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王巨中, Wang, Jiu Chung Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 開宗明義質問人類學與民族誌的排灣族如何與現今的自我認同相連?今日的排灣族「民族意識」很清晰的源頭不是出於主觀認同,而是出於外力強加。在人類學出現之前,其實今日被指稱為排灣族的人群,根本沒有「民族」的想像共同體存在。而是許多個以部落或部落同盟作為想像共同體的人群;這概念不同於民族的定義,不該被外來知識當作「必要的客體」而粗暴分類。而「台灣原住民族」分類之演變是基於日本帝國主義的殖民需求,由早期台灣殖民地人民的「原漢分類」輪廓,並以「高砂族」之改造為最終目的。列舉所引用的有關排灣族傳統文化的特徵,也試著回到本論文的主題「民族傳統文化」的辯證假設。借用部份人類學的知識文本,來開啟本論文場域中特定人群之民族邊緣、文化認同與社會變遷的探討。 第二章 就本論文所限定的區域範圍提供背景論述,以利讀者作為認知與思考的必要參考。包括一般性的地理與人文,以呈現其多重邊緣位置的特色。在被殖民統治前,其神話傳說建構的「我群」與權力體系之介紹,表明其有完整的知識系統以及對應的權力結構。而後敘及獅子鄉各村之行政沿革,新身份符號所使用的新概念系統,本文是以「鄉」作為一個觀察單位,以「鄉民」的認同與「族藉」認同再作另一層的觀察對比。 第三章 回顧歷史上發生在本區域的異文化接觸與外來統治。文化接觸在此分為兩個層面,即輭性的自然互動狀態以及武力對抗時期。當傳統文化優勢不再,民族邊緣的消長於是發生,民族認同的需要也進入當地人的心智中。而後更強烈的文化衝擊,來自異族的政治改造;使得傳統文化的優勢不但不可能繼續存在,反而有可能遭到根本的鏟除。 第四章 權力、知識、信仰與理論的興替:簡而言之就是不同的知識邏輯在強烈的競爭,建立自己的領域與穩固其優勢。而信仰、知識與權力是三位一體的,且三者之間運用各種理論來加強與包裝。本章試從三個角度解析,第一是頭目家庭權力勢微,並使得傳統的知識邏輯不再能執行應用程式之改寫。第二是國民教育取代傳統,新舊知識與權力鬥爭下此消彼長。第三當外來統治勢力更易後,處於信仰空窗期的人們受到新的、有組織的宗教團體所帶來的新文化刺激;祖靈信仰改宗基督,又一次的知識邏輯重組,族群與認同邊緣的形成受到更深度的影響。最後是與世界接軌後,多元文化思想論戰隨著台灣內部之民主化而成熟,傳統與新興勢力兩邊同時得到大量的知識擙援,新一輪的權力攻守值得進一步觀察。 第五章 文化認同與社會變遷實為一體之兩面,因為社會變遷的發生,迫使文化需要有新的程式來執行新的工作。例如新的法律身份、歷史意識建構等,而身份與文化認同的轉換又取決於外部社會的客觀條件。由傳統身份轉為現代身份,新的認同產生了重疊與多元的情況。尤其是民生需求之取得方式,出現了斷裂式的轉換。有關民族傳統文化風貌的變遷,藉由直接呈現獅子鄉現時的文化面貌,以對比的方式顯示截然異於同樣擁有「族藉身份」的北排灣區域人群,希望能引發進一步的思考。尤其出人意外,在最沒有「原味」的「原鄉」,竟舉辦國內規模空前絕後的全國原住民族嘉年華「麻里巴狩獵祭」,無疑是一個值得觀察與探討的重點。 第六章 反思與回顧,希望能藉由思辯的方式進一步對本論文所建構的民族邊緣、文化認同與身份認同間的互動關係與社會變遷作整體性再思考。由對「民族傳統文化」的認同力度,去思考民族邊緣的移動。有關人類學與民族認同,是否該回到「想像共同體」的論述脈絡中,重新檢視一個被人類學所建構的民族邊緣。而這個民族的邊緣經過一個世紀的煅煉是否有了民族意識或文化內涵之「中央」與「邊陲」的相對性出現。另外,「教育、教化與同化」過程中,從知識的生產與再生產去觀察,進一步探討民族認同與文化認同間的互動關係。甚至應該思考所謂的國民教育是為了建構「現代國家」認同或是「民族傳統文化」認同。本地區的另一大特色是戰爭與文化重生,這項因素遠大於一般性的社會變遷,對於初民社會人群與民族國家體制直接戰爭對抗時,所產生的傳統知識邏輯斷裂之可能性,以及族群對歷史選擇性的遺忘,作反思探討並回顧學界漢化、土著化、在地化等論述的實地驗證,並提出本論文所獲之研究心得「權力化」觀點,供思考目前台灣「民族問題」與「認同問題」時另一新視野。 結論 作全篇寫作精神、信念、風格與意義的總結。 / Since 1872 Japanese troop invaded this area, for the first time, the indigenous people in the mountain tribes met the nation’s force of the outside world. In 1895 Japanese occupied Taiwan, and started its colonial careers, the indigenous peoples in the mountain area were treated as wild beast never been protected under the constitution or law. After 10 years military suppression in 1915 all the weapons of indigenous people had been taken away, and strictly police control system had set up. In 1942, after the Japanese stated the Pacific War. Thousands of what so called volunteers had been leaded to the front line of jungle battlefield from the indigenous people’s tribes, more than 70% died, the others almost all of them wounded when they were sent back in 1946. In 1949, the Chinese ruler party KMT lost the civil war and slipped to Taiwan. Since then by the excuse of anticommunist, millions of people in this island live under the martial law for 40 years, of course those indigenous peoples were included. After the dictatorial president Chiang died in 1989, some of the Taiwanese tried to found an independent nation, Culture identity and nation identity became the biggest issue in this island especially during the campaign of voting seasons. Unfortunately, more than half million indigenous people can’t stay away from the arguing, and somehow be used to prove that Taiwanese is not Chinese. In 2000, for the first time what so called the president of Republic of China, has been taken by a 13 years old young party from the one who is already more than 100 years old. But almost more than 90% of the indigenous people’s voting were not supporting this young party, the ironic result push the new ruler has to face his idol with a much more serious attitude, and the latter aware of his un-replaceable value in this new political market. The culture identity especially for the traditional part has been changed more than twice in last century, the article is trying to find out the relations between indigenous people’s psychological activities inside and the social’s reforming outside during last 100 years. Shih Tzu country (which is a basic administrative unit comprising 8 villages about 5,500 in population) of Ping Tung country in southern Taiwan, people here were identified as Paiwan, they use the same dialogue as well as the other Paiwan, but except that there is almost no other traditional culture has left. From this very particular aspect caused the research in this title ahead.

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