Spelling suggestions: "subject:"physiography"" "subject:"nosography""
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Šrafy v digitální kartografii / Hachures in Digital CartographyRohelová, Kamila January 2014 (has links)
Hachures in Digital Cartography Abstract This thesis deals with the possibilities of creating hachures, especially slope and shadow, in digital cartography. First part focuses on utilization of hachures and its construction in classic cartography. The rules that should be observed by the mapmaker are described. In the next section are delineated the current possibilities how to create hachures in digital cartography. The existing algorithms are evaluated. On the basis of the rules and research of literature is designed own methodology. Emphasis is put on automation using digital terrain model. The work as well contains testing the algorithm on the real data. Key words: hachures, digital cartography, hypsography
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Automatizovaná tvorba a kartografická generalizace kótovaných bodů z digitálních modelů reliéfu / Automatic Detection and Cartographic Generalization of Spot Heights from Digital Terrain ModelsPolášek, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this work is to design automatic detection of spot heights from airborne laser scanning data and its generalization. The first part is about the idea of spot height: the importance of spot heights for altimetry representation on maps and suggestions concerning the scatter of spot heights on maps. In the following part, different approaches for terrain critical points extraction (peaks, depressions, passes) from digital terrain models are described as suitable places for spot heights location. Further, we introduce a description of geomorphological characteristics of these points by which is possible to identify its significance and generalize them. In accordance to analysis of Základní mapa ČR and recommendation for spot heights location described in literature we designed own method of automatic generation and generalization spot heights from digital terrain models. This method were implemented and there is a description of the test data and results on the real data DMR 5G of the algorithm in the end of the work. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Automatizace konturové metody pro znázorňování skal / Automation of "contour method" for cliff drawingLněničková, Petra January 2019 (has links)
Automation of "contour method" for cliff drawing Abstract This thesis deals with the design of automated creation of cartographic representation of rocks - specifically contour methods. Based on the study of the rules of this method and its use on analog maps, rules for its processing in digital cartography were designed and an algorithm for automated creation of this representation was designed and implemented. The algorithm is based on the design of the contour method described in the study Topographic mapping of rock formations with the use of airborne laser scanning data by J. Lysák (2016) and the output data of the study Sandstone landscapes in GIS by M. Tomková (2015). The algorithm was implemented in the form of Python scripts using the arcpy library. The thesis also includes testing the algorithm on data from sandstone areas in the Czech Republic. key words: rocks formations, visualization of hypsography , digital cartography, contour method
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Mapa okolí jeskyně Výpustek - jižní část / Map of the Vypustek Cave Surroundings - southern partStískalová, Alena January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is about mapping of the southern surroundings of the area caves Výpustek in the ratio scale 1:500 with the schematic mapping of the subterranean part of the cave. The theoretical part is devoted to the history of this cave and creating maps. The practical part contains calculations, creation of maps and representation of vertical cuts. The outcome is the sketch of the position and diagrammatical sketch of the existed locality and vertical cuts.
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Tvorba kartograficky správných vrstevnic z dat LLS v rovinatém terénu / Production of cartographically correct countour lines from airborne laserscanning data in flat terrainPicek, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Production of cartographically correct countour lines from airborne laserscanning data in flat terrain Abstract The thesis is dedicated to the creation of contour lines from the data of airborne laserscanning in flat areas. For creation of contour lines in these parts is necessary specific generalization, that smooths unwanted artifacts, but does not delete the shapes, which are characteristic for the relief. The first part of the thesis is to serve as a short insight into the areas on which it is built, this thesis: the principle of airborne laserscanning and basic information on the contour line model. On the basis of technical literature are defined the requirements for the correct representation of the contour and cartographicly presented the different types of the DEM and generalization of contours. The main aim of this work is to design an algorithm that will combine several methods of generalization of contour while maintaining altitude accuracy as well as other requirements on their cartographicly the right terms, and to test this approach in several territories. In conclusion, the results of the methods of work and its implementation critically evaluated and outlined other possible developments of this issue. Keywords hypsography, airborne laserscanning, digital cartography, contour lines,...
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Analýza metod zobrazování terénního reliéfu / Analysis methods for displaying terrain reliefČERNÍKOVÁ, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to describe the methods of visualization of the terrain relief, ranging from historical ways to current means, which employ software devices. It´s also to gather all available charts for the selected locality and perform an analysis of development of visualization of the terrain relief, which will be based on the collected data. Another goal was to compare the accuracy of the height scripts with the help of designed longitudinal profiles from obtained height script plans, the derived. State map in the scope of 1: 5000 and various map sources. Last at not least to explain the process of creation of the digital terrain model in ArcGIS software ? program.
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Topografické mapování skalních útvarů s využitím dat leteckého laserového skenování / Topographic mapping of rock formations with the use of airborne laser scanning dataLysák, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Abstract This thesis focuses on topographic mapping of rock formations with the use of new technologies in a comprehensive manner, from airborne laser scanning (ALS) data acquisition and processing in rocky terrains, followed by their processing to the content of topographic databases and their cartographic processing in maps. The introduction discusses issues of importance for practice, and the relation between topographic mapping of rocks and other fields of human activity. The ALS section describes products for topographic mapping of rocks derived from ALS data, and discusses the specifics of ALS data acquisition and processing in wooded rugged terrain. Existing solutions of this problem are explained and their limitations are identified. Author's own approaches to solving this task are presented as case studies, including three made a further three designed experiments with ALS data processing and evaluation of their results. Recommendation regarding mapping of sandstone landscapes in Czechia have been also addressed. The topographic section describes the current representation of rocks and related objects in the ZABAGED database (Czech national digital topographic database), explains the historical context, analyzes this data and identifies their shortcomings in relation to the ALS. Research...
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