digitaliseringsarbete? Studien som var av kvalitativ karaktär baserades på två delstudier: Observationsstudie vars resultat dels ledde fram till, dels utgjorde grunden för Intervjustudie. Resultatet och analysen uppkom genom tematisk analys som utfördes på transkriberat intervjumaterial och presenteras genom fyra tematiseringar: Nycklar, Kritiska moment, Inställning till digitalisering, Förslag på förbättringar. Resultatet visade att det finns många situationer i informationsflödet som personalen kan uppleva som kritiska och/eller viktiga. Resultatet visade också att det kan råda oklarheter kring hur hjälpmedel, system och riktlinjer kan och ska tillämpas under den pågående övergångsperiod mellan det digitala och icke-digitala. Dessutom visade resultaten att intervjudeltagarnas inställning till digitaliseringen i många fall är positiv förutsatt vissa krav. I diskussionen lyftes analysen en nivå och då uppstod nya insikter, bland annat att de identifierade nycklarna snabbt kan upplevas som kritiska om något går snett. I diskussionen presenteras även rekommendationer för fortsatt digitaliseringsarbete. En övergripande slutsats var att det finns många möjligheter att effektivisera arbetet på akutmottagningarna med hjälp av digitaliseringen.

How ICT Impacts the Research Environment : A case study of Makerere University

Mugenyi, Anita January 2021 (has links)
In 2000 SIDA began a research cooperation with Makerere University in Uganda after it was found to be the centre of research activity in the country. The lack of Information and Communication Technology, ICT, was pointed out as a factor to the weak research and training and by adding the presence of ICT facilities, it was believed that the research environment could be improved drastically. The purpose of this study was to examine how the usage of ICT at Makerere University in Uganda has impacted the research environment and what role the SIDA funded Directorate of ICT Support, DICTS, has played as well as provide suggestions to how to continue to improve the research environment with the use of ICT.  The ICT resources available to students and staff identified in this study at the university are provided in the form of desktops, laptops, wired and wireless internet, several web-based applications and an e-learning application. Furthermore, the students and staff also use personal phones, smartphones, tablets as well as computers and laptops to communicate, access and interact with the school provided ICT resources. The ICT training given by DICTS has been well received by those who participate but results show that the participants want more sessions and training for themselves and for their fellow colleagues.

Kan körsimulatorer vara ett lämpligt undervisningsverktyg i förarutbildningar? : En första ansats för att undersöka om simulatorer som undervisningverktyg passar olika åldrar / Could driving simulators be a suitable teaching tool for drivers education? : A first attempt to investigate whether simulators as teaching tools are suitable for different ages

Nilsson, Linda January 2021 (has links)
De senaste åren har andelen godkända körkortsprov för B-körkort minskat till mindre än hälften (STR, Sveriges trafikutbildares riksförbund, u.å). På grund av detta arbetar nu VTI (Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut) tillsammans med Trafikverket med att undersöka om det finns nya verktyg som kan användas i förarutbildningar, där ett förslag är hur körsimulatorer kan användas (Selander & Thorslund, 2021). I denna studie studeras därför om ålder eller antal år med körkort påverkar inställningen samt körprestation till huruvida simulatorer är ett bra inlärningsverktyg i förarutbildningar för B-körkort. En körsimulator lånades av VTI för att kunna utföra testerna. I studien deltog 48 deltagare fördelat på två åldersgrupper: 18-25 (M = 22.9, SD = 2.02) och 45-60 (M = 52.4, SD = 5.03) och män och kvinnor (N = 48, kvinnor = 23 och män = 25). Med ett Chi-square test jämfördes deltagarnas prestation mellan åldersgrupperna och mellan män och kvinnor. Ett Kendall´s Tau korrelationstest gjordes för att undersöka möjligt samband mellan hastighetsöverträdelser och antal år med körkort och slutligen hölls en semistrukturerad intervju för att deltagarna själva fick bidra med sin åsikt till simulatorns lämplighet i utbildningssyfte. Inga signifikanta resultat visades av resultaten varken för Chi-squaretesten eller korrelationstestet. De ickesignifikanta resultaten tyder på att det inte påvisades någon skillnad mellan åldersgrupperna eller mellan män och kvinnor i prestation av simulatorkörning eller sambandet mellan hastighetsöverträdelser och antal år med körkort. Deltagarna visade även en positiv inställning till simulatorer som utbildningsverktyg i förarutbildningar. Fler studier bör göras på hur en simulator kan implementeras i förarutbildningar och vad som är mest lämpligt för körkortstagare att träna på i körsimulatorn. Av resultaten av samtliga resultat dras ändå slutsatsen att simulatorer kan ses som ett lämpligt utbildningsverktyg i förarutbildningar. / In recent years, the proportion of approved driving tests for drivers education has decreased to less than half (STR, Swedish association of traffic educators, n.d). Due to this, VTI (Swedish national road and transport research institute) is now working together with Trafikverket (Swedish transport administration) to investigate whether there are new tools that can be used in training. One suggestion they have developed is to use simulators as a teaching tool (Selander & Thorslund, 2021). This study therefore studies whether the age or number of years with a driving license affects the attitude to whether simulators are a good teaching tool in driver educations for driving licenses. A driving simulator was borrowed from VTI to be able to perform the tests. The study involved 48 participants divided into two age groups: 18-25 (M = 22.9, SD = 2.02) and 45-60 (M = 52.4, SD = 5.03) and men and women (N = 48, women = 23 and men = 25). A Chi-square test compared the participants' performance between the age groups and between men and women. A Kendall´s Tau correlation test was performed to investigate possible correlations between speed offenses and the number of years of driving license. No significant results were shown by the results of either the Chi-square test or the correlation test. Finally a semi-structured interview was held so that the participants themselves could contribute their opinion to the simulators suitability for educational purposes. The participants showed a positive attitude towards simulators as a training tool in driver education. More studies should be done on how a simulator can be implemented in driver education. From the results, it is nevertheless concluded that simulators can be seen as a suitable training tool in drivers education.

Understanding Complex Problems in Healthcare : By Applying a Free-Flowing Design Practice

Thies, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Healthcare in Sweden is in need of a transformation. The increase of chronic conditions poses a great challenge to the organisational structure of healthcare, which still largely remains based on acute, rather than chronic care. Development in the healthcare realm is commonly conducted in fragmented processes and from the professions', rather than the patients', perspective. A new type of design methodology has in recent years entered the field of healthcare development and innovation. It has progressively been used to enable the reorganisation of the healthcare system itself rather than solely developing artefacts, IT-systems or services within it. This thesis focuses on problems that can be described as open, complex, dynamic, networked, or wicked. The following research questions are investigated:    I.     How can designers' competence contribute to healthcare innovation?  II.     How can designers support the identification of complex problems in healthcare? Empirical data were collected during two healthcare innovation projects in which the author took an active role as both designer and researcher. The research work was based on qualitative data that were gathered using ethnographic methodology (i.e., interviews, participant observation and field notes). The data were analysed using open coding principles and activity theory. The results highlighted the valuable role of free-flowing design practice, supporting a thorough understanding of complex problems. The free-flowing design practice entails that the problem space and the solution space co-evolve. These spaces expand iteratively, continuously affecting each other while redefining problems in search of solutions that aim at radical innovation and not merely incremental ameliorations. / Hälso- och sjukvården är i behov av förändring. Ökningen av kroniska tillstånd utgör en stor utmaning för sjukvårdsorganisationens struktur som fortfarande till stor del baseras på akut, snarare än kronisk vård. Sjukvårdsutveckling sker ofta i fragmenterade processer, och utifrån professioners, snarare än patienters perspektiv. En ny typ av designmetodologi har på senare år börjat tillämpas för att utveckla och skapa innovationer inom hälso- och sjukvården. Den har allt mer börjat användas för att utveckla sjukvårdsorganisationen i sig, snarare än att bara utveckla dess produkter, IT-system eller tjänster. Avhandlingen fokuserar på problem som kan beskrivas som öppna, komplexa, föränderliga, sammanlänkade eller 'wicked' [onda]. Följande forskningsfrågor undersöks:    I.     Hur kan designers kompetens bidra till innovation inom hälso-och sjukvården?  II.     Hur kan designers bidra till att identifiera komplexa problem inom hälso- och sjukvården? Empirisk data har samlats in i samband med två innovationsprojekt inom sjukvården där författaren haft en aktiv roll som såväl designer som forskare. Forskningen baseras på kvalitativ data som har samlats in genom etnografisk metodologi (dvs. intervjuer, deltagande observationer och fältanteckningar). Datan har analyserats enligt 'open coding'-principer och aktivitetsteori. Resultaten lyfter fram värdet av en 'free-flowing design practice' [fritt föränderlig designpraktik] för att förstå komplexa problem. Den fritt föränderliga designpraktiken medför att problem-rymden och lösnings-rymden sam-utvecklas. Dessa rymder expanderar iterativt, medan de kontinuerligt påverkar varandra mot en omdefiniering av problem, i syfte att hitta lösningar som kan leda till radikal innovation, snarare än bara inkrementella förbättringar.

The Effects of Annotated Web Documents, Using Context Highlighting, on Quiz Performance and Preparation Time

Zucker, Ron 01 December 2010 (has links)
Highlighting is an annotation method frequently used to indicate importance. This document introduces context highlighting of web documents and demonstrates that passive readers may benefit from summaries produced by context/keyword highlighting. HighBrow, a prototype browser developed to enable active readers to create context/keyword summaries from web documents, is introduced. This document provides the results of an experiment using three groups of passive readers: the first group reading an entire document; the second group reading a context/keyword summary provided by HighBrow; and the third group reading a keyword only summary (provided by a modified version of HighBrow). The experiment was developed to measure quiz performance, preparation time, and efficiency (quiz score divided by time).

Implementation and Evaluation of Gesture-less Mid-Air Interactions on a Stereoscopic Display

Frederiksen, Nicholas, Gunnarsson, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
This report presents the work of a master thesis aimed at creating a modern stereoscopic mid-air interaction setup and developing and evaluating gesture-less mid-air interactions on said setup. A mid-air interaction system was created that combined OpenPose’s 2D hand joint detection with the depth data from an Intel depth camera to track a user’s hand position in three dimensions. Four mid-air interactions were developed, three gesture-less, and one gesture-based for comparison. One of the developed gesture-less interactions is capable of 6 Degrees-of- Freedom (DoF). A user study was conducted to test the three gesture-less interactions intuitiveness, the setup’s stereoscopic immersion, and also the task completion speed of the new gesture-less 6-DoF interaction.

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