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New Methods for Reducing Ground-Borne Noise in Buildings above Railway TunnelsHassan, Osama A. B. January 2003 (has links)
The rapid expansion of major cities in the west Europeancountries has accentuated the need to exploit every potentialsite for new establishments, e.g. areas over train tunnels andnear railway tracks in general. A significant impediment toexploit such areas is the structure-borne noise generated bythe train traffic, which is transmitted into buildings via theground. Reliable prediction methods and cost-effective noisecontrol measures are therefore needed and are also the objectof the present work. In this thesis, the studied buildings areconsidered as wave-guides for the sound transmitted from theground. The work is restricted to the case of hard ground suchas granite. The chosen technique permits comparison betweendifferent potential measures to reduce the transmission ofstructure-borne sound upward in buildings. It is shown that thedesign of the load-bearing structures is important in thiscontext, and a design with relocated columns has givenpromising results. It is also shown that the stiffness of theground plays an important role in the transmission process.This leads to the idea that a sand layer between the foundationof the building and the bedrock may reduce the transmission.New methods have thus been developed in the course of this workto evaluate the stiffness of the layer using approximate andexact techniques. Results are presented and a comparison ismade with previous results for a "normal" building and it isshown that the insertion of sand layer has a potential toconsiderably reduce the sound level in the building. <b>Keywords:</b>Ground-borne noise, railway noise, in-planewaves, wave-guides, scattering, propagation constant, inputmobility, elastic stratum, dual integral equations.
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New Methods for Reducing Ground-Borne Noise in Buildings above Railway TunnelsHassan, Osama A. B. January 2003 (has links)
<p>The rapid expansion of major cities in the west Europeancountries has accentuated the need to exploit every potentialsite for new establishments, e.g. areas over train tunnels andnear railway tracks in general. A significant impediment toexploit such areas is the structure-borne noise generated bythe train traffic, which is transmitted into buildings via theground. Reliable prediction methods and cost-effective noisecontrol measures are therefore needed and are also the objectof the present work. In this thesis, the studied buildings areconsidered as wave-guides for the sound transmitted from theground. The work is restricted to the case of hard ground suchas granite. The chosen technique permits comparison betweendifferent potential measures to reduce the transmission ofstructure-borne sound upward in buildings. It is shown that thedesign of the load-bearing structures is important in thiscontext, and a design with relocated columns has givenpromising results. It is also shown that the stiffness of theground plays an important role in the transmission process.This leads to the idea that a sand layer between the foundationof the building and the bedrock may reduce the transmission.New methods have thus been developed in the course of this workto evaluate the stiffness of the layer using approximate andexact techniques. Results are presented and a comparison ismade with previous results for a "normal" building and it isshown that the insertion of sand layer has a potential toconsiderably reduce the sound level in the building.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Ground-borne noise, railway noise, in-planewaves, wave-guides, scattering, propagation constant, inputmobility, elastic stratum, dual integral equations.</p>
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Vibration of finite coupled structures, with applications to ship structuresLin, Tian Ran January 2006 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Shipbuilding is fast becoming a priority industry in Australia. With increasing demands to build fast vessels of lighter weight, shipbuilders are more concerned with noise and vibration problems in ships than ever. The objective of this thesis is to study the vibration response of coupled structures, in the hope that the study may shed some light in understanding the general features of ship vibration. An important feature characterizing the vibration in complex structures is the input mobility, as it describes the capacity of structures in accepting vibration energy from sources. The input mobilities of finite ribbed plate and plate/plate coupled structures are investigated analytically and experimentally in this study. It is shown that the input mobility of a finite ribbed plate is bounded by the input mobilities of the uncoupled plate and beam(s) that form the ribbed plate and is dependent upon the distance between the source location and the stiffened beam(s). Off-neutral axis loading on the beam (point force applied on the beam but away from the beam’s neutral axis) affects the input power, kinetic energy distribution in the component plates of the ribbed plate and energy flow into the plates from the beam under direct excitation ... solutions were then used to examine the validity of statistical energy analysis (SEA) in the prediction of vibration response of an L-shaped plate due to deterministic force excitations. It was found that SEA can be utilized to predict the frequency averaged vibration response and energy flow of L-shaped plates under deterministic force (moment) excitations providing that the source location is more than a quarter of wavelength away from the plate edges. Furthermore, a simple experimental method was developed in this study to evaluate the frequency dependent stiffness and damping of rubber mounts by impact test. Finally, analytical methods developed in this study were applied in the prediction of vibration response of a ship structure. It was found that input mobilities of ship hull structures due to machinery excitations are governed by the stiffness of the supporting structure to which the engine is mounted. Their frequency averaged values can be estimated from those of the mounting structure of finite or infinite extents. It was also shown that wave propagation in ship hull structures at low frequencies could be attenuated by irregularities imposed to the periodic locations of the ship frames. The vibration at higher frequencies could be controlled by modifications of the supporting structure.
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