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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metody sběru a zpracování dat v prostředí www / Methods of collecting and processing of data in www environment

Masner, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with theoretical basis for the dissertation. Firstly, the terms data, information and knowledge are characterized. Then, the current state and development of web technologies on client and server side is explored. Moreover, the analysis of current state of art deals with Content Management Systems and their approach to information content management. Besides that, contemporary research papers in the desired field were studied. On the whole, forthcoming methodical procedure and a dissertation hypotheses are proposed.

Možnosti využití logistiky v podniku

Hladík, Petr January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Informační zdroje pro management / Information sources for management

Alberovský, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
This thesis assesses the information sources available for management. It focuses on business informations from internal systems (accounting, finance, marketing, management, human resources). Partly also discusses options of Competitive Intelligence as an additional source of informations for management. It compares the technologies available and likely future developments.

Fuzzygeoprvky v rastrové reprezentaci pro podporu rozhodování

Machalová, Jitka January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Současný stav e-turismu v ČR

Handrejch, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
Práce se zabývá porovnáním způsobu poskytování informací pro turisty v jednotlivých regionech ČR. Toto porovnání je prováděno podle vlastní metodiky hodnocení, a převážně vlastních hodnotících kritérií, která se zaměřují zejména právě na hodnocení informací, které jsou pro turistiku důležité. Pro porovnání byl vybrán Jihočeský a Severočeský region ČR. Je zde provedena důkladná analýza vybraných turistických portálů z těchto regionů a následně vyhodnocen region, ve kterém je poskytování turistických informací na vyšší úrovni. Součástí této práce je i teoretická část, která slouží jako uvedení do dané problematiky a v závěru i praktická ukázka toho, jak může probíhat plánování turistické dovolené pomocí Internetu.

Trendy dátovej vizualizácie v medzinárodných spoločnostiach / Data Visualization Trends in International Companies

Klapáčová, Miroslava January 2015 (has links)
The topic of diploma thesis is the use of visualization as a part of data analytics in international companies, with main focus on new and upcoming trends in this dynamically developing field. After a review of both historic and present situation of data visualization field we proceed to clarification of visualization process and specific forms, methods and techniques which are based on scientific facts regarding human visual perception. This leads to the next section, which is devoted to visualization tools currently available on the market, analysis of selected tools and practical examination of business users' awareness of available visualization tools and their features. In the last section we introduce selected current and upcoming development trends in the field.

Data jako předmět právní regulace (teoreticko-právní aspekty) / Legal Regulation of Data (Theoretical Perspective)

Balážová, Miroslava January 2019 (has links)
Legal Regulation of Data (Theoretical Perspective) Abstract The master thesis deals with information and data, their substance and nature, with regards to whether and how it is possible to regulate these. This thesis has three objectives. First objective is to describe and analyse the legal acts, case law and academic literature dealing with information and data. The second objective is to create a theory of information suitable for the law and suggest a legislative and methodological approach to the data and information, thus answering the question whether the information and data may be subject of the legal regulation in general. The third objective is to assess so called technologically neutral approach of the legislator to the legislation which primarily regulates the technology (especially the data). The master thesis brings the following conclusions with regards to set objectives. Firstly, neither the current legislation, nor the case law deals with the concept and methodology of information or data and uses these terms as synonyms. The academic literature lately concerns itself with this topic; however, it does not bring unified theory or methodological approach. Secondly, the thesis brings a proposal of theoretical model of information and data as it suggests examining the term "information" in two...

Právo a informace / Law and information

Kilbergrová, Šárka January 2007 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá právem a informacemi, jejich vývojem, významem pro společnost a vzájemným vztahem. Informace se vyskytuje téměř ve všech právních oblastech, zmíněno je především právo na informace a jeho ochrana a právní úprava informace spojená se zveřejňováním informací na Internetu. V souvislosti s Internetem je v práci ještě popsána informační kriminalita. K informaci lze přistupovat z různých hledisek, práce je zaměřena na hledisko právní, organizační, bezpečnostních standardů a morální. Na závěr jsou popsány soudní kauzy týkající se informace v různých podmínkách.

Reklama / Advertising

Pokorný, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis defines advertising very broadly - as any information that form consumers such that they change their consumption. Microeconomic models assume that consumers choose their consumption independently, and do not take into account that their wants can be changed due to actions of other market participants, which this thesis criticizes. Advertising is modelled with the Cobb-Douglas function as a good that is complementary to the good that is advertised. The models show that advertising decreases the total welfare only in some cases. If it is profitable for a firm to advertise, its production usually increases the total welfare. 1

Cenzura internetu v Číně / Internet censorship in the People's Republic of China

Pátek, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
This master thesis discusses the sensitive topic of internet censorship in People's Republic of China (PRC). The first part provides a detailed overview on current situation of internet censorship in PRC. Some of the important terms related to censorship are also explained here. The theoretical part acquaints reader with technical aspects of censorship, as well as with the legal policies of Chinese government. Furthermore, this part also presents an analysis of keywords blocked by the search engines in China. Next part of this thesis offers a discussion on future development of censorship in both China and the rest of the world. The author proposes two potential scenarios and argues whether present state of censorship is feasible for upcoming years or not.

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