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Image-based modelling of pattern dynamics in a semiarid grassland of the Pilbara, Australia /Sadler, Rohan. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Western Australia, 2007.
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The regeneration potential of Themeda triandra in the Middelburg district of the Eastern CapeHendricks, Noel Colin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A common topographical feature of the Nama-Karoo are mesas, commonly known as
"platkoppies" , that provide an interesting source of landscape heterogeneity to an
otherwise flat landscape. Although these isolated mesas are geologically and
edaphically distinct from the surrounding flats, many species are shared between these
habitats. These include palatable species such as Themeda triandra. A question asked
by the broad umbrella project under which this project falls was: to what extent do mesas
provide refuges for palatable species that are under pressure from heavy overstocking
on the surrounding flats?
A study on the regeneration potential of T triandra on and off the Tafelberg Mesa in the
Middelburg district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa, was undertaken within the context
of a broader umbrella project "Restoration of degraded Nama-Karoo: role of
conservation islands". The Nama-Karoo has had centuries of heavy commercial
livestock production and it is considered to have been transformed from a relatively (by
arid ecosystems) productive system to one dominated by shrubs and somewhat less
productive species. Themeda triandra is one of the preferred grass species for livestock
production. Although T. triandra is a preferred grass species, relatively, little is known
about its ability to produce viable seed and the establishment of seedlings particularly in
restoration and rehabilitation programmes. This study examines the pattern of seed
production and seedling survival, seed dispersal, seed germination, and the
morphological and ecophysiological variability of T. triandra, a species with great
potential for restoration of degraded Nama-Karoo sites, particularly those in the Eastern
Themeda triandra was found to be one of the dominant species on summit of the
Tafelberg Mesa. In comparison, it occurred in small isolated populations on the flats
surrounding the mesa. The flats and slopes are grazed more intensely by domestic
livestock than the summit of the mesa. This is due to the inaccessibility to livestock due
to a steeper topography and the lack of water at the higher altitudes.
Annual seed production of T. triandra per plant and per m2 was highest for the
populations on the flats despite these populations being grazed most intensively. Rainfall had an effect on annual seed production, which was monitored over two years. Rainfall
increased from less than 20mm in November 1999 to 125, 110, 50 and 135mm in
December 1999, January 2000, February 2000 and March 2000 respectively. With the
increased rainfall prior to the May 2000 sampling period, more seeds were produced per
plant and per m2 for the flats and slopes habitats of the Tafelberg Mesa. The opposite
trend occurred on the summit of the mesa, where seed production actually decreased.
This could be attributed to increased competition or to lower grazing intensities. Increase
in rainfall also had a positive effect on the cover of other grasses (excluding T. triandra)
and T. triandra itself. Despite higher levels of seed production in populations of T.
triandra on the flats, seedling survival was clearly low whereas seedlings on the slopes
and summit had significantly higher seedling survivorship. This negative impact could be
explained due to the trampling effect of domestic herbivores.
The results of a seed dispersal experiment clearly suggest that the seed dispersal
distance of T. triandra to "safe" microsites is short distance (majority of seeds disperse
up to 60cm) and that the dispersal agent is wind. Microsites for re-establishment was
found to be open or rocky sites.
In a controlled experiment, seed emergence of T. triandra indicated that optimal sowing
depths varied with soil type. Maximum germination was achieved at sowing depth 2cm
and 3cm in soil collected from the flats surrounding the Tafelberg Mesa. The soil texture
of the flats was found to be more sandy loam clay. The flats had slightly higher content
(%) of stone, clay, silt and sand compared to the soils collected from the summit and
slopes. Themeda triandra is clearly not limited in its expansion onto the flats in the
Middelburg district due to soil conditions at the germination/recruitment phase. This
study also revealed that T. triandra germinates best under summer conditions when the
probability of rainfall is at its highest. Results with T. triandra seed did not convincingly
suggest that smoke water is of adaptive significance to boost germination in restoration
attempts in the Middelburg district of the Eastern Cape.
In a controlled greenhouse experiment, individuals of T. triandra taken from the summit
of Tafelberg Mesa showed no differences in photosynthesis, stomatal conductance or
transpiration rates to individuals occurring on the flatland areas surrounding the mesa.
Themeda triandra appears to be relatively adaptable to a range of temperature conditions. These findings suggest that there should be no problem using seed from
mesa summits in restoration programmes on the surrounding flats.
This study revealed no conclusive evidence, indicating that the populations on the
summit of the mesa were a source of T. triandra seed for the flats surrounding the
Tafelberg Mesa. However, this two year long investigation found that T. triandra has the
potential to be used in restoration and rehabilitation programmes. If released from
grazing pressures, and assuming favourable climatic conditions, the density of T.
triandra on the flats can be increased and can be used as a suitable species for the
restoration of heavily degraded patches in the Nama-Karoo Region. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: OnAlgemene topografiese kenmerk van die Nama-Karoo is mesas, plaaslik bekend as
"platkoppies", wat Oninteressante bron van landskap ongelyksoortigheid voorsien aan On
andersins vlakte landskap. Alhoewel hierdie geisoleerde mesas geologies en biofisies
verskillend is van die omliggende vlaktes, word baie plant spesies gedeel tussen hierdie
habitats. Hierdie sluit in smaaklike spesies soos Themeda triandra. OnVraag gevra deur
die groter restorasieekologieprojek waaronder hierdie navorsingsprojek resorteer was:
tot watter mate dien mesas as ° n hawe aan vreetbare spesies wat onder druk is van
swaar oorbeweiding in die omliggende vlaktes?
OnStudie van die regenerasie potensiaal van T. triandra op-en-vanaf die Tafelberg Mesa
in die Middelburg distrik van die Oos-Kaap, Suid-Afrika, was onderneem binne die
verband van die wyer herstelekologieprojek "Herstel van oorbeweide Nama-Karoo
weiveld: die rol van bewaringseilande". Die Nama-Karoo was vir honderde jare al
blootgestel aan swaar kommersiële lewende hawe produksie en is klaarblyklik verander
van ° n relatiewe produktiewe sisteem na 'n ekosisteem gedomineerd deur struike en
enigsins minder produktiewe spesies. Alhoewel dit ° n verkiesde grasspesie is bo ander
inheemse grasse as weigras, is min bekend oor die fertiliteit van T. triandra sade of oor
die vestiging van saailinge, veral in veldrehabilitasie programme. Hierdie studie
ondersoek die patrone van saadproduksie, saadverspreiding, saadontkieming, en die
morfologiese en ekofisiologiese veranderlikheid van T. triandra, ° n spesie met groot
potensiaal vir die herstel van oorbeweide Nama-Karoo terriene van veral die Oos-Kaap.
Themeda triandra was een van die dominante spesies op die kruin van die Tafelberg
Mesa. Dit kom voor in klein geïsoleerde populasies op die uitgestrekte vlaktes rondom
die mesa. Die vlaktes en hange van die mesa word op groot skaaloorbewei deur
lewende hawe in vergelyking met op die kruin van die mesa. Dit is te wyte aan die
onbereikbaarheid van die mesa vanweë Onsteiler topografie, asook die gebrek aan
standhoudende water op die mesa's self.
Jaarlikse saad produksie van T. triandra per plant en per m2 was die hoogste vir die
populasies op die vlaktes, ten spyte daarvan dat hierdie populasies intensief bewei word. Reënval het 'n effek op jaarlikse saad produksie gehad wat oor twee jaar
gekontroleer was. Met die vermeerdering van reënval voor die Mei 2000 proeftydperk,
was meer sade geproduseer per plant en per m2 op die vlaktes en hange van die
Tafelberg Mesa. Die teenoorgestelde patroon het voor gekom op die kruin van die mesa,
waar saadproduksie afgeneem het. Laasgenoemde kan toegeskryf word aan die
toename in kompetisie. Toename in reënval het ook 'n positiewe effek gehad op die
bedekking van T. triandra self sowel as van ander grasse. Ten spyte van hoër vlakke
van saadproduksie, is saailing oorlewing in T. triandra populasies op die vlaktes duidelik
negatief terwyl saailinge op die hange en kruin 'n betekenisvolle hoër saailing
oorlewingsskap gehad het. Die negatiewe impak kan verduidelik word deur die
vertrappings-effek van lewende hawe.
Die resultate van die saadvespreidingeksperiment toon dat die saadverspreiding afstand
van T. triandra na 'veilige' mikroterreine kort is (die meerderheid van die sade is tot
minder as 60cm versprei). Wind is die verspreidingsagent. Dit is gevind dat oop of
klipperige terreine gunstige mikroterreine vir hervestiging van T. triandra is.
In die gekontroleerde-eksperiment het saadverskyning van T. triandra aangedui dat die
optimale saai-diepte wissel met grondsoort. Maksimum ontkieming is behaal by saaidiepte
van 2cm en 3cm in die grond versamel in die vlaktes rondom die Tafelberg Mesa.
Die grondtekstuur op die vlaktes is 'n sanderige leem-klei. Die vlaktes het effens hoër
persentasies klip, klei, slik en sand vergelyke met die grond versamelop die kruin en
hange. Themeda triandra is duidelik nie as gevolg van grondtoestande beperk in sy
uitbreiding op vlaktes in die Middelburg distrik by die ontkieming/werwing fase.
Gondtoestande tydens die ontkiemingsfase is duidelik niw beperkend op die gigthede
van T. triandra op die vlaktes nie. Hierdie studie maak bekend dat T. triandra die beste
ontkiem onder somer toestande wanneer die waarskynlikheid van reënval op sy hoogste
is. Rookwater het geen effect op die ontkiemingspotensiaal van T. triandra in die
Middelburg streek van die Oos-Kaap nie. Pogings om T. triandra saad se ontkieming
met rookwaterekstrak te bevorder was onsuksesvol.
In die gekontroleerde eksperiment het individue van T. triandra op die kruin van
Tafelberg Mesa geen verskil getoon in fotosintese, huidmondjie begeleiding en
transpirasie tempo nie in vergelyking met individue wat voorkom op die vlaktes rondom
die mesa. Themeda triandra blyk relatief aanpasbaar te wees aan 'n wye reeks van temperatuur toestande. Hierdie bevindings dui aan dat daar geen probleem hoef te wees
om sade van die kruin van die mesa te gebruik in hervestigig-programme in die
omliggende vlaktes nie.
Hierdie studie verskaf geen bewyse wat aandui dat die T. triandra bevolkings op die
kruin van die mesa as Onbron van saad vir die vlaktes rondom die Tafelberg Mesa dien
nie. Hierdie twee-jaar ondersoek vind dat T. triandra 'n potensiaal het om gebruik te
word in herstel en rehabilitasie programme. As dit aan ligter weidingsruk onderwerp is
en gunstige klimaatstoestande heers, kan T. triandra hervestig word op die vlaktes en
gebruik word as Onplantspesie om erg beskadigde areas in die Nama-Karoo streek te
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Themeda Triandra Renosterveld in the Heidelberg DistrictRaitt, Gwendolyn R. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigated the composition of Themeda triandra Renosterveld in part of the
Grootvadersbosch Conservancy and the effects of selected environmental and management variables to
provide guidelines for promoting the presence of Themeda triandra in the veld.
The Zürich-Montpellier phytosociological method was used to determine the composition of the
Renosterveld communities. The point quadrat method was used to determine the cover of Themeda
triandra at three grass dominated sites and compare cover from one site with past cover measurements
at the specific site. Ordination was used to examine the effects of the environmental and management
variables on the plant communities.
Two community groups, five communities and five subcommunities were identified and described.
The Themeda triandra – Stoebe phyllostachys Grassland Community Group consists of two
communities of which one has two subcommunities. The Themeda triandra – Elytropappus
rhinocerotis Shrubland Community Group consists of three communities of which one has three
The vegetation units described in this study have not been described previously in the literature. One
community belongs to Silcrete Fynbos while another subcommunity is transitional between
Renosterveld and thicket and gallery forest. The rest of the plant communities fit the definition for
Renosterveld (the local Renosterveld type is Eastern Rûens Shale Renosterveld).
Cover of Themeda triandra did not differ significantly either between sites or between years. The
comparison of Themeda triandra cover between years was done at a site that had been burnt between
the last two sampling times yet the cover was not significantly different. This indicates that fire and
other management practices did not have a negative impact on Themeda triandra at the site.
Unconstrained ordination of the dataset in which cover/abundance values were included, grouped the
relevés by moisture and disturbance but the presence/absence dataset indicates that the two community
groups have a slight transitional overlap. Constrained ordination of both datasets with a) soil variables
and b) management variables, both showed a tendency to separate the relevés into community groups,
that did not happen with topographic and vegetation variables. Ordination did not separate the
community groups into their subdivisions.
The soil variables (both nutrients and texture) influence the vegetation structure and the community
Under the existing grazing management regime, fire at three to five year intervals promoted the
dominance of Themeda triandra by affecting the structure of the plant communities, the abundance of species other than Themeda triandra, and influencing which plant community is present. The use of
fire as a management tool was regulated by the importance of the natural veld pastures to the farmers.
The natural veld pastures are not suitable for dairy cattle in milk. Thus dairy farmers are less likely to
burn the natural veld (no planned burns only chance fires) than those who farm with mutton or beef
(planned burns on a three to five year interval). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie het die samestelling van Themeda triandra Renosterveld in ’n deel van die
Grootvadersbosch-Bewaria en die uitwerking van geselekteerde omgewings- en bestuursveranderlikes
ondersoek om riglyne vir die bevordering van Themeda triandra in die veld daar te stel.
Die Zürich-Montpellier fitososiologiese metode is gebruik om die samestelling van die
Renosterveldgemeenskappe te bepaal. Die puntkwadraat-metode is gebruik om ’n skatting van die
dekking van Themeda triandra by drie gras-gedomineerde persele te bepaal en om ’n vergelyking te
maak tussen die huidige en vorige dekking van ’n enkele perseel. Ordinasie is gebruik om die invloed
van omgewings- en bestuursveranderlikes op die plantgemeenskappe te bepaal.
Twee gemeenskapsgroepe, vyf gemeenskappe en vyf subgemeenskappe is geïdentifiseer en
gedefinieer. Die Themeda triandra – Stoebe phyllostachys Grasland-gemeenskapsgroep bestaan uit
twee gemeenskappe waarvan een in twee subgemeenskappe onderverdeel is. Die Themeda triandra –
Elytropappus rhinocerotis Struik-gemeenskapsgroep bestaan uit drie gemeenskappe waarvan een in
drie subgemeenskappe onderverdeel is.
Die plantegroei-eenhede wat in die studie beskryf is, is nie voorheen in die literatuur beskryf nie. Een
gemeenskap behoort aan Silkreet-fynbos en ’n ander subgemeenskap is ’n oorgangsfase tussen
Renosterveld en struikbosveld of woud, terwyl die res van die plantgemeenskappe binne die definisie
van Renosterveld val (die plaaslike Renosterveld tipe staan bekend as Oostelike Rûens Skalierenosterveld).
Die bedekking van Themeda triandra het nie betekenisvol gevarieer tussen óf die verskillende
lokaliteite óf die verskillende jare nie. Die vergelyking van Themeda triandra-bedekking oor tyd is
onderneem in ’n gebied wat tussen opnames gebrand is. Die bedekking het nie betekenisvol verskil
nie. Dit dui aan dat vuur en ander bestuurspraktyke nie ’n negatiewe invloed op Themeda triandra in
hierdie gebied het nie.
Onbeperkte ordinasie van die datastel met die vergelyking van bedekking/volopheidwaardes, groepeer
die relevés volgens vogtigheid en versteuring, terwyl die datastel ten opsigte van teenwoordigheid/
afwesigheid aandui dat die twee gemeenskapsgroepe ’n effense oorgangs-oorvleueling het. Beperkte
ordinasie van beide datastelle met a) grondveranderlikes en b) bestuursveranderlikes, toon albei ’n
neiging om die gemeenskapsgroepe te skei, wat nie gebeur het met die topografiese- en
plantegroeiveranderlikes nie. Ordinasie het nie die gemeenskapsgroepe onderverdeel in gemeenskappe
of subgemeenskappe nie.
Die grondveranderlikes (beide voedingstowwe en tekstuur) beïnvloed die struktuur en die verspreiding
van die plantegroei. Met die bestaande weidingsbestuur bevorder brande met ’n interval van tussen drie tot vyf jaar die
oorheersing van Themeda triandra deur die struktuur van die teenwoordige plantgemeenskap te
beïnvloed, deur die getal van die verskillende plantsoorte te beïnvloed en selfs deur die
plantgemeenskap se voorkoms te beïnvloed. Die waarde wat die boer aan die natuurlike veld as
weiveld heg bepaal die mate waartoe hulle veldbrand gebruik as ’n deel van bestuur. Die natuurlike
veld is nie geskik vir melkkoeie wat in die melkproduksiestadium is nie. Die melkboere is dus minder
geneig om die natuurlike veld te brand (geen beplande brande nie net kans brande) as die boere wat met
vleisbeeste of skape boer (beplande brande elke drie tot vyf jaar).
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Image-based modelling of pattern dynamics in a semiarid grassland of the Pilbara, AustraliaSadler, Rohan January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Ecologists are increasingly interested in quantifying local interacting processes and their impacts on spatial vegetation patterns. In arid and semiarid ecosystems, theoretical models (often spatially explicit) of dynamical system behaviour have been used to provide insight into changes in vegetation patterning and productivity triggered by ecological events, such as fire and episodic rainfall. The incorporation of aerial imagery of vegetation patterning into current theoretical model remains a challenge, as few theoretical models may be inferred directly from ecological data, let alone imagery. However, if conclusions drawn from theoretical models were well supported by image data then these models could serve as a basis for improved prediction of complex ecosystem behaviour. The objective of this thesis is therefore to innovate methods for inferring theoretical models of vegetation dynamics from imagery. ... These results demonstrate how an ad hoc inference procedure returns biologically meaningful parameter estimates for a germ-grain model of T. triandra vegetation patterning, with VLSA photography as data. Various aspects of the modelling and inference procedures are discussed in the concluding chapter, including possible future extensions and alternative applications for germ-grain models. I conclude that the state-and-transition model provides an effective exploration of an ecosystem?s dynamics, and complements spatially explicit models designed to test specific ecological mechanisms. Significantly, both types of models may now be inferred from image data through the methodologies I have developed, and can provide an empirical basis to theoretical models of complex vegetation dynamics used in understanding and managing arid (and other) ecological systems.
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