Spelling suggestions: "subject:"informacao""
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Možnosti využití veřejně dostupných údajů z účetnictví podniku pro investování do cenných papírůPlaček, Michal Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Cílem mé práce byla analýza právního rámce pro zveřejňování účetních údajů se zaměřením na povinnosti podnikatelských subjektů. Dostupnost veřejných informací pro běžného uživatele a možnosti využití těchto informací pro rozhodování v oblasti nákupu cenných papírů.
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Úprava nakládání s klientskými informacemi v českém bankovním sektoruHrdinková, Jana January 2007 (has links)
Klientské informace v bankovním sektoru podléhají bankovnímu tajemství. Práce popisuje situace, kdy je možné bankovní tajemství prolomit nebo předávat klientské informace dalším subjektům a způsoby, jakými banky klienta informují o zpracování jeho osobních údajů.
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NAKLÁDÁNÍ S JADERNÝM ODPADEMZdeňková, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
Otázka jaderného odpadu je více než aktuální. Nejenom Česká republika, ale i ostatní státy řeší otázku, jak izolovat nebezpečný odpad. V ČR je v současné době jediná reálná varianta vybudování hlubinného úložiště, které musí zajistit bezpečnost po sto tisíc let. Zajištěna musí být nejenom dostatečná izolace, ale i ochrana před ať již chtěnou či nechtěnou lidskou činností. Tento technický problém, ale není ten největší, který je třeba v souvislosti s tímto tématem řešit. Ještě větší problém než právní nepřehlednost je váznoucí komunikace. Vláda vybrala lokalitu pro vybudování úložiště sama, bez souhlasu dotčených obyvatel. Veřejnost nedostala včas a dostatek informací a proto se teď bouří a požaduje nápravu. Nedostatek informací vyvolalo panický strach, který je podpořen katastrofami z minulosti. Jak vláda reagovala na protest veřejnosti a jak problém řeší? V současné době vláda vyhlásila pětiletou pauzu kvůli vzrůstajícím protestům veřejnosti. Bylo chování státu v zahraničí jiné? V chování vlády ani občanů však nelze vidět nic odlišného, než co se odehrávalo v okolních státech. Vláda by měla svůj postup plánování úložiště ze základu přehodnotit a pokud tak neučiní, měly by se obce připravit na to, jak využít všechny možné právní způsoby k obraně svého území. Vyhořelý odpad bude ovlivňovat život několika dalších generací a proto by problém nemělo řešit jen několik úředníků za zavřenými dveřmi. Nejedná se o věc jen ekologickou, technickou a ekonomickou, ale i morální.
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Komunikace a vedení lidí v organizaci / Komunikace a vedení lidí v Sekci řízení operačních programů na MŠMTTomešová, Světlana January 2010 (has links)
The work is dedicated to problems of communication in a selected organization. The author decided to limit the work on the information transmission within one section in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The reason for selecting the organization is the importance of educational issues and the special position of the section within the ministry. The main objective of this work is to describe and subsequent analysis of communication within the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, both in the selected section as well as the relationship between that section and other departments at the ministry, or between the Section and external entities . The work is divided into three parts: theoretical, practical and proposal. Part of the thesis is own research and proposals for measures which may lead to better results (higher awareness) in communication.
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Možnosti a metodika uplatňování ICT jako nástroje řízení tržních vztahů a zvyšování efektivity v oblasti zpracování grafické informace ve zdravotnictvíJavorník, Michal January 2009 (has links)
The processing of medical image information in the context of this thesis means a complex of activities that can be achieved using ICT, needed to ensure effective acquisition, primary diagnosis, remote consultation, reliable archiving and other specific activities. The thesis describes the possibility of utilization of ICT in this environment, related trends and activities in the Czech Republic and in the world as well as a number of limitations, which result mainly from the applicable legislation. The main idea of this thesis is the integration platform proposal that represents a new alternative to the integration of existing services and DICOM applications in this field. Platform provides an environment for new interesting applications and enables the medical image processing to be organised different way. The system of efficient redistribution of requirements for the processing of medical image information within the coalition of cooperating medical institutions is describes as an application based on this platform. Increasing the efficiency of processing is achieved through greater specialization, more efficient diagnosis associated with access to the latest knowledge and efficient use of expensive equipment capacity and time of medical specialists. Part of this thesis is the methodology of implementation of this integration platform into medical institutions, placing particular emphasis on the risks associated with this way of integration.
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Asymetrické informace na trhu hypotečních úvěrů v České republiceVlasák, Adam January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Bezpečnostní aspekty implementace databázových systémů / Security aspects of database systems implementationPokorný, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of database systems security. Reader is introduced into the basis of information security and its development. Following chapter defines a concept of database system security using ISO/IEC 27000 Standard. The findings from this chapter form a complex list of requirements on database security. One chapter also deals with legal aspects of this domain. Second part of this thesis offers a comparison of four object-relational database systems - Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL. Comparative criteria are based upon the list of requirements on database security and reflect specific attributes of the specific type of the data model. The comparison aims at utilization possibilities of each database product as well as its limitations.
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Důěryhodnost informací ve státních institucích / Credibility of information in state institutionsDubrovin, Aliaksandr January 2012 (has links)
This work describes the problem of information credibility in state institutions with the help of using various methods (deduction, induction and synthesis). Work describes mainly theory but also some existing approaches in real work of this institutions. The work describes the problem beginning from collecting information, verifying information and information sources, related credibility, concepts, typologies and so on. Then, it describes the phenomenon of misinformation (or disinformation) and clarifies if this phenomenon is a part of real daily work of certain state institutions. Then in work is described the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and their approach to information (typology of information, resources, verifying information, actors which collect information). In addition, work presents such institution as the Office for Foreign Relations and Information, which is also a state institution and is a leading supplier of information to the MFA. Understanding the issue of such a sensitive topic in such closed institutions is based on publicly published sources. In work are also described methodologies of verifying information and procedures of risk management used in the situation of obtaining false information. At the same time, work contains a few of author's solutions for some parts of the work.
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Manipulace ověřitelných informací / Manipulating Verifiable EvidenceŠedek, Jan January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis we take the Bayesian persuasion model, impose a limitation on the signal space and subsequently derive the first order conditions for the equilibrium. Then we enhance the model for several different constraints. We find that the analysis is greatly facilitated if such constraints do not relax when more signals are added to the model. The first type of constraint is imposed to eliminate the perfectly informative persuasion mechanisms. The second type of constraint limits the total uncertainty reduction caused by the persuasion. Finally the third type of constraint is a participation constraint. It ensures a certain level of reservation utility for the persuaded party. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Právo na informace o životním prostředí v kontextu svobodného přístupu k informacím / The Right to Information on the Environment in the Context of Freedom of InformationPochobradská, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The thesis describes an issue of the constitutionally guaranteed right to information on the environment. The aim is to provide an overview of an effective international and especially national legislation, compare both fundamental acts on information and highlight the insufficiency of the Czech regulation. Apart from the introduction and conclusion thesis contains four chapters. Preliminary presentation of fundamentals and principles of the legislation is followed by summary of sources of law. Attention is given to Aarhus Convention and two acts on information. Following chapters deal with the effective legislation and determine differences in the providing general information and environmental information. An overview of selected judicial decisions is included before final chapter. Particular attention is paid to the obligations arising under the Aarhus Convention and its implementation into legislation. Mentioned are main drawbacks of the regulation and related difficulties in application of law; possible legislation de lege ferenda is outlined as well.
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