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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Weighted Banach spaces of harmonic functions

Zarco García, Ana María 26 October 2015 (has links)
[EN] The Ph.D. thesis "Weighted Banach Spaces of harmonic functions" presented here, treats several topics of functional analysis such as weights, composition operators, Fréchet and Gâteaux differentiability of the norm and isomorphism classes. The work is divided into four chapters that are preceded by one in which we introduce the notation and the well-known properties that we use in the proofs in the rest of the chapters. In the first chapter we study Banach spaces of harmonic functions on open sets of R^d endowed with weighted supremun norms. We define the harmonic associated weight, we explain its properties, we compare it with the holomorphic associated weight introduced by Bierstedt, Bonet and Taskinen, and we find differences and conditions under which they are exactly the same and conditions under which they are equivalent. The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of composition operators with holomorphic symbol between weighted Banach spaces of pluriharmonic functions. We characterize the continuity, the compactness and the essential norm of composition operators among these spaces in terms of their weights, thus extending the results of Bonet, Taskinen, Lindström, Wolf, Contreras, Montes and others for composition operators between spaces of holomorphic functions. We prove that for each value of the interval [0,1] there is a composition operator between weighted spaces of harmonic functions such that its essential norm attains this value. Most of the contents of Chapters 1 and 2 have been published by E. Jordá and the author in [48]. The third chapter is related with the study of Gâteaux and Fréchet differentiability of the norm. The \v{S}mulyan criterion states that the norm of a real Banach space X is Gâteaux differentiable at x\inX if and only if there exists x^* in the unit ball of the dual of X weak^* exposed by x and the norm is Fréchet differentiable at x if and only if x^* is weak^* strongly exposed in the unit ball of the dual of X by x. We show that in this criterion the unit ball of the dual of X can be replaced by a smaller convenient set, and we apply this extended criterion to characterize the points of Gâteaux and Fréchet differentiability of the norm of some spaces of harmonic functions and continuous functions with vector values. Starting from these results we get an easy proof of the theorem about the Gâteaux differentiability of the norm for spaces of compact linear operators announced by Heinrich and published without proof. Moreover, these results allow us to obtain applications to classical Banach spaces as the space H^\infty of bounded holomorphic functions in the disc and the algebra A(\overline{\D}) of continuous functions on \overline{\D} which are holomorphic on \D. The content of this chapter has been included by E. Jordá and the author in [47]. Finally, in the forth chapter we show that for any open set U of R^d and weight v on U, the space hv0(U) of harmonic functions such that multiplied by the weight vanishes at the boundary on U is almost isometric to a closed subspace of c0, extending a theorem due to Bonet and Wolf for the spaces of holomorphic functions Hv0(U) on open sets U of C^d. Likewise, we also study the geometry of these weighted spaces inspired by a work of Boyd and Rueda, examining topics such as the v-boundary and v-peak points and we give the conditions that provide examples where hv0(U) cannot be isometric to c0. For a balanced open set U of R^d, some geometrical conditions in U and convexity in the weight v ensure that hv0(U) is not rotund. These results have been published by E. Jordá and the author [46]. / [ES] La presente memoria, "Espacios de Banach ponderados de funciones armónicas ", trata diversos tópicos del análisis funcional, como son las funciones peso, los operadores de composición, la diferenciabilidad Fréchet y Gâteaux de la norma y las clases de isomorfismos. El trabajo está dividido en cuatro capítulos precedidos de uno inicial en el que introducimos la notación y las propiedades conocidas que usamos en las demostraciones del resto de capítulos. En el primer capítulo estudiamos espacios de Banach de funciones armónicas en conjuntos abiertos de R^d dotados de normas del supremo ponderadas. Definimos el peso asociado armónico, explicamos sus propiedades, lo comparamos con el peso asociado holomorfo introducido por Bierstedt, Bonet y Taskinen, y encontramos diferencias y condiciones para que sean exactamente iguales y condiciones para que sean equivalentes. El capítulo segundo está dedicado al análisis de los operadores de composición con símbolo holomorfo entre espacios de Banach ponderados de funciones pluriarmónicas. Caracterizamos la continuidad, la compacidad y la norma esencial de operadores de composición entre estos espacios en términos de los pesos, extendiendo los resultados de Bonet, Taskinen, Lindström, Wolf, Contreras, Montes y otros para operadores de composición entre espacios de funciones holomorfas. Probamos que para todo valor del intervalo [0,1] existe un operador de composición sobre espacios ponderados de funciones armónicas tal que su norma esencial alcanza dicho valor. La mayoría de los contenidos de los capítulos 1 y 2 han sido publicados por E. Jordá y la autora en [48]. El capítulo tercero está relacionado con el estudio de la diferenciabilidad Gâteaux y Fréchet de la norma. El criterio de \v{S}mulyan establece que la norma de un espacio de Banach real X es Gâteaux diferenciable en x\in X si y sólo si existe x^* en la bola unidad del dual de X débil expuesto por x y la norma es Fréchet diferenciable en x si y sólo si x^*es débil fuertemente expuesto en la bola unidad del dual de X por x. Mostramos que en este criterio la bola del dual de X puede ser reemplazada por un conjunto conveniente más pequeño, y aplicamos este criterio extendido para caracterizar los puntos de diferenciabilidad Gâteaux y Fréchet de la norma de algunos espacios de funciones armónicas y continuas con valores vectoriales. A partir de estos resultados conseguimos una prueba sencilla del teorema sobre la diferenciabilidad Gâteaux de la norma de espacios de operadores lineales compactos enunciado por Heinrich y publicado sin la prueba. Además, éstos nos permiten obtener aplicaciones para espacios de Banach clásicos como H^\infty de funciones holomorfas acotadas en el disco y A(\overline{\D}) de funciones continuas en \overline{\D} que son holomorfas en \D. Los contenidos de este capítulo han sido incluidos por E. Jordá y la autora en [47]. Finalmente, en el capítulo cuarto mostramos que para cualquier abierto U contenido en R^d y cualquier peso v en U, el espacio hv0(U), de funciones armónicas tales que multiplicadas por el peso desaparecen en el infinito de U, es casi isométrico a un subespacio cerrado de c0, extendiendo un teorema debido a Bonet y Wolf para los espacios de funciones holomorfas Hv0(U) en abiertos U de C^d. Así mismo, inspirados por un trabajo de Boyd y Rueda también estudiamos la geometría de estos espacios ponderados examinando tópicos como la v-frontera y los puntos v-peak y damos las condiciones que proporcionan ejemplos donde hv0(U) no puede ser isométrico a c0. Para un conjunto abierto equilibrado U de R^d, algunas condiciones geométricas en U y sobre convexidad en el peso v aseguran que hv0(U) no es rotundo. Estos resultados han sido publicados por E. Jordá y la autora en [46]. / [CA] La present memòria, "Espais de Banach ponderats de funcions harmòniques", tracta diversos tòpics de l'anàlisi funcional, com són les funcions pes, els operadors de composició, la diferenciabilitat Fréchet i Gâteaux de la norma i les clases d'isomorfismes. El treball està dividit en quatre capítols precedits d'un d'inicial en què introduïm la notació i les propietats conegudes que fem servir en les demostracions de la resta de capítols. En el primer capítol estudiem espais de Banach de funcions harmòniques en conjunts oberts de R^d dotats de normes del suprem ponderades. Definim el pes associat harmònic, expliquem les seues propietats, el comparem amb el pes associat holomorf introduït per Bierstedt, Bonet i Taskinen, i trobem diferències i condicions perquè siguen exactament iguals i condicions perquè siguen equivalents. El capítol segon està dedicat a l'anàlisi dels operadors de composició amb símbol holomorf entre espais de Banach ponderats de funcions pluriharmòniques. Caracteritzem la continuïtat, la compacitat i la norma essencial d'operadors de composició entre aquests espais en termes dels pesos, estenent els resultats de Bonet, Taskinen, Lindström, Wolf, Contreras, Montes i altres per a operadors de composició entre espais de funcions holomorfes. Provem que per a tot valor de l'interval [0,1] hi ha un operador de composició sobre espais ponderats de funcions harmòniques tal que la seua norma essencial arriba aquest valor. La majoria dels continguts dels capítols 1 i 2 han estat publicats per E. Jordá i l'autora en [48]. El capítol tercer està relacionat amb l'estudi de la diferenciabilitat Gâteaux y Fréchet de la norma. El criteri de \v{S}mulyan estableix que la norma d'un espai de Banach real X és Gâteaux diferenciable en x\inX si i només si existeix x^* a la bola unitat del dual de X feble exposat per x i la norma és Fréchet diferenciable en x si i només si x^* és feble fortament exposat a la bola unitat del dual de X per x. Mostrem que en aquest criteri la bola del dual de X pot ser substituïda per un conjunt convenient més petit, i apliquem aquest criteri estès per caracteritzar els punts de diferenciabilitat Gâteaux i Fréchet de la norma d'alguns espais de funcions harmòniques i contínues amb valors vectorials. A partir d'aquests resultats aconseguim una prova senzilla del teorema sobre la diferenciabilitat Gâteaux de la norma d'espais d'operadors lineals compactes enunciat per Heinrich i publicat sense la prova. A més, aquests ens permeten obtenir aplicacions per a espais de Banach clàssics com l'espai H^\infty de funcions holomorfes acotades en el disc i l'àlgebra A(\overline{\D}) de funcions contínues en \overline{\D} que són holomorfes en \D. Els continguts d'aquest capítol han estat inclosos per E. Jordá i l'autora en [47]. Finalment, en el capítol quart mostrem que per a qualsevol conjunt obert U de R^d i qualsevol pes v en U, l'espai hv0(U), de funcions harmòniques tals que multiplicades pel pes desapareixen en el infinit d'U, és gairebé isomètric a un subespai tancat de c0, estenent un teorema degut a Bonet y Wolf per als espais de funcions holomorfes Hv0(U) en oberts U de C^d. Així mateix, inspirats per un treball de Boyd i Rueda també estudiem la geometria d'aquests espais ponderats examinant tòpics com la v-frontera i els punts v-peak i donem les condicions que proporcionen exemples on hv0(U) no pot ser isomètric a c0. Per a un conjunt obert equilibrat U de R^d, algunes condicions geomètriques en U i sobre convexitat en el pes v asseguren que hv0(U) no és rotund. Aquests resultats han estat publicats per E. Jordá i l'autora en [46]. / Zarco García, AM. (2015). Weighted Banach spaces of harmonic functions [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/56461

Examining Connections among Instruction, Conceptual Metaphors, and Beliefs of Instructors and Students

Rupnow, Rachel Lynn 29 July 2019 (has links)
In this study, I will examine the beliefs and conceptual understanding of instructors and students from two abstract algebra classes. This research takes the form of a case study in which I answer four research questions, each addressing a relationship between instruction and beliefs or conceptual understanding. Specifically, these research questions are: 1. What beliefs do the instructors have about math, teaching, and learning and what relationship exists between these beliefs and instructional practice? 2. What is the relationship between instructional practice and students' beliefs about math, teaching, and learning? 3. What conceptual metaphors do the professors use to describe isomorphisms and homomorphisms and what relationship exists between these metaphors and the mathematical content in instruction? 4. What is the relationship between the mathematical content in instruction and conceptual metaphors the students use to describe isomorphisms and homomorphisms? In terms of beliefs, the instructors articulated considered positions on the nature of math, math learning, and math teaching. These beliefs were clearly reflected in their overall approaches to teaching. However, their instruction shifted in practice over the course of the semester. Students' beliefs seemed to shift slightly as a result of the ways their instructors taught. However, their core beliefs about math seemed unchanged and some lessons students took away were similar in the two classes. In terms of conceptual understanding, the instructors provided many conceptual metaphors that related to how they understood isomorphism. They struggled more to provide an image for homomorphism, which requires thinking about a more complicated mathematical object. Their understandings of isomorphism and homomorphism were largely reflected in their instruction with some notable differences. Students took away similar understandings of isomorphism to the instructors, but did not all take away the same level of structural understanding of homomorphism. In short, relationships between instructors' beliefs and instruction and between instructors' conceptual understanding and instruction were evident. However, certain elements were not made as clear as they perhaps intended. Relationships between instruction and students' beliefs and between instruction and students' conceptual understanding were also evident. However, relationships between instruction and beliefs were subtler than between instruction and conceptual understanding. / Doctor of Philosophy / In this study, I will examine the beliefs and conceptual understanding of instructors and students from two abstract algebra classes. I address four relationships: between instructors’ beliefs and instruction, between instruction and students’ beliefs, between instructors’ conceptual understanding and instruction, and between instruction and students’ conceptual understanding. Relationships between instructors’ beliefs and instruction and between instructors’ conceptual understanding and instruction were evident. However, certain elements were not made as clear as they perhaps intended. Relationships between instruction and students’ beliefs and between instruction and students’ conceptual understanding were also evident. However, relationships between instruction and beliefs were subtler than between instruction and conceptual understanding.

Isomorphism: 'Molecular similarity to crystal structure similarity' in multicomponent forms of analgesic drugs tolfenamic and mefenamic acid

Ranjan, S., Devarapalli, R., Kundu, S., Saha, S., Deolka, S., Vangala, Venu R., Reddy, C.M. 22 April 2020 (has links)
Yes / The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs mefenamic acid (MFA) and tolfenamic acid (TFA) have a close resemblance in their molecular scaffold, whereby a methyl group in MFA is substituted by a chloro group in TFA. The present study demonstrates the isomorphous nature of these compounds in a series of their multicomponent solids. Furthermore, the unique nature of MFA and TFA has been demonstrated while excavating their alternate solid forms in that, by varying the drug (MFA or TFA) to coformer [4-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP)] stoichiometric ratio, both drugs have produced three different types of multicomponent crystals, viz. salt (1:1; API to coformer ratio), salt hydrate (1:1:1) and cocrystal salt (2:1). Interestingly, as anticipated from the close similarity of TFA and MFA structures, these multicomponent solids have shown an isomorphous relation. A thorough characterization and structural investigation of the new multicomponent forms of MFA and TFA revealed their similarity in terms of space group and structural packing with isomorphic nature among the pairs. Herein, the experimental results are generalized in a broader perspective for predictably identifying any possible new forms of comparable compounds by mapping their crystal structure landscapes. The utility of such an approach is evident from the identification of polymorph VI of TFA from hetero-seeding with isomorphous MFA form I from acetone–methanol (1:1) solution. That aside, a pseudopolymorph of TFA with dimethylformamide (DMF) was obtained, which also has some structural similarity to that of the solvate MFA:DMF. These new isostructural pairs are discussed in the context of solid form screening using structural landscape similarity / Department of Science and Technology (DST/SJF/CSA-02/2014–15); Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain for seed corn funding (2018–19); INSPIRE fellowship from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India; IISER-Kolkata (instrumental facilities and fellowships)

Os preditores isomórficos e estratégicos da prática de tropicalização: um estudo de casos múltiplos em subsidiárias de montadoras de máquinas agrícolas instaladas no Brasil

Wawginiak, Fernando Marcelo Gossler 06 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-08-13T12:09:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Marcelo Gossler Wawginiak_.pdf: 918794 bytes, checksum: ec9ff495a604b812ceeaf39fcb850311 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T12:09:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Marcelo Gossler Wawginiak_.pdf: 918794 bytes, checksum: ec9ff495a604b812ceeaf39fcb850311 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-06 / Nenhuma / Almejando crescimento e maiores retornos financeiros, muitas empresas estrangeiras acabaram internacionalizando suas atividades para além de suas fronteiras. No Brasil, este movimento teve maior destaque após a abertura do mercado brasileiro ao capital estrangeiro na década de 1990, período no qual empresas de diversas nacionalidades iniciaram ou incrementaram sua participação no mercado nacional. A entrada destas empresas no Brasil trouxe consigo um forte aumento da competitividade entre essas organizações, que atuando em um ambiente de rápidas mudanças econômicas e avanços tecnológicos, necessita atender aos anseios de consumidores cada vez mais exigentes. Partindo deste cenário, o desenvolvimento de novos produtos torna-se um ponto crítico quando relacionado ao sucesso de uma empresa. Dentro do contexto do desenvolvimento de novos produtos em subsidiárias de empresas multinacionais, em especial no caso brasileiro, existe uma prática de estratégica importância, comum entre as subsidiárias de montadoras instaladas em nosso país, este processo é denominado tropicalização. Esta prática pode ser entendida como o processo de adaptação de um projeto de produto oriundo de outros mercados para o contexto local. O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar os antecedentes da tropicalização de produtos em empresas multinacionais montadoras de máquinas agrícolas, bem como explorar as práticas e os desafios que influenciam neste fenômeno. Esta pesquisa apresenta aos gestores de projetos de novos produtos em início de carreira, os principais desafios aos quais estarão sendo submetidos para que possam conduzir o desenvolvimento de seus projetos em sintonia com pontos estratégicos da alta direção, bem como com as pressões do ambiente externo à organização. A pesquisa está dividida em três etapas: Na primeira etapa, apresenta-se uma revisão da literatura, onde conceitos e definições relacionadas aos constructos da pesquisa são expostos; a etapa seguinte é composta por um estudo de caso em duas empresas multinacionais montadoras de máquinas agrícolas; a etapa derradeira apresenta os resultados da pesquisa, evidenciando que o nível de centralização dos projetos de engenharia exerce influência nos projetos de tropicalização a partir de fatores como a escolha do design control, o acúmulo de competências da subsidiária e o nível de complexidade do projeto. Da mesma forma, a pesquisa aponta que as pressões isomórficas normativas, coercitivas, miméticas e competitivas também exercem influência no processo de tropicalização através de fatores como a otimização do processo produtivo, medidas regulatórias exercidas pelo governo, pelas necessidades dos produtores rurais, entre outras. / Striving for growth and greater financial returns, many foreign companies have decided to internationalize their activities beyond their borders. In Brazil, this action had more prominence after the opening of the Brazilian market to foreign capital in the 1990’s, a period which companies of different nationalities started or increased their participation in the national market. The entry of these companies in Brazil brought with them a strong increase in competitiveness among these organizations, which work in an environment of rapid economic changes and technological advances, needs to meet the increasingly demanding consumers. Starting from this scenario, the development of new products becomes a critical point when related to the success of a company. Within the context of the development of new products in subsidiaries of multinational companies, especially in the Brazilian case, there is a practice of strategic importance, common among the subsidiaries of automakers installed in our country, this process is called “tropicalization”. This practice can be understood as the process of adapting a product project from other markets to the local context. The objective of this project is to investigate the antecedents of the tropicalization of products in multinational companies assembling agricultural machines, as well as to explore the practices and the challenges that influence in this phenomenon. The research presents the project, to managers of new products of multinational companies at the beginning of their career, the main challenges to which they will be submitted so that they can conduct their activities in tune with the strategies of the top management, as well as the pressures of the external environment to the organization. The research is divided into three stages: in the first stage, a literature review is presented, where concepts and definitions related to the research constructs are exposed; the next stage is composed of a case study of two multinational companies assembling agricultural machinery; the final stage presents the results of the research, evidencing that the level of centralization of engineering projects exerts influence in tropicalization projects based on factors such as the choice of design control, the accumulation of competences of the subsidiary and the level of complexity of the project. Similarly, the research points out that the normative, coercive, mimetic and competitive isomorphic pressures also exert an influence on the tropicalization process through factors such as optimization of the productive process, regulatory measures carried out by the government, the needs of rural producers, among others.

Are Big 4 role models in sustainability reporting? : A content analysis on sustainability reports of Big 4 and Swedish listed companies.

Dzankovic, Almedina, Celami, Dea January 2022 (has links)
Research problem: The purpose of this study is to extend existing knowledge on the determinants of sustainability reporting. Institutional theory, legitimacy theory, CSR and TBL are used to find out if: (1) audit firms’ sustainability reports are an influencing factor on non-audit firms’ sustainability reports, (2) if audit firms’ sustainability reports are an influencing factor on their clients’ sustainability reports. Methodology: To find out if there is a relationship between the content in sustainability reports of audit firms and non-audit firms, the study conducts a content analysis using a quantitative strategy and a deductive approach. The sample consists of three of the Big 4 audit firms as well as 30 Swedish publicly listed companies, small and large cap. Their sustainability reports are analyzed from 2010 to 2020. Conclusion: The findings show that, first, firms do imitate audit firms when they issue sustainability reports, thus a case of mimetic isomorphism can be concluded. Second, clients of audit firms do not imitate their external auditors more than other audit firms when issuing their sustainability reports.

"Abstract" homomorphisms of split Kac-Moody groups

Caprace, Pierre-Emmanuel 20 December 2005 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à une classe de groupes, appelés groupes de Kac-Moody, qui généralise de façon naturelle les groupes de Lie semi-simples, ou plus précisément, les groupes algébriques réductifs, dans un contexte infini-dimensionnel. On s'intéresse plus particulièrement au problème d'isomorphismes pour ces groupes, en vue d'obtenir un analogue infini-dimensionnel de la célèbre théorie des homomorphismes 'abstraits' de groupes algébriques simples, due à Armand Borel et Jacques Tits. Le problème d'isomorphismes qu'on étudie s'avère être un cas particulier d'un problème plus général, qui consiste à caractériser les homomorphismes de groupes algébriques vers les groupes de Kac-Moody, dont l'image est bornée. Ce problème peut à son tour s'énoncer comme un problème de rigidité pour les actions de groupes algébriques sur les immeubles, via l'action naturelle d'un groupe de Kac-Moody sur une paire d'immeubles jumelés. Les résultats partiels, relatifs à ce problème de rigidité, que nous obtenons, nous permettent d'apporter une solution complète au problème d'isomorphismes pour les groupes de Kac-Moody déployés. En particulier, on obtient un résultat de dévissage pour les automorphismes de ces objets. Celui-ci fournit à son tour une description complète de la structure du groupe d'automorphismes d'un groupe de Kac-Moody déployé sur un corps de caractéristique~$0$. Nos arguments permettent également de traiter de façon analogue certaines formes anisotropes de groupes de Kac-Moody complexes, appelées formes unitaires. On montre en particulier que la topologie Hausdorff naturelle que portent ces formes est un invariant de leur structure de groupe abstrait. Ceci généralise un résultat bien connu de H. Freudenthal pour les groupes de Lie compacts. Enfin, l'on s'intéresse aux homomorphismes de groupes de Kac-Moody à image fini-dimensionnelle, et l'on démontre la non-existence de tels homomorphismes à noyau central, lorsque le domaine est un groupe de Kac-Moody de type indéfini sur un corps infini. Ceci réduit un problème ouvert, dit problème de linéarité pour les groupes de Kac-Moody, au cas de corps de base finis.

Homomorphic Images And Related Topics

Baccari, Kevin J 01 June 2015 (has links)
We will explore progenitors extensively throughout this project. The progenitor, developed by Robert T Curtis, is a special type of infinite group formed by a semi-direct product of a free group m*n and a transitive permutation group of degree n. Since progenitors are infinite, we add necessary relations to produce finite homomorphic images. Curtis found that any non-abelian simple group is a homomorphic image of a progenitor of the form 2*n: N. In particular, we will investigate progenitors that generate two of the Mathieu sporadic groups, M11 and M11, as well as some classical groups. We will prove their existences a variety of different ways, including the process of double coset enumeration, Iwasawa's Lemma, and linear fractional mappings. We will also investigate the various techniques of finding finite images and their corresponding isomorphism types.

Från vision till verklighet

Andersson, Annika, Golvani, Parisa January 2009 (has links)
<p>De flesta företag har visioner. En visions syfte är att fungera som en kompass som vägleder individer och grupper så att de lättare kan fokusera på företagens mål. Visioner har en förmåga att inge hopp om en bättre framtid, en framtid som är tillräckligt attraktiv att den anses vara värd hårt arbete för att en dag nå dit. Visioner ska fungera som en bas i företaget för att påminna om vad som är viktigt i organisationen, hur den bör relatera till omgivningen och hur intressenter ska bemötas. Tidigare studier visar att nästan alla anställda vid företag har svårt att förstå eller är helt omedvetna om företagets vision. Vad beror det på att företag trots detta väljer att lägga ner resurser på att skapa visioner?</p><p>I denna uppsats har 22 anställda vid tre olika företag - NCC, Setra AB och Manpower - intervjuats. Utgångspunkten har varit att studera de anställdas medvetenhetsnivå av visionen på företaget som de arbetar på. Tanken var att undersöka om visionen är så effektiv för organisationen som företagen anser att de är och om den kan ersättas med någon annan typ av motiveringsfras som de anställda lättare kan förstå samt arbeta efter.</p><p>Studien visar att 73 % av respondenterna känner inte till visionen så pass väl att de kan berätta om den. De företagen som har värderingar som en del av visionen har lyckats bättre med att implementera dessa värderingar bland de anställda än visionen.</p>

Learning by Failing to Explain

Hall, Robert Joseph 01 May 1986 (has links)
Explanation-based Generalization requires that the learner obtain an explanation of why a precedent exemplifies a concept. It is, therefore, useless if the system fails to find this explanation. However, it is not necessary to give up and resort to purely empirical generalization methods. In fact, the system may already know almost everything it needs to explain the precedent. Learning by Failing to Explain is a method which is able to exploit current knowledge to prune complex precedents, isolating the mysterious parts of the precedent. The idea has two parts: the notion of partially analyzing a precedent to get rid of the parts which are already explainable, and the notion of re-analyzing old rules in terms of new ones, so that more general rules are obtained.

Från vision till verklighet

Andersson, Annika, Golvani, Parisa January 2009 (has links)
De flesta företag har visioner. En visions syfte är att fungera som en kompass som vägleder individer och grupper så att de lättare kan fokusera på företagens mål. Visioner har en förmåga att inge hopp om en bättre framtid, en framtid som är tillräckligt attraktiv att den anses vara värd hårt arbete för att en dag nå dit. Visioner ska fungera som en bas i företaget för att påminna om vad som är viktigt i organisationen, hur den bör relatera till omgivningen och hur intressenter ska bemötas. Tidigare studier visar att nästan alla anställda vid företag har svårt att förstå eller är helt omedvetna om företagets vision. Vad beror det på att företag trots detta väljer att lägga ner resurser på att skapa visioner? I denna uppsats har 22 anställda vid tre olika företag - NCC, Setra AB och Manpower - intervjuats. Utgångspunkten har varit att studera de anställdas medvetenhetsnivå av visionen på företaget som de arbetar på. Tanken var att undersöka om visionen är så effektiv för organisationen som företagen anser att de är och om den kan ersättas med någon annan typ av motiveringsfras som de anställda lättare kan förstå samt arbeta efter. Studien visar att 73 % av respondenterna känner inte till visionen så pass väl att de kan berätta om den. De företagen som har värderingar som en del av visionen har lyckats bättre med att implementera dessa värderingar bland de anställda än visionen.

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