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Průběh zakázky v podniku / Order Processing in the CompanyRačková, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis will deal with issues that may arise during the contract in the company MORAVSKOLESZSKE DRÁTOVNY, a.s. The first part will explain the terms and methods related to this issue. The next section will describe during of the contract in this company, and then an FMEA analysis and an Ishikawa diagram for the selected risks will be made. The last part will suggest measures aimed at reducing the size of the risks during contract.
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Analýza nákladů na nízkou jakost ve vybraném výrobním podniku / Cost analysis of low quality at the selected Manufacturing CompanyUherka, Dominik January 2019 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is cost analysis in XYZ CZ s.r.o. with aims of reducing warranty costs and improve product quality. The introduction describes fundamental quality management systems from which I have selected data to be analyzed and propose the most appropriate solution. Then I conducted AS-IS analyze of the company XYZ CZ s.r.o., a description of the current situation in the company and a cost analysis. The data obtained from the cost analysis I processed with the help of quality tools and their evaluation was carried out, which was followed by the design of the solution. In conclusion, I conducted a technical - economic evaluation of the results achieved.
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Optimalizace toku materiálu v lisovně plastů / Optimization of Material Flow in the Moulding ShopČermák, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
Subject of the graduation theses is to propose improvement of the current terms and make a proposal for an amendment. Changes leading to the transportation retrenchment and to reduction of the material and moulding usage. Teoretical part contains characteristics of processes, methodology and philoshophy for improving of company processes.In the practical part is analysed problem, made propositions of process improvement and estimation of contributions solutions.
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Návrh plánování a řízení projektu v softwarové společnosti / Design of a Project Planning and Management in the Software CompanyČtvrtlík, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on analysis and optimization of processes in a company realizing software projects. Its aim is to find deficiencies in the process of realization of an individual customer requirement and to design improvements. According to the analysis of the process of requirement realization, the deficiencies were analysed from which the most important were selected and used for designing optimization of this process.
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Návrh štíhlé výroby s využitím produktů Kaizen k zajištění jakosti / Proposol Lean Manufacturing Products using Kaizen to Ensure the QualityBubeníková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the current state of the manufacturing process of the company ALFA s.r.o. Moravská Třebová, to submit own suggestions for the introduction of lean production to save time, costs and strengthening of the quality in the company and establish the conditions of implementation, in which is possible to implement specified proposals. The operational objective is also an explanation of benefits that gets the company after implementation of these proposals. The first part gives an overview of lean manufacturing methodologies and with using of selected methods and workflow analysis are determined in the second part the proposals. After their implementation the company can save time, reduce costs and strengthen quality for the customer as a basis for the introduction of lean manufacturing enterprise.
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Návrh a zavedení systému sběru informací o spolehlivosti stroje / Machine reliability data collection system - design and implementationKurowski, Dušan January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is engaged in a system design, which is created to be used for warranty claims data collection. The issue of the second part of this document is the implementation of the system and the description of the next analyse for warranty claims costs minimalisation.
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Systém řízení podnikových zkušeben / Testing laboratories management systemKosina, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
The master’s thesis describes and analyzes the current reservation system of testing devices in Honeywell, spol. s r.o. – HTS CZ, o.z. divize ACS. The system is analyzed by using Six Sigma methods and proposes for improving the current system are prepared. These improvements should improve the functionality of the reservation system and possible savings. Appropriate metrics for measuring and evaluating the functionality of the system are designed.
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Stockpile reduction : the key to transition and infrastructure management at Los AlamosGubernatis, David Charles 21 December 2010 (has links)
Since the end of World War II the United States has grown and maintained a stockpile of nuclear weapons in the interest of preserving world peace, and with the specific intent to provide unparalleled national security to its citizens. It was a commonly held view during this time that a large diverse stockpile was a fundamental key to national security. However, in today’s ever-changing environment, Los Alamos National Laboratory finds itself with an infrastructure unable to quickly adapt to new national security needs and threats. Burdened by the management of a Cold-War-era stockpile, nuclear operations at Los Alamos will benefit from a reduced stockpile initiative. Contrary to previously held beliefs, Los Alamos can be the prime beneficiary to such an approach, and use such a monumental shift in strategy to modernize infrastructure, revitalize critical staff, and effectively manage critical materials and facilities while simultaneously reducing waste and environmental impacts to better support national security needs. / text
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Rizika řízení průběhu zakázky ve vybraném podniku / Risks of Order Processing in the Selected CompanyMatlasová, Monika January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of risk management during order processing in the production company, named Slévárna Kuřim, a.s., which produces castings. The first part of the thesis presents the theoretical background. In the practical part, a specific company is introduced, an order processing is described, and all possible risks that may occur during order processing are identified. Their identification is done by using selected tools - the FMEA method and the Ishikawa diagram. The goal of the diploma thesis is to identify possible risks based on performed analysis and for the most serious risks propose measures that would minimize them.
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Implementace štíhlé výroby ve výrobním provozu / Implementation of Lean Production in Production PlantPeterka, Zdeněk January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the practical implementation of lean manufactur-ing elements according to the lean methodology in an engineering company engaged in job production in order to reduce waste and increase production efficiency. At the beginning of the thesis is a presentation of a company that manufactures steam turbines. The following is a short chapter on the background of lean manufactur-ing, focusing on the Kaizen philosophy. The main focus of this thesis is on 3 projects of a practical demonstration of the application of lean manufacturing. The aims are to re-duce waste, streamline production and other individual goals. Each project contains an introduction to the problem, setting its goals, performing a root cause analysis with pro-posing measures to meet the project objectives. The evaluation of the project contains both the achieved benefits as well as the limitations of the provided solution. At the end of this work is an overall evaluation of the financial benefits and costs of individual projects.
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