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Predictors of Web Analytics Use in Commercial and Non-Profit Radio StationsDuggins, Patrick 15 July 2017 (has links)
<p> This study examines the work habits and news products produced by commercial and non-profit radio news operations at the local, or affiliate, level. Specifically, the focus is on the perception and utilization of internet audience data that measures stories on a radio station’s website. A survey of 332 commercial and non-profit radio newsroom decision-makers discovered how they feel about web audience data and how they act on it. A statistical analysis, informed by a theoretical background including Institutionalism and Resource Dependence Theory was conducted for this study. The predictor variables were the degree of perceived uncertainty, whether the respondent works in a for-profit or non-profit operation, the length of time the participant has worked in journalism, the tendency to search for information in the environment, and the tendency toward mimicry. The dependent variable was degree of use of web analytics. The findings indicate a positive relationship for both mimicry and information search with the primary dependent variable, use of web analytics data in newsroom decision making. Also, respondents with greater experience levels are marginally less receptive to relying on internet audience data for information search and less likely to mimic the practice of using web analytics. The statistical results did not support hypotheses that predicted effects from perceived uncertainty. While statistical support between perceived uncertainty and the use of web data was not found, a reverse relationship in one hypothesis suggests that use of internet audience data may reduce uncertainty rather than increase it.</p><p>
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La démarche journalistique et l'image des minorités dans la presse populaire : le cas des chinois et du Toronto Star (1997-1998).Soucy, Roch. January 2001 (has links)
L'hypothèse principale de ce travail veut qu'il existe une symbiose entre les dynamiques propres aux pratiques la de différentiation raciale (la «racialisation») et de la démarche journalistique. Une exploration empirique/quantitative de la répartition thématique, formatrice, régionale et tonale de 704 articles du Toronto Star (datant du 1 er juillet 1997 au 31 janvier 1998) et un examen des particularités des 8186 participants/sources mentionnés dans ces nouvelles montrent qu'il existe une image généralisée de nature positive de la population d'origine chinoise du Canada tout comme une image généralisée de nature négative du Chinois au Canada. La thèse démontre que l'image négative dispose d'un statut (journalistique et symbolique) plus important que l'image positive et que ces deux images soulignent essentiellement la différence plutôt que la ressemblance entre Canadiens «blancs» et «chinois». Il existe donc une interprétation et une catégorisation cohérente, persistante et nuancée des Chinois dans les pages de ce journal, pages qui reflètent essentiellement la primauté de la citoyenneté et des coutumes «canadiennes», l'acceptation sélective et comparative de certaines «bonnes» coutumes chinoises, une insistance démesurée sur les «mauvaises» coutumes chinoises (considérées comme étant plus répandues), et finalement une myopie culturelle sélective (soit une absence de caractérisation autre que culturelle , caractérisation qui rapprocherait les Canadiens d'origine chinoise des canadiens «blancs».
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An investigation of occupational segragation in radio sport journalism.Baxter, Lucy. January 1994 (has links)
The present study was an investigation of the occupational structure of a national sport department in a public corporation. The goal was to determine whether occupational segregation was occurring, and if so what were the processes underlying this situation. Questionnaires were administered to the personnel of a public radio station (n = 23) and subsequently interviews (n = 14) were conducted with a sample of personnel from the department, including the positions of reporter, producer, executive producer and manager. Official documents, particularly those concerning employment equity from the CRTC, were also analyzed. It was found that occupational segregation is occurring in this department, both vertically and horizontally. The dual queue theory was adopted to explain the labour market dynamics operating to perpetuate differential employment opportunities for men and women in radio sport journalism. It was discovered that although highly qualified white women are currently at the top of this particular labour queue, it is mainly a result of pressure from two main factors: the fact that it is a public company regulated by the CRTC, and the move on the part of the personnel from jock journalism to investigative sport journalism. Barriers operating to perpetuate the fact that women do not consider sport journalism as a viable career opportunity include lack of access, lack of work experience, the jock environment, stereotyping, power dynamics, lack of sporting contacts and networks, lack of mentoring or training programs. Processes occurring to reduce women's access to radio sport journalism are contextualized within the wider society, and recommendations are made, including one emphasizing the necessity to conduct an industry-wide analysis of employment opportunities for men and women in the sport media.
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The influence of United States-Soviet differences on press coverage of terrorism: A comparison of "The New York Times" and "Izvestia".Skabas, Radoslaw. January 1992 (has links)
This paper examines the differences between the coverage accorded to incidents of transnational terrorism by the press of the United States and the Soviet Union. Two elite daily newspapers are compared: The New York Times and Izvestia. The coverage of two incidents of transnational terrorism is analyzed (1985 TWA airliner hijacking and 1985 kidnapping of four Soviet diplomats; both incidents took place in Beirut) in which nationals of both countries were involved. It is assumed, that "political distance"--the attitude towards the perpetrators and the victims--will influence the coverage. Findings indicate two different patterns in the coverage, which reflect the fundamental differences between the two papers in their perception of the role of the mass media in their respective societies. This raises more general questions of an ethical nature relating to the role and responsibilities of the media towards their audiences and towards the state.
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La reconstruction de la criminalité à travers La Presse (1886-1989) : l'image de la contrevenante et de la femme victime.Martel, Joane. January 1991 (has links)
Le probleme theorique qui constitua la base du present travail est celui de la construction sociale du crime. A partir de cette prise de position paradigmatique, il a ete question plus particulierement de s'attarder a la reconstruction dont le crime est l'objet dans les medias et, surtout dans la presse ecrite. Notre probleme consistait des lors a verifier l'existence d'un lien entre la reconstruction mediatique de l'image des contrevenantes et des femmes victimes de crimes et le contexte socio-politico-economique de l'epoque particuliere ou elle est fabriquee et diffusee. La technique de collecte de donnees qui a ete privilegiee consista en une etude de presse des nouvelles de crimes dans un seul quotidien quebecois, La Presse. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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Publicité, publicitaires et presse écrite au Canada et au Québec 1929-1960 : essai sur la manipulation idéologique.Côte, Luc. January 1995 (has links)
Cette these propose ne etude qualitative du phenomene publicitaire dans la presse ecrite au Quebec et au Canada. A partir d'un depouillement du contenu editorial de la revue professionnelle Canadian Advertising Rates and Data, et surtout de la constitution d'une banque de textes et d'images publicitaires tires de trois quotidiens quebecois majeurs (La Presse, Le Soleil et le Montreal Daily Star) entre les annees 1929 et 1960, nous procedons a un bref survol des principaux enjeux qui ont marque l'emergence et la consolidation de l'institution publicitaire en Amerique du Nord pour ensuite analyser le discours ideologique de la publicite marchande, et particulierement des grands themes referentiels qu'ell exploite et manipule dans ses representations symboliques: le corps, le foyer domestique, l'univers du travail et du loisir, la conjoncture, la nature et la culture. Nous esperons montrer comment la publicite, en exploitant le pouvoir evocateur des objets, communique une vision a la fois rationalisee et idealisee de la vie socio-culturelle, particulierement de la relation entre les personnes et les objets, une socio-culture qui se veut en harmonie avec les exigences et les interets du marche de la consommation.
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Rédaction sous influence : l'écriture journalistique au Québec.De Champlain, Jean. January 1996 (has links)
The objective of this research is to verify, through the use of a descriptive approach and a content analysis, the nature and degree of proximity of discursive stereotypes in journalistic writings from both Quebec and English Canada, more specifically, in the organization of the enunciation processes, the use of authentication and persuasion standards and the positioning of different points of view and centres of interest. The corpus of sixty articles is drawn from six mainstream newspapers: two English Canadian dailies and two Quebec newspapers, as well as two French newspapers serving as a control sample. A comparative analysis of the corpus reveals a proximity between the articles found in the Quebec newspapers and those from the English Canadian dailies. This similarity takes on several aspects. Regarding the enunciation processes, the four Canadian newspapers use more direct quotations than the two French dailies, in which there is a greater tendency to use the commentary function. An analysis of the transitional elements shows that the English and French newspapers in the Canadian corpus use a particular articulation based on an alternation between a direct or indirect quotation of a protagonist and an account of the facts, while the French newspapers use this type of construction less frequently. Moreover, a review of the rhetorical processes demonstrates a general tendency towards the respective homogeneity of the French and Canadian corpuses. Finally, an analysis of the focalization is based on a much smaller "sample" (one article from each newspaper), such that it would be more risky to assert any emerging trends. It is still a fad that a review of the modalizers well illustrates the impressionistic propensity of the French articles, compared to the Canadian ones. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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The cultivation of healthy ideas: Labor Day in the Montreal press, 1886--1950Lahey, James January 1975 (has links)
Abstract not available.
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Pulse Magazine: An exploration of Athens Ohio’s entertainment cultureMallon, Bridget Nora 04 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Bombay Central: A Journey Into Indian Higher EducationWeinstein, Gabriel Cydulka 03 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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