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Je aktivita ligninolytických enzymů při rozkladu opadu závislá na obsahu fenolických látek? / Does ligninolytic enzyme activity depend on phenolics content during the litter decomposition?APPLOVÁ, Markéta January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the study was to determine the influence of phenolics content and inoculation with soil extract on microbial respiration, on the phenoloxidase (PhOx), peroxidase (PerOx) and newly Mn-peroxidase (MnP) activity in two dominating litter samples (Calamagrostis villosa and Picea abies) differing in phenolics content from Plešné and Čertovo lake watersheds. At PhOx and PerOx activity, the dependence on incubation temperature with L-DOPA was estimated. PhOx and MnP activities significantly increased with higher content of hardly decomposable phenolics, but decreased with water extractable phenolics content. Inoculation with soil extract had no influence on microbial respiration, enzyme activity, nor on decomposition of phenolics. Microbial respiration was significantly higher at 10°C, but average enzyme activity was comparable at 0 and 10°C. PhOx activities had temperature optimum higher than 22°C, while PerOx activities had temperature optimum at 0 - 15°C.
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Rekonstrukce paleo-environmentálních poměrů zaniklého jezera Šúr v pozdním glaciálu a holocénu pomocí analýzy makrozbytků / Reconstruction of palaeo-environmental conditions of a former lake Šúr during the late-glacial and Holocene using macrofossil analysisPotůčková, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The Danubian Plain is nothern part of the Pannonian Plain and in terms of palaeobotanical research it is an entirely unexplored area. However, this region is assumed to contain cryptic glacial refugia and migration routes of thermophilous biota northward after the Last Glacial Maximum. The late-glacial and Holocene natural long-term succession and temporal changes in the composition of plant communities of lowland lakes in the Slovakia is unknown. Šúr, a National Nature Reserve is a former lake, presently overgrown by alder carr forest. Successional development since the late-glacial was studied along two profiles. Macrofossil analysis was carried out on lake sediments extending to the Middle Pleniglacial (OIS 3). Using knowledge of the modern ecological requirements of taxa, past environmental conditions were reconstructed. The historical biogeography of selected plant species in Europe during the late- glacial and Holocene is also discussed. During the Middle Pleniglacial Myriophyllum spicatum and Chara sp. grew in the lake. During the late-glacial shallow basin contained a calcareous, meso- to eutrophic lake with Potamogeton filiformis, P. praelongus, Ranunculus subgen. Batrachium etc. During the early Holocene these elements disappeared and thermophilous plants immigrated, such as the...
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Srovnávací studie fluviálních jezer středního Polabí horní Lužnice a horní Svratky / Comparing Study of Fluvial Lakes in Middle Part of Elbe River and Upper Parts of Lužnice and Svratka RiverHavlíková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FLUVIAL LAKES IN FLOODPLAINS OF THE ELBE, LUŽNICE AND SVRATKA RIVERS Petra Havlíková ABSTRACT The aim of the thesis was to specify key differences in chemistry and biota (zooplankton communities) among fluvial lakes in three regions of Czech Republic: "střední Polabí" (central part of the Elbe River on the territory of Bohemia), "Horní Lužnice" (the upper part of the Lužnice River on the territory of Bohemia), and the Svratka River near Milovy (upper part of the Svratka River). The 10 studied lakes of the three regions differ in size, geology, shading, the influence of the river, and the level of anthropogenic impact. The following hypotheses were tested: 1) The chemical composition of the water in fluvial lakes is significantly different in different areas (floodplains). In the central Elbe River floodplain, there are the highest values of conductivity and concentrations of organic matter and nutrients. Fluvial lakes of the Svratka River floodplain near Milovy show the lowest level of these parameters, and fluvial lakes of the upper Lužnice River occur between the two previous regions. 2) The chemistry of fluvial lakes that have contact with the river through surface connection is significantly influenced by the river, and differs from the chemistry in fluvial lakes without any direct...
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Prostorové uspořádání fotoreceptorů v sítnici ryb z extrémních prostředí / Distribution of photoreceptor types in retina of fishes from extreme environmentsRemišová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
Cichlid visual system is highly adaptive to the environment. Fish visual abilities are deter- mined by composition of opsin-based photosensitive pigments located in photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) as well as their distribution. In this thesis, four species of Lake Barombi Mbo cichlids were targeted: Stomatepia mariae, Konia eisentrauti, Konia dikume and Myaka myaka. Shallow-water cichlids K. eisentrauti and S. mariae express these types of cone opsin genes: LWS, RH2A (RH2Aβ more than RH2Aα), SWS2A and SWS2B. Contra- rily, both seasonally deep-water M. myaka and deep-water K. dikume lack expression of SWS2B and LWS in their retinae, but they express SWS2A and RH2Aα more than RH2Aβ, which corresponds to modified light conditions in deep water - a dimmer habitat lacking marginal parts of the spectrum (i.e., ultraviolet and red wavelengths). The photoreceptor distribution of selected species was investigated by means of fluorescent in situ hybridi- zation (FISH) in order to understand the performance and evolution of their visual per- ception with emphasis on the effect of depth. Distinctively, cichlid cones are arranged in a retinal mosaic consisting of short-wavelength sensitive single cones, each surrounded by four long-wavelength sensitive double cones. In this thesis, the same arrangement is...
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Kvalita vody a vyhodnocení antropogenního zenčištění sedimentů fluviálních jezer Labe / Water quality and the assessment of anthropogenic pollution in the sediments of the Elber River oxbow lakesBeranová, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, water quality and the assessment of anthropogenic pollution in the sediments of the middle course of the Elbe River oxbow lakes Kozelská and Vrť were studied. It is widely accepted that the oxbow lakes are extremely significant ecosystems, However, a large amount of contaminated material may deposit in these lakes. The pollution probably comes from industrial sources of contamination from the second half of the 20th century. In addition, the oxbow lakes show the development of the riverbed, and contribute to the stability of the river ecosystem. The research of Lake Kozelská was chosen especially to its proximity to the chemical factory Spolana in Neratovice, which used to be the biggest source of pollution of the Elbe River. The research included bathymetric measurements, regular observations of hydrological regime, monthly analysis of chemical and physical parameters of water in the period from December 2016 to November 2017, and marginally microscopic analyses of phytoplankton and zooplankton species too. The next part of this research included grain analysis and determination of metal and arsenic concentrations in the sediment fraction of 20µm using Aqua Regia leaching and total decomposition as well. Concerning water quality assessment, these lakes were characterized by higher...
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Dynamika ledovcových jezer a hydrologické poměry glaciálně-morénového komplexu (Adygine, severní Tien Shan) / Dynamics of glacial lakes and hydrological conditions of a glacial-morainic complex (Adygine, northern Tien Shan)Falátková, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with hydrological conditions in a proglacial environment, focusing on the development of glacial lakes and the assessment of their susceptibility to outburst. The study site is the Adygine glacier-moraine complex located in the north-facing valley of the Kyrgyz Ridge, northern Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan, at an altitude of 3400-4200 m a.s.l. In the past 50 years, the receding glacier allowed formation of several lakes, which form a three-level cascade and are fed by glacier meltwater. Below the glacier, there is a complex of several generations of moraines, through which the glacier meltwater is routed downstream. The aims of the work were to evaluate the development of individual lakes, their susceptibility to sudden outburst and possible triggers, to estimate the probable development of the site in the future, to analyse the hydrological regime of the lakes and to obtain basic information on the subsurface flow of water from the site to the stream. For the purposes of assessing the development of the lakes, the data obtained in the field (geodetic surveying of a shore line, bathymetric measurements), as well as satellite and aerial images were used. Fluctuation of lake water level was monitored by pressure sensors and the processing of this data allowed to analyse the hydrological...
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Smanjenje ukupnog kapaciteta vodenih ekosistema i primena vodonik-peroksida u regulaciji ubrzane eutrofizacije i cvetanja cijanobakterija / Decrease of the total capacity of aquatic ecosystems and the application of hydrogen peroxide in the regulation of accelerated eutrophication and blooming of cyanobacteriaVažić Tamara 16 November 2020 (has links)
<p>Dugoročno rešenje problema povećanog ukupnog kapaciteta vodenih ekosistema, posledičnog ubraznja eutrofizacije i cvetanja potencijalno toksičnih cijanobakterija podrazumeva smanjenje priliva nutrijenata, kao i eliminaciju viška nutrijenata iz samog vodenog ekosistema, naročito azota i fosfora. Kao rešenje ovog problema se predlaže istovremena upotreba seta poznatih alternativnih metoda, označenih zajedničkim nazivom ekomanipulacija, koji uključuje: mehaničko uklanjanje makrofita i biomase cijanobakterija, upotreba plutajućih ostrva, masovno izlovljavanje ribe.<br />Izvršena je procena mehaničkog uklanjanja trske (Phragmites australis) u kontekstu zaštite i prečišćavanja vodenih ekosistema i kao energetskog resursa na teritoriji Vojvodine. Procenjeno je da je oko 0,98% površine Vojvodine pokriveno trskom sa prosečnim prinosom od oko 2 kg/m 2 , odnosno oko 20 t/ha. Košenjem i uklanjanjem nadzemne biomase bi moglo da se ukloni do 333,20 kg/ha azota i 25,20<br />kg/ha fosfora. Pored povoljnih karakteristika trske kao energetske sirovine, troškovi obrade biomase trenutno prevazilaze potencijalnu zaradu, zbog čega ova makrofita ima veći značaj na lokalnom nivou. Ispitivana je efikasnost usvajanja nutrijenata direktno iz vodenog stuba putem uklanjanja nadzemne biomase trske iz PPES jedinica, kao i testiranje održivosti čitavog PPES sistema. Iako uklanjanje oko<br />800 g nadzemne biomase trske može smanjiti ukupni kapacit do izvesne mere, dodatne vrednosti upotrebe PPES sistema poput usvajanja toksičnih materija, korisne upotrebe plastičnog otpadnog materijala, proizvodnje biljne biomase ovu metodu čini značajnim delom sistema ekomanipulacija. Korišćenjem puferskog sistema ekoremedijacije baziranog na iznošenju biomaske trske se takođe<br />obezbeđuje smanjenje ukupnog kapaciteta. Na taj način se može postići kontrola ubrzane eutrofizacije na četiri funkcionalna nivoa u dinamici ekosistema, koji podrazumevaju: sprečavanje priliva materija u vodeni ekosistem iz spoljašnje sredine izgradnjom mokrih polja, povećanje procesa razgradnje uvođenjem aeracije, prečišćavanje mulja ili efluenta i manipulacija trskom u priobalju. Procenjena je efikasnost mehaničkog uklanjanja toksične biomase cijanobakterije vrste Planktothrix rubescens iz akumulacije Vrutci. Rezultati ukazuju na efikasnost ove metode u smanjenju ukupnog kapaciteta, međutim samo tokom perioda cvetanja. Ispitivana je sposobnost 14 sojeva bakterija, izolovanih iz sakupljenje površinske skrame P. rubescens, da degradiraju cijanotoksin mikrocistin-LR. Degradacija toksina posle devet dana nije detektovana, što je moglo da bude posledica dužeg perioda<br />adaptacije (lag faze) koji je bio potreban da bi se aktivirali odgovarajući geni i enzimski putevi odgovorni za biodegradaciju.<br />Ispitivana je efikasnost metode masovnog izlovljavanja babuške (Carassius gibelio) iz sektora IV jezera Palić. Na osnovu količine iznete biomase tokom probnog izlova 2016. godine i poznatog hemijskog sastava, procenjeno je da je masovnim izlovom moguće ukloniti značajnu količinu nutrijenata na nivou čitavog jezera. Uprkos efikasnosti i pratećim povoljnim promenama u ekosistemu, zbog složenosti lanca ishrane i uopšte jezerskog ekosistema se preporučuje primena pridruženih metoda biomanipulacije<br />ribljom fondom, kao i drugih metoda ekomanipulacije. Ispitivani su cijanocidni efekti vodonik-peroksida, kao dodatne metode u procesu revitalizacije jezera. Uzorci vode iz srpskih jezera Bečmenska bara (sektor Bečmen 3) i jezera Ludaš i finskog jezera<br />Köyliönjärvi su bili tretirani različiti koncentrcijama vodonik-peroksida. Analize sadržaja hlorofila a i intracelularnih mikrocistina, indeksa vijabilnosti pokretnih grupa necijanobakterijskog fitoplanktona, zooplanktona i osetljivosti makroinvertebrata, ukazale su na mogućnost efikasne selektivne supresije cijanobakterija ravnomernim apliciranjem 2-5 mg/L vodonik-peroksida. Uočena je različita osetljivost kod ispitivanih grupa organizama na dejstvo agensa, zbog čega je u primeni ove metode neophodan<br />dodatni oprez. Da bi se obezbedio uspešan proces revitalizacije jezera, važno je da se metode ekomanipulacije prilagode stanju i karakteristikama jezera, a da se vodonik-peroksid koristi samo u slučaju potrebe. Na takav načinmože nesmetano da se odvija dugotrajan proces revitalizacije. Zbog složenosti problema povećanja ukupnog kapaciteta, ubrzane eutrofizacije i procesa revitalizacije, neophodno je obezbediti multidisciplinarni pristup, pripremu akcionog plana i sprovođenje metoda pod strogo kontrolisanim uslovima.</p> / <p>A long-term solution for the problem of increased total capacity in water ecosystems, and consequently accelerated eutrophication and potentially toxic cyanobacterial blooms, implies the restriction of nutrient inputs to the water bodies, as well as elimination of additional nutrients directly from water ecosystems,especially nitrogen and phosphorus. As a solution for this problem, it is proposed to simultaneously use a set of alternative methods, entitled as ecomanipulation, that include: mechanical removal of macrophytes and cyanobacterial biomass, floating islands, extensive fishing. Mechanical removal of Common reed (Phragmites australis) was estimated for the purpose of protection and purification of water ecosystems, as well as an energy source in the Vojvodina region. It was estimated that about 0,98% of the Vojvodina region is covered with common reed, with an average yield of 2 kg/m2, eg about 20 t/ha. By harvesting and removing of above-ground biomass, it would be possible to remove up to 333.20 kg/ha of nitrogen and 25.20 kg/ha of phosphorus. Besides favorable characteristics as an energy source, the cost of biomass processing currently exceeds potential revenues, hence this macrophyte is more significant at the local level. The efficiency of nutrient absorption directly from the water column by removal of the reed biomass incorporated in the PPES unites was examined, as well as testing the sustainability of the whole PPES system. Although removal of about 800 g of the above-ground reed biomass can decrease the total capacity up to a certain extent, additional values of PPES usage like the uptake of toxic compounds,useful use of plastic waste material, production of plant biomass makes this method important part of ecomanipulation system. The use of a buffer system of ecoremediation based on the removal of reed biomass also provides a reduction in total capacity. In this way, control of accelerated eutrophication can be achieved at four functional levels in ecosystem dynamics, which include: preventing the inflow of matter into the aquatic ecosystem from the external environment by building artificial wetlands, increasing the decomposition process by introducing aeration, sludge or effluent treatment, and reed manipulation in the coastal area. The efficiency of mechanical removal of toxic biomass of cyanobacteria Planktothrix rubescens from the Vrutci reservoir was estimated. The results indicate the effectiveness of this method in reducing the total capacity, but only during the blooming period. The ability of 14 bacterial strains, isolated from collected P. rubescens surface scum, to degrade cyanotoxin microcystin-LR was investigated. Degradation of toxin after nine days was not detected, which could be a consequence of a longer period of adaptation (lag phase) that was needed for activation of certain genes and enzyme pathways responsible for biodegradation. The efficiency of extensive fishing of Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) from the sector IV of Lake Palić was investigated. Based on the amount of removed biomass during the trial catch in 2016, and the known chemical composition of fish, it was estimated that extensive fishing can remove a significant amount of nutrients at the level of the entire lake. Despite the efficiency and following favorable changes in the ecosystem, due to the complexity of the food chain and the lake ecosystem in general, the use of associated methods of biomanipulation with fish stock, as well as other methods of ecomanipulation, is recommended.<br />The potential of cyanocidal effects of hydrogen peroxide, as an auxiliary method in the process of lake revitalization, was investigated. Water samples from Serbian lakes Bečmenska bara (sector Bečmen 3) and Lake Ludaš, as well as Finnish Lake Köyliönjärvi, were treated with different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Analysis of contents of chlorophyll a and intracellular microcystins, viability index of non-cyanobacterial moving phytoplankton, zooplankton, and sensitivity of macroinvertebrate indicated the possible efficiency of the selective suppression of cyanobacteria by uniform application of 2-5 mg/L of hydrogen peroxide in the water column. Examined groups of organisms expressed different sensitivity towards the applied concentrations of the agent, which is the reason for additional caution in the application of this method.In order to provide successful lake revitalization, it is important to adjust methods of ecomanipulation to the condition and characteristics of the lake, and also to use hydrogen peroxide only when it is necessary.In this way, the long recovery process can proceed smoothly. Due to the complexity of the problem of increased total capacity, accelerated eutrophication, and the process of revitalization, it is necessary to provide a multidisciplinary approach, preparation of an action plan and implementation of methods under strictly controlled conditions.</p>
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Vliv vlastností povodí vysokohorských jezer v Tatrách na chemizmus vody / Influence of catchment characteristics of high-mountain lakes in the Tatra Mountains on water chemistryHynštová, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with catchments of the alpine lakes in the High Tatra Mountains. The lakes were subject of a long-term monitoring to detect changes of chemical and biotic composition of lake water induced by acid atmospheric deposition and by its decline. The studied processes required a quantitative approach to describe the characteristics of the catchments. The definition of new catchment parameters or the refining estimated parameters was not allowed without current technical and computing equipment because of the complexity of mountainous terrain. The morphological parameters for 26 catchments were obtained by analysis of the created digital elevation model (DEM) using tools of geographic information system (GIS, software ESRI ArcGIS 10.2). The land cover was detected by Google aerial map (2014). The links between chemical composition (NO3⁻, Σ(Ca2+ +Mg2+ )) and catchment properties based on the specified or refined catchment parameters (slope, portion of an area with a slope <26 ř in the catchment, proportion of different land cover types to the real catchment area) were analysed between the years 1993 and 2012 (respectively 2006). New morphological parameters were derived for the defined catchments. The catchments on the northern and the southern slope were distinguished by...
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Historie výskytu žábronožky Branchinecta gaini na souostroví Jamese Rosse a její fylogeografie / Historical record of the fairyshrimp Branchinecta gaini in the James Ross archipelago, and its phylogeographyPokorný, Matěj January 2017 (has links)
The Fairy shrimp Branchinecta gaini Daday, 1910 is the largest freshwater invertebrate in Antarctica and the top-level consumer of local freshwater food webs. Ecological demands of B. gaini that are accompanied by 'ruderal' life strategy together with its spatial distribution that exceeds to Patagonia indicate that it had survived last glacial period in South America and expanded to Antarctica shortly after this epoch endeed. On James Ross Island that is the most extreme environment where B. gaini occurs today was this fairy shrimp considered extinct until year 2008. Its disappearance was based on paleolimnological analysis of several lake sediment cores according to which it inhabited this island between years 4200 to approximately 1500 before present when it died out because of changes in lake catchments caused by harsh neoglacial conditions. Paleolimnological analysis of Monolith Lake presented in this study has shown that this assumption was wrong and B. gaini has lived on James Ross Island throughout neoglacial period up to recent time. Phylogeographic analysis of 16S rDNA of specimens from Patagonia, South Orkneys, South Shetlands and James Ross Island revealed that its high morphological diversity is not supported by this gene and that all examined populations of B. gaini is one species with very few...
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Obytný soubor Brno Holásky, lokalita V Aleji / Residential complex Brno Holasky, V Aleji localityMokrá, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The area is located in the city of Brno - Tuřany. It is defined from the west Černovice river with natural monument Holásky Lake, from east by railway line from the south street U Potoka. The aim is a comprehensive urban design of the development area. The existing area is a typical structure of the former village connected to Brno. Location is convenient for the development of residential functions and optional equipment. The main objective of the solution is to design urban areas, which would carry on the original structure of the village and effective form of use of the available unused area.
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