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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Introductory Approach to Business Model Design for Strategic Sustainable Development

Levy França, César January 2013 (has links)
The interrelated challenges of systematic degradation of ecosystems, social inequalities, financial instability and resource constraints are redefining the overall conditions for business in the twenty-first century. Addressing these challenges both demands and brings great opportunity for innovation. An important but sometimes neglected aspect of innovation is the design or redesign of business models. This has been identified as a greater source of lasting competitive advantage than new products and services per se. The majority of managers among those who say that their company´s sustainability activities have added to profits also say that these activities have led to business model changes. However, integrating business model design and sustainable innovation practices is a relatively underexplored area of research. The aim of this work is to develop an approach to business model design that supports the realization of sustainability-driven strategies. In this thesis, it is argued that a major barrier to sustainable innovation is the usual unawareness of an operational definition of sustainability and of guidelines for how an organization can support sustainable development while strengthening its own competitiveness. Therefore, a Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD), which includes such an operational definition of sustainability and such strategic guidelines, is used as an overarching methodology for this work. Specific research methods include literature reviews, data collection, data and document analysis, explorative workshops and action research, mainly with partners in the district heating sector. To be able to design a business model that supports a sustainability-driven strategy, it is necessary to have, or to be able to develop, such a strategy. The literature review revealed that there is currently no business model design tool that in itself includes support for developing sustainability-driven strategies. However, as regards business model design as such, a tool known as the Business Model Canvas (BMC) is frequently referenced and by many seen as a kind of de-facto standard support tool for business model design. A combination of the FSSD (bringing the sustainability perspective) and the BMC (bringing the generic building blocks of business models) is therefore explored. Depending on the context it is necessary to also combine this with other methods and tools; in this work specifically with methods and tools for energy systems modeling and simulation. Both as a way to develop a combined approach and as a way to start validating it, a prototype of a handbook for sustainable innovation in the district heating sector was developed and tested iteratively. The use of early versions of this handbook preliminary indicates that the combined approach helps organizations to, e.g., self-assess their maturity in terms of strategic sustainability work, clarify strengths and weaknesses of current business models from a strategic sustainability perspective and generate of new solutions, including mutually supportive actions and business models within their wider value network.

Why Doesn't She Leave? : Examnining the Role of Violence and Coercive Control in Domestic Abuse Cases in Sweden

Cengic, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
Background. The current narrative of IPV places heavy emphasis on physical violence. Some scholars have criticized this claiming that most abuse is not violent, rather it is characterized by coercive control tactics, such as isolation and intimidation. Aim. The purpose of this study is to examine how domestic abuse is defined in the Swedish courts regarding Gross Violation of a Woman’s Integrity. Do the courts recognize coercive control, or is the focus mainly on violence? Results. By conducting a content analysis on verdicts from the two highest courts in Sweden, this study concludes that although less serious indications of abuse are recognized to some extent, the courts tend to focus on physical violence and bodily injury. This paper questions the usefulness of this definition by criticizing it from a feminist perspective. In the long-term, this does nothing for victims of IPV. A shift in narrative is needed to identify unseen victims of abuse.

High Demands and Even Higher Ambitions : An Analysis of Swedish Development Policy

Frenning, Måns January 2021 (has links)
This study is a poststructural policy analysis of the Swedish governmental writing called Politics for Global Development in the Implementation of Agenda 2030. The writing is the most recent Swedish development policy and is built upon agenda 2030. The method that is used in this thesis is described by Carol Bacchi and called WPR. It is used to identify problem representations in policies and the discourses that are used in the formulation of problems. The findings of the study shows that the liberal discourses apparent within Agenda 2030 are evident in the Swedish development policy along with liberal feminism which is dominant in contemporary Swedish foreign policy. Findings of other poststructural studies highlight discourses of modernity and orientalism within the dominant development paradigm, which are shown to inform Swedish development policy as well.

Making Space in a Megacity - The Evolving Stewardship of Bangalore’s Urban Lakes

Murphy, Ailbhe January 2017 (has links)
For centuries, in the river-less landscape of Bangalore water supply was ensured by harvesting monsoon rains in a series of hydrologically connected man-made lakes. Traditionally, these lakes were constructed and maintained by surrounding agricultural communities who acted as local stewards. However, in the last sixty years, due to rapid urbanization, the disappearance of agricultural activities and the centralization of lake governance, an estimated eight hundred of Bangalore’s lakes have been converted to other land uses and many of those that remain are highly polluted. In reaction to this, citizens concerned about environmental degradation have pushed for permission to engage in lake management. As a result, the governance of certain lakes now includes both government actors and lake groups made up of local residents working to maintain and protect their neighbourhood lakes. This thesis presents five lake groups that have successfully helped revive their local lakes and uses semi-structured interviews and sense of place surveys to illustrate the links between prolonged engagement in stewardship, ecosystem changes, shifting perceptions of place meanings and growth in place attachment. By using insights from place-making research the study also examines the groups’ contribution to the quality of their local lakes as inclusive public spaces, which in a city of stark socioeconomic contrasts are required to service both the provisioning needs of the urban poor as well as the recreational uses of a growing middle-class. Findings suggest that regular engagement in placebased stewardship can cultivate a social-ecological approach to ecosystem governance over time by allowing stewards build local ecological knowledge and engage with the varied needs and interests of their communities.

Kolmården - an emerging development actor? : A qualitative case study of employees perspectives about Kolmården as a potential development actor

Karlsson, Eric January 2020 (has links)
Society is facing major challenges with an ongoing mass extinction of more than one million species worldwide caused by the destruction of ecological systems, deforestation, habitat loss, the increase of invasive species, climate change, illegal wildlife tracking, poaching and poverty. Challenges in which zoos worldwide contribute with important educational programs, innovative research and conservation strategies to ease the negative impact on local communities within developing countries. This essay considers that zoos through policies of in-situ conservation do play an important role within the wider context of development aid and sustainable development. However, Kolmården does not seem to understand that their policies have a significant impact on local communities within developing countries, especially since Kolmården execute scarce controls of aid management. Research has been conducted through semi-structured interviews at Kolmården, interviewees consist of zoo pedagogies and animal caretakers. This research displays the importance of zoos and its strategies, it also tries to explain the problem Kolmården stands for by lacking an overall organization that supports zoos within the political sphere. The lack of political support, ignorance, and misconceptions harms Kolmården and the zoo community. As a result, one may argue, that Kolmården among other zoos to be stuck within the dilemma “tragedy of the commons” presented by the ecologist Garrett Hardin in (1968). However, zoos are grossly underutilized institutions with great potential to conduct global sustainable development and safeguard wildlife from becoming extinct through development aid and in-situ conservation, which is supported by Kolmården Foundation through financial donations, innovative research, educati

Sustainable Consumption and Production in International Development Cooperation : A case study of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

Broman, Jennie January 2021 (has links)
Sustainable consumption and production (SCP) is integral within the international sustainable development agenda both as goal and objective. As well as linking people and society to the broader picture of development, sustainable consumption helps the global sustainability agenda to connect with individuals because it affects everyday practices at home and in society. Sustainable production is strongly linked to consumption as it touches on the practices of producing consumer goods and services. International development cooperation agencies are important actors in the SCP agenda, as they oversee international aid and funding for programmes meant to implement international sustainable development policies. SCP has strong links to global north narratives, and participatory approaches have become mandatory for recipient countries to obtain donor funding. It is therefore important to understand how these agencies conceptualise these practices in a global south context. Drawing from the ideas of empowerment through participation, this degree project analyses two project reports funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), an important actor within international development cooperation activities, and investigates how SCP is communicated in a global south context. It finds that: the initiatives experience limitations by donor dependency, constraining local community practices to sustain; lacking measuring tools and strategies limit the information to clearly say these initiatives reach the intended target groups; and that there is strong reason to question whether these initiatives, largely built upon global north narratives, are suitable for the context and subjects of intervention.

The Human Side of Product Development as part of a Strategic Transition towards Sustainability

Ferraz, Paula, de Klerk, Anne, Hillebrecht, Pia January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Short-term volunteers – Helpful or Harmful? : -A qualitative case study of short-term volunteers from a bottom-up perspective in Tanga Town, Tanzania.

Andersson, Julia, Höjer, Malin January 2020 (has links)
People have always been enjoying travelling and exploring new places. The phenomenon of combining travelling with social work abroad has become known as “voluntourism”. Over the last few years, voluntourism has gained a lot of criticism, claiming that it does more harm than good for the host communities. Most research that has been done on the subject is from Western researcher's perspective, which is a top-down perspective. This research will instead be from the people's perspective, and will look at volunteer tourism from a bottom-up perspective in a developing country.  The data for this research has been collected through semi-structured interviews in Tanga Town, Tanzania. The interviewees consist of key persons and stakeholders that are involved, or have knowledge of, short-term volunteers. This research displays the importance of more perspectives on short-term volunteers and the critique it has received in the form of Neo-colonialism and white saviour aspects.  Key words: Voluntourism, Short-term volunteers, Neo-colonialism, White saviour complex, Dependency, Sustainable development.

Planera för fysisk hälsa : Ekstaden, en stadsdel för fysisk aktivitet

Amanda, Tillman January 2022 (has links)
Planera för fysisk aktivitet, en del i att planera för en hållbar utveckling. Syftet med kandidatarbetet har varit att undersöka vilka de viktigaste faktorerna är i att skapa en stadsdel med grönstruktur som främjar människors fysiska hälsa. Dessa faktorer har sedan applicerats på ett gestaltningsförslag som dessutom ska bidra till att Linköping blir en rundare och mer sammanhängande stad. Arbetet grundar sig i mitt intresse för att planera med grönstruktur och det faktum att det ökade stillasittandet hos världens befolkning är en bidragande orsak till förtida dödlighet.  Gestalningsförslaget tar plats i Linköping, öst om Vallastaden och norr om Djurgården. En platsanalys gjordes för att kunna anpassa förslaget utefter områdets förutsättningar, det går exempelvis idag en bussväg genom området som har använts och anpassats efter i förslaget. Området fick namnet Ekstaden för dess nära kontakt med Tinnerö eklandskap och för att området består delvis av nya och gamla ekar. Utformandet av Ekstaden har skett på en relativt översiktlig nivå för att visa kopplingarna till omgivande målpunkter. En inzoomning har även gjorts för att på ett mer detaljerat vis visa hur Lambohovsleden kan hanteras som idag utgör en barriär mitt i området. Utefter detaljnivån har olika kartor och sektioner gjorts för att visa syftet med Ekstaden.

Miljöutredning av Scandiaconsult och verksamheten i fastigheten Kapellgränd 7

Fridlund, Lena January 1999 (has links)
”Miljöutredning av Scandiaconsult och verksamheten på Kapellgränd 7” heter denna rapport som skrivitsav Lena Fridlund som ett examensarbete på Väg och Vattens civilingenjörsutbildning på KTH iStockholm.Intervjuer med personal, kunder och andra intressenter har genomförts för att i rapportens första del få ettrelevant underlag för att ta fram miljömål, miljöpolicy och förslag till rutiner för Scandiaconsult iStockholm.Slutsatsen av den har delen av arbetet är att för Scandiaconsult är en av de viktigaste miljöaspekternaprojekteringen och de effekter som den medför. Därav den andra delen av rapporten där riktlinjer förprojekteringen finns diskuterade. I denna del ingår även riktlinjer för avfallshantering, med motiveringenatt det är en aspekt som engagerar många och som är relativt lätt att åtgärda på kort tid. Miljöplaner börupprättas för alla de områden där en förändring, eller en kontroll av verksamheten, är lämplig.Den sista av de tre delar som rapporten består av behandlar all den verksamhet som bedrivs påKapellgränd 7 och ska hjälpa fastighetsförvaltaren Arsenalen att hitta de problem som finns i byggnaden.Här har inte aspekterna värderats utan bara identifierats. Slutsatsen av den har delen av arbetet är attfastighetsskötaren bör se över sina mättekniker, för att kunna tillfredsställa sina hyresgästers önskemål påel- och vattenräkningar, separerade från hyran. Detta gör det enklare för hyresgästerna att välja eltyp ochatt få incitament för att göra åtgärder och förändringar i sina verksamheter, då man kan få ett lägre pris vidminskad förbrukning. Man bör också se över klimatförhållandena på kontoren och på så sätt kanskekomma tillrätta med onödig förbrukning av värme och kyla samt få en ökad trivsel på kontoret. Man börockså göra en värdering av de aspekter som påträffats.Det som ser ut att behöva ett vidare arbete på Scandiaconsult gällande miljöfrågorna är utbildning ochkontroll av projekteringen. Man behöver få igång ett fungerande miljöledningssystem där tydligaansvarsområden delas ut. Ett målmedvetet arbete för att nå miljömålen krävs och man behöver fåmiljöpolicyn känd bland alla anställda. Rutiner behöver upprättas och statistik bör införas för att man skakunna bedöma sin förbrukning av material och tjänster på ett korrekt sätt.Ett ökat engagemang och höjda mål förhållande till dagsläget krävs för att personal, kunder ochintressenter ska ta miljöarbetet på allvar.En certifiering enligt ISO14001 är inte nödvändig i dagsläget, men rekommendationen är att man ska haett fullgott ledningssystem som följer ISO-standardens krav. / Abstract”Environmental inquiry of Scandiaconsult and the activity at Kapellgränd 7” is the name of this report thatis written by Lena Fridlund as a final theses at the education of Civil Engineering at the Royal Institute ofTechnology in Stockholm.Interviews with employees, customers and special interest organisations has been carried out in the firstpart of the report, owing to give a relevant base to make environmental goals, policy and routinesuggestions for Scandiaconsult in Stockholm.The conclusion of this part of the work is that one of Scandiaconsults’ biggest environmental aspects is theplanning of projects and the effects that it conveys. Therefore is the second part of this report made, whereguidelines for planning are discussed. This part also contains guidelines for wastehandling, with themotivation that it is an engaging aspect for a lot of people and that it is relatively easy to deal with in ashort time. Environmental strategies ought to be established for all of the areas where a change, or acontrol of the activity, is suitable.The last one of the three parts that the report contains, is treating all the activity that operate atKapellgränd 7 and should help the caretaker, Arsenalen, to find the problems that exist in the building. Inthis part there is no valuation of the aspects done, just an identification. The conclusion of this part of thework is that the caretaker should look after the measuring techniques, to be able to satisfy his tenants’desires to have the costs for water and electricity separated from the rent. This will make it easier for thetenants to choose what kind of electricity to use, and it will give them incentives to make changes in theiractivities, when it is possible to get lower costs by decreasing the consumption. A review of the climatecircumstances is also needed at the offices to manage to get rid of useless consumption of heat and cooland to get an increased comfort at the office. A valuation of the found aspects is also needed.What will need further work at Scandiaconsult, concerning the environmental issues, is education andcontrol of the planning. An environmental management system is needed, where straight responsibilityareas are delegated. A goal-oriented work to reach the environmental goals is needed and it is also neededto get the policy known by all the employees. Routines need to be established and statistics ought to beintroduced to be able to assess the consumption of material and service in a correct way.An increased engagement and increased goals are needed to get the employees, customers and interestorganisations to take the environmental work seriously.A certification, such as ISO14001 is not needed today, but the recommendation is to make theenvironmental management system satisfactory for the ISO-standard. / www.ima.kth.se

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