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Practitioner-based research and qualitative interviewing: Using therapeutic skills to enrich research in counselling and psychotherapyMcVey, Lynn, Lees, J., Nolan, G. 16 December 2020 (has links)
Yes / The researcher's reflexive use of self forms part of a well-established tradition in counselling and psychotherapy research. This paper reviews that tradition briefly, with particular reference to an approach known as 'practitioner-based research' that has developed from it. In this approach, researcher-practitioners use their therapeutic skills and judgement and thereby enrich their understanding of research participants, themselves and their relationship. The paper aims to contribute to the practitioner-based approach by showing how it can impact on data collection, using an example from a qualitative interview. Methodology: A moment of interaction between a participant and a therapy researcher in a qualitative interview is examined, framed within psychotherapeutic intersubjectivity theory. The researcher’s reflexive awareness of micro-aspects of the relationship with the participant is reviewed, captured in their language and the split-second daydreams or reveries that arose as they interacted. Findings: The authors argue that the approach enhanced this small-scale study by intensifying the researcher’s engagement with the participant and enriching her understanding of their relationship and the subject under investigation. Implications: The paper highlights the unique value and contribution that this approach offers to therapy research and practice.
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Asylum Seekers Views and Experiences from Different Types of InterviewsSuliman, Alrazi January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate how asylum seekers may experience different interview methods in the asylum investigation in Sweden. An inductive qualitative data collection technique was used in this study, where semi-structured interviews were conducted with six asylum seekers in four different cities in Sweden. This study was influenced by the grounded theory approach in the way of creating codes, concepts and themes from the empirical data analyzed in thematic and constant comparison method. The results show three different themes, namely ‘‘the expressions of the feelings, possibilities to expressions and possibilities and difficulties.’’ as they present the asylum seekers views of different interview methods. The role theory was chosen in relation to the asylum seekers different behavior toward the interview methods. The results indicated the possibilities for different roles as: ‘‘psychological unbalanced role, technology skilled role, technology challenged role and the apprehensive role’’
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Den svenska extremskidsporten: en sport oberoende av genus? : - En kvalitativ studie av utrymmet på skidtidningsomslag utifrån ett genusperspektiv / The Swedish extreme skiing: A sport autonomous from gender? : - A qualitative study of ski magazines cover design from a gender perspectivede Bourg Wetterlund, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Gender is a constantly debated subject, especially within the world of sports. The representation of athletes in the media is dominated by the males. It is often that the athletes are portrayed on the basis of their sex and gender. With the extreme skiing being a new and modern sport, should it not be autonomous from gender? This study aims to examine whether and if so how the cover design differ between female and male extreme skiing athletes and how it affects the professional skiers. A semiotic analysis was used on the covers of the Swedish skier’s magazine Åka Skidor and interviews were held with some of Sweden’s professional extreme skiers using a hermeneutic approach. The theoretical framework used for this study was poststructuralism, poststructuralist feminism and gender theory. The semiotic analysis showed that there is in fact a difference in both representation and how the skiers are portrayed on the covers of Åka Skidor. The interviews that were held resulted in three themes to answer the aim of this study. They were; the climate of extreme skiing, extreme skiing in media and the future of extreme skiing. The skiers had acknowledged that there is a difference between females and males when it comes to media representation and how they are portrayed. Although the explanation for this differs between the skiers they all mentioned the power of sponsors and sponsorship. However; the issue with athletes being portrayed and represented different based on their gender is not important enough to debate within the world of extreme skiing today. Therefore, it can be concluded that extreme skiing will probably not be autonomous from gender in the near future.
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A qualitative study of the impact of mentoring relationships on the professional development of women in student affairsFinley, Jennifer Bissell January 1997 (has links)
This qualitative study investigated the role mentoring plays in the professional development of women in student affairs. The goal of this research was not to prove a theory about women's mentoring relationships, but rather to richly describe these relationships in order to understand the impact they have had, and will continue to have on womens' professional lives. The results of this study is significant because it will provide a foundation for understanding the process of women's mentoring relationships in student affairs. The researcher conducted five indepth, open-ended interviews with women in various positions in student affairs in order to gather rich, descriptive data. The researcher selected women with whom she already has at least an acquaintance relationship. These women were from the Mid-West region. Each woman was at a different point in her professional development- graduate student, new professional, midlevel, and senior administrator. Women from both private and public institutions were interviewed. Four themes emerged from the interviews that each of these women discussed. These themes were, there are common characteristics of mentoring relationships; the impact mentoring has on the early development of the professional; the importance of having a female mentor; and the scarcity of female mentors at the top of the ladder. / Department of Secondary, Higher, and Foundations of Education
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Eph Ehly, all-state choir conductor : a video presentation of his philosophy and rehearsal techniques / Title on accompanying videocassette: Eph Ehly, a source of true inspirationClarke, Steven Douglas January 1997 (has links)
Dr. Eph Ehly is one of the most sought after choral conductors in the United States today. Ehly has conducted over seventy All-State choirs. However, no previous source outlines the fundamental principles of his philosophy and rehearsal techniques.This study was designed to capsulize Ehly's contributions. The writer produced a videotape entitled, "Eph Ehly: A Source of True Inspiration." This video captures Dr. Ehly's philosophy regarding the All-State choir experience and demonstrates his rehearsal techniques. The author attended three All-State festivals where Ehly was the guest conductor (Indiana, New York, and Oklahoma). The video contains rehearsals and performances and videotaped interviews with Dr. Ehly.The cornerstone of Ehly's approach is this: using music to express. There are three components to Ehly's philosophy: 1) the physical component, 2) the emotional component, and 3) the spiritual component. The writer identified four forms of the physical component: 1) handshake, 2) hug, 3) clapping, and 4) other spontaneous physical gestures. The writer identified eight aspects of the emotional component: 1) expressivity, 2) sensitivity to the world, themselves, and their own emotions, 3) sympathy, 4) reality of emotions, 5) creating mood, 6) building ensemble, 7) music as a reflection of life, and 8) awareness of a "sixth sense." In describing the spiritual component, two divisions were identified: 1) the development of character, and 2) reaching a level of spirit-awareness.The study also summarizes Ehly's rehearsal techniques by outlining his idiosyncratic approach to the treatment of traditional musical elements. The video presentation highlights nine technical concerns and demonstrates Ehly's approach to these common problems. The areas addressed are: 1) tone quality, 2) diction, 3) rhythm, 4) dynamics, 5) phrasing, 6) articulation, 7) breathing, 8) vowel modification, and 9) vibrato. The videotape is supported by a written document containing background information, a script of the video, a summary by the author, a representative list of programs from AllState choirs conducted by Dr. Ehly, and transcripts of the interviews with Dr. Ehly. Church musicians, professional conductors, educators, and students of conducting can all benefit from the opportunity to view and evaluate Ehly's approach. / School of Music
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Compositional process of Rene Clausen as demonstrated in selected choral worksGuy, Todd W. January 1998 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to document the compositional process of the American composer, Rene Clausen (b. 1953). The writer conducted three days of interviews with Dr. Clausen to discuss his compositional process in selected choral works. The discussion included Clausen's "creative impetus," and "compositional approach" to the elements of text, harmony, rhythm, melody and texture.The writer examined Clausen's thirty-three published choral works. Three works representative of his choral output were selected: "All That Hath Life and Breath Praise Ye the Lord" (1981); "0 Vos Omnes" (1986); and "Whispers of Heavenly Death" (1993). These works were selected upon the composer's recommendation as pieces which are representative of his choral style.Clausen's "creative impetus," his musical influences and motivation, form what he terms "deep background." This material, some learned, but most absorbed through various musical experiences and influences, is placed into a "big bin" from which Clausen draws when making compositional decisions.The text is the genesis of Clausen's process. When selecting texts, Clausen looks for ones that will evoke certain colors, nuances, or images.Clausen's second step is to absorb the meaning of that text. During this important absorption process Clausen develops an idea of what the character of the piece will be.The third step is the emergent process: generating thoughts about thematic material, intermittent ideas, textures, and transitional material which will be presented. Clausen manipulates the elements of harmony, rhythm, melody and texture to express the forms and images present in the text.An examination of Clausen's compositional approach to the following elements was conducted: HarmonyClausen's approach is extended diatonicism with traditional harmonic movement leading toward goal oriented harmony.RhythmClausen uses a variety of rhythmic approaches to express the text: mixed and asymmetrical meter, free unmeasured rhythm, and dove-tailing sections rhythm and metered music. MelodyClausen's approach is based upon the parameters within which he is writing and on the imagery present in the text. TextureClausen's approach is based on two aspects: the level of difficulty or level for which the piece is written and the images expressed in the text. / School of Music
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Sygeplejerskers efterlevelse af anbefalinger for håndhygiejne / Nurses` compliance with recommendations for hand hygieneChristensen, Mette January 2008 (has links)
Formål – At beskrive variationen i sygeplejerskers opfattelse af deres efterlevelse af anbefalinger for håndhygiejne samt hvilke faktorer sygeplejersker oplever, har betydning for om de udfører håndhygiejne som anbefalet. Design - Beskrivende og undersøgende undersøgelse med en fænomenografisk forsknings-tilnærmelse. Semi-strukturerede interviews med fokus på sygeplejerskers egen opfattelse af deres efterlevelse af anbefalinger for håndhygiejne. Ramme – Hvidovre Hospital. Informanter – 14 sygeplejersker (12 kvinder, to mænd) fordelt på 11 afdelinger, indenfor kirurgiske specialer, medicinske specialer, kvinde-barn specialer og intensivterapi. Resultat – Analysen viser, at de interviewede sygeplejersker er af den opfattelse, at de stort set altid efterlever anbefalingerne for håndhygiejne. Endvidere blev der ved analysen identificeret seks forskellige opfattelser af de faktorer, der har indflydelse på, om sygeplejerskerne følger anbefalinger for håndhygiejne: Håndhygiejne er en naturlig handling; Smitterisiko; Akutte situationer, uforudsigelighed og travlhed; Omgivelsernes opmærksomhed; Håndhygiejnefaciliteter; Akkreditering, hygiejneaudit og håndhygiejnekampagne. Konklusion – Sygeplejerskers oplevelse af, at de udfører håndhygiejne som anbefalet og deres forskellige opfattelser af faktorer, der har betydning for, om de følger anbefalingerne for håndhygiejne bør have indflydelse på de håndhygiejneaktiviteter, der planlægges og iværksættes med henblik på at øge sygeplejerskers efterlevelse af anbefalingerne for håndhygiejne. / Aim – To describe variations in nurses’ ways of experiencing compliance with recommendations for hand hygiene and factors nurses experience as having influence on their compliance with hand hygiene. Design – Descriptive and explorative study using a phenomenographic approach. Semi-structured interviews, focusing on the nurses’ own experiences regarding compliance with recommendations with hand hygiene. Setting – Hvidovre Hospital. Subjects – 14 nurses (12 women, 2 men) from 11 different wards, within the surgical speciality, the medical speciality, the women-child speciality and intensive care. Results – The analysis shows that the interviewed nurses perceive that they nearly always follow the recommendations for hand hygiene. Furthermore six different perceptions of factors with influence on nurses’ compliance with recommendations for hand hygiene were identified in the analysis: Hand hygiene is a natural action; Infection risk; Acute situations, unpredictability and busyness; The attention of the surroundings; Facilities for hand hygiene; Accreditation, hygiene audit and hand hygiene campaign. Conclusion – Nurses’ experiences of compliance with recommendation for hand hygiene and the different perceptions of factors influencing wether they follow recommendations for hand hygiene ought to influence the planning and implementations of hand hygiene activities in order to promote nurses’ compliance with recommendation for hand hygiene. / <p>ISBN 978-91-7844-743-5</p>
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The influence of scholarly research on the orchestral performance practice of Raymond LeppardLu, Shu-Ling January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of scholarly research on the orchestral performance practice of conductor Raymond Leppard.This study presents, with supporting evidence, what an international conductor does today to incorporate the results of research into the interpretation of music. From this study, the writer has presented the influence scholarly research has had on orchestral performance practice, how one of today's conductor and orchestras deal with the issues raised and how they are carried into current performances, and to what degree do musicologists influence his performance. Orchestra conductors continue to learn from performance practice research and young conductors must be encouraged to gain knowledge from this field.Three scholarly musicians, Arnold Dolmetsch (1858-1940), Edmund H. Fellowes (1870-1951), and Thurston Dart (1921-1971), among many others, did much to revive authentic performances of earlier music. Their critical and historical writings are based on original sources and the concept of interpretation by studying composers' original manuscripts and editions in order to better present their musical style and heritage. This developed a strong movement towards the study of incorporating authentic music research into music performance.Maestro Leppard is known particularly for his interpretations of seventeenth and eighteenth century music. He prepared the revivals of Monteverdi and Cavalli's Italian operas. Maestro Leppard has had many experiences with European and American orchestras and has made many recordings. The contents of the interview focused on (1) orchestra size and seating, (2) the authenticity of music, (3) some basic performance practice elements such as tempo, rhythm, dynamics, articulation and phrasing, ornamentation, vibrato, and portamento, (4) string bowing, (5) editions, and (6) interpretation and personal observations. / School of Music
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The effects of podcasts of STEM professionals on middle school science students interests in STEM careers / Title on signature form: Use of podcasts of STEM professionals on middle school students and its effects on students interest in STEM careers / Effects of podcasts of science technology engineering mathematics professionals on middle school science students interests in science technology engineering mathematics careersHuelskamp, Diane M. 18 December 2010 (has links)
Job vacancies in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields are
expected to rise to 2.5 million between 2004 and 2014 (BLS, 2005). To help fill this need,
STEM professionals were podcasted to middle school students, exposing them to the potential
job opportunities which exist, and possibly increasing their interest in STEM careers. To
investigate whether STEM professional podcasts to middle school students increased their
interest in STEM careers, a quasi-experimental pretest/midtest/posttest control group design was
analyzed with ANCOVA to determine differences in interest between those students who viewed
the podcasts and those who did not. Grade level and gender were also studied to determine
differences in interest in pursuing a STEM career. The findings were that the podcast group had
significantly higher midtest and posttest scores compared to the control group, when the pretest
was the covariate. Posttest scores were not significant between the two treatment groups when
midtest scores were used as the covariate. Findings for gender suggested that there is no
difference in males and females for interest in pursuing a STEM career when treatment group
and grade level were controlled. Grade level comparisons between the two treatment groups
found no significant difference in grade level for interest in pursuing a STEM career, when group
and gender were controlled. The incorporation of STEM professional podcasts into the
classroom could stimulate class discussions on current issues in science, potential careers in
STEM and preparatory subjects needed for a particular career which may lead future STEM
career pursuits. / Access to thesis and accompanying PDF permanently restricted to Ball State community only / Department of Biology
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Rehabilitation and (dis-)empowerment a discourse analysis of interviews with subjects variously positioned within the South African Correctional Services systemStorm, Lize-Mariè January 2005 (has links)
The present treatise is an attempt to come to terms with the, by all accounts, dismal conditions that exist in present-day South African prisons by addressing these conditions as they are reflected in two interviews with individuals intimately acquainted with them, as well as by pertinent media-reports. The study is predicated on the belief that the most suitable methodological approach to a situation characterized by extreme conflicts and tensions in terms of power relations, is provided by (mainly Foucaultian) discourse-theory and the discourse-analysis that it makes possible. Consequently, after an introduction in which the present study is justified, followed by a theoretical section outlining the terrain of discourse theory and discourse-analysis, two chapters are devoted to specific discourse-analyses of interviews with an awaiting-trial prisoner in a South African prison and a warden employed at the same institution, with a view to uncovering the power-relations at stake here. While acknowledging that the implications of the insights thus afforded are not, strictly speaking, generalizable in a positivist manner, and that the power-relations brought to light by means of these discourse-analyses are highly specific, it is argued that various other studies pertaining to the South African prison system indicate that these powerrelations – more specifically the disempowerment of prisoners by the functioning of violently hierarchical discursive practices in South African prisons - are not restricted to the prison in question. In fact, given the SA Correctional Services’ stated policy of rehabilitation, it is striking that there is scant evidence of any such rehabilitation in the prisons concerned – at least in the sense of prisoners attaining a level of moral responsibility that would enable them to live as accountable citizens in a democratic society. In conclusion it is argued that the present state of affairs, far from being conducive to the stated goal of rehabilitation, actually undermines its realization, and that the social and economic inequalities in South Africa, exacerbated by the union between ‘democracy’ and global capitalism, are perpetuated and reinforced by the existing discursive practices in South African prisons.
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