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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Incentive Design of Conservation Voltage Reduction Planning for Industrial Loads in Ontario

Le, Brian January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, a novel framework for planning and investment studies pertaining to the implementation of system-wide conservation voltage reduction (CVR) is presented. In the CVR paradigm, optimal voltage profiles at the load buses are determined so as to yield load reductions and hence energy conservation. The system modifications required for CVR is known to be capital intensive; therefore, the proposed model determines the system savings and the appropriate price incentives to offer industries such that a minimum acceptable rate-of-return (MARR) is accrued. In this model, the industrial facilities are represented by a combination of constant impedance, constant current, and constant power loads. A detailed case study for Ontario, Canada, is carried out considering that industrial loads are investing in CVR implementation to reduce their energy costs. The optimal incentives that need be offered by the system planner, over a long-term horizon and across various zones of Ontario, are determined using the presented mathematical model. Furthermore, a comprehensive risk analysis, comprising sensitivity studies and Monte Carlo simulations, is carried out considering the variations in the most uncertain model parameters. In this work, it is shown that savings from CVR are enough so that incentives are not required in Ontario. Sensitivity analysis shows that electricity price and project cost have the highest impact on the incentives, and that electricity price and industrial demand have the most effect on system savings. Monte Carlo simulations show that the expected energy cost savings result in expected incentive rates to be relatively low compared to the average electricity price in Ontario. CVR is shown in this thesis to be a low cost Demand Side Management program to implement from the perspective of the power system planner, and a worthwhile investment for the industrial load.

Incentive Design of Conservation Voltage Reduction Planning for Industrial Loads in Ontario

Le, Brian January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, a novel framework for planning and investment studies pertaining to the implementation of system-wide conservation voltage reduction (CVR) is presented. In the CVR paradigm, optimal voltage profiles at the load buses are determined so as to yield load reductions and hence energy conservation. The system modifications required for CVR is known to be capital intensive; therefore, the proposed model determines the system savings and the appropriate price incentives to offer industries such that a minimum acceptable rate-of-return (MARR) is accrued. In this model, the industrial facilities are represented by a combination of constant impedance, constant current, and constant power loads. A detailed case study for Ontario, Canada, is carried out considering that industrial loads are investing in CVR implementation to reduce their energy costs. The optimal incentives that need be offered by the system planner, over a long-term horizon and across various zones of Ontario, are determined using the presented mathematical model. Furthermore, a comprehensive risk analysis, comprising sensitivity studies and Monte Carlo simulations, is carried out considering the variations in the most uncertain model parameters. In this work, it is shown that savings from CVR are enough so that incentives are not required in Ontario. Sensitivity analysis shows that electricity price and project cost have the highest impact on the incentives, and that electricity price and industrial demand have the most effect on system savings. Monte Carlo simulations show that the expected energy cost savings result in expected incentive rates to be relatively low compared to the average electricity price in Ontario. CVR is shown in this thesis to be a low cost Demand Side Management program to implement from the perspective of the power system planner, and a worthwhile investment for the industrial load.

A Behavioral Theory of Planning

Chance, Donald R. 31 October 2007 (has links)
This dissertation introduces a new theory of practice for land planning in America based on behavioralism. It is called culture based incentive planning, or CBIP. The CBIP model and techniques are based on four pillars: cultural snesitivity, behavior analysis, engineered incentive regimes, and the tools of persuasion. CBIP is designed to provide an adaptable framework from which to approch regulatory reform in planning. The framework is applicable to the full range of planning implementation strategies from commond and control to market-based approaches. CBIP, as a systems model, has been engineered to create a cooperative rather than adversarial relationship between government and the regulated community by recognizing issues of cultural sensitivity, market response, and behavioral motivations. Under the model, effective implementation of planning objectives is directly tied to the role that incentives play in human behavior. Based on the foundation of incentive theory, CBIP integrates a variety of principles and techniques from applied behavior analysis and behavioral economics to align incentives that drive personal behavior with public planning objectives. CBIP utiliizes a variety of incentives in planning practice including economic, process, lifestyle, social, behavioral, and technical assistance inducements. / Ph. D.


范欽舜 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來常常聽到有所謂的電子新貴或是網路新貴族,年紀輕輕工作個3∼5年就擁有千萬甚至億元身價,羡煞了工作十幾二十年卻還在與房子貸款奮鬥的勞工朋友,或許他們也有出來創業的念頭,但卻往往承受不了這麼大的風險而作罷,也可能想要跳槽卻提不起勇氣,怕自己的專業已不符時代潮流甚至會淹沒在電子浪潮下,因此常常聽到父執輩朋友談起工作上的不順遂及提不起勁,工作了一輩子皆是為別人賺錢的怨言。因此如何平衡傳統產業及高科技產業之間員工不滿及差距,並能持續維持公司創新及開發的動力,如何設計一套能提高員工向心力、員工工作參與感並增加工作效率的機制就顯得相當重要。 但在討論激勵制度的時候並不能將所有重點皆著墨於股票的發放上,因為台灣分紅制度的實施雖然使得台灣科技快速成長,但也造成股本快速膨脹,如果公司不屬於高成長性的產業,如傳統產業,則分紅制度可能反使公司因盈餘未能趕上股本膨脹的速度而導致產業衰退,國內大部份傳統產業的股票並不能如高科技產業一樣維持在高價位上,且觀察國內傳統產業近幾年來股價的表現中亦發現股價大多數呈現下降的走勢,因此以股票來獎勵員工並不能有效的達到吸引員工及留住公司優秀人才的目的,所以台灣一般傳統產業並不適合以股票為基礎的激勵措施,所以除了以股票做為吸引員工之外,亦可以考慮以現金做為員工的激勵措施。 另外由於國內企業基於全球發展策略的需要,常需於海外設立分據點,所以我們必須了解外國實施已久的股票選擇權制度優劣及執行的機制,才能有效達到激勵員工及創造公司價值,達成公司及員工兩造之間雙贏的局面。由於國內目前並無股票選擇權制度,而股票選擇權制度的優點又能適時彌補現行國內分紅入股制度所產生的缺朱,並能配合國內未來全球發展策略,因此值得我們詳細深入探討分析。 首先本論文藉由瞭解國內相關高科技的激勵制度,對其做深入的探討並分析可能產生的問題,進而引進外國相關的激勵制度,包括利潤分享計畫(profit shaing)及股票選擇權制度(stock option),其中利潤分享計畫是以現金發放為主,而股票選擇權則是以股票發放為主。本篇論文主要探討各激勵制度使用上的優缺點並於一章節中做模擬試算,文中整理利潤分享計畫共包括六項,如現金利潤分享計畫(cash profit shaing plan)、簡單計畫(Simple plan)、簡化員工退休計畫(Simplifed employee pension plan,SEP)、遞延利潤分享計畫(deferred profit shaing plan)、現金購買計畫(Money-purchaseplan)及40lk,而股票選擇擇權則是以廣泛基礎的股票選擇權為主,另外還介紹以股票為主的員工持股信託(ESOP)、目標利潤計畫(target-benefit plan)及股票紅利計畫(Stock-bonus plan)。 而在可預期的未來國內將會實施股票選擇權制度,因此本論文另以一章節探討股票選擇權並對股票選擇權所產生的問題做分析,例如當員工執行股票選擇權時所產生盈餘及投票權稀釋的問題,公司應如何有效解決;當公司發生合併時股票選擇權應如何調整;當股市下跌股票選擇權發生價外時公司應如何解決。本論文對上述問題提出有效的解決替代方案,並對各問題做一詳細的探討分析,並於最後附錄的部份納入公司執行激勵制度時所應考量的事項。最後希望未來相關激勵制度推行時,本論文能提供相關資訊使得員工及公司能有所助益。

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