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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hypervelocity Impact Induced Disturbances on Composite Sandwich Panel Spacecraft Structures

Ryan, Shannon, shannon.ryan@studentems.rmit.edu.au January 2007 (has links)
The next generation of European scientific satellites will carry extremely sensitive measurement devices that require platform stability orders of magnitude higher than current missions. It is considered that the meteoroid and space debris (M/SD) environment poses a risk to the success of these missions as disturbances induced by the impact of these particles at hypervelocity may degrade the platform stability below operational requirements. In this thesis, disturbances induced by the impact of M/SD particles at hypervelocity on a representative scientific satellite platform have been investigated. An extensive experimental impact test program has been performed, from which an empirical ballistic limit equation (BLE) which defines the conditions of structural perforation for composite sandwich panel structures with CFRP facesheets and aluminium honeycomb cores (CFRP/Al HC SP) has been defined. The BLE is used to predict impact conditions capable of inducing the different excitation modes relevant for a SP sandwich panel structure, enabling a significant reduction in the time and expense usually required for calibrating the protective capability of a new structural configuration. As experimental acceleration facilities are unable to cover the complete range of possible in-orbit impact conditions relevant for M/SD impact risk assessment, a Hydrocode model of the representative CFRP/Al HC SP has been constructed. A series of impact simulations have been performed during which the local impact-induced disturbance has been measured. The numerical disturbance signals have been validated via comparison with experimental disturbance measurements, and subsequently subject to a characterisation campaign to define the local elastic excitation of the SP structure equivalent to that induced by impact of a M/SD particle at hypervelocity. The disturbance characterisation is made such that it is applicable as an excitation force on a global satellite Finite Element (FE) model, allowing propagation of impact-induced disturbances throughout the complete satellite body to regions of critical stability (i.e. measurement devices). The disturbance induced upon measurement devices by M/SD impacts at both near- and far-body locations can then be made, allowing the threat to mission objectives to be assessed.

Meteoroid and ejecta modeling with KFIX

Michael A Carlson (18309073) 04 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Here we present two studies of different aspects of meteoritic impacts. The first study is about the behavior of ejecta plumes after a hypervelocity impact onto a body with an atmosphere. The second study looks at the effect vaporization has on meteoroids as they descend through Earth's atmosphere, specifically the effect permeability and meteor size have on the vaporization during their explosive fragmentation.</p><p dir="ltr">Atmospheres play an important role in ejecta deposition after an impact event. Many impact experiments and simulations neglect the effect of atmospheres. In the first study, we simulate ejecta plumes created by craters with transient diameters of 2 km and 20 km on Mars and Earth to show the difference atmospheric density and crater size have on the strength of the interaction. The interaction of ejecta with an atmosphere is explored in this study using a two-fluid hydrocode that simultaneously simulates ejecta and atmospheres as coupled, continuum fields to correctly capture the transfer of mass, energy, and momentum between the two. Here we study the effect of vaporization of plume material as well as the effect of the bow shock. We find that only the fastest ejecta is vaporized with a peak vaporized mass of 2.5x10<sup>5</sup> kg, 3.5 s after the impact in our 2 km diameter Terrestrial crater. Terrestrial meteorites are preferentially formed from the fastest ejecta. However, that fastest ejecta is mostly vaporized in our simulations, so to form a Terrestrial meteorite there must be a sufficiently large impact for solid material to be ejected and not vaporize. Thus, we place a lower limit of 33 km on the size of crater needed to generate terrestrial meteorites, but the crater size needed could be substantially larger. The bow shocks in our simulations result in lofting of ejecta, especially vaporized material, in the wake of the impactor. We find that Mars' thin atmosphere slows the ejecta but does not significantly change the trajectory of the plume. Earth's atmosphere can stop and entrain ejecta particles to suspend heated material long after the majority of material has already been deposited, resulting in 4x10<sup>10</sup> kg of material being suspended in the atmosphere 100 seconds after the impact for a 2 km diameter crater. For larger craters, we find that Earth's atmosphere has a more limited effect and ejecta more closely follows a ballistic trajectory.</p><p dir="ltr">The 1908 Tunguska bolide event and the 2013 Chelyabinsk bolide event underscore the potential damage posed by relatively small meteoroids as compared to the dinosaur-killing Chicxulub meteoroid. In this study, we model Tunguska- and Chelyabinsk-sized bolide events, extending the work of Tabetah and Melosh (2018) by exploring a larger parameter space and introducing the novel feature of material vaporization. Building upon their findings that the porosity and permeability of a meteoroid significantly influence fragmentation, we investigate additional factors such as meteoroid size, entry speed, and entry angle. Furthermore, we demonstrate that vaporization plays a crucial role, lowering the fragmentation height by extracting energy through latent heat. We find that a larger meteoroid size or higher entry speed increases the amount of vaporization that occurs while lowering the altitude of disruption of the meteoroid, and that a shallower entry angle decreases the amount of vaporization and increases the altitude of disruption. Our study not only refines the understanding of bolide events but also introduces a novel perspective with potential implications for planetary science and impact risk assessment.</p>


Armour, Mary-Helen January 2022 (has links)
Abstract Impact cratering is a fundamental geomorphic process on planetary surfaces. More than 60% of known hypervelocity impact craters on Earth are either partially or completely buried beneath post-impact sediments and one-third have been discovered with geophysical methods. In this thesis, geophysical surveys (gravity, magnetics, seismic, bathymetric mapping) were conducted at the deeply buried (>400 m) Holleford impact crater (~2.35 km) and two probable impact structures (Charity Shoal, Skeleton Lake) in southern Ontario, Canada. 3-D potential field models were constructed to determine the subsurface geology and buried crater morphology, and to evaluate evidence for possible impact versus endogenic origins. Holleford Crater is a deeply buried, Late Proterozoic-Early Cambrian (ca. 550 ±100 Ma) simple impact crater (~2.4 km) in southeastern Ontario, Canada. Land-based magnetic and gravity surveys and modelling were conducted in this study, recorded a ~ -3 mGal Bouguer anomaly and small (~30 nT) magnetic anomaly over the crater basin. 3-D gravity modelling revealed a deeply buried simple impact basin in Mesoproterozoic basement with an estimated rim-to-rim diameter (D) of 1.8-2 km, a residual rim height of ~20-30 m and true depth (dt) >400 m. The southeast crater rim is dissected by a 150 m deep, 400 m wide erosional channel produced by fluvial rim dissection. The outflow is infilled by >50 m of Late Cambrian clastic sediments, indicating a probable Late Proterozoic to Early Paleozoic impact event. Charity Shoal is a 1.2-km-diameter, 20 m deep, circular bedrock shoal in eastern Lake Ontario. Marine seismic profiling and total field magnetic surveys (140-line km) were conducted over a 9-km2 area and combined with available multi-beam bathymetric data to evaluate the subsurface geology and structure origin. Seismic surveys revealed ~30 m of Quaternary sediments overlying Middle Ordovician (Trenton Group) carbonates in the central basin and evidence for folding and faulting of the structure rim. Magnetic surveys recorded an annular magnetic high (> 600 nT) and a central magnetic low (~500-600 nT) coincident with a ~-1.7 mGal Bouguer gravity anomaly. The continuity of Middle Ordovician bedrock below the structure rules out a post-Paleozoic intrusion and a pre-Paleozoic intrusion is ruled out with the gravity anomaly. A deeply-buried (> 450 m) impact crater is the only scenario consistent with geophysical evidence. The crater has a rim-to-rim diameter of ~1.2 km, and rim height of ~15-20 m. A 100-m wide breach in the southwestern rim records a possible outflow channel. Skeleton Lake is a suspected (~4.0 km) Paleozoic-age impact structure in Muskoka, Ontario. The lakebed morphology, subsurface structure and possible impact origin were investigated with high-resolution geophysical surveys (magnetics, bathymetry; ~140 line-km) and 3-D magnetic modelling. Bathymetric data reveal a deep (>65 m) central basin with arcuate (Paleozoic?) bedrock ridges that rise >30 m above the southwestern lakebed. Magnetic surveys recorded a >700 nT magnetic low, which truncates northwest-southeast regional magnetic trends. Low-amplitude, northwest-trending magnetic lineaments delineate basement shear zones below the basin centre. Through-going magnetic lineaments and lack of thermal alteration (e.g., dikes, fenitization) in Mesoproterozoic rocks indicate a volcanic origin is unlikely. A 1.2 km diameter volcanic plug with an Early Cambrian remanence (D = 82.2°, I = 82.7°) can reproduce some aspects of the magnetic anomaly but is at odds with the Bouguer gravity anomaly (~ -3 mGal). Forward modelling of a crater-form basin with induction and remanence magnetization yielded an estimated structure depth of ~1200 m. The basement surface model shows a complex basement topography with no apparent rim structure and elevated ‘pinnacles’ that may represent eroded remnants of a central uplift or a highly-dissected basement topography. The structure apparent diameter (> 4.2 km) and complex basement topography suggest a heavily-modified transitional crater, similar with the Gow (Saskatchewan, Canada) and Kärdla (Estonia) impact structures. This thesis demonstrates the subsurface exploration of confirmed and suspected impact structures, integrating seismic, potential field (magnetics, gravity) and digital elevation data within a 3-D geophysical modelling workflow. The approach provides important new insights into the surface and subsurface geology, morphology, and post-emplacement modification of the Holleford impact crater, and new geophysical constraints for evaluating two suspected impact structures. Geophysical data confirm that Charity Shoal and Skeleton Lake are deep-seated, crater-form depressions in Mesoproterozoic basement rocks. The weight of geophysical and geological evidence points to impact cratering processes as opposed to an endogenic (volcanic) origin for both structures. / Thesis / Doctor of Science (PhD)

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