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The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z94.3-07 ballistic impact test for industrial lenses, tests the ability of a lens material to withstand the impact of a 6.4 mm diameter steel ball travelling at a speed of 46.5 ± 0.5 m/s. The specific testing is waived if the lens made of various materials meets a minimum centre thickness requirement. New lens materials, like Hi-Vex, are not included in this list. The first study compared the breakage speed of Hi-Vex lenses to CR39 lenses at different conditioned temperatures.
In the process of carrying out the literature review, it became apparent that the definition of lens failure varied. This led to the question as to how naïve individuals may interpret a National Standard definition of lens failure after being impacted by a missile. Naïve subjects were asked to classify impacted lenses as either pass or fail based on the written CSA Z94.3-07 failure criterion.
Study 1: To investigate the impact resistance of a mid-index plastic lens material Hi-Vex (n=1.56) at different temperatures.
Study 2: To investigate if people actually understood what the CSA classifies as a failed lens.
Study 1: Two groups of plano hard coated lenses were tested: CR39 and Hi-Vex. Lenses were ordered with 3mm centre thickness, cut to 50mm diameter and edged to achieve the Hide-a-Bevel® which was in agreement with the CSA requirement for prescription industrial safety lenses and frames. A pneumatic gun was used to propel a 6.35mm steel ball at the centre of each lens. Impact speed was varied using the Zippy Estimation by Sequential Testing (ZEST) protocol to determine the threshold breakage speed. Combined uncertainties as defined in the International organization for standardization (ISO) Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement were used to determine the statistical significance of all comparisons of the data sets.
Study 2: Ten graduate students from the School of Optometry and ten patients from the general public were given 25 spectacle lenses that had been subjected to the ballistic impact test. They were asked to classify the lenses as either a pass or fail after reading the definition of a failure under the ballistic impact test in CSA Z94.3-07 clause Lenses were presented to the participants in the same order. The responses of both groups of participants were compared to the classification of two experienced researchers who agreed on 100% of the lens outcomes.
Study 1: The threshold breakage speeds of the industrial thickness Hi-Vex and CR39 lenses at 24°C were 50.88m/s and 50.64 m/s and at -29°C, 52.57m/s and 52.56 m/s respectively. Both comparisons were not statistically significant. The corresponding threshold breakage speeds for Hi-Vex and CR39 lenses at
-49°C were 66.38m/s and 49.66m/s and at 50°C were 57.01m/s and 53.54m/s respectively. Both comparisons were statistically significant.
Study 2: There were only two lenses in which all participants agreed with the outcome. These lenses were failed lenses. The naïve subjects were more likely to classify a lens that passed as a failure than a failed lens as a pass. This trend was more obvious in the general public results although the results across the various lenses for the graduate students and general public were not statistically different.
Study 1: We found that the mean breakage speeds of the Hi-Vex and CR39 lenses were greater than the level required of eye protector lenses by the Standards American National Standards institute (ANSI) Z87.1-2010 and CSA Z94.3-07. Hi-Vex was also superior to CR39 at more extreme temperatures with a threshold breakage speed of 57.01±3.51m/s at 50°C and 66.38±4.00m/s at -49°C. Although its impact resistance was less than that of both Trivex and Polycarbonate lenses, Hi-Vex may provide an acceptable level of impact protection in industrial settings. This is the first study to concomitantly assess impact resistance of a new lens material as well as compare the impact resistance at various temperatures.
Study 2: Simply reading the definition of a lens failure is insufficient. Some type of training with actual lenses may be necessary. Whether revising the text of the Standard or repeating the instructions several times would reduce this problem is uncertain. Both the graduate students and general public tended to be more conservative in their classification of failure. If there were any visible damage to the lens as a result of the impact, at least one person would classify the lens as a failure regardless of whether the damage met the CSA definition. This result suggests that the vision care community and CSA may need to educate the public on the meaning of impact resistance of eye protectors.
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Statistical variations in impact resistance of polypropylene fibre-reinforced concrete.Badr, A., Ashour, Ashraf, Platten, A.K. 11 1900 (has links)
Yes / Impact resistance of polypropylene fibre-reinforced concrete was investigated using the repeated drop weight impact test recommended by ACI Committee 544. The results were analysed based on a statistical approach. The variation in results was examined within the same batch and between different batches. Statistical parameters were compared with reported variations in impact resistance of concrete composites reinforced with other types of fibres such as carbon and steel fibres. Statistical analysis indicated that the results obtained from this test had large variations and it is necessary to increase the number of replications to at least 40 specimens per concrete mix to assure an error below 10%. It is concluded that this test with its current procedures and recommendations should not be considered a reliable impact test. This study has highlighted the need for modifying this test in such a way as that increases its accuracy and reduces the large variation in results.
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Effect Of Resin And Fiber On The Abrasion, Impact And Pressure Resistance Of Cylindrical Composite StructuresKaya, Derya 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of resin and fiber on the abrasion, impact and internal pressure resistances of fiber reinforced plastic composite pipes produced by continuous filament winding method. For this study, pipe samples were produced with different combinations of resin type, fiber type, fiber amount and fiber length. All the samples were tested in accordance with the related ISO (International Organization for Standardization), DIN (German Standardization Institution) and BSI (British Standards Institution) standards. Three types of resins were used as ortophthalic, isophthalic and vinylester / two types of fibers were used as E-glass and ECR-glass and one type of GLASSFLAKES was used as C-glass. It was observed that the type of resin did not have any significant effect on burst pressure. However, the vinylester resin had a considerable positive effect on the abrasion and impact resistances. Moreover, it was observed that the type of fiber did not have any significant effect on impact and internal pressure resistances, but the use of C-glass GLASSFLAKES resulted in a positive effect on the abrasion resistance. Additionally, it was found that the increase in the amount of glass fiber resulted in increase of burst pressure, impact and abrasion resistances. Finally, it was observed that the length of glass fiber did not have any significant effect on abrasion resistance, but the decrease in fiber length resulted in a higher internal pressure and impact resistances.
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Determination Of Mechanical Properties Of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced ConcreteYurtseven, Alp Eren 01 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Yurtseven, Alp Eren
M.Sc. Department of Civil Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tokyay
Co-Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. . Ö / zgü / r Yaman
August 2004, 82 pages
Fiber reinforcement is commonly used to provide toughness and ductility to brittle
cementitious matrices. Reinforcement of concrete with a single type of fiber may
improve the desired properties to a limited level. A composite is termed as hybrid, if
two or more types of fibers are rationally combined to produce a composite that
derives benefits from each of the individual fibers and exhibits a synergetic response.
This study aims to characterize and quantify the mechanical properties of hybrid
fiber reinforced concrete. For this purpose nine mixes, one plain control mix and
eight fiber reinforced mixes were prepared. Six of the mixes were reinforced in a
hybrid form. Four different types of fibers were used in combination, two of which
were macro steel fibers, and the other two were micro fibers. Volume percentage of
fiber inclusion was kept constant at 1.5%. In hybrid reinforced mixes volume
percentage of macro fibers was 1.0% whereas the remaining fiber inclusion was
composed of micro fibers. Slump test was carried out for each mix in the fresh state.
28-day compressive strength, flexural tensile strength, flexural toughness, and impact
resistance tests were performed in the hardened state. Various numerical analyses
were carried out to quantify the determined mechanical properties and to describe the
effects of fiber inclusion on these mechanical properties.
Keywords: Fiber Reinforcement, Hybrid Composite, Toughness, Impact
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Avaliação de propriedades mecânicas de porcelanato reforçado com fios metálicosGarbelotto, Roslene de Almeida January 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi avaliado o desempenho mecânico de um compósito formado por massa cerâmica de porcelanato sendo a matriz e fios de aço o reforço, visando a utilização como cerâmica de revestimento. Com a inserção do fio metálico, teve-se por objetivo aumentar a tenacidade elevando a resistência mecânica ao impacto, proporcionando maior segurança em caso de ruptura acidental. O estudo laboratorial avaliou o comportamento mecânico de corpos de prova sem fios e com a adição de fios. Os fios foram distribuídos longitudinalmente em três configurações. Os corpos possuíam 1600 mm2 de superfície e receberam os fios distribuídos em uma, duas e três camadas perfazendo comprimento respectivamente de 325 mm, 650 mm e 975 mm. Foram realizadas as caracterizações padrões para a cerâmica, expansão após prensagem, retração de secagem, densidade a seco, retração de queima, absorção de água e resistência mecânica à flexão. E adicionalmente foram avaliados: resistência mecânica ao impacto, índice de deformação piroplástica, resistência mecânica à tração e análise da microestrutura. O compósito proporcionou redução de aproximadamente 61% na deformação piroplástica e um acréscimo de aproximadamente de oito vezes na resistência ao impacto. Na análise do compósito, a tensão no fio ficou constante em torno de 800 MPa, mantendo aproximadamente 35% ao seu valor ao natural que era de 2000 MPa. O fio teve grandes perdas em suas características individuais, no entanto sua aplicação na cerâmica em forma de reforço do compósito enriqueceu as propriedades do porcelanato o que proporciona oportunidade de novas aplicações. / This study evaluated the mechanical performance of a composite ceramic body of porcelain with a matrix of steel fibers, for use as a ceramic coating. With the insertion of metallic fiber account was intended to increase the toughness for increasing the mechanical impact resistance, providing greater safety in case of accidental rupture. The study assessed the mechanical behavior of the specimen without fibers and with the addition of fiber. The fibers were distributed longitudinally in three configurations. The bodies had 1600 mm2 and received fibers distributed in one, two or three layers with total length of 325 mm, 650 mm and 975 mm respectively. Characterizations patterns for ceramic, expansion after pressing, drying shrinkage, dry apparent density, firing shrinkage, water absorption and mechanical flexural strength were performed. And we’ve checked also: mechanical impact, index pyroplastic deformation, mechanical tensile strength and microstructural analysis. We found that the composite material gave approximately 61% reduction in pyroplastic deformation and an increase of approximately eight times the impact resistance. In the analysis of the composite stress in the fiber was constant around 800 MPa, holding approximately 35 % of their value to the natural which was 2000 MPa. The fiber had big losses on their individual characteristics, however its application in ceramic composite as increased porcelain ceramic properties which provides opportunity for new applications.
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Soldagem de um aço API 5L-X80 com diferentes taxas de resfriamento / Welding of an API 5L-X80 pipeline steel with different cooling ratesMoojen, Roberto Gomes January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa estudar a influência da taxa de resfriamento sobre um aço API 5L-X80, extraído de uma seção circular de duto, soldado com o processo MAG automatizado e com dois arames, um maciço e um arame tubular de alma metálica. Para a obtenção de diversas taxas de resfriamento, cinco distintos pré-aquecimentos foram utilizados. Preliminarmente foram realizadas soldas de simples deposição de metal sobre uma seção do duto, com o objetivo de estudar as transformações metalúrgicas na Zona Afetada pelo Calor (ZAC) e no metal de solda. A seguir foram soldados, com cinco diferentes temperaturas de pré-aquecimento e de interpasse, chanfros duplo V com nariz. As soldagens de simples deposição de metal foram analisadas com o uso de Microscópio de Luz, Microscópio Eletrônico de Varredura e Dureza. Sobre os chanfros soldados, as propriedades mecânicas e metalúrgicas foram avaliadas com os ensaios de Tração, Dobramento, Impacto (Charpy-V) e Dureza (Vickers). Os resultados dos testes mecânicos foram superiores aos mínimos definidos por norma, com resultados muito interessantes. Houve uma boa correlação entre os testes de dureza, tração e ensaio de impacto. Os ensaios mecânicos em conjunto com as análises metalúrgicas demonstraram que o efeito combinado do tempo e temperatura, criaram grandes alterações nos resultados. As propriedades mecânicas das juntas soldadas foram superiores as mínimas exigidas pela norma API 5L. / This work aims to study the cooling rate effects on an API 5L-X80 steel (circular hollow section) welded with automatized GMAW and with two distinct wires one solid and one metal cored. In order to obtain different cooling rates, five distinct pre-heatings were utilized. At first, beads on plate welds were made, on a section of the pipeline, as a preliminary study of the metallurgical alterations in the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) and in the weld metal. Also, five double V grooves were welded, using different preheating and interpass temperatures. On the beads on plate welds were evaluated metallurgical and metallurgical properties through Light Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope and hardness. On the welded grooves, the mechanical properties were evaluated through Tensile, Bending, Impact (Charpy-V) and Hardness (Vickers) tests. The results of mechanical tests were above the minimum defined by standard, with very interesting results. There was a good correlation between the hardness testing, tensile and impact testing. The mechanical tests together with metallurgical analysis showed that the combined effect of time and temperature, created huge changes in the results. The mechanical properties of the welded joints were higher than the minimum required by the standard API 5L.
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Avaliação de propriedades mecânicas de porcelanato reforçado com fios metálicosGarbelotto, Roslene de Almeida January 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi avaliado o desempenho mecânico de um compósito formado por massa cerâmica de porcelanato sendo a matriz e fios de aço o reforço, visando a utilização como cerâmica de revestimento. Com a inserção do fio metálico, teve-se por objetivo aumentar a tenacidade elevando a resistência mecânica ao impacto, proporcionando maior segurança em caso de ruptura acidental. O estudo laboratorial avaliou o comportamento mecânico de corpos de prova sem fios e com a adição de fios. Os fios foram distribuídos longitudinalmente em três configurações. Os corpos possuíam 1600 mm2 de superfície e receberam os fios distribuídos em uma, duas e três camadas perfazendo comprimento respectivamente de 325 mm, 650 mm e 975 mm. Foram realizadas as caracterizações padrões para a cerâmica, expansão após prensagem, retração de secagem, densidade a seco, retração de queima, absorção de água e resistência mecânica à flexão. E adicionalmente foram avaliados: resistência mecânica ao impacto, índice de deformação piroplástica, resistência mecânica à tração e análise da microestrutura. O compósito proporcionou redução de aproximadamente 61% na deformação piroplástica e um acréscimo de aproximadamente de oito vezes na resistência ao impacto. Na análise do compósito, a tensão no fio ficou constante em torno de 800 MPa, mantendo aproximadamente 35% ao seu valor ao natural que era de 2000 MPa. O fio teve grandes perdas em suas características individuais, no entanto sua aplicação na cerâmica em forma de reforço do compósito enriqueceu as propriedades do porcelanato o que proporciona oportunidade de novas aplicações. / This study evaluated the mechanical performance of a composite ceramic body of porcelain with a matrix of steel fibers, for use as a ceramic coating. With the insertion of metallic fiber account was intended to increase the toughness for increasing the mechanical impact resistance, providing greater safety in case of accidental rupture. The study assessed the mechanical behavior of the specimen without fibers and with the addition of fiber. The fibers were distributed longitudinally in three configurations. The bodies had 1600 mm2 and received fibers distributed in one, two or three layers with total length of 325 mm, 650 mm and 975 mm respectively. Characterizations patterns for ceramic, expansion after pressing, drying shrinkage, dry apparent density, firing shrinkage, water absorption and mechanical flexural strength were performed. And we’ve checked also: mechanical impact, index pyroplastic deformation, mechanical tensile strength and microstructural analysis. We found that the composite material gave approximately 61% reduction in pyroplastic deformation and an increase of approximately eight times the impact resistance. In the analysis of the composite stress in the fiber was constant around 800 MPa, holding approximately 35 % of their value to the natural which was 2000 MPa. The fiber had big losses on their individual characteristics, however its application in ceramic composite as increased porcelain ceramic properties which provides opportunity for new applications.
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Soldagem de um aço API 5L-X80 com diferentes taxas de resfriamento / Welding of an API 5L-X80 pipeline steel with different cooling ratesMoojen, Roberto Gomes January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa estudar a influência da taxa de resfriamento sobre um aço API 5L-X80, extraído de uma seção circular de duto, soldado com o processo MAG automatizado e com dois arames, um maciço e um arame tubular de alma metálica. Para a obtenção de diversas taxas de resfriamento, cinco distintos pré-aquecimentos foram utilizados. Preliminarmente foram realizadas soldas de simples deposição de metal sobre uma seção do duto, com o objetivo de estudar as transformações metalúrgicas na Zona Afetada pelo Calor (ZAC) e no metal de solda. A seguir foram soldados, com cinco diferentes temperaturas de pré-aquecimento e de interpasse, chanfros duplo V com nariz. As soldagens de simples deposição de metal foram analisadas com o uso de Microscópio de Luz, Microscópio Eletrônico de Varredura e Dureza. Sobre os chanfros soldados, as propriedades mecânicas e metalúrgicas foram avaliadas com os ensaios de Tração, Dobramento, Impacto (Charpy-V) e Dureza (Vickers). Os resultados dos testes mecânicos foram superiores aos mínimos definidos por norma, com resultados muito interessantes. Houve uma boa correlação entre os testes de dureza, tração e ensaio de impacto. Os ensaios mecânicos em conjunto com as análises metalúrgicas demonstraram que o efeito combinado do tempo e temperatura, criaram grandes alterações nos resultados. As propriedades mecânicas das juntas soldadas foram superiores as mínimas exigidas pela norma API 5L. / This work aims to study the cooling rate effects on an API 5L-X80 steel (circular hollow section) welded with automatized GMAW and with two distinct wires one solid and one metal cored. In order to obtain different cooling rates, five distinct pre-heatings were utilized. At first, beads on plate welds were made, on a section of the pipeline, as a preliminary study of the metallurgical alterations in the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) and in the weld metal. Also, five double V grooves were welded, using different preheating and interpass temperatures. On the beads on plate welds were evaluated metallurgical and metallurgical properties through Light Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope and hardness. On the welded grooves, the mechanical properties were evaluated through Tensile, Bending, Impact (Charpy-V) and Hardness (Vickers) tests. The results of mechanical tests were above the minimum defined by standard, with very interesting results. There was a good correlation between the hardness testing, tensile and impact testing. The mechanical tests together with metallurgical analysis showed that the combined effect of time and temperature, created huge changes in the results. The mechanical properties of the welded joints were higher than the minimum required by the standard API 5L.
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Soldagem de um aço API 5L-X80 com diferentes taxas de resfriamento / Welding of an API 5L-X80 pipeline steel with different cooling ratesMoojen, Roberto Gomes January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa estudar a influência da taxa de resfriamento sobre um aço API 5L-X80, extraído de uma seção circular de duto, soldado com o processo MAG automatizado e com dois arames, um maciço e um arame tubular de alma metálica. Para a obtenção de diversas taxas de resfriamento, cinco distintos pré-aquecimentos foram utilizados. Preliminarmente foram realizadas soldas de simples deposição de metal sobre uma seção do duto, com o objetivo de estudar as transformações metalúrgicas na Zona Afetada pelo Calor (ZAC) e no metal de solda. A seguir foram soldados, com cinco diferentes temperaturas de pré-aquecimento e de interpasse, chanfros duplo V com nariz. As soldagens de simples deposição de metal foram analisadas com o uso de Microscópio de Luz, Microscópio Eletrônico de Varredura e Dureza. Sobre os chanfros soldados, as propriedades mecânicas e metalúrgicas foram avaliadas com os ensaios de Tração, Dobramento, Impacto (Charpy-V) e Dureza (Vickers). Os resultados dos testes mecânicos foram superiores aos mínimos definidos por norma, com resultados muito interessantes. Houve uma boa correlação entre os testes de dureza, tração e ensaio de impacto. Os ensaios mecânicos em conjunto com as análises metalúrgicas demonstraram que o efeito combinado do tempo e temperatura, criaram grandes alterações nos resultados. As propriedades mecânicas das juntas soldadas foram superiores as mínimas exigidas pela norma API 5L. / This work aims to study the cooling rate effects on an API 5L-X80 steel (circular hollow section) welded with automatized GMAW and with two distinct wires one solid and one metal cored. In order to obtain different cooling rates, five distinct pre-heatings were utilized. At first, beads on plate welds were made, on a section of the pipeline, as a preliminary study of the metallurgical alterations in the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) and in the weld metal. Also, five double V grooves were welded, using different preheating and interpass temperatures. On the beads on plate welds were evaluated metallurgical and metallurgical properties through Light Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope and hardness. On the welded grooves, the mechanical properties were evaluated through Tensile, Bending, Impact (Charpy-V) and Hardness (Vickers) tests. The results of mechanical tests were above the minimum defined by standard, with very interesting results. There was a good correlation between the hardness testing, tensile and impact testing. The mechanical tests together with metallurgical analysis showed that the combined effect of time and temperature, created huge changes in the results. The mechanical properties of the welded joints were higher than the minimum required by the standard API 5L.
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Avaliação de propriedades mecânicas de porcelanato reforçado com fios metálicosGarbelotto, Roslene de Almeida January 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi avaliado o desempenho mecânico de um compósito formado por massa cerâmica de porcelanato sendo a matriz e fios de aço o reforço, visando a utilização como cerâmica de revestimento. Com a inserção do fio metálico, teve-se por objetivo aumentar a tenacidade elevando a resistência mecânica ao impacto, proporcionando maior segurança em caso de ruptura acidental. O estudo laboratorial avaliou o comportamento mecânico de corpos de prova sem fios e com a adição de fios. Os fios foram distribuídos longitudinalmente em três configurações. Os corpos possuíam 1600 mm2 de superfície e receberam os fios distribuídos em uma, duas e três camadas perfazendo comprimento respectivamente de 325 mm, 650 mm e 975 mm. Foram realizadas as caracterizações padrões para a cerâmica, expansão após prensagem, retração de secagem, densidade a seco, retração de queima, absorção de água e resistência mecânica à flexão. E adicionalmente foram avaliados: resistência mecânica ao impacto, índice de deformação piroplástica, resistência mecânica à tração e análise da microestrutura. O compósito proporcionou redução de aproximadamente 61% na deformação piroplástica e um acréscimo de aproximadamente de oito vezes na resistência ao impacto. Na análise do compósito, a tensão no fio ficou constante em torno de 800 MPa, mantendo aproximadamente 35% ao seu valor ao natural que era de 2000 MPa. O fio teve grandes perdas em suas características individuais, no entanto sua aplicação na cerâmica em forma de reforço do compósito enriqueceu as propriedades do porcelanato o que proporciona oportunidade de novas aplicações. / This study evaluated the mechanical performance of a composite ceramic body of porcelain with a matrix of steel fibers, for use as a ceramic coating. With the insertion of metallic fiber account was intended to increase the toughness for increasing the mechanical impact resistance, providing greater safety in case of accidental rupture. The study assessed the mechanical behavior of the specimen without fibers and with the addition of fiber. The fibers were distributed longitudinally in three configurations. The bodies had 1600 mm2 and received fibers distributed in one, two or three layers with total length of 325 mm, 650 mm and 975 mm respectively. Characterizations patterns for ceramic, expansion after pressing, drying shrinkage, dry apparent density, firing shrinkage, water absorption and mechanical flexural strength were performed. And we’ve checked also: mechanical impact, index pyroplastic deformation, mechanical tensile strength and microstructural analysis. We found that the composite material gave approximately 61% reduction in pyroplastic deformation and an increase of approximately eight times the impact resistance. In the analysis of the composite stress in the fiber was constant around 800 MPa, holding approximately 35 % of their value to the natural which was 2000 MPa. The fiber had big losses on their individual characteristics, however its application in ceramic composite as increased porcelain ceramic properties which provides opportunity for new applications.
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