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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fotografie a móda: vznik prázdného obrazu / Potography and Fashion: formation of Empty Image

Mikešová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The thesis Photography and fashion: formation of Empty Image explores the phenomenon of fashion photography as it appears in lifestyle magazines. The hypothesis of this study is that the current fashion photography uses creative painting techniques, which denies the key idea about photography - that photography mirrors reality - but in the same time photography recipients are expected to believe this idea. This leads us to the assumption that fashion misuses photography. Fashion Photography, by constant repetition and displaying identical objects that in reality don't exist, which only refer to an indefinite referent gives rise to an empty image with no meaning. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Titulní strany časopisu Reflex a konstrukce hyperreality / Front Pages of Reflex Magazine and Construction of Hyperreality

Krutilek, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
According the research there were noticed few interesting elements of simulacra "comportment" and about the nature of hyperreality itself. First of all there was described, that the nature of hyperreality is very different compared to realities of lower levels. Hyperreality is a semantic space which is filled with simulacra. Those simulacra are holding very strong meaning, which is technically one of the basic elements of their nature. At the other hand not every meaning did pass to the hyperreal stadium. It means that in the end hyperreality suffers the lack of meanings. Its spectre of meanings is simply very limited. Although simulacrum holds a very strong meaning, it can disappear. In this paper there were described two ways, how it can happen. Both ways are directly connected with interest of audience, which mean in this case the interest of public. Simulacra can simply disappear when the audience forget them because of change of the cultural rules. The other way is a kind of simulacra duel. Against older simulacrum is putted a new one. If audience because of any reason decide, that the new simulacrum fits better to their needs, that the old one, the old one disappears. It was described, that there is wide spectre of objects which are able to pass through simulation and become simulacrum. In the...

Noc ve mlýně / A Night in the Mill

Topínková, Anita Unknown Date (has links)
Be moving, seek, hunt for sth, can´t find it so far, that is a promise of paradise, or a paradise itself. Mobility as a protest, pursuit of adventure, searching for escape, authenticity or identity.

Nové formy participace při obnově malých a středních měst / New form of participation in restoration of small and middle cities

Chladil, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
Main goal is analyse of contemporary status in restoration of Low Austria and South Moravia and eduction of results for steps which are leading to successful restoration in future. Confrontation of present method in restoration of country Low Austria and South Moravia and sighting of current trends in restoration on european level can show the way to project, when we want to pass on experience and to indicate the support of restoration and to participace with restoration abroad. Creating of vision is really good satisfaction of the work. Between limit South Moravia and Low Austria we can see historical parallel. I tis famous time of Austria – Hungarian monarchy, but also eco - devastation without plans and agro culture. Small and middle small cities of South Moravia begins in time after revolution with searching of new identity, with searching of new ways how to hold out market rivalry to another cities. Rightly effort to unfold and develop current system after the fashion of friends from Low Austria.

Problematika reality a simulace v díle Jeana Baudrillarda a její odraz v současné filmové tvorbě / Reality and simulation in Jean Baudrillard's works and its reflection in modern film production

Karásková, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the theory of simulation and simulacra by French representative of postmodernism Jean Baudrillard. It focuses on way how Baudrillard thematises gradual extinction of signs connected with their representational function and the emergence of hyperreality which contains simulation. The attention is also focused on concept of reality, virtuality, simulation and illusion. The thesis includes Paul Virilio's thoughts and also Manuel Castells'. The basic framework of research is completed by a theory of fictional worlds. The second part of thesis includes an analysis of how this issue is reflected in present film production via analysis of content of the films The Matrix (Wachowski, 1999) and Mulholland Drive (Lynch, 2001). The analysis reflects different interpretation of illusive/virtual space and its relation to reality. The aim of thesis is to analyse the selected concepts which describe an emergence and interaction of simulation focusing on contemporary society which is connected with modern technology and also to point at reflection of conceptions mentioned in the films. The goal of thesis is also to explore the films, compare them and show the way how they contain the theme of reality, simulation and illusion and how much is the content of these films connected with the action...

Návraty forem a stylů ve výtvarném umění: Současný hyperrealismus jako produkt postprodukce či komentář k nástupu nových médií / Revivals of Forms and Styles in Visual Art: Current Hyperrealism as Product of Postproduction or a Commentary on the Advent of New Media

Hrnčířová, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
The book Postproduction: Culture as Screenplay, written by French aesthetician Nicolas Bourriaud is going to be initial text for my diploma thesis. Bourriaud claims, that contemporary art is mostly made by the principle of assemblage; art works are made by reinterpretation, reproducing or by new exhibiting of artefacts or forms of past. The assumption of the original concept in artworks of contemporary artists - semionauts (travelers in the worlds of signs) has been allready completely ineffective. Through the example of hyperrealistic paintings, which has lately reappeared in portfolios of international and czech artists, I will try to show whether its revilal is based on the emergence of new medias, that even more than in the seventies simulate reality or whether they deal with the concept of postpostprodution - the artists lend only formal, in this case, hyperrealistic, signs. This diploma thesis will be completed by the case study of paintings of czech hyperrealist painter Jan Mikulka.

Nové tělo? Hranice těla ve filmech Davida Cronenberga / New Flesh? The Limits of the Body in the Films by David Cronenberg

Hladonik, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Diploma work New Flesh? The Limits of the Body in the Films by David Cronenberg deals with the human body as one of the main motives in the filmography of the Canadian director David Cronenberg. Its mission is to implicate new approaches to the human body in the theories of postmodern philosophy, philosophy of media and posthuman therories, which fundamentally transform the principles of previously applied concept of body and mind dualism and point out that media and new technologies has a significant influence on our perception of a human body. New approaches to the human flesh and fleshliness are applied in the final part of this work through the interpretation of selected movies by David Cronenberg - Videodrome and eXistenZ. The main point of this work is to show the complete change of conception and perception of the human flesh, which is summary reviewing here as a "new flesh". Key words body - controlled body - body extension - reality - hyperreality - media - new technologies - cyborg - post-human - body horror - new flesh

Mediální reprezentace fenoménu deepfakes / Media representation of deepfake

Janjić, Saška January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis explores the media representation of deepfakes. The first part summarizes previous research followed by a comprehensive review of deepfakes, including the technology allowing for their emergence, current uses and methods of regulation and detection. The second part connects the phenomenon with important theoretical concepts such as social construction of reality and the crucial role of media in this process. The empirical part consists of research combining two methods - quantitative content analysis and qualitative critical discourse analysis. The research analysis is focused on media articles dealing with deepfakes in order to find out how the media represent this phenomenon. The results show that current media discourse of deepfakes is strongly negative as the media frame them as a security threat. This negative representation is highly speculative since journalists often invent their own stories of future disastrous consequences of the technology for national security due to lack of current examples. The findings show an apparent hierarchy of the harms posed by deepfakes which is present in media coverage, and reflects gender sereotypes and inequality in the current society. Harm in the form of non-consensual fake pornography targeting women is neglected in the media...

Gender a média v éře postmodernity: Odkrývání genderových stereotypů v současném českém reklamním diskurzu / Gender and Media in the Age of Post-Modernity: Revealing Gender Stereotypes in the Contemporary Czech Advertising Discourse

Olbertová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
ENGLISH SUMMARY The main objective of this thesis was to provide a complex perspective on the mutual relationship of gender and media in the age of post-modernity with a special attention to the stereotypical gender portrayal presented to us by the contemporary Czech advertising discourse. We chose to demonstrate this problematics through the methods of semiotic analysis on the analytical sample of 5 advertisements (consisting of selected TV commercials) representing various aspects of stereotypical gender images appearing in the today's Czech advertising contents. We then subjected these selected advertisements to the analytical methods in pursuit of finding the answers to the questions related to the media image of men, women and our society that the stereotypical gender depictions contained in these advertisements help to construct. Although many of these advertisements appear to be openly sexist or even misogynic on the first sight, using the mechanisms of semiotic analysis we came to a rather opposite conclusion proposing the analyzed contents are rather pro-feminine tending toward an extensive masculine critique. This result, however, is based mainly on the mechanisms of oppositional reading of the subjected texts. On the other hand, it is presumable that the "average media consumer" not having access...

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