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Dopisy Jakuba Demla Jaroslavu Durychovi / The Letters by Jakub Deml to Jaroslav DurychStaňková, Vladimíra January 2016 (has links)
The thesis contains an annotated edition of the letters of Jakub Deml (1878-1961) of his long- time friend and writer Jaroslav Durych (1886-1962). More than 150 letters and dozens of postcards document the relationship between the two writers in two periods (years 1906-1909 and 1916-1959). The first era of correspondence documents their translation cooperation and own production and views on contemporary literary and social conditions as well. The literary studies connected to the edition also describes two major differences between these creators. In the second period was the most intense correspondence in the twenties of the 20th century. The authors worked closely together and share in the correspondence also events of their personal lives. In 1931 My testimony about Otokar Březina caused a split among friends. Then the correspondence has never fully restored. The dispute was then moved to the pages of periodicals and books, about which one of the chapters of the study inform. The edition is accompanied by editorial comment, an inventory sheet, an index of names and explanations, in which the reader reads some of Durych's reactions and learn other relevant circumstances correspondence.
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Stavební podoba a duchovní význam sázavského kláštera ve středověku / Sazava monastery - centre of Art, culture, and St. Prokop 's cult in the Midle adgesPovolná, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This thesis follow up, the bachelor thesis "Sazava monastery - centre of Art, culture, and St. Prokop 's cult in the Midle ages. Thesis will deal with historical - structural progression until The Hussite 's wars. Focus will be also on medieval paintings and to the church of St. James the Greater in Rovná.
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Jakub, bratr Páně, v Novém zákoně / James, brother of the Lord, in the New TestamentBrabenec, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The thesis follows one of the supporting characters from the New Testament, James, the brother of the Lord. The first chapter deals with the meaning and occurrence of the name James in both biblical and non-biblical sources. The following second chapter deals with the canonical biblical texts that depict fragments of James' life. However, many questions remain about the closer characterization of our wanted person James and the form of his earthly family. The thesis also examines whether James could or could not really be the brother of Jesus of Nazareth. Through the analysis of texts we look for the answer that canonical texts give us.Subsequently, in the third chapter attention is also directed to the apocryphal and non-biblical sources that govern us about our James. In connection with the wanted James is mentioned and the first church community in Jerusalem, in which James played a significant leadership role. The aim of the thesis is to describe the character of James, the brother of the Lord, by means of all analyzed sources. In conclusion, a summary possible solution of questions concerning James, the Lord's Brother is presented. Keywords James, brothers of the Lord, Acts of the Apostles, the primary Christian community in Jerusalem.
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Úcta a ikonografie sv. Máří Magdalény / Devotion and iconography of St. Mary MagdaleneUrbánková, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
The Diploma thesis "Devotion and iconography of st. Mary Magdalen" - Two biblical characters have been associated with Mary Magdalene since the time of Gregory the Great; the unnamed sinner and Mary of Bethany. According to the Bible Mary Magdalene was one of the women who accompanied Jesus during His ministry. She was the woman from whom Jesus had cast out seven demons. She washed Jesus' feet with her tears and ointment. When Jesus was crucified she was there standing under the cross. She was present at His funeral. On Easter Sunday she went to the grave of the Lord to anoint His body. She discovered the empty tomb and saw the resurrected Jesus, who appeared to her as a gardener and sent her to announce His Resurrection to His disciples. She is considered "the apostle of the Apostles". According to an old French legend she was put in a boat without sails or oars and sailed to Marseilles, where she preached the gospel. Then she retreated to a cavern. There she lived as a recluse for thirty years. Every day she was lifted by angels up to heaven. She was buried in Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume. Her main cult centers were the places where her relics had been preserved; Vezelay in Burgundy in the Romanesque period , and Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baumesince since the 13th to 18th century. She is usually...
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Fragmenty milostného příběhu (ve fotografiích) / Fragments of a Love Story (in Photographs)Chybová, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
1 Abstract The diploma thesis Fragments of a Love Story (in Photographs) focuses on visuality of a lover's speech; it follows various possible connections between the media of photography and text. In comparison with the disintegrating lover's discourse, as developed by Roland Barthes in A Lover's Discourse: Fragments, and in a dialogue with it, the thesis highlights love story as a traditional way of expressing a love theme. The elaboration of the topic is based on the interpretation of works written by Vasily Rozanov (Opavshie list'ya), Jakub Deml (Listy Jakuba Demla Otokaru Březinovi), Ludvík Vaculík (Český snář), Bohumil Hrabal (Vita nuova) and others. An appendix that includes the discussed photographs accompanies the thesis.
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Advokátská žurnalistika na příkladu Jakuba Patočky / Advocacy journalism on the example of Jakub PatočkaDavidová, Adéla January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the so-called advocacy journalism, which is in the Czech media environment trying to explain on the example of a journalist, sociologist, former environmental activist and member of two political parties - ČSSD and Green Party - Jakub Patočka. The thesis puts journalism in context with other types of journalistic roles and the concept of journalism in liberal democratic societies. The research method of the work is an in-depth semi-structured interview, which examines primarily Patočka's perception of journalism and politics and their blending. The text focuses primarily on the period since 2003 when Patočka joined the Green Party until 2017, when the Brno Social Democrats decided to exclude him from the party. The work is divided into Patočka's journalistic and political career. Journalistic chapters are devoted to his work in the magazine Last (later Seven) generation, Literární noviny and Deník Referendum. One chapter describes his role in the so-called Kuřim case. In the section dedicated to Patočka's political engagement there are mentioned European Parliament elections 2004, in which Patočka stood as a leader of the Green Party, his attempt to reform the Green Party together with Jan Beránek or Patočka's expulsion from the ČSSD due to his organization of a...
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Anglický královský dvůr a jeho proměny v kontextu první poloviny 17. století (1603-1640) / English royal court and its changes in the context of first half of the 17th century (1603-1640)Vodička, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is a comparative analysis of the English royal court in the first half of the 17th century. The analytical part of the dissertation focuses on researching processes that influenced the structure and roles in the royal court in regards to the political, religious, economic, social and cultural development of the world. The benchmarks represent the personality of the ruler, institutional structure and personnel composition of the court, its financing and its culture. The comparison is a defined period of time between the beginning of James I (1603) and the end of the personal rule of Charles I (1640). The dissertation is based on critical analysis of the sources and studies of secondary literature. One of the features of the Royal Court during the rule of James I was the rivalry of various factions. In the interest of retaining a balance in power, the monarch revealed selected offices only to members of his Scottish clubs. Targeted strengthening of the influences of selected institutions of court, especially Bedchamber, ended up contributing to a significant weakening of the unitary system of the government, where the Privy Council played a key role up until then. In addition, between 1603 and 1625, there became a strong concentration of power in the hands of the royal...
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Listy Jakuba Demla Josefu Florianovi / Jakub Deml's Letters to Josef FlorianPejchal, Igor January 2013 (has links)
Title: The Letters of Jakub Deml to Josef Florian Author: Igor Pejchal <igor.pejchal@seznam.cz> Department: Institute of Czech Literature and Literary Theory Thesis Supervisor: Mgr. Daniela Iwashita, Ph.D. <daniela.iwashita@gmail.com> Key Words: correspondence, Jakub Deml, Josef Florian, Josef Ševčík, Otokar Březina, František Bílek, Pavla Kytlicová, Curia of Brno, Studium edition Abstract: The diploma thesis named The Letters of Jakub Deml to Josef Florian includes the edition of all the letters of the writer Jakub Deml (1878-1961). The correspondence from 1903 to 1935 includes 346 units and exploits 6 sources: the copies of letters done by Jaroslav Staněk, handwritten letters archived in Moravian Museum in Brno and LA PNP, Prague, letters addressed to Josef Florian as edited by Jiří Olič and hand-written originals possessed by two private owners. The edition of the collected letters is accompanied by a list of letters, an editorial note and translations of excerpts which are not in Czech. An accompanying study deals with the editorial history of these collected letters, the relationship of Jakup Deml and Josef Florian in the time of their collaboration and provides an outline of the future research tasks regarding this edition. The letters of Jakub Deml to Josef Florian are published in print in...
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Ozvuky německé fantastické literatury období romantismu ve fantastických prózách Jakuba Arbese a Julia Zeyera / Allusions of fantastic German literature of the romantic period in fantastic proses of Jakub Arbes and Julius ZeyerCingrošová, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
- Aj In this work we focused on the literary genre of the fantastic short story, a genre that has its specific features, working with mystery and ambiguity, and relying on the interactive relationship between the reader and the text. We looked at terms fantastic literature, fantastic short story and we studied which attributes are typical for this literature (such as individual motifs, composition, atmosphere and language-specific resources). Than we were looking for the presence of these attributes in individual works of selected authors. The most important representatives of Czech fantastic stories were compared with selected German Romanticists who were the inception for our authors who followed them and in whose work we find the fantastic phenomena. Then we tracked the similarities and differences in work of these authors. We found, that despite substantial conformity in the use of specific attributes of fantastic stories, the individual works of our authors differs significantly, not only in the frequency of use of these attributes, but also in the overall tone of the work and its effect on the reader. To better understand all the work, we have included in addition to the parts of the works and typically observed phenomena, the key biographical details of all authors, because as it was finally...
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Analýza vybraných sborových skladeb Jakuba Jana Ryby / Analysis of Jan Ryba's Selected Musical Works for ChoirKřivková, Ludmila January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis called "The analysis of selected choral compositions by Jakub Jan Ryba" deals primarily with his religious works. The introductory chapter briefly describes Ryba's journey to music and the activity of a composer and the text is also based on Ryba's own biography published in 2005 titled My Life and Music. The thesis concerns an extant autographic list of his works dated to 1801 and an autographic fragment of an incipit catalogue of compositions dated from 1774 to 1796 including an incipit of Czech Christmas Mass "Hey, Master!" dated back to 1795. Both lists were compared with two electronic music databases: the catalogue of the department of music history, National Museum - the Czech Museum of Music and the musical incipit catalogue of the National Library of the Czech Republic. The electronic databases were further compared with the thematic catalogue which is a part of the monography titled Jakub Jan Ryba published in 1963. The object of interest was also the quantity of autographs and transcripts and the prints of the works by Jakub Jan Ryba which have been issued from the beginning of the 19th century till present. Regarding the results of the research, it was proved that only a part of Ryba's work has survived up till now since Ryba himself presents 1083 compositions, both...
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