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Rozhodčí doložka pro mezinárodní obchodní arbitráž a její vliv na případné rozhodčí řízení / An arbitration clause for international commercial arbitration and its impact upon presumed arbitration proceedingsPlánička, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
62 International arbitration clause for international commercial arbitration and its impact on the possible following arbitration proceedings The purpose of my thesis is to generally describe and analyze position of the arbitration clause in international business arbitration. Due to the significant prestige of the international arbitration as one of the methods of alternative dispute resolution I found interesting to inspect the impact of the arbitration clause on the possible following arbitration proceedings. Main goal of the thesis is to analyze possible modifications of wording of the arbitration clause in comparison to the alternations of the proceedings. Since the thesis is focused on the international arbitration as the keystone of the governing arbitration rules were considered corresponding parts of the Czech legislation as well as the rules issued by the leading institutions on the field of international arbitration, such as the International Chamber of Commerce or London Court of International Arbitration. Body of the thesis is divided into six chapters going from its very beginning to the end through the drafting process of the arbitration clause. At the beginning are elaborated main principles and essentials of the arbitration clause, such as types of clauses, necessary, recommended and...
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Badatelsky orientovaná výuka matematiky na 1. stupni ZŠ / Inquiry-based mathematics education on primary school levelLÖFFELMANNOVÁ, Zuzana January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on incorporating inquiry based mathematics education in lower primary school. The term inquiry based education has been defined and specific signs of this education in mathematics have been found. Some tasks leading to inquiry have been identified with the help of textbooks of Fraus publishing. These tasks have been used to create lesson plans for this kind of education. Chosen lesson plans have been applied in practice and the decision about their usability has been made. Results of these lessons have been described in the evaluation. Stated findings lay the ground for primary teachers to involve inquiry based mathematics education in their lessons.
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Detekce objektů pomocí Houghovy transformace / Object Detection Using Hough TransformChroboczek, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with object detection using mathematical technique called Hough transform. Hough transform technique is conceived in general terms from the de facto simplest use for the detection of elementary analytically describable shapes such as lines, ellipses, circles or simple analytically definable elements to sophisticated use for the detection of complex - analytically virtually indescribable - objects. These include cars or pedestrians who are detected on the basis of the photographic records of these objects and entities. The document thus maps the definition and use of the respective Hough transform subtechniques along with their basic classification on probabilistic and non-probabilistic methods. The work subsequently culminates in describing the general state-of-the-art technique called Class-Specific Hough Forests for Object Detection, introduces its definition, training procedure on a provided dataset and the detection of test patterns. In conclusion of this work,there is designed and implemented generally trainable object detector using this technique. And there is experimental evaluation of its quality.
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Vliv reklamy na děti / Advertising and action at childrenVohralíková, Barbora January 2009 (has links)
My thesis attends tp issue of advertising and action at children. For this time being, when advertising is looking for new ways how to address the potential customers, when the sale of the products is one of the main power at current society and when the pressure is gworing so, that causes the genesis of social-pathologic effects, it is necessary to know as much as we can about different forms of advertising actions, used technologies and potential impacts. My thesis is divided into two main parts - theoretical and applied. Theoretical part describes the meaning of the advertising, look about the history of advertising, mention basic principles of communication in advertising and offer one of the aspect of its purpose at current society of presperity. Also my attention has been paid to current trends in advertising psychology. The thesis deals with effects of perception, attention, memory and forgetting on advertising effectiveness. Applied section is trying to find by using quantitative research the response to basic question (what is the effect of advertising on children), how this effect is changing according to the age group. The results of the marketing research are analyzed in this section as well.
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Mezipředmětové vztahy na úrovni plánovaného kurikula pro 1. stupeň základní školy / Interdisciplinary relationships at the level of the planned curriculum for elementary school.MACHÁČKOVÁ, Edita January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis Cross-curricular Links Matching Proposed Curriculum for Lower Primary School deals with an issue of cross-curricular links and their usage in Maths teaching. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part provides an analysis of issues of cross-curricular links and curriculum integration, it introduces The Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education, characterises a curriculum of Maths and its application and other areas of education with which a link within the practical part was implemented. It also summarises important features of a Middle Primary School child and it surveys a quality of cross-curricular links usage in contemporary textbooks of Maths. The practical part contains a set of exercises that combine curricula of two areas to apply the cross-curricular links which are intended for practical usage in teaching at Lower Primary School, and evaluating part that describes and evaluates a practical course of implementation.
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Mechanismus průniku světové hospodářské krize do československé ekonomiky, její průběh a důsledky / The mechanism of the Great Depression's penetration into the Czechoslovak economy, it's course and consequencesHrdlička, Vojtěch January 2008 (has links)
This graduation thesis is dedicated to the description and analysis of economic development in interwar Czechoslovakia during the Great Depression. Firstly, political and economical changes which occurred in the world after the World War I and which had subsequently the main influence on the collapse of world's economy will be described. Also oppinions on possible causes of origin of this crisis will be summarized. The main scope of this graduation thesis is to describe and analyze the penetration of the Great Depression into the Czechoslovak economy, it's course and consequences that this crisis caused. The penetration of the crisis is observed in three different periods according to it's power. A significant part of this thesis consists above all with an observation of development of the macroeconomic indicators during the Great Depression in particular sectors of the Czechoslovak economy and their confrontation with the situation before the crisis. This thesis also addresses the question of social impacts of the crisis in Czechoslovakia. One part is also dedicated to comparison of the main economic indicators with other selected countries affected by the crisis.
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Důsledky stárnutí populace v jednotlivých krajích ČR / The consequences of aging population in regions of the Czech RepublicSamková, Alice January 2015 (has links)
In recent decades, the fact of an aging population has become one of the most discussed phenomena in all economically developed countries. Its main consequence is the increasing number of people relying on the assistance of another person. The goal of this thesis is to provide quantitative estimation and suggestions of the possible future need for social services for the elderly within the Czech Republic as such and also with the reference to the evolution of the situation in individual regions of the country. The introductory chapter deals with the demographic development of population in the Czech Republic and in all its regions individually, on the basis of which an obvious and steady trend of population aging is confirmed in the past and future years. The second chapter focuses on the characteristic of regional facilities in selected social services as well as on the costs and financing of such services. On the grounds of findings from the previous chapter, the final chapter is dedicated to the estimation of the future evolution of the care recipients in the senior age groups in all regions in the Czech Republic. All this consistently on the basis of the projection of the evolution of the population until the year 2050 and projections of the structure of the beneficiaries of care allowance by level of the dependence in the year 2010. The result of the analysis indicates that the existing capacity of social services for elderly will not be sufficient due to the trend of aging population. With regard to that fact, some possible measures, that could be a future source of a solution of this unfavorable situation, are suggested in the conclusion of this thesis.
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Vliv aplikace lignitu na distribuci organického uhlíku v půdě / Influence of the Application of Lignite on the Distribution of Organic Carbon in SoilŠirůček, David January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on optimization of sequential chemical fractionation method to humeomics in order to be useful for determination of organic matter content and distribution and also organic elements in soil. Subsequently, the optimized method is used to assess the efect of lignite application as soil support on these soil characteristics. For these purposes, there were three source matrices of organic matter (lignite, soil and annual soil extraction after lignite application) fractionated by sequential chemical analysis. In parallel, these samples were also fractionated by classic alkaline extraction to obtain the so-called extractable fraction of organic matter (NOM). Individual fractions from sequential chemical fractionation as well as NOM samples were characterized by methods of elemental analysis (determination of organic elements), thermogravimetry (contents of ash, organic matter and moisture) and FTIR spektrometry (structural analysis). The results obtained from a large range of data from all humeomics fractions and NOM fractions showed that the method of sequential chemical fractionation gives higher yields of organic matter compared to classic alkaline extraction. Another indisputable advantage is the fact that the obtained fractions divided according to solubility and strenght of binding to soil inorganics can be better characterized by physical-chemical methods, which provides more detailed information about soil organic matter. The results of the work also show that in order for lignite as a support substance to significantly affect soil properties, a longer time, multiple sampling and repetition of individual fractionations would be needed.
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Hodnocení efektivity sociální služby chráněné bydlení / Evaluating the effectiveness the social services sheltered housingTaran, Pavlína January 2015 (has links)
The theme of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the social services sheltered housing. Due to demographic developments, increasing demand for social services and increasing spending in the social sector, the effectiveness of social services will be an increasingly important topic. We can assume, that because of to these factors, there will be more pressure on social services to prove their results. This study talks about theoretical concepts of effectiveness and defines the concept of effectiveness, which could be applied in social services. The work summarizes the models of measuring effectiveness in selected countries, including the Czech Republic, and specifies the concept of effectiveness in the Carlsbad region, in which sheltered housing social services are provided. The work also defines the term "the need" of the users of the social services and presents models, that can identify those needs. The part, that determines the effectiveness of social services, is in the research section. This is the part, where identification of adverse social situations and identification of meeting the needs of the users, is specified. Research, which used qualitative methodology, investigated whether sheltered housing social services are able to fulfill all these needs specified. Research has...
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Výběr cílů teroristických skupin: Případy Óm šinrikjó a Japonské rudé armády / How terrorists pick their targets: Cases of Aum Shinrikyo and the Japanese red armyHromádková, Klára January 2019 (has links)
Although Japan is not a state which would often be associated with terrorist attacks, several extremist and terrorist groups formed in the country in the second half of the 20th century. One of them was the ultraleft terrorist organization called Japanese Red Army, which was founded in the 1960s as a part of the student leftist movement, and the second was Aum Shinrikyo, a religious millenarian organization founded in the economically prosperous 1980s as one of the so-called new new religious groups. Both these groups, circumstances of their establishment and the way they chose targets of their terrorist attacks are the studied subjects of this work. The first part of this study focuses on the theoretical description of terrorism. In the following chapters, I focus on both groups, specifically on two selected terrorist attacks, in which I examine the influence of the following factors on the choice of their targets: ideology, quality of leadership, quantity and quality of members, weapons available and financial base. Concerning the Japanese Red Army, the thesis focuses on the terrorist attack on the Lod airport (1972) and the attack on the U.S. and Swedish Embassy in Kuala Lumpur (1975), regarding Aum Shinrikyo, it is the attack on the Sakamoto family (1989) and the Tokyo subway sarin attack...
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