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Ion-neutral coupling in the geomagnetically disturbed mid-latitude ionosphere as observed by SuperDARN HF radars and NATION Fabry-Perot InterferometersJoshi, Pratik Prasad 17 September 2015 (has links)
The earth's ionosphere-thermosphere region is a coupled environment which is governed by interactions between the overlapping neutral constituents and ionospheric plasma. The mid-latitude thermosphere-ionosphere system is very complex owing to its sensitivity to both the polar and equatorial processes. The mid-latitudes is also a relatively unexplored and less understood region primarily due to the paucity of observing instruments that have traditionally been available. However, the past 9 years of mid-latitude expansion of the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) has provided new access to continuous large-scale observations of the sub-auroral ionosphere. On the other hand, the past 3 years of mid-latitude expansion of the North American Thermosphere Ionosphere Observation Network (NATION) Fabry-Perot interferometer array, has created a critical resource for measuring the thermospheric neutral winds. The overlap of these two observing networks in the mid-east North American sector has resulted in a strong ground-based large-scale platform for co-located study of mid-latitude thermosphere-ionosphere dynamics for the first time. The coupling between ions and neutrals is a very important process for controlling the thermospheric dynamics. Ion-neutral coupling at high latitudes has been studied in many previous papers, but there have been very few studies focused on the mid-latitude region. Hence, in this work we have studied the ion-neutral coupling mechanisms and timescales at mid-latitudes during disturbed geomagnetic conditions by using the co-located observations from the SuperDARN-NATION array. The study has focused on the main phase as well as the late recovery phase of a geomagnetic storm which occurred on October 2-3, 2013. Ion drag is known to drive the neutral circulation during the main phase of storm at auroral latitudes, while the neutral wind disturbance dynamo mechanism is known to generate ionospheric electric fields and currents during the recovery phase. By using the methods of ion-neutral momentum exchange theory and time lagged correlation analysis, we analyzed the timescales at which the ion-neutral coupling operates. The ions are observed to drive the neutral winds on a timescale of ~ 84 minutes in the storm main phase which is significantly faster than expected from the driving due to local ion-drag alone (~ 124 minutes). This suggests that along with ion-drag, other local and non-local storm-time influences like Joule heating are also playing an important part in driving the neutral winds. On the other hand, in the late recovery phase, the neutral winds are found to be strongly coupled with the ions and maintain the ion convection without any significant time delay which is consistent with effect of the 'disturbance dynamo' or 'neutral-flywheel' persisting well into the late recovery phase. The timescales and underlying physics understood through this work serve as an important contribution to our knowledge of ion-neutral coupling processes at the middle latitudes. Looking forward, the expansion of co-located SuperDARN-NATION coverage at mid-latitudes, and developments in the tools of large-scale visualization through FPI wind field mapping and SuperDARN convection maps, has created a very strong basis for using the results and analysis tools developed in this work for large-scale ion-neutral coupling characterization in future. / Master of Science
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Etude de la chimie de la haute et basse atmosphère de Titan : approche expérimentale / Study of Titan’s Upper and Lower Atmosphere : An Experimental ApproachDubois, David 01 October 2018 (has links)
Je présente ici mes travaux de thèseque j’ai réalisé ces trois dernières années au seindu Laboratoire ATMosphères et Observations Spa-tiales (LATMOS) de l’Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) et du Jet PropulsionLaboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technol-ogy. Pendant ces 3 ans je me suis intéressé à la réac-tivité chimique des composés organiques en phasegaz et solide, en utilisant des expériences de labo-ratoire simulant les conditions de l’ionosphère et dela basse atmosphère de Titan, le plus gros satellitede Saturne. Titan est la seule lune du Système So-laire qui possède sa propre atmosphère. Cette atmo-sphère est principalement composée d’azote molécu-laire (N2). Le méthane (CH4) forme le gaz sec-ondaire. D’une part, j’ai analysé les composés neu-tres et les composés chargés (ions) présents dansdes mélanges gazeux simulant la haute atmosphèrede Titan. Ces composés sont considérés commeprécurseurs chimique à la brume organique observéeentourant Titan. C’est-à-dire qu’ils forment les pre-mières étapes d’une succession de réactions chim-iques de plus en plus élaborées formant plus bas dansl’atmosphère des particules solides complexes. Lanature de ces particules dans l’atmosphère de Titanreste encore à élucider complètement. Mon travailpendant cette thèse a été d’utiliser des expériencesde laboratoire pour investiguer la réactivité chim-ique en phase gaz (Chapitres 3 & 4), précurseurs àla formation d’aérosols, ainsi que le vieillissement deces composés plus bas dans l’atmosphère lorsqu’ilsforment les premiers condensats de nucléation à laformation de nuages (Chapitre 5). / Titan is the only moon in the SolarSystem to possess its own dense and gravitationallybound atmosphere, and is even larger than planetMercury. Its rocky diameter is a mere 117 km shy ofGanymede’s. If we were to scoop up a 1 cm3 sam-ple from Titan’s upper atmosphere, we would findtwo dominant molecules: molecular nitrogen N2 andmethane CH4. Should we look a bit more carefully,we would find many neutral molecules and positiveand negative ion compounds. These chemical speciesare the outcome of processes resulting from ener-getic radiation reaching Titan’s upper atmosphere,breaking apart the initial N2 and CH4. A cascadeof subsequent reactions will trigger the formationof new gas phase products more and more com-plex. Eventually, these products mainly contain-ing hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen will form largefractal aggregates composing the opaque haze en-shrouding the surface of Titan. This haze is whatgives Titan such a unique brownish hue. Most ofthe photochemically-produced volatiles will eventu-ally condense in the lower atmosphere, where theymay aggregate to form micrometer-sized icy parti-cles and clouds. During my PhD, I have focusedmy studies on (i) the gas phase reactivity of aerosolprecursors in experimental conditions analogous toTitan’s upper atmosphere (Chapters 3 & 4), and (ii)the end of life of some of the products as they con-dense in the lower and colder atmosphere (Chapter5). I used two experiments to address these respec-tive issues: the PAMPRE plasma reactor, located atLATMOS, UVSQ, Guyancourt, France, and the Ac-quabella chamber at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA.In this manuscript, I present my work on the neutraland positive ion reactivity in the PAMPRE plasmadischarge, as well as ice photochemistry results usinglaser irradiation in near-UV wavelengths.
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