Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hybrid forma""
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Satire, the Most Earnest ModeFriedman, Alex Glenn 02 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Perverted in NeonSiebel, Patrick Alan 11 June 2018 (has links)
Perverted in Neon is collection of short fictions engaged with various facets of modern popular culture. In its stories, a washed-up rocker enlists the aid of pigeons to deliver messages to his estranged wife; a writer obsessed with finding out what “really” happened to Andy Kaufman is pushed into the fringes of his own life; a kid on restriction discovers a secret level to a video game that threatens to change the nature of his reality; a woman on Airbnb advertises her home—and her life—to potential house renters. The characters throughout this collection tread among the desperate and downtrodden, often seeing some faint impression of hope in the distance, something worth continuing to fight for. Perverted in Neon challenges traditional distinctions of literary genres, often incorporating elements of non-fictional pop culture into fictional worlds, and vice-versa. The stories throughout aim to interrogate some notion of emotional maturity, or lack thereof—characters who think they understand the world, but quickly realize that they understand only their most immediate desires. / MFA
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Breaking Outside: Narratives of Art and HawaiiDavidson, Allison B. 05 1900 (has links)
This research examines the personal narratives of two contemporary non-native artists living and working on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Issues related to narratives, power structures, artistic processes, insider/outsider dynamics, Hawaiian culture, island life, surfing, and the researcher's own experiences are woven together to formulate realizations surrounding alternative knowledge systems and the power of multiple or hidden narratives to the practice of art education.
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Um estudo sobre a segmentação não-convencional na aquisição da escrita de alunos de EJA / A study of the non-conventional segmentation in EJA students writing acquisitionFerreira, Carmen Regina Gonçalves 08 April 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-04-08 / The theme of this thesis deals with the non-conventional segmentation
processes, hiposegmentations, hypersegmentations and hybrid forms which can
be found in texts written by students who take part in EJA, a government project
for the education of the youth and the adult. In this study, non-conventional
segmentations of words are considered structures that arise from the hypotheses
which the subjects have formulated in their writing acquisition process
(FERREIRO & TEBEROSKY, 1999). This information is valuable linguistic material
since it can give clues regarding the phonological knowledge these learners use
when they write (ABAURRE, 1991). From this perspective, this study aimed at
describing and analyzing the processes which adults go through - during their
literacy process when they face the task of segmenting their writing according to
conventions, as well as comparing these results to the ones related to child writing
in order to check the adequacy of categories proposed by Cunha (2004) to the
analysis of non-conventional segmentation in texts written by EJA students. The
data used for analysis were extracted from texts written by three EJA students and
collected longitudinally in text production workshops which aimed at creative and
spontaneous texts. Results show that clitics, or forms that are similar to them, are
mostly involved in non-conventional writing in data which refer to both
hiposegmentations and hypersegmentations. Data provided by adults, as well as
the ones got from children who were studied by Cunha (2004), reveal linguistic
motivation which can be explained in the light of concepts related to the prosody of
the language. The description and the analysis of such processes, identified at the
beginning of adults writing processes, can lead to reflections that may help
teachers with their pedagogical actions when teaching Portuguese to adults who
are acquiring the written language / O tema abordado nesta dissertação refere-se aos processos de
segmentação não-convencional, hipossegmentações, hipersegmentações e
formas híbridas encontrados nos textos de alunos de EJA (Educação de Jovens e
Adultos). As segmentações não-convencionais de palavras são vistas, neste
estudo, como estruturas oriundas de hipóteses elaboradas pelos sujeitos em seu
processo de aquisição da escrita (cf. FERREIRO & TEBEROSKY, 1999), as quais
se configuram em um valioso material linguístico capaz de fornecer pistas a
respeito do conhecimento fonológico de que os aprendizes se utilizam ao
produzirem suas escritas (cf. ABAURRE, 1991). Com base nessa perspectiva,
teve-se como objetivo descrever e analisar os processos pelos quais os adultos,
em fase de alfabetização, passam ao se depararem com a tarefa de segmentar
sua escrita de acordo com as convenções, bem como comparar esses resultados
com aqueles relativos à escrita infantil e verificar a adequação das categorias
propostas por Cunha (2004) para a análise de segmentação não-convencional em
textos de alunos de EJA. Os dados analisados, extraídos de textos produzidos por
três alunos de EJA, foram coletados longitudinalmente por meio de oficinas de
produção textual que visavam à obtenção de textos criativos e espontâneos. Os
resultados mostram que o clítico, ou formas que se assemelhem a clíticos, estão,
preponderantemente, envolvidos nas grafias não-convencionais, tanto nos dados
referentes às hipo quanto às hipersegmentações. Os dados dos adultos, assim
como os das crianças estudados por Cunha (2004), revelam motivações
linguísticas que podem ser explicitadas à luz de conceitos relativos à prosódia da
língua. Considera-se que a descrição e análise de tais processos, presentes na
escrita inicial adulta, podem fomentar reflexões capazes de auxiliar
alfabetizadores em suas ações pedagógicas no que se refere ao ensino da língua
portuguesa durante o processo de aquisição da língua escrita por adultos
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Maisons des migrants au pays d'origine : une étude de cas sur la transformation du logement rural dans le contexte de la migration internationale. La commune de Marginea, département de Suceava, Roumanie / Migrant's houses in the homeland : a case study of the transformation of the rural house within the context of international migration. Marginea village, Suceava departement / Locuintele migrantilor in tara de origine : un studiu de caz despre transformarea locuintei rurale sub impactul migratei internationale. Comuna Marginea, sud SuceavaLarionescu, Andra Letitia 25 September 2012 (has links)
L’originalité de notre apport parmi les recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques roumaines porte sur l’analyse de la relation multidimensionnelle entre la migration et l’habitation rurale, mettant l’accent sur la compréhension du logement comme lieu de rencontre des modèles culturels différents. En effet, la maison doit être analysée comme un produit social et par rapport à la vie sociale et privée de la famille qui y réside. Donc, notre cadre théorique s’appuie sur le croisement entre l’analyse sociologique des processus migratoires et leur expression architecturale et matérielle. La question centrale de la recherche porte sur les continuités et discontinuités - observées par rapport à la tradition - qu’on trouve, après la chute du communisme, dans les habitations des migrants roumains, issus du milieu rural. Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons choisi une approche anthropologique du logement, en menant des enquêtes de terrain, de type qualitatif (auprès de villageois et migrants de village de Marginea), durant les années 2009, 2010 et 2011. On remarque que les nouvelles maisons se présentent comme des formes hybrides, qui articulent les références locales aux éléments nouveaux, apportés par la migration. Ainsi, nous avons introduit deux dimensions essentielles dans l’analyse du concept de la maison du migrant: les «traces du passé» et les «traces de la migration». La première dimension se réfère aux influences des anciennes formes, modèles, pratiques, mentalité etc., alors que la deuxième dimension désigne les éléments nouveaux et les innovations qui ont pénétré dans la conception, la construction et l’utilisation des maisons. / The originality of our contribution to the Romanian sociological and anthropological research concerns the analysis of the multidimensional relation between migration and the rural dwelling, emphasizing an understanding of the house as the meeting place of the different cultural models. Indeed, the house must be analyzed as a social product, with regard to the social and private life of the family which dwells there. Thus, our theoretical frame is based on the interplay between the sociological analysis of the migratory processes and their architectural and material expression. The central question of our research concerns the continuities and the discontinuities - observed with regard to the local tradition - which we find, after the fall of the communism regime, in the houses of the Romanian migrants, of rural origin. To answer this question, we chose an anthropological approach to the house, by conducting a qualitative field research (with villagers and migrants of Marginea village), in 2009, 2010 and 2011. We noticed that the new houses appear as hybrid forms, which articulate the local models to the new elements, brought by migration. So, we introduced two essential dimensions into the analysis of the concept of the migrant house: the "traces of the past" and the "traces of the migration". The first dimension refers to the influence of the old forms, models, practices, mentalities etc., while the second dimension indicates the new elements and innovations which penetrated the house design, its construction process and its exploitation. / Originalitatea contributiei noastre noastre intre cercetarile sociologice si antropologice romanesti consta in analiza relatiei multidimensionale migratie-locuinta rurala, subliniind intelegerea locuintei migrantilor din tara de origine ca loc de intalnire a diferitelor modele culturale. Intr-adevar, casa trebuie vazuta ca un produs social si in relatie cu viata sociala si privata a familiei ce o locuieste. In consecinta, cadrul teoretic si de analiza imbina analiza sociologica a migratiei internationale cu expresia arhitecturala si materiala a acesteia. Intrebarea centrala a cercetarii priveste continuitatile si discontinuitatile - observate in raport cu modelele de dinainte de 1989 – ce se manifesta, dupa caderea regimului comunist, in proiectarea, realizarea si utilizarea locuintelor migrantilor din mediul rural. Pentru a raspunde la aceasta intrebare, am optat pentru o abordare antropologica a locuintelor migrantilor, realizand un studiu de caz in comuna Marginea, jud. Suceava. Anchetele de teren s-au desfasurat in intervalele iulie – octombrie 2009, iulie-octombrie 2010 si in august 2011. Am remarcat cum locuințele migrantilor se prezinta asemenea unor forme hibride ce combina elementele noi, aduse de migratie (« urmele migratiei »), cu referintele locale, de dinainte de 1989 (« urmele trecutului »). Am introdus astfel doua dimensiuni esentiale in analiza conceptului de locuinta a migrantului in tara de origine: « urmele trecutului » si « urmele migratiei ». Prima dimensiune se refera la influentele vechilor forme, modele, practici, mentalitati etc., in timp ce a doua dimensiune indica elementele noi si inovatiile ce au patruns in proiectarea, construirea si utilizarea acestor case.
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The Samsa FilesBeach, Dalanie Nicole 24 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The liberal peace and post-conflict peacebuilding in Africa : Sierra LeoneTom, Patrick January 2011 (has links)
This thesis critiques liberal peacebuilding in Africa, with a particular focus on Sierra Leone. In particular, it examines the interface between the liberal peace and the “local”, the forms of agency that various local actors are expressing in response to the liberal peace and the hybrid forms of peace that are emerging in Sierra Leone. The thesis is built from an emerging critical literature that has argued for the need to shift from merely criticising liberal peacebuilding to examining local and contextual responses to it. Such contextualisation is crucial mainly because it helps us to develop a better understanding of the complex dynamics on the ground. The aim of this thesis is not to provide a new theory but to attempt to use the emerging insights from the critical scholarship through adopting the concept of hybridity in order to gain an understanding of the forms of peace that are emerging in post-conflict zones in Africa. This has not been comprehensively addressed in the context of post-conflict societies in Africa. Yet, much contemporary peace support operations are taking place in these societies that are characterised by multiple sources of legitimacy, authority and sovereignty. The thesis shows that in Sierra Leone local actors – from state elites to chiefs to civil society to ordinary people on the “margins of the state” – are not passive recipients of the liberal peace. It sheds new light on how hybridity can be created “from below” as citizens do not engage in outright resistance, but express various forms of agency including partial acceptance and internalisation of some elements of the liberal peace that they find useful to them; and use them to make demands for reforms against state elites who they do not trust and often criticise for their pre-occupation with political survival and consolidation of power. Further, it notes that in Sierra Leone a “post-liberal peace” that is locally-oriented might emerge on the “margins of the state” where culture, custom and tradition are predominant, and where neo-traditional civil society organisations act as vehicles for both the liberal peace and customary peacebuilding while allowing locals to lead the peacebuilding process. In Sierra Leone, there are also peace processes that are based on custom that are operating in parallel to the liberal peace, particularly in remote parts of the country.
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